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Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage in Oak Flats | Massage therapist

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Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage

Locality: Oak Flats

Phone: +61 422 929 777

Address: 1/86 Central Avenue 2529 Oak Flats, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 After 3 weeks off; I'm getting back into the swing of things. After evening shifts of massage, I get home around 7.50pm, towels go straight into the wash and then I get stuck into dinner. After dinner Brent and I make sure we wind down for 30min and then are into bed by 9pm. With going to bed early means I can get up early. Here I've already had my morning coffee and am finishing client notes at 5.30am. I'm also releasing my inside thigh and hip at the same time.... You do what works for you (it doesn't have to be textbook), whatever fits into your life that helps your body is great. Also, I being one to bend over clients all the time, I try as often as I can to place myself in a different position. I love getting on the floor and stretching out my stomach and switching on my back muscles while I type away. #backtowork #lookingaftermyself #musclerelease #quiettime

24.01.2022 Letting you all know that our wonderful therapist Janette is taking a much deserved holiday next week (Monday 9th- Sunday 15th). We hope you have an amazing time Janette! Because it will just be me running two seperate clinics, I've opened up BodyKraft and Mount Warrigal clinics at different sections of the day so there is no overlap. So look at both locations for times when booking.

23.01.2022 After 17 hours worth of massage for me this week, 3 x workouts and 5.5 hours of massage still to go. Sometimes you just need to stop, lie down and decompress your tight muscles with a mid thoracic hang over your foam roller. Honestly guys, for whoever works bending over screens, children, clients, picking up trade equipment etc, this stretch is amazing .... Don't forget to stretch those arm above your head and give your lats, diagphram, chest and obliques more of a stretch too. Give it a go!

22.01.2022 A video for Back Sleepers. Waking up with a stiff sore body means you went to bed with a lot of tension. If you dont release these muscles with stretches or releasing movements before you go to sleep, then its important that you set your body up in positions of neutral alignment and reduced compression, so the muscles dont lock you out in an uncomfortable position.... Stay tuned for the videos for Side Sleepers and Front Sleepers. #sleep #sleepstructure #sleeptraining #musclerecovery #RemedialMassage #mind2muscleRM

22.01.2022 Ensuring a safe environment. Dont live in pain. You will be safe and looked after here.

22.01.2022 Releasing that really tight knot (adhesion) in your upper traps. This is a fantastic active release technique that always gets results. As you trigger point the muscle you are flushing out toxins and breaking up the adhesion. When you release the trigger point; new, warm, fresh and oxygenated blood comes into the area also helping it let go.... By getting the client to pull their elbow down towards their hip while you trigger point their upper traps, is creating an active release. When your lats, lower traps, and other shoulder stabilising muscles switch on to try and create that movement, your upper traps have to let go and release in order for this action to take place. By trigger pointing and doing the active release together, you get a muscular and neural release all at once, getting faster results so we have more time to work on other problem areas you may want treated also . #RemedialMassage #treatmentthatworks #musclerelease #uppertraps #shoulderimpingement

21.01.2022 Christmas Gift Ideas! The best treat and gift you could ask for this year is to feel amazing after a Remedial, Sports or Relaxation Massage. So Christmas Gift Certificates are now available at Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage! ... The fantastic thing is, you get to choose what you want to spend as well! We are giving away $20, $40, $50, $70 $99 (60min massage), $139 (90min massage) vouchers to go towards someone's massage. If you live close by, you have the choice to have the Gift Certificate delivered for free, or to pick it up. However an order has to be made first before deciding. Message me on 0422929777 or [email protected]. Or purchase online at

21.01.2022 Knee pain treatment continued... Here I show you how knee pain can occur from tight muscles, what muscles are involved and how Remedial Massage Therapists can help to reduce pain, improve movement around the knee joint and reduce clicking noises.

