Mind Peace Breathwork in Oakden | Mental health service
Mind Peace Breathwork
Locality: Oakden
Phone: +61 434 878 712
Address: 10 Whistler Dve, 5086 Oakden, SA, Australia
Website: https://www.breathworksa.com.au
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25.01.2022 Harness your Personal Evolution......
22.01.2022 Personal resilience - just one of the amazing results of doing Breathwork Therapy. It is like bodybuilding for the soul - core inner-strength work!
22.01.2022 #breathwork #breathe #emotionalbalance #innerpeace #grief #clarity #emotionalhealth #breathworktherapy #emotinalhealing #menshealth #womenshealth #mentalhealth There are times when our emotions can become fragile or easily triggered. Often we may not fully understand the reasons why. We may not be conscious of the cause, and even if we do think we know the reasons, may find it difficult to get under control. By using Breathwork Therapy we allow ourselves to discover the real ...cause and source, gain understanding, then acceptance that our emotions are real, normal, and then we can return to emotional balance. Breathwork Therapy is more than just breathing exercises as a coping mechanism - it is deep work that allows deep healing at a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual level. Harness your Personal Evolution! Call David to get your emotional balance back on track so you can get on with the life you need to live! Evenings and weekends are available - check availability on 0434 878712, or email [email protected]
19.01.2022 You will start to see this symbol a lot more in the near future! Stay tuned!
19.01.2022 Do you have a desire to take control and free yourself from unwanted thoughts, habits and belief systems? Is your mind working in overdrive trying to work things out? If life feels like an ongoing struggle for you, and you are wanting to be a part of your own solutions for emotional stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, addictions, relationships issues, or whatever else is troubling you, then maybe Breathwork Therapy may be able to help you. Breathwork Therapy is a client-dri...ven process, using a full, conscious, connected breathing technique, allowing you to access conscious and unconscious thoughts and patterns, and recalling earlier life events that may still be affecting your life experience in the present. I work with you through the breathing process, in conjunction with counselling, to identify these events, thoughts and patterns in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment. As you begin to have your own realisations, you can change and reframe any unwanted thoughts and belief systems, release them, and move forward to the future with more emotional freedom, resilience and authenticity. To find out more, and to book your first session, refer to www.breathworksa.com.au #breathe #mindpeace #breathwork #resilience #mindpeacebreathwork #breathworksa #takecontrol #betteryou2021 #anxietyhelp #depressionhelp #powerwithin #NoTimeLikeThePresent #traumahealing #stressmanagement #addictionhelp #codependency
18.01.2022 Breathwork Practitioner Training starting soon! Stay tuned!
15.01.2022 RUOK Day has been and gone - but depression and suicide has not. RUOK is not about just 1 single day of the year, but an ongoing concept for every day of the year. However, an even more important question we should be asking is : 'Am I OK?' How often do you allow yourself just a couple of minutes each day to ask yourself that question, and to truly listen to your Self - your mind, your body, your emotions, your spirit? And, what if the answer is not 'Yes', to any of those?... Daily checkin to ourselves is vital to allow ourselves to really feel what we are really feeling. Our next step is to be brave enough, vulnerable enough, strong enough, be enough, and seek some help - even if you are just a 'little off' today. Friends and family, work collegues - anyone you can trust to just be with you, allow you to express and share your current experience - are all a great start. After that, knowing where else you can go to start to understand and work on any healing that you may need to work on to fix the current problem, or to start the process for something that may need some deeper and in-depth work. Breathwork Therapy is a simple and safe breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to observe thoughts, patterns and behaviours which are causing you stress in the present so that you can heal and evolve to move forward into the future with more resilience, strength and confidence. Breathwork has proven to be highly effective with reducing the effects of depression and anxiety so that you can live your life more fully. Breathwork Therapy is more than just breathing exercises as a coping mechanism - it is deep work that allows deep healing at a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual level. By using Breathwork Therapy we can help to understand the cause, source and triggers, and ultimately, relieve and build resilience to manageable levels so that you can return to a more resilient self. No matter where you are currently at - either just starting to feel the initial thoughts of 'Not OK', or already feeling 'stuck in the mire', you can learn how to help control the effects of dealing with depression, unresolved grief or chronic sadness using Breathwork. Harness Your Personal Evolution! Call David to learn how Breathwork can bring relief so you can get on with the life you need to live! Evenings and weekends are available - check availability on 0434 878712, or email [email protected] #RUOK #mentalhealth #depression #amIOK #menshealth #womenshealth #lgbtqihealth #breathe #breathwork #wellness
