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Mind Majik: Therapies & Products

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25.01.2022 " With difficult conversations, people often resort to domination, giving in, or walking away. But when those conversations are constructivewhere participants have the opportunity to learn about themselves, each other, and the dispute itselfthey help us understand each others views even if we dont agree."

22.01.2022 Happy Lunar New Year! I'm excited about 2020! My book will be released in the next couple of months, e-courses to follow & travel is on the cards. But my primary focus this year is to be kinder to myself. All the years of taking care of others has taken it's toll. So this year is about balance. What are your goals or plans for 2020? #2020 #goals #lunarnewyear

21.01.2022 A little Nietzsche to go with your Saturday morning coffee :) "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." I find it's all about finding that sweet spot. The balance and the "chaos", finding the Ubermensch within.

20.01.2022 Image: @the.holistic.psychologist

20.01.2022 "Whether you have already begun the counseling process, or are still in the consideration phase, it is important to know that the therapist is there as a resource and a facilitator of your success. Helping others is in our nature, but we are human and cannot alone work miracles. Successful therapy is a journey defined by genuine commitment, willful self-exploration and meaningful communication."

20.01.2022 Teaching boundaries & consent to kids.

20.01.2022 A friend of mine, Kean Buckley, facilitates this transformative retreat. Coming up on the 9th of November on the beautiful Sunny Coast.

19.01.2022 "If you’re experiencing a strong emotion, take a moment to consider what to call it. But don’t stop there: once you’ve identified it, try to come up with two more words that describe how you are feeling. You might be surprised at the breadth of your emotionsor that you’ve unearthed a deeper emotion buried beneath the more obvious one."

17.01.2022 Dr Reichart emphasised that the hypnosis "has nothing to do with esotericism or tricks of pendulum-swinging TV magicians." He said: "Of course, such a method cannot be used with all patients. "But patients who do not tolerate anaesthesia, for example, can benefit from it - if they are hypnotic."... See more

16.01.2022 Which title would you most likely read? Thanks so much for your support on this project <3

15.01.2022 They can be fun, but don't let them define you. Hardy challenges the idea that the best predictor of future behavior is the past. Personality changes across situations and time. "The premise of the book is not only that personality can change, but that you can change it. But how? Hardy wants you to develop a relationship with your future self. The goal is that your future self is the thing driving your behavior, not your former self, he told me. The person you want to be is the thing driving your daily behavior."

13.01.2022 "What if I told you there was something you can do right now that would have an immediate positive benefit for your brain; including your mood and your focus?"

13.01.2022 "Speaking with these four people, I notice that we all take on roles of healing, especially when supporting others. We feel we have an obligation to constantly educate and explain, while still having enough awareness to look after ourselves."

11.01.2022 Checking in... Image: @lizandmollie

10.01.2022 "She thought our apartment was always very empty, that people are away from each other and that there are a lot of people around but everyone is alone, said Messora. In the big city, were all alone in closed spaces. The Kraho share what they own with others, they believe things have to circulate. Detachment when it comes to things you own is a hard concept for us westerners to grasp, as weve been through centuries and centuries of private property, said Franchetto.

10.01.2022 TW: Please be warned, this article refers to psychological and emotional abuse that could be triggering for some people. Why parents use the silent treatment How stonewalling impacts children When the silent treatment becomes emotional abuse... How childhood stonewalling affects adult relationships Breaking the stonewalling cycle . . . . . . . #stonewalling #emotionalabuse #whatarethekidslearning #silenttreatment #stonewallingcycle #cycle #unhealthycopingmechanisms

09.01.2022 Have you found your Inner Sanctuary yet? Online, Skype, text based. & coffee-shop appointments available (depending on service) Services: Hypnotherapy, TRTP, Counselling, Emotional Freedom Technique, Mentoring

09.01.2022 After some feedback on titles for my upcoming book on relationships, I've come down to the wording of these two options. Let me know which one you like! Thanks, awesome people

09.01.2022 Lets also make sure we are talking about what good relationships feel and look like.

09.01.2022 " can go for days or weeks at a time without touching another human being"

07.01.2022 How to Overcome the Biggest HSP Challenges, According to a Therapist 1. Alone time to do nothing 2. Be in nature every day 3. Meditation and mindfulness practices... 4. Learn all you can about the trait of high sensitivity . . . . . . #hsp #highlysensitivepeople #mindfulness #meditation #natureheals #metime See more

07.01.2022 I've created a new group (private settings) for learning & sharing about relationships,and our successes and challenges with them. Topics cover communication, intimacy, connection, relationship diversity, gender, sexuality, mental health, and social conditioning. If you'd like to know more let me know, or pop on over!

06.01.2022 Can you help me? I'd like your opinion on book titles for my upcoming book on relationships. It's a book that covers the diverse relationships we may have. Please click on the one you like or feel free to suggest one Thanks!