19.01.2022 Tightness around the hip can lead to many anatomical problems. Today Id like to specifically explain how Hip Bursitis comes about and how us therapists can fix it. When hip flexors are tight (from lots of sitting), they tilt our hips forward, this lengthens glute max (weakening it), causing Gmed and TFL to take over for it. These little muscles dont handle the job that Gmax does because they dont have the anatomical size to withstand the forces Gmax can. As a result, the b...ody decides to tighten and lock Gmed and TFL out, so that we dont risk overloading and tearing them. However when this happens, the muscles start frictioning the bursa underneath them, which causes it to inflame. This is how you GET Bursitis in the hip. Steps to fix this: 1) release hip flexors 2) release TFL and Gmed, 3) reactivate and strengthen Gmax. This will take the pressure off the bursa, giving it a fighting chance to heal and let inflammation go down to get rid of the pain and give you freedom of movement.

18.01.2022 Great tools for self recovery. Tens machine and Silicone Remedial Massage Cups.

18.01.2022 Lets talk about posture. Video 1: Sway back. Here @janetteambs gets me into a sway back posture.... In this posture we are tightening and compressing our upper hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, lower back, chest and upper traps. To bring you back to balance we need to go in and release these muscles. If you know someone with this posture that gets pain in their neck, shoulders or lower back, we are the therapists to see. Keep watch for our second video on the kyphotic and lordotic posture.

18.01.2022 Only a few days left for $20 OFF your massage appointment. Book in online @

17.01.2022 A short interview about Monique Niall the Owner of Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage. When did you become a massage therapist? What is the best thing a out being a massage therapist? #remedialmassagetherapist #RemedialMassage #improvingqualityoflife #healthandfitness #humanbodystudies

17.01.2022 Team Meetings. Thank you @cafenicheOakFlats for hosting us. Buidling ourselves up every week to help those around us.

16.01.2022 Side Sleepers this one is for you. Here we want to avoid numbness in legs from knee on top of knee compression, lower back compression, shoulder compression + numb/dead arm and neck discomfort. 1) Place pillow between legs to ensure blood flow to legs is supplied... 2) Bend knees to 45 or 90 degrees, to rid of the arch in your lower back, so its in neutral alignment. 3)Place a pillow at your back, so that you can lean you back over the top of it and open up the space between your body and the arm underneath you. This will ensure blood supply is available to the arm. 4) Pillow under the neck to bring it in line with your shoulder. 5) If you have plenty of pillows, hug another one for comfort #sleeptraining #sleeptips #howtosleep #sleep #lookingafteryourbody #mind2muscleRM

16.01.2022 Meet our brilliant therapist Janette from Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage.

15.01.2022 Treat a friend with tight hip flexor and quads. PNF quad stretch. If youd like to get more into hip flexor, raise your friends knee with something. If you get lower back pain, this is a great way to decompress quads and hip flexors which ultimately will take pressure off around your hips and then off the lower back... #treatthecausenotthesymptom See more

15.01.2022 A New Years Eve and New Years Day spent working hard to relocate my old clinic to my new clinic location @bodykraft_. Progress is going well... Before and after photos as shown so far. The base work is almost done and now to finalise the room by moving everything in on Saturday. We will be OPEN in our brand new clinic on Monday! Very exciting. Thank you to all my friends and family who have helped us out so far. Lots of love xo

15.01.2022 A quick tip and exercise release for your SIJ and/pelvis. It's good for that easy shirt term adjustment. You may get a little pop in the hip or SIJ.

13.01.2022 COVID SAFE UPDATE for all clientele. Please read!! All clients must scan the QR code and 'Check-in', before entering the clinic. A mask must be worn the entirety of appointment due the smaller clinic space. Please bring your own if you have one, otherwise you will be given one.... A covid screening form will be sent to you the day before your appointment, or you will have to fill in a manual one on your arrival. Please get there 5 minutes before your app, if you are filling it in manually. If you are showing even the slightest signs of unusual fatigue or fever, please get tested and reschedule your appointment two weeks later. This is to make sure we keep everyone safe and we do the right thing. Best regards, Janette and Monique @ Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage

13.01.2022 This is your Lymphatic System. Lymphatic massage can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. Did you know Janette Ambs has got her qualification in Lymphatic Drainage? She's been practising a lot and this service will be available to you on the 1st of June 2021.... Who can benefit? Lymphatic drainage massage can benefit people who are experiencing the following: lymphedema fibromyalgia swelling oredema skin disorders fatigue insomnia stress digestive problems arthritis migraineepisodes

13.01.2022 A great quick active release warmup before you go for a run. Be aware of how your body feels and moves, if you have restrictions work on them before throwing your joints towards more impact. All about prevention.

