Mind Management Academy in Wellington, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Mind Management Academy
Locality: Wellington, New South Wales
Phone: +61 439 342 418
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25.01.2022 THE MEANING OF COMMUNICATION IS THE RESPONSE YOU GET In the NLP model of communication, it's taught that You see hear feel smell taste (or any combination of) something Then, depending on where your life is right now, the things you have done and seen and heard, you delete, distort and generalise the information coming in through your filters down to a size that your conscious mind can process, which then gives you a feeling, a picture a sound or, what we call in NLP, an Int...ernal Representation of what you believe is happening, which then guides your state and physiology which creates your behaviour. The great part about this is you get to choose, and I know that you sometimes think you don't, however, you always get to choose right at the start what you're going to delete, distort and generalise around... If you want help with that, then you know what to do... See more
24.01.2022 Focus on what you want Put it out there with 100% belief of achievement And then let it go Create the result you want Your mind is your most powerful tool... Learn how to use it wisely See more
23.01.2022 You follow the same program You speak the same words You think the same thoughts And you achieve the same results. You should do this... You have to do that And you ignore the tension it creates in you In your body, your breath catches and you say it has to be done And inside you scream, I don't want to do this anymore.... You still go, you still do, and on the outside you're happy about it Inside you die a little more Until one day, you realise you're just a puppet, doing the same thing, day in day out. pleasing the same people for the same result... What if I could show you, that you can be free of this tension in your body, to decide for yourself, to be truly in charge of how you feel, instead of allowing others to make you feel... It is possible All you have to do is ask
23.01.2022 We all have thoughts, thoughts of the past, thoughts of the future, even thoughts about living and dying. The thing we don't think about is the emotions attached to those thoughts, particularly thoughts from the past. 99% (my own guesstimate) of people have had some sort of traumatic event in the past, the "level" of that event, depends on a lot of things, environment, financial stability, up bringing, emotional stability, the people around us and even, the event itself. When... looking back, on the past, sometimes those thoughts can be overwhelming, and it's not the thoughts - It is the Emotion attached to those thoughts that cause the problems. When you disconnect the emotion from the Thought, you actually change the way you think about it, the way you "Feel" about it, because, when the emotion is removed, it becomes a memory. So, think about the worst thing that has happened, wouldn't it be nice, even just for a moment , to remember that event, to think about that moment in time that has passed and feel - Free... Free from the worries, free from the effects, free from the emotional upheaval, free to move forward with your life and know that, no matter what, you survived, you more than survived, you excelled and, you know what??? Look at you now, how far you have come, how much you have grown, the things you have achieved... Just by thinking your thoughts.... Our memories are what guide us, what drives us, what protects us and we need those memories to ensure we remember past mistakes, undesirable situations and even lost family and friends, what we don't need... are the emotions attached to those memories, the emotions are what drive the negative thoughts, the negative actions, the fear that immobilises us, the thoughts of, I can't, or what if, or not good enough, the emotions are what stops us. What if I told you, what if it were possible, what if you could, remember your memories, and leave the Negative emotions behind? What if I told you, what if it were possible, what if you could retain the lesson so you didn't need the negative emotion? What if I told you, what if it were possible, what if you could , remember with happiness, and leave the sadness behind..... What if you could, despite what you've been previously told, leave your past in your past, no matter what that was... The life you lead, your want's, your needs, your desires are guided by your emotions. Learn how to be the one in control of those thoughts and emotions so you can be free to look to the future with excitement and happiness and a sense of fulfilment. Book now, and be the one in charge See more
23.01.2022 They say when you do what you love you never have to work a day... I am a trainer, a teacher and a student, every day I learn as much as I teach and when you can interact with someone knowing they have as much to teach you as you have to teach them, then your differences become non existent. What have been some of your challenges when interacting with people?