15.01.2022 Says it all, really! Bring peace to your mind with Breathwork!
13.01.2022 A journey of Self-discovery, clarity, & personal awareness to become more authentic, balanced and resilient. One of the most common observations of those who have completed this Course is the life-long benefit of increased resilience - the ability to bounce back faster from adversity. The knowledge and skills learned can also help to recognise potential situations that may lead to emotional and mental upset sooner, and to take action to minimise the effects and get back on tr...ack faster. The Power Within Breathwork Training is a comprehensive and intensive training program designed for your personal evolution to becoming a more authentic, resilient, emotionally balanced and stronger individual. In this safe, supportive and practical program we work on discovering your own Power Within and bring awareness and clarity around your own life experiences. Each participant gains maximum value because of their own unique experiences gained during the course. Using Breathwork as the basis for inner healing, this highly immersive training works on our own Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual self, allowing the participant to learn about and process any issues in life that they may not have dealt with fully so far. Your Personal Evolution - one breath at a time. For more information on how Breathwork Therapy can help with your Personal Evolution, refer to the website.... www.breathworksa.com.au #breathworktraining #breathwork #personalevolution #innerstrength #resilience #betteryou2021 #mindpeacebreathwork #doitforyou #wellnesstraining #wellness #selfdiscovery #clarity #powerwithin #breathworktraininginadelaide #breathworkfacilitator #breathworkhealing #Training2021 #personalevolution #selfdiscovery #buildresilience
13.01.2022 Interested in becoming a qualified Breathwork practitioner, or just looking for a journey of self-discovery, clarity and personal awareness to become more authentic, emotionally balanced and resilient? This powerful and life-changing course will achieve both! Each course is limited to a small group to allow a more personal and supportive experience for each participant. Presented in a casual atmosphere, the course maintains an intensity of learning as well as allowing time b...etween each training weekend to avoid overwhelm and allow for integration of new information, concepts and experience. For more information, go to www.breathworksa.com.au and register your interest. Email or PM David with any queries. #powerwithin #breathwork #breathworktraining #breathe #authentic #clarity #resilience #betteryou #emotionallybalanced #becomeapractitioner #breathworktherapy #lgbtqifriendly #breathworkpractitioner #goforit #betteryou #training2021 #personalevolution #personaldevelopment
11.01.2022 Are you really doing what you really want to do? Are you really achieving what you desire to achieve? Whose thoughts are you really acting on? With so much going on in our lives, we often do not stop long enough to ‘clear the cobwebs’ and give ourselves an opportunity to check in with ourselves. ‘Am I heading where I want to head? ... ‘What is holding me back from achieving want I think I want?’ ‘I don’t even know want I want, or where I want to head’ ‘I have too much to do that I don’t have time to even ask myself is this what I want’ Whatever question you have either at the forefront of your thinking, or hidden and trapped somewhere at the back, Breathwork Therapy can give you the opportunity to find your own answers. Breathwork Therapy is a client-driven process, guided by an accredited, qualified and experienced Breathwork practitioner, where you can stop; change your breathing for an hour; allow your mind to clear; and ultimately start finding your true Self. This simple, safe, and powerful breathing technique can reduce the stress that is blocking your clear thinking, creating a clear mental path so you can quietly ask the questions, and to look for your own answers. Call David to learn how Breathwork can clear your mental path so you can get on with the life you want to live! Evenings and weekends are available - check availability on 0434 878712, or email [email protected] #motivated #mentalhealth #mentorship #amIOK #menshealth #womenshealth #lgbtqihealth #breathe #breathwork #wellness #stress #newdirection
11.01.2022 My latest Blog - 3 Reasons Men Don't Seek Help. Not just a read for men! Share with those you think may need to read this. #menshealth #selfhelp #breathwork #selfcare #lgbtqihealth #resilience #mindpeace #masculinity #vulnerability
11.01.2022 I love how turning routine tasks into mindful moments can slow the mind and return to the present. I use my commute to and from work as a good opportunity to do this, as well as tasks around the house. Doing dishes is one (not loading a dishwasher!) where being present and focussing on the cleaning of each dish as a mindful practice and maybe also a time to be grateful for the food, and the person who prepared it for you, even if it was takeaway!
