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Mind Your Words

Phone: +61 428 580 766


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25.01.2022 All ready for my #ausmumpreneurawards interview! Shhh don't tell them I'm all business on top and trackies and uggies on bottom Today's interview is for the B2B Service Business award. ... But, if you'd be so kind as to support me in the People's Choice, Customer Service Award I'd be forever grateful! Head to the link in my bio (insta) to cast your vote. OR use the link below: Wish me luck!

24.01.2022 Tried this. Didn't work. Nah, actually...I love Mondays because it's one of only two days that are 100% dedicated to working in my biz. And, I love doing what I do! Here's why:... I've found something that doesn’t feel like ‘work’ because I love doing what I do. Seeing how I help bring other businesses to life or help someone else’s business dreams come true, motivates me to keep going, even during the most challenging of days or late nights. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished and what I’ve learnt. All the highs and lows combine to give me valuable learning experiences, and I’m always thinking about ‘what next?’. What can I do to grow my business and offer more value (especially in the early hours of the morning when I should be sleeping!)? And, one day, when my children are old enough to understand, I’m going to tell them my story. I’ll use this experience to encourage them to find a career early on that uses their talent, makes their heart and soul sing and helps others along the way. Are you a Monday lover or do you loathe getting out of bed to start the week? Which one and why - GO P.S. This is what I wrote in my Ausmumpreneur application - there's still time to support me by clicking the below link: Look for 'Customer Service' and find my name

23.01.2022 NEW PODCAST EPISODE Hey there! Want a tip on how to build brand awareness? CONSISTENCY is THE KEY when it comes to helping customers relate to and recognise your brand online. ... Keep language, personality and your tone of voice consistent across your website, blog posts, emails and social media etc. How do you do this? Listen to the latest Podcast Episode of Real Talk with Women in Business where @nichol.stark and I walk you through how you can discover and use your own BRAND VOICE. This will help you build familiarity and trust with your ideal customers and clients Listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.

23.01.2022 Riddle me this... Why is it that when I take a day off from my day job I don't feel any form of guilt. I enjoy the day. But, when I take a day out of my business I feel all the guilts?!... I have the urge to check emails and even though I should be relaxing right now, there's this shitty little voice telling me to work tonight - even though I've worked until midnight three nights in a row! I run a business for more flexibility, but sometimes I feel like it runs me. How the F do you get over this?? Have you ever felt like this?

22.01.2022 New week - new sale Don't stop reading now... Ok, here's the dealeo! I'm now booking clients for July 2021! New financial year here we come, right?!... BOOK your all-inclusive copywriting and WordPress website package to start in July or August 2021 and you'll receive 10% OFF the total package price. Bookings must be made prior to 15 June 2021. Quote code: NEWFY to qualify. What you get: A custom-designed WordPress website that truly reflects your brand AND that your ideal clients will love! A website that YOU can easily manage going forward to avoid paying out-of-this-world hourly rates to have someone else change a word or image! Professional SEO-lovin' copywriting (AKA your website words) based on REAL voice of client data - so you KNOW your ideal clients will feel like you're really getting them! 6 months of FREE hosting and 12 months of premium plugins to power your new site (woot, woot!) Optional website care plans so you can protect your fang dangle new business asset and keep it powering for years to come. You get...well ME and I'm ONE. OF. A. KIND! I love creating unique websites and we take this journey together. Howdy, partner! As a copywriter and website designer, you're getting the BEST of both worlds which means you'll know the words will match the website design! Why does this matter? Because you've got a reputation to build and website visitors to convert to paying clients. You've got a business to grow and a half-arsed website isn't going to cut it. BOOK IN A QUICK CHAT to get started. Hurry, I only work with a few clients at once to ensure y'all are getting my full attention and love.

21.01.2022 How to say more...with less 1. Erase the word 'that' 2. Trim the fat off lengthy sentences & paragraphs (work through them one by one). ... 3. Eliminate conjunctions ('however', 'and', 'but' etc.) 4. Stick to one thought per paragraph 5. Write like you speak and ditch the large, wanky, formal words and phrases. My final tip is to use less words but don't make your copy sound like a robot. Mix your sentence length up and if you'd naturally drop a word in (like 'but') use it! Copy that's succinct and sounds natural will always be a winner winner chicken dinner ;) What are you working on RIGHT NOW that could use a little word chop suey?