22.01.2022 It's not whether you have cried that is the issue - We have all cried It's not whether you have suffered - We have all suffered It's not whether you fall down that matters - We have all fallen It's whether you have the strength to dry those tears, to refuse the pain, to stand again one more time, every single time. Learn how to be your own strength It comes from within
22.01.2022 What a great start to the day yesterday, day 1 of create your success done and achieving great positive results, I'm very much looking forward to the transformations of today. 21 students, learning, growing and creating their lives the way they want them Sweet and Sour Life Coaching
22.01.2022 Open shut them, open shut them.... total relaxation... Amazing ladies showing their hypnotic powers on the last day of 7...
19.01.2022 When you speak the words Every day You create your own reality Want to know how?
19.01.2022 Do you want to be the puppeteer in control of your own mind? Do you want to change the same 90000 thoughts that you have every day so that you Can have a different day every day? Do you want to say to yourself "I'm starting Now" and follow through with it? Then Hypnosis is the answer Hypnosis and the Advanced Hypnosis techniques of NLP and Time Line Therapy are what we utilise with you to literally change your mind so you can achieve the results you want and gain the outcome...s you are looking for. Now is the time..... Expansion to Life
18.01.2022 A weekend of Warriors creating the life they want to live. I love the work I do, every day of training I learn as much as I teach, the beautiful power of these people when they realise the power of their own minds Be the change you want to see
17.01.2022 Too many times we sit on the back burner of life waiting for someone else to tell us what to do, where to go, what to say how to act. Step up, take responsibility and fucking do something #justsayin'
17.01.2022 Step up... Make your Move... Say Yes.... The only thing you can't do is whatever you say say you can't do...
16.01.2022 My purpose My reason My why... That every child and young adult can live the life they deserve, to never have to live through the pain of abuse in any form. I do that by educating adults in their own language skills and guiding them through and beyond the pain they endured as children. If you want help and you're ready to invest in you, then talk to me about 1:1 coaching
15.01.2022 Your thoughts create your actions, your reactions and your results.... Sweet and Sour Life Coaching
15.01.2022 What makes you special? Unique? What is it that some people love about you and others not? What do you see with your eyes? With your mind? With your heart? What... causes you to see one thing where your friends, family colleagues, strangers see something entirely different? Want to discover your filters??? See more
15.01.2022 Learn about the energy of your language surrounded by the natural energy of Mt Koscuiszko National Park... NLP, the technique used by Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Tony Blair, Jimmy Carr and J K Rowling, just to name a few, is a powerful set of tools and techniques to re wire your mind. Positive thinking alone won't change your life, this set of tools can.
14.01.2022 The power of your mind is limited only by your thoughts, and with nearly 90,000 thoughts running through your mind every day, the ability to re program, the ability to create new pathways, gives rise to the full untapped, unlimited power of your mind, and YOU are the one in charge. How would you like to wow your family and friends with fun party games and then help them to let go of their bad habits? Or perhaps you want to lose weight or help a friend lose weight? Do you have... a friend or family member that plays sport and could use some extra mind power and sport performance? Or that smoking habit that needs to go Or maybe you just want to learn how to control your own thoughts so you have a more positive outlook on life. Hypnosis is the first step in taking back the power of your mind, the first step in creating the thoughts that propel you forward into your future Learn the power of your mind, and how you can utilise that power for you, for your friends and family and for the community. See more
14.01.2022 When we think about health, specifically our own health, it seems that it is low on our list of priorities until something happens that is usually so bad that w...e suddenly realise that without our health there's a possibility of there being no us. Looking after our health gets in the way of every day living, we seem to run out of time, or have something better to do, or the food... oh my the food. And we think we have to give up the "Good stuff", like bread and donuts and chocolate... What if I told that, all you really Have to do, is change your mind? What questions would you have, what does that bring up for you, what memories do you recall around your body ideas? See more
13.01.2022 Accountability - To be held accountable for the tasks you do not perform You say you want to eat better, to take care of your mind/body, to move more, to be healthier happier, to be more toned and more energetic, so you can have more fun, to keep up with the kids/grandkids, to play more and live the life you want. And then you add a big fat BUT... And give yourself reasons The first one is usually money, or maybe for you its time. Reasons are glorified excuses. And yes, they really are, I used to use them too. So, ask yourself, how much do you really want it. Enough to do something about it??? Or are you happy just telling people how much you want it but cant afford it or dont have time for it, getting your daily dose of significance from the sympathy of others. Isnt it time, time you stopped with the glorified excuses, time you stopped kidding yourself, time you actually made a choice? You have used the kids and work and money as reasons not to, perhaps its time you realised that they are the very reasons that you do. When you want to make the change, when you are sick of your own excuses, when you finally realise the only person who can do it is you, and youre committed, flick me a message and lets discuss your options. From guidance and accountability coaching to workshops and trainings, Mind Management Academy and Elizabeth Anne Walker Training and Coaching have all your needs covered
13.01.2022 Did you know, Aussies waste in excess of $8.5b on health and fitness annually. $8.5 Billion.... When all they need to do is understand the concept of Fuel In - Energy Out (if you want a Balfours chocolate donut for breakfast, and you go for a brisk walk or maybe spend some time in the gym or ride a bike or go for a swim or whatever form of body movement (cough~sex~cough) takes your fancy, then as long as its vigorous enough to raise your heart rate and heat your body and goes for at least half an hour, then eat the fucking donut... Fuel In - Energy Out... simple, yeah?) And I know not everyone likes to eat fruits and vegetables, there are Natural supplements for that, if you want some info on some sweet af supps, let me know and I'll hook you up....