11.01.2022 Exciting news! I have now created my new page for my Breathwork Training programs! I am intending to commence my next Training in March 2021, and full details will be released shortly. In the meantime, I am accepting expressions of interest! Please go to my new page https://www.facebook.com/breathworksa and Like and Follow to be kept up to date!
10.01.2022 What do you lie to yourself about? Think you're not good enough? It's a lie. Think you're not worthy? It's a lie. Think you can't change? It's a lie.... What other negative things that you think about yourself that are actually lies? We all do it at times in our life. You can change these thoughts and false beliefs. Delve deep with the power of Breathwork Therapy. Find the true source of them, and then let them go. Replace the lies with your real truth. www.breathworksa.com.au #breathwork #mindpeace #selfcare #changeyourthoughts #changeyourlife #breathe #resilience #mentalhealthsupport #vulnerabilityisstrength #wellness #clarity #wellbeing #bounceback #TrueYou #NoMoreLies #beYOUtiful
09.01.2022 Work/Life stressed at the moment? Work/Live in or near the city? Can be there by 6.00pm? Come for a revitalising 'Breathe in the City' on Thursday 10th June in the Bunnik Ballroom, 45 Flinders St, Adelaide... This new event has been created to offer a regular small-group Breathwork event for those wishing to create a time for slowing down, allowing time to do something for yourself, and giving time to your wellbeing. Limited numbers for each event, expected to be held the 2nd Thursday of each month, with our first event on Thursday 10th June. We are looking forward to seeing you there! More details and tickets via Eventbrite. - Breathe in the City
08.01.2022 There are many breathing techniques that come under the broad definition of Breathwork. The majority of these would be classed more as breathing exercises that can usually be used as helpful coping mechanisms that can be practised on a day-to-day basis, with or without a qualified Practitioner, for ongoing stress management and wellbeing. Breathwork Therapy is used to work at a much deeper, profound and evolutionary level, and is not something to be normally used on a daily ...basis. Come along and learn more about how Breathwork Therapy may be able to help you with your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Self! Confirm your intention to attend by clicking 'Going'! We look forward to seeing you there!