12.01.2022 Knee crepitis (popping and clicking noises) is a sign of healthy joints! Why? Watch this video below... Its old school, though good information I promise . Most people believe that the noise in their knee is dangerous or damaging to the joint and several of them alter their movements to avoid the noise from occurring. This means they could start changing their gate, start compensating movements or even avoid their favourite activities and reduce movement, which will definit...ely cause more harm then good. Conclusion: movement, muscular tension release, joint stability strengthening, reducing inflammatory foods and good sleep for healing is my advice. For more understanding, go to:

12.01.2022 Do you have one of these wonderful tools? If you do + a foam roller, come and join my 30min Trigger Point Thursday class @ 5pm online this evening. The fantastic thing is, there is no need to leave the comfort of your own home.... Learn skills and actively implement them to help realise whole body tension and bring tension imbalances back to optimal. Book online @

12.01.2022 Video 2 on Posture: Excessive Kyphosis and Lordosis Kyphosis is the forward rounding of your shoulders and mid back. Lordosis is the hollow in your lower back from excessive hip forward rotation.... Both these can cause numbness in hands and arms from tight chest, headaches and lower back pain.

12.01.2022 To be the best therapists we can be, we must understand that no client of ours is the same. Thats what makes working as a therapist so exciting and interesting! We get to continue to expand our knowledge as we come across different individuals. Muscle tension is therefore caused by a variety of things. To get you the fastest and longest lasting results we must think outside of the box and ask, so what has caused this muscular tension in the first place?... Massage and certain massage techniques are brilliant in relieving pain and discomfort, and ultimately getting rid of it. Though if the root cause of your problem hasnt yet been resolved, then the muscular tension and other side effects that result from it could come back. Lets find out the why, so that we can have the power, confidence and peace of mind over our own minds and body. #takecontrol #livepainfree #thereisalwaysananswer #RemedialMassage #worktolive

11.01.2022 ITB (iliotibial band) Usually a thick compressed fascial strand of tissue in our body, that originates from TFL and Gmax and inserts closer to the outside of the knee. We want to lift and stretch this band, not friction and compress it. The lift techniques will draw blood flow into the region and help loosen the band plus is a lot more effective and comfortable way of treating this section of our thighs.

10.01.2022 Stomach Smash A great way to release tight core, diaphragm and hip flexor muscles. Message me your email and join in this Thursdays online Trigger Point Class @ 5pm for FREE if you are a first time attender!... #lookingafteryourbody #yourhealthisthebestinvestment

09.01.2022 Those odd sounds you seem to be hearing in your knees, known as crepitus, can occur during everyday activities. Many people experience these knee clicks at some point in their lives. Movement, strengthening and improving mobility and stability around the knees can often quiet the knee sounds. Fortunately, those talkative knees are usually not a cause for concern. But when those clicks, pops and cracks occur regularly and are accompanied by pain and or swelling, its time to l...ook into further. Go to: To find out more about how these noises occur.

09.01.2022 Officially rewarding loyal clients with Loyalty Cards! This is a thank you to those who appreciate what we do and who are passionate about helping their bodies, getting the best out of movement, preventing pain and living their best life. #rewardthosewhodeserveit #rewardyourself #loyaltycards #greatvalue #RemedialMassage #sportsmassage #therapistswhocare

09.01.2022 Just a notice about class changes coming into June. Thursdays class will continue due to popularity and the others discontinued as gyms start opening up again.