12.01.2022 In the dark of night, it hits you... Your heart beats out of your chest Your blood seeming to pound in your ears Your body cold with sweat.... You jolt a...wake, only to find that you're safe in your bed , but you wait, and you listen and you feel... This nightly ritual that seems like it will never end. Sometimes, most times, the days are as bad, but you put on a brave face, hoping, praying that you can keep it together long enough to last the day, that wonderful vivid imagination you had as a child now serving you your worst nightmare in an ever increasing crescendo of how bad it can be.... This all to familiar scenario plays out this way for so many people, and I for one, knew it had to end before it ended me. I took my life in my own hands and turned it around Was it easy? Was it hard? It was essential... Letting my past control my present and my future was no longer an option for me. Did I make mistakes? Hell Yes... and some big ones. Did I make wrong decisions? Again, Hell Yes... And did I make some doozys... However, you won't grow you won't learn if you're not willing to make a mistake and do it again until you get it mostly right, and I say mostly because learning never stops. The choice to change, to grow , to leave the past in the past is your choice. And it doesn't matter what you've been through, it's your choice to continue to feel it, to allow it to control your here and now, because with everything I've been thru, 15 years of sexual, emotional and physical abuse, if I can make the decision then so can you I'm now living the life of giving, of not holding back, of not hiding, of being free to express who I really am My life is now one of my choosing not one of have to, because I learned you can heal from trauma, you dont have to carry all the pain and the fear and the hurt and the hate and the anger with you for the rest of your life, depression, anxiety and PTSD don't have to be part of your Neurology, You can choose to let it go, you can choose to be free, the choice is yours, and if you'd like some help, look me up, a new life could be just a call away
12.01.2022 ~ I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think ~ Socrates ~
11.01.2022 We have all done it, every year New Year New Me and every year starts out the same.... The intention is super and your mind is whirling and every year we leave the starters block like a bat out of hell. The Christmas overindulgence weighing over our hips and bellies like a sickly sweet reminder of what we should have done The left over treasures we glare at every time we open the fridge or chance to notice in the liquor cabinet And we say, with emotion driving us on, "This is it.... I'm not doing this anymore,.." And we throw it all away, all that precious food, that looks soooo good and we stare at ourselves in the mirror and Promise "This time it's different" or We tell our mates "I'm really doing it this time" And a week goes by and maybe two... There's just no time, no time to prepare, no time to take care, no time to cook, there's just no time We stop at the shop We grab a quick bite We think "It's ok - I'll start again tomorrow" And tomorrow turns into the next and never seems to arrive Suddenly it's the end of the week And it's been hard this week, keeping track of the kids, the partner, the pets, the house, work, friends We'll just have a drink , just one night to relax, we'll call it the cheat night, even though there's already been 3 this week, just a drink or a night out to relax, we can start again next week And another year passes and your body becomes tired Isn't it time you took the time to take care of you In the words of Eliphas Levi... Every intention which does not assert itself by deeds is vain intention and the speech which expresses it is idle speech The choice is yours https://facebook.com/events/s/power-through/943793306014081/?ti=cl
11.01.2022 The light that helps us grow, the air that we breathe, the mountains of our thoughts, the concept of time, forgotten.... The space between the beginning and the end is ours
11.01.2022 So grateful to be able to work with proactive clients and to be able to give so much value