05.01.2022 I love these. Great for meditation!

04.01.2022 "Heres a list of things you could try to help put a pep back in their step: Make them a care package. A hand-picked box full of goodies is a great pick me up and way to encourage someone to do a little self-care, feel pampered or get creative. And it doesnt have to cost you a fortune Bring them a furry friend to play with. When someones had a ruff day or feeling a little lonely, having a pet around for comfort has pawsome benefits for your wellbeing. If you cant bring th...e company to them, the dog park is the next best place to get a fur fix and added bonus of getting out in the fresh air. Watch their favourite movie beside them. Your couch or theirs. Sometimes just being there with someone and keeping them company during a difficult period can be more powerful than having a conversation. Plus no one likes to sit next to a talker during a movie. Take them out for a cuppa. A few words over a hot cup of however-you-like-it can make a big difference in helping someone feel less alone. Being in a neutral environment might also encourage them to open up and espresso what theyre going through. Bring them food. Nothing says, Im here for you like getting a smorgasbord of healthy and tasty treats or a home cooked meal. If theyre not up for a visit, get something delivered to their place it will be a delicious surprise. Make them a playlist. Find or create a mix of soothing music and mood-boosters for them to tune into whenever they need a little help to relax and distract their thoughts. Help run errands. If someones feeling low, even the smallest of tasks can seem overwhelming. Ask whats on their to do list and help cross things off like washing, vacuuming or watering the plants. Pop out and pick up some groceries add in a few extra things they can heat up or chuck together when theyre not in the mood to cook. Write them a message or letter. Flick them an email, message or you can even write them a letter reminding them of all the reasons you are thankful to have them in your life. It only takes a few words to let them know youre there when they need you. Listen and just be there. Showing that you're willing to listen to a persons experience is really important. Sometimes you don't even need to say much. By listening and responding in a non-judgemental and reassuring manner youre helping in a major way. Hug them for as long as they need. There will be days when they need you to love them a little louder a hug or gesture of comfort is a sure-fire way to reassure them youre always going to be there."

04.01.2022 Fawn types seek safety by merging with the wishes, needs and demands of others. They act as if they unconsciously believe that the price of admission to any relationship is the forfeiture of all their needs, rights, preferences and boundaries. classic signs of fawning. These behaviors may be especially prevalent when a survivor feels triggered or fearful: People-pleasing... Being unable to say how you really think or feel Caring for others to your own detriment Always saying yes to requests Flattering others Struggling with low self-esteem Avoiding conflict Feeling taken advantage of Being very concerned about fitting in with others See more

04.01.2022 "It happens to every child in one form or another anxiety. As parents, we would like to shield our children from lifes anxious moments, but navigating anxiety is an essential life skill that will serve them in the years to come. In the heat of the moment, try these simple phrases to help your children identify, accept, and work through their anxious moments."

03.01.2022 Regardless of your relationship status, take care of yourself for all of us. It's almost a duty of care, a promise, to make the world a better place because you...'re a part of it. "I'll take care of me for you, if you'll take care of you for me" #selflove #selfcare #meandyou #ilovemyself #love #quotes #takecareofyourself

03.01.2022 Putting it out to Facebook land for those who know me as a person or a therapist. I need some testimonials for my book! If some of you could give a brief testimonial, I'd be greatly appreciative Please and Thank-you! Private message if that suits better.

03.01.2022 Thanks to those who've helped out with the title! Greatly appreciated I'm asking for some help on choosing the subtitle for my book about relationships. I'd like to put more options, but Facebook only allow 2. The others included: The Ultimate Guide to Happy Healthy Relationships The Ultimate Guide to All Kinds Of Relationships

03.01.2022 "Romance is something a lot of people want (which is not to say that all people want it, of course). Thats part of why it gets talked about so often, whether between friends or in fictional media. Sometimes the messages we get about romance are good, like the fact that it can come in any way, shape, or form. Other times, the messages are harmful, like the idea that jealousy is a sign of caring, or that not respecting your partners boundaries is a way to show intimacy.... Its important to recognize when what were being told is romantic are, in fact, harmful. Because theres no one definition of romance, but if theres one thing I think we can agree on, its that romantic relationships should make us happy way more often than they make us sad."

02.01.2022 Image text, Tumblr post by sandersstudies: If you and your partner practice frequent, non-sexual consent, your relationship will be healthier and easier. "Are comfortable with me ranting about my day for a few minutes?" "Oh, this is your poetry? Would it be okay if I read it?" "Do you mind if I use your phone for a few minutes?" "Wow, your meal looks awesome. Could I try some?" It will save a lot of grief, especially in a developing relationship. Eventually, with consistent "yes's" and "no's" you can figure out more permanent boundaries and guidelines. "I need to ask before ranting about my day or taking their food, but my partner is okay with me using their phone whenever. However, my partner does not like me reading their poetry unless they offer first."

02.01.2022 "If youre experiencing a strong emotion, take a moment to consider what to call it. But dont stop there: once youve identified it, try to come up with two more words that describe how you are feeling. You might be surprised at the breadth of your emotionsor that youve unearthed a deeper emotion buried beneath the more obvious one."

02.01.2022 BYS's Couch Surfing Hotline officially launches TODAY. The most common form of #homelessness for young people is couch surfing and many young couch surfers expe...rience poor mental health. The new hotline provides support for young couch surfers, concerned family members and carers, and people providing temporary or couch accommodation to young people.FIND OUT MORE: Visit #HiddenHomelessness #ACouchIsNotAHome #BYS See more

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