09.01.2022 Surface anatomy practice with @janetteambs. Even when we think we know some things, refreshing our memory of the origins and insertions of muscles and drawing it on a friend, is a fun, interactive and cementing way to consolidate what we know. Its impossible to know and remember everything, and as soon as you think you do, you are letting your clients down and stopping your chances of becoming the best therapist you can be. ... Practicing surface anatomy forces us to think about the muscles, the movements they do and the relationships and affects they have on surrounding muscles visually. Today we did the four rotator cuff muscles and how they can cause shoulder impingement and potential frozen shoulder. We also touched on lats and teres major insertions at the shoulder, and their role in moving the shoulder joint. We are two motivated therapists, who are passionate about what we do, and if we dont know something, you can trust us to be intrigued enough to want to go out and learn it, for you and for our own personal development. #loveourwork #enjoyablework #alwayssomethingnewtolearn #educationispower #personaldevelopment @ Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage

09.01.2022 If you are still working from home or even just when watching TV, get off the couch or chair and try a new position. Lieing on the floor is a simple and fantastic way to reverse the hunched over sitting posture. In this prone (stomach lieing) position, you will stretch your core muscles and hip flexors that are shortened when sitting and thus will prevent lower back compression.... In this position you are also strengthening your mid back muscles by having to prop yourself up on your forearms. This is also a great way to switch on the mid back muscles that are usually in a neurally fatigued, tight and lengthened position. On another note, this is me doing volantary personal development as Im writing down the breathing exercises to practice from the book The Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown. A great read I believe everyone should get!

08.01.2022 Monique and Janette having a little bit of fun as we make you feel comfortable with the new COVID safe requirements . We have all the gadgets; face masks, hand sanitiser, temperature gun etc, to give clients peace of mind so that they are sure to look after themselves. There is no point living in pain. If you are suffering from any sort of strain, exercise tension, stress tension, post surgery tension, injuries and/or postural imbalances, then dont leave it to fester and be...come worse, this will affect your quality of life even further. Come in for a couple of treatments with us and we will start making you feel confident about your body again, as well as get you back to moving and living pain free. #covidsafety #wevegotallthegear #adaptingtoournewworld #remedialmassagetherapist #RemedialMassage #improvequalityoflife #livepainfree

08.01.2022 Looking after your neck while driving. A couple of tips: 1) Rest your head on the head rest while driving. 2) Set your car position up correctly 3) Take out any ponytails or buns that get in the way of you placing your head on the headrest. These hairstyles put your head into a head forward position making it prone to strain and headaches.... If you drive a lot and work at a desk, come and see us to get realigned so we can take away your discomfort and pain.

07.01.2022 Releasing Sternocleidomastoid or SCM, in the neck.

07.01.2022 What type of feet do you have? Compromised, normal or natural. Watch the video on Vivo Barefoots website and learn more about your feet. I post this to educate my clients.... Why? Because Id like to give you the tools you need to have the best functioning and pain free body possible. @janetteambs (Janette) and I are Remedial Massage Therapists... it means we look at the whole body and the connections and relationships between your muscles, fascia, bones, nerves, blood flow, inflammation and how massage can help influence these systems naturally. We try to find the reasons for your postural anomalies and discomfort so we can facilitate the proper techniques that will assist you to get the anatomical, pain free, functional bodies you are wanting. We assist with feet when, a) you have a high arch and you are taking the steps to level your foot out, we can assist by backing off the tight muscles in your feet to accelerate this transition. B) with flat feet (weak arch), means the bodies muscles will compensate for that weakness somewhere else, these muscles (lower back, calves, hip flexors, etc), will be tired, tight and sore because of this. We can help relieve this discomfort. c) the best way to find your foot happy medium is to help your foot to develop naturally. Walking barefoot or barefoot shoes can help you. When you jump into barefoot shoes (as I am now a barefoot walker and show owner), you will turn on and strengthen muscles you havent used ever, or used in a very long time! As massage therapists, we will help these sore tired muscles, stay released and relaxed to provide good blood flow for healing and development. This will help make finding your natural foot type much more comfortable and could even help to accelerate the process. Keep an eye out for our next video, showing you massage techniques we use to treat your feet!