19.01.2022 *COMING SOON* I've got some exciting news to share I'm about to launch my co-hosted podcast Real Talk for Women in Business... That's right! I'm teaming up with my friend, colleague, and intuitive business coach, Nichol Stark, to deliver a fresh, no BS, podcast for women who want to take off in their business. We'll be sharing real truths, real insights, and really practical tips when it comes to juggling all things life and business. Whether you're starting a side hustle, making the leap from corporate life, or ready to scale your business and you're keen for a genuine look at life in business - stay tuned!

19.01.2022 Congratulations @newskyconsulting on the launch of your new website! I'm so bloody excited to share this site with y'all! Katrina Johnson is the Director at NewSky Consulting, an amazing human being and an absolute dream client! ... She's also a highly experienced Business Coach who helps business owners, leaders and managers find ultimate clarity so they can lead with confidence, influence and integrity. I've had an absolute blast working with Katrina to craft connection-building words that are wrapped in a stunning custom-designed WordPress site. Katrina had downloaded my How to Write Your Website About Page e-Book and decided that I was just the right person to take her website to the next level. Her business had grown and her existing website no longer reflected her current service offering. She was keen to make her website more user friendly, appeal and speak to her ideal client, improve her SEO and better capture her personality. It was really important to Katrina that people visiting her website for the first time felt like her business was trustworthy, credible, warm and genuine. With the help of some amazing photos from the very talented @louisewilliams_dare_to_unleash, I think you'll agree this website is a showstopper! To learn more about the NewSky Consulting project and to find out what my favourite copywriting line is visit

18.01.2022 Want to know what working with a copywriter/website designer looks like? Let's talk about what you can expect if you decide I'm your gal for your new website. 1. Quick chat - we'll talk about your business and what your goals are. 2. Proposal - Yes, despite having packages with GREAT inclusions, I know every business is different. So, after our chat, I'll deliver a proposal tailored to your needs. ... 3. Commencement deposit - Once you get all gooey with excitement over the proposal (which, I'm confident you will), and agree with some boring (but needed) fine print, I'll send you a commencement invoice. Once it's paid - you're IN! I'll book you into my calendar 4. Client briefing - There are two steps here (stick with me, it's important) - one is a questionnaire and the other is a strategy and briefing Zoom session. The goal is for me to get an in-depth understanding of your business, your goals and of course, your ideal client. It's how I write and design a website that they're going to LOVE! 5. Writing. Designing. Writing. Designing - It's all happenin' now! I'll design your homepage, write and upload some draft copy, then send it to you for your review. I'm keen to see if I'm on the right track for design and your tone of voice. 6. Sailing through revisions - It's smooth sailing from here. I write the full version of your copy, continue with the full website development and we work our way through two rounds of revisions. The final invoice is issued with the second version. 7. GO Live, baby! - With your approved copy professionally proofread, I'll upload it to your finished site. I'll work through a few GO live checks (like making it look good on tablet and mobile, checking your integrations, checking links etc.) when we're both over the moon with how great it looks - we'll release this baby into the wide world! 8. Tech Support - I'm not the kinda girl that just finishes a project and says 'see ya'. Nope, I'm going to be here to hold your hand (if you need). We'll do a handover Zoom session where I'll show you how to make changes, add a blog post etc. And then, I'll stick around for 2-4 weeks depending on your package. Honestly, it's that EASY! You're kept in the loop - Every. Step. Of. The. Way. Want to know more? Head to my website to check out my all-inclusive copywriting and WordPress website design packages.

17.01.2022 Guess what? It's FRIDAY! Thank goodness, right? Friday is my chill out night. The kids get Hungry Jacks which means it's a stress and argument free dinner (thank F*~k) and mumma bear gets to enjoy her wine in peace! ... What's your favourite Friday routine?