05.01.2022 Offload your Baggage Life is lighter without it! Everyone has physical, emotional, mental & spiritual ‘baggage’ we carry around with us, however, how much we carry is totally up to us! Some people keep accumulating more and more as we grow up. Those same people eventually start to realise the affect of carrying all of that baggage and the burden it becomes on their life, their relationships, and their spirit. Releasing all unwanted and excess baggage is possible! The dea...d and heavy energy of it all can easily be shed through our breath. Up to 65% of toxins can be released through our breath including emotional toxins. Breathwork Therapy not only helps in releasing the conscious toxic energy via the breath, it can also help identify the unconscious toxic energy our suppressed memories, unwanted patterns, negative thoughts and held trauma that may the original source of accumulating baggage. Breathwork Therapy is a client-driven process, guided by an accredited, qualified and experienced Breathwork practitioner, where you can stop; change your breathing for an hour; allow your mind to clear; and finally start clearing out the baggage that no longer serves you so you can go on to become your true Self. This simple, safe, and yet powerful breathing technique can release what is weighing you down, providing you with a clear mind and lighter energy so you can get on with the life you want to live! Evenings and weekends are available. Contact David to check availability - phone 0434 878712, or email [email protected] #breathwork #breathe #freedom #release #emotionalrelease #creatementalspace #menshealth #womenshealth #lgbtqihealth #wellness #meditation #newlife
05.01.2022 With 10 October being Mental Health Day , it is a timely reminder that the current status of our mental health is not permanent and is not fixed forever. If we are currently in good mental health, then that could change tomorrow - through grief, through an accident, or even no obvious reason. If today your mental health is not optimal and where you would prefer it to be, that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about improving it. Breathwork has proven to be highly effectiv...e with improving your mental health so that you can live your life more fully. Breathwork Therapy is a simple, safe and drug-free breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to observe thoughts, patterns and behaviours which are causing you mental stress in the present so that you can heal and evolve to move forward into the future with more resilience, strength and confidence. Breathwork Therapy is more than just breathing exercises as a coping mechanism - it is deep work that allows deep healing at a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual level. By using Breathwork Therapy we can help to understand the cause, source and triggers, so you can return to a more resilient self. No matter where you are currently at with your mental health - good, bad or indifferent - call David to learn how Breathwork can optimise your mental health so you can get on with the life you need to live! Harness Your Personal Evolution! Evenings and weekends are also available - check availability on 0434 878712, or email [email protected] #mentalhealth #breathwork #breathe #freedom #release #emotionalrelease #creatementalspace #menshealth #womenshealth #lgbtqihealth #wellness #meditation #newlife #newme #newvision
04.01.2022 We are now 6 months into dealing with so much change in our world - the way we work, the way we live and the way we have been able to communicate with others. Now is the time we can start to find reconnection, learn to destress, relax, and search for ways to build resilience. This event will give you an opportunity to learn and experience Breathwork, and see for yourself how this simple and safe breathing technique can help achieve all of this. Due to strict COVID numbers, booking is essential - so confirm your place now!
04.01.2022 Recovering from adversity builds resilience. Building resilience makes it easier to cope with future adversity. Building resilience from where we are now is the best place to start, but it is not the only place we can work from. It is possible to go back and do some ‘catch-up’ work! Read about it in my latest blog post on building resilience through Breathwork...... #breathwork #resilience #breathworktherapy #gratitude #mindfulness #empathy #adversity #breathe #buildresilience #wellbing #mentalhealth #emotionalwellbeing #awakening #recovery #stressmanagement #stress #depression #anxiety https://www.breathworksa.com.au//building-resilience-throu
04.01.2022 #breathwork #breath #clarity Trying out some creative promo! What do you think?
02.01.2022 #breathwork #breathe #anxiety #anxietyhelp #mentalhealth #clarity #menshealth #womenshealth #lgbtqihealth #breathworktherapy #fear #panicattacks Everyone has some level of anxiety in our lives from time-to-time. It is normal to be a little anxious when we may be starting a new job, first day of school, first date, or any new thing or competition/examination. Anxiety is only a real problem when it becomes chronic enough to interfere with living and interfering with our normal ...life. Anxiety, panic attacks, living in fear - all of these disorders are proven to be helped with breathing techniques. Most of them work very well for the immediate need and short term benefit. However, we need to delve deeper to find more permanent relief and to reduce the frequency and intensity of chronic episodes. Breathwork Therapy is more than just breathing exercises as a coping mechanism - it is deep work that allows deep healing at a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual level. By using Breathwork Therapy we can help to understand the cause, source and triggers, and ultimately, relieve and build resilience to managable levels so that you can return to a more resilient self. Harness Your Personal Evolution! Call David to learn how Breathwork can control and relieve anxiety so you can get on with the life you need to live! Evenings and weekends are available - check availability on 0434 878712, or email [email protected]
01.01.2022 It is all your own evolution..... breathe, and allow yourself to accept it.
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