10.01.2022 Learning your values and beliefs and why you do the things you do transforms your life.... Doing Language and energy with the Mind Management Team gives you more than just NLP, which is a range of techniques that delve into why we do what we do, you also learn what works for you and how to put these techniques into practice. Not only that, you learn the energetics of your language, you experience energy, Reiki, sound healing, ceremony and rituals and the magic of Cacao and ...how these modalities serve to create the connections we're missing from society today. All in the Beautiful surroundings of Thredbo, Mt Kosciuszko With meals and accommodation included, Why wouldn't you want to Just do it... See more
10.01.2022 When you're tired of you're excuses, when you're sick and have no energy, when you've wasted enough money... Book a call and let's talkWhen you're tired of you're excuses, when you're sick and have no energy, when you've wasted enough money... Book a call and let's talk
10.01.2022 You are not fat... You have fat, same as you have finger nails and hair. Becoming well, being the ideal you want to be, is not about "losing weight" it's about changing your mind. And we all know change is hard, wasn't it? Until you want it, until you need it, until you say enough.
08.01.2022 When you can teach, learn and have fun.... Join us, and learn the not so subtle art of having fun while releasing all those negative emotions
08.01.2022 NLP is a tool, actually a number of tools and resources, that help to rewrite the programs that have been guiding your life up until now. Learn how to rewire your brain, along with energetics, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy in a close group retreat environment. You also experience cacao ceremonies, Reiki, moon ceremonies, meditation, yoga and some beautiful walks through Mt Kosciuszko National Park. Accommodation at Avior Lodge Thredbo and meals included. Link in comments... #ceremony #nlp #cacao #retreat #trainer #leader #nlpcoach #certifiedcoach #certification #nlptrainer #nlptechniques #rewireyourbrain #drjoedispenza #energyhealing #moonceremony #energetics #reiki #healer #shaman
08.01.2022 Imagination.... you can imagine success, You can imagine failure.... What feels better? Anxiety is imagining failure, imagining an unhappy outcome, imagining the worst.... Wouldn't it be better to imagine an achievement, a successful happy outcome.... Learn how, PM me and talk to someone who learnt how to imagine happy #staciemartin #happy #happinessischoice #anxietyfree
07.01.2022 When you need to let go of the words, what are your favourite tunes?
07.01.2022 ~A little about me~ I have done my advanced hypnosis training through The Tad James company here in Australia, I have attained Trainer level in NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis and am in my 4th year of the 5 year Master Trainer Program, upon completion of which I am qualified to train trainers. Over the last 5 years I have assisted at numerous Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Hypnosis trainings as well as assisting at 2 trainers trainings and this last year as o...ne of the lead trainers. I have continued my studies into the spiritual realms, energetics and have started my own trainings on language and energy. I have completed courses in Epigenetics, Energetics, Quantum Reiki, Past Life Regression, Massage, Tarot. To gain knowledge is power and true power comes in sharing that knowledge and being open to learning from the sharing. I look forward to sharing with you Heather See more
05.01.2022 What is your favorite quote, words you live by?
04.01.2022 Who has made a big difference in your life? Tag them and show them some loveWho has made a big difference in your life? Tag them and show them some love
04.01.2022 A bow always drawn Never speeds the arrow...A bow always drawn Never speeds the arrow...
03.01.2022 The life you live is your story, the things you have seen, the challenges you have overcome, the love you have shared, even the little things that no one seems to be aware of, is the story of you and until you tell your story, you never know who might be willing to listen and more than that, who might need to hear...
02.01.2022 When you decide... then change happens
02.01.2022 Interesting concept...
02.01.2022 Essential oils lemon and ginger with a dash of lime made specially for me by Caroline #doterra
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