06.01.2022 Trigger Points with the Spiky Ball I love doing. Pec Attachment and Anterior Delt Upper Traps Quadratus Lumborum QL Hip Flexor... TFL See more

06.01.2022 Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage is now OPEN FOR BUSINESS @ 1/86 Central Ave, Mount Warrigal, 2529. @bodykraft_

06.01.2022 Lets learn a little about feet. How come we have so many problems with our feet at present? Education is power... learn why we wear shoes and the effects they can have on our feet so you can have control over what happens to your feet and ultimately have better control over your body, function and posture.

06.01.2022 Pregnancy Massage Awareness There are a lot of benefits of massage, that I dont have to tell people, as most of us know what they are. What Id like to provide today is information on things you should ask your therapist about or make sure they are educated and or qualified in.... 1) Oils- its been suggested to avoid oils such as oregano, nutmeg, peppermint, thyme, basil, sage and rosemary as the could prompt uterine contractions. 2) Pressure points - around ankles, wrists, between thumb and index finger, middle of upper traps and sacroiliac joint. If these points are brushed over its ok, its just if the trigger point is held there specifically for longer periods of time. 3) Therapists shouldnt treat you in your first trimester (0-12 weeks), due to the higher risk of miscarriage. 4) I recommend sidleying massage over face down on a cut-out table. A cut out table allows abdomen to dangle unsapported and cause stretching of uterine ligaments. 5) Therapists should have you on your left side for a majority of the treatment for better blood flow to bub. (heart and valves are directed towards the left side of your body and gravity helps that good blood flow to bub).

06.01.2022 We are holding a Christmas Raffle! We are giving you six weeks to make your bookings. The more bookings you make, the more chances you have to win. Starts 11th November and Finishes 23rd December!! Bookings are disappearing, so go online today, get your massage and automatically you go into the draw to win the amazing Healthy Body Hamper!!

05.01.2022 Cupping has tones of benefits. I love it for the stretching of the fascia and drawing blood circulation into the area. You see in this video that Im searching for adhesions (knots). Targeting these particular tight spots means, that once released, it creates a fascial chain release affect and backs off the rest of the area.... Its a great, efficient way to get a faster result, so Im able to concentrate on more areas during your treatment. Plus feels awesome! Book in for a cupping & massage service today!

05.01.2022 THE IMPORTANCE OF REST WHEN TRAINING...are you one of those people who goes and smashes themselves at the gym and are wondering why you aren't seeing any improvements in strength, muscle development, power, energy and endurance? This is possibly because you are not giving your body/muscles the chances to recover, regenerate and improve. BIG MESSAGE TODAY: Muscles grow and improve when we rest NOT when we are exercising!! #exerciseisgoodrestisjustasgood #importanceofrestwhenexercising #improvestrength #improvebodyfunction #improveyou #mind2muscleRM

04.01.2022 Practising some box breathing techniques and breath holds from the book Oxygen Advantage while taking a 30min walk. Box breathing = 4sec breath in, 4sec breath hold, 4 sec breath out, 4 sec breath hold, repeat as long as you can. Breath hold = breath in, breathe out and then hold your breath until your body gets the urge to breathe in and slowly breathe in. Trying to improve my bodies circulation and oxygen absorbtion efficiency for better energy, metabolism and cardiovascular endurance.

04.01.2022 Start making your bookings and purchasing your Gift Certificates to WIN a Healthy Body Hamper valued over $300.

