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Mindset for Gold

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20.01.2022 Wanting to break a bad habit? There are a number of steps to breaking a bad habit, however, Strategic implementation is key. The main thing is finding what works for you, and keep tweaking it till you achieve the desired outcome.... What bad habit are you wanting to break? For some people, creativity is where it's at. It could be as simple as drinking a juice out of a cup you always drink hot chocolate (with extra choc) from. For me, Fueling my mind, means fueling my body. So I start my day with a breakfast juice. Today it's one of my favourites, the green juice, helping to keep my body alkaline, and prevent the ability for disease to grow.

15.01.2022 I just want to let you know that YOU do MATTER and You are ENOUGH. The world is in an unstable place right now and it is easy to get lost and go in to a state of fear and/or loss. It's OK to go into this state. It's OK to have feelings and emotions around this.... What is NOT OK? Its NOT OK to allow these fears and emotions to control you, your relationships, your future, your life. It is difficult, challenging, emotionally draining, scary, uncertain and more. Have you lost a loved one? A job? A relationship? Hope? My deepest prayers and thoughts are with you. I'm not here saying its easy to control your fears, emotions, because it's not. But it is possible. I believe that you deserve the world and to be treated like you are someone's world. One day it will happen if you are committed to focus on this and prepared to do what it takes. If there was two things that needed to happen to move you away from what you dont want and toward what you do want What do you need to focus on more of? What do you need to accept and let go of? Now go do it!

14.01.2022 How are you really? Most people will ask how are you, but not really care or willing to take the time to listen. We really want to know, so, how are you? Send us a private message and let us know.... Right now, the social distancing is isolating us more now then ever before. Normal routines changing, less interacting, less exploring, All the physical things are changing.. so how is your mental health? Are you keeping on top of things? Are you dealing with them? How are you feeling? trapped? Struggling? Trying to find a way out? Need a friend? Help? Support? Someone to listen to you? A smiling face? Encouragement? Empowerment? Understanding? We are all in this together, so lets stand together and beat this, come through the other side and be stronger, more courageous and better for it. Take the time to support each other, and if you feel like you cant talk to anyone else, get in touch, let us connect and support you mentally through these times.

08.01.2022 Have you ever been Hurt? Bullied? Heart broken? Today someone close to me said that if they were to come to my clinic, that they would think that I'm a freak. It hurt, it brought back memmories from growing up of things bullies once said. ... I had the urge to runaway and pretend it didn't happen, and to hide behind my fears BUT Instead I decided to stand up, step into courage, believe in and back myself. What came out of it was this person realised they didn't think before they spoke and the real truth was that they weren't sure how they themselves would be able to deal with this particular situation. The particular situation isn't what is important. What is important is, too many times we allow the people closest to us to bring us down and make us feel we aren't enough or we won't be able to work, live or compete at an Elite level. Dont let the fears of another determine your Destiny. YOU are in charge and YOU are the one who determines YOUR outcome. If you have previously let others decide your outcome, the TIME IS NOW to be courageous, to step up and back yourself! I believe that everything you need is within you now. I believe in you, and NOW IS THE TIME to believe in yourself. YOU GOT THIS!!

01.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why you're not attracting what you want? The simple answer is: when someones beliefs don't match their desires, they create negative emotions, leaving a feeling of resistance. When ever their is resistance, it's like putting up a wall too high to get over, too wide to go around and too strong to knock down. ... A great place to start is to: - create awareness of what you want - review & rewire your values and rules so they work for you - implement strategies to create positive emotions and powerful feelings that allow you to match your beliefs with your desires One strategy is to create a power statement you can use at anytime in any situation to to remove the resistance. My Power Statment is: Today is today & I am courageous, I am Loving with Passion & Life is the Greatest, I am Grateful for all & I allow to be better I know life happens for me, so I am always a winner In order for the power statement to work it must be: Specific to you, Using values and rules that allow you to win Combine the three most powerful techniques Do you have a Power Statement? Let me know in comments below If you haven't created one yet, what would it be? If you get stuck, reach out for some more tips.

01.01.2022 Taking care of your Mental Health, means also taking care of your Physical health. . One way to do this is to keep on top of your Gut health. . 10 signs you should look at your gut health... - upset stomach - constant fatigue - poor sleep - skin irritations - food intolerance - high sugar diets - unintended weight change - autoimmune diseases - constant mood changes - constant bad breath . One way I help to keep my gut healthy is to do a garlic suppository once a month. For some it's a little out there, but by stepping outside of our comfort zone, it allows us to grow. As, what got you to where you are now, won't get you to where you want to be. . Have you tried a garlic suppository before? What did you experience? Would you give it a go? . What is one thing you will do today/tomorrow to improve your health? If you want us to help keep you accountable, Let us know by commenting below. See more

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