03.01.2022 Any amazing quad release! Fast, efficient and works like a charm . Here I've applied cupping and passive movement techniques to stretch fascia, draw blood flow to the surface of tight quads (awesome for post recovery workouts!) and friction from the cups as i flex and extend the knee (the soft tissue underneaththe cups is being held, pulled and stretched). A lot of us are quad dominant these day because we are told to get 'supportive shoes' i.e. A heel lift or extra in our shoes or joggers. Please ignore what ads are brainwashing you with and get flat shoes... Train your feet to do exactly what they are naturally meant too. By throwing in 'support' you are throwing in a heel lift which shortens your quads, weakens your glutes (butt muscles) and ultimately can lead to lower back and upper back pain! By throwing in 'support' they are throwing in cushioning, which desensitises your feet. How are you meant to react to the ground and surface properly if you can't feel it! Free your feet!! I do understand however that some jobs require you to have a heel, and in these cases, if you feel your quads tighten and you start to get clicking knees and the back pain, this is an awesome technique to help keep you balanced. It's all about awareness and if you can't change your situation, then there are ways to improve and maintain a healthy muscular length and function. So come and see us . #remedialmassage #cupping #fascialrelease #quadstretch

03.01.2022 Stomach Sleepers Either place a pillow under your ankles to support them and take pressure off LB, and a pillow under your hips to neutralise spine; then two pillows under the front of your shoulders. Or; lift one leg up to 90 degrees and place a pillow under it and then the same thing with the two pillows under your shoulders.... We all need to go buy more pillows now . That, or start doing some mobilising or stretching before bed guys . #stomachsleeper #bodyalignment #sleeptips #musclecare #jointcare #mind2muscleRM

03.01.2022 Here you see Janette testing me with the Trendelenburg Test. This is a test we use to find out if you have weakness in your deep glute stabilising muscles, specifically Glute Medius. If you dont have weakness your hips are aligned. If you do, the stabilising hip (hip on the same side as your leg on the ground), will collapse downwards.... Why is it important that we test this? If glute med is weak, it might mean its over tired from doing too much work. Usually, our hip flexors are tight, this causes weakness in our major glute muscle Glute Max, when this happens the stabilising muscles of our hip such as the Obturators and Gmed, start taking over for Gmax. The Gmed is therefore now taking the load of Gmax and tires. From this our hips start locking out and we become unstable. The answer; it is not to do more clamb glute med exercises, it is to release your hip flexors and to turn your Gmax back on. Again everyone is different. This may not be why your Gmed is weak. Though it is the common cause. Come and see us and we can work towards a better functioning and pain free you.

03.01.2022 Client's with HCF please take note if you don't already know: In October 2020 HCF underwent a major system upgrade, since this time they have had ongoing issues with Natural Therapy Providers being added and updated on their provider data base. They say the database issue is currently being fixed and will be operational in the next few weeks. They said they will email me when the issue has been resolved. So I will let you know. ... They have told me to let HCF members know to hold onto your invoices so you can claim when it's all been resolved.

02.01.2022 Treating feet. We use our feet so much and yet its the last area we think about getting treated. There are so many benefits with getting your feet massaged and here I will show a few great ways to release those tight muscles in your feet and improve circulation.

01.01.2022 FREE! Online Trigger Point Thursday class on @ 5pm this evening! First class FREE!! MSG me with an email and I will place you on this list. Class goes for 30min. Youll need a trigger point ball and foam roller. ... You will receive an email to join the class @ 4.55pm. Hope you can make it. #mobility #triggerpoint #musclerelease #healthandwellbeing #movementismedicine

01.01.2022 Pregnancy or Sidelying massage topic continued... Here is Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage Therapist @janetteambs showing us how it is done. The first photo shows her trigger pointing QL (Quadratus Lumborum), during pregnancy or sitting in a really soft couch we compress this muscle. Pregnant woman specifically tilt there hips back to support the extra weight from growing bub which tightens their glutes, lower back muscles and deep stabilising muscle QL.... Second photo shows Janette releasing the erector spinae and lengthening out the compression occurring from the backward shift of our hips as mentioned above. Third photo is treating the clients neck and upper traps. Which we all get tension in . Forth is treating the latismus dorsi as it connects from our lower back into the superior front of our shoulder, and if tight is linked to adding further compression to our chest area. Its good to massage this muscle plus chest muscles to open up and release chest tightness. Note: the model client (shes doing a pretty good job hey haha), is lying on her left side. Again we keep the client on this side for longer because our heart valves head in this direction and it allows better blood flow to bub and around the body. @ Mind to Muscle Remedial Massage

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