16.01.2022 Quick tip - keep your call to action (CTA) conversational and natural. We all know how important it is to have a call to action on your website and social media posts. You're literally telling your visitor what action you'd like them to take next, right? But that doesn't mean you have to come across all salesy. ... Instead, write your CTA in the first person and then read it out loud. Is it clear and to the point? Does it sound like something you'd say if the person was standing in front of you? If not, change it. Instead of 'Book Now' Try 'If you're looking for an extra pair of hands in your business, give me a call and let's chat about how I can help free up your time' OR Try 'Stop feeling stuck in your business, PM me and let's talk about moving your forward' Instead of 'Download my free e-Book' Try 'I know it's challenging for many people to write their About page, maybe this can help you, grab my e-Book and get a step-by-step guide. P.S I really do have a step-by-step guide to help you write your About page, PM me if you'd like a copy

15.01.2022 Wondering who this copywriter/website designer chick is? Here are 5 facts that you (probably) don't know about me: I'm Tasmanian - No, I don't have a second head. No, you can't see my scar from where it was removed. ... I've lived in Perth (as a baby), Hobart, Gympie, Mackay, Rockhampton, Canberra and Ipswich. I could literally live off pasta alone! Any type of pasta (maybe not GF), I freakin' love that stuff! I have three amazing kids that keep me on my toes Aiden - 17, Paige - 5 (going on 16) and Riley 2.5 (the terrible twos are REAL!!) I've always wanted to learn to play the piano properly and thanks to my little biz, I finally bought my own piano a couple of months ago. I'm currently learning Hallelujah There you have it! Have you got a quick fact you're willing to share about you? What's something that most people don't know?

15.01.2022 Quick question if I may? How often do you blog? I *try* to get a fresh blog post out once a month. ... It takes me about 4 - 4.5 hours from start to finish to get a post ready and put it out there (including an email update to my subscribers) so it's a fairly chunky amount of time. And...that's something I'm definitely short on. In my humble opinion, I suggest blogging to suit your business - if that's twice a week (holy Fk - how do you find the time? Do you outsource?) or once a month, find something that you're comfortable with and *try* to stick with it. Consistency is key! (but don't beat yourself up if you miss one or two!) Of course...there are suggestions around the best blogging frequency. Hubspot suggests that if your goal is to drive organic traffic and/or build brand awareness to your site you should be posting as much optimised content as possible (like 3-4 times per week). I wish jellyfish!!! (damn! there's no emoji). What are your thoughts? If you're up for it, share a link to your blog below - I'd love to check it out.

14.01.2022 Does anyone else feel like they've taken two steps forward and one step back this week? I had a massive to-do list and although all the important client stuff was ticked off, my list of business and course tasks has grown! How do you manage this in your biz? ... Do you have a certain day set aside for working 'on' your business? Maybe even a few hours, one day a week. What's your #1 tip for getting biz shit done, please share

14.01.2022 I've worked too many late nights backed with waaaaaay too many early mornings recently (thanks to a cute but early rising 2 year old ).'s a Milo, blanket, biccy and Ozark night What are you up to?

14.01.2022 *FREE DOWNLOAD* That's right, but not for much longer! My 'How to Write Your Website About Page' is going bye-bye's pretty soon to make way for something new! This is your last chance to turn your website About page into a lean, mean, connection-building machine so you're converting visitors into subscribers, leads, and clients ... Look, I get it - writing about yourself SUCKS! It's a tough slog that even I struggle with. That's why in this e-book I'll help you avoid the mistakes too many business owners are making with the second-most visited page on their website. Mistakes like: The copy is too salesy, pushy or it's a brag fest (urgh!) It focuses more on the business owner and less on the ideal client The copy is snoreworthy, isn't engaging, and doesn't tell a story The page is written entirely in the third person There's no call to action Sound familiar? Well, get ready because we'll turn all that on its ugly head. I walk you through the same process that I use to write connection-building and conversion-focused About pages for my clients. To take your About page to the next level, grab your copy for FREE today. HURRY - it won't be around for much longer! Leeha xo

13.01.2022 I literally have THE BEST CLIENTS!! Thanks so much NewSky Consulting these made my day! P.S. They're freakin' delicious Old Style Russian Fudge & Coconut Ice I've had 5 pieces already!!

13.01.2022 Let's start Monday on a positive note (and with lots of coffee if you're like me ) Tell me one AWESOME thing that a customer or client has said to you, or written, about your business lately? @letterfolk on Instagram

12.01.2022 This means your BRAND SPANKIN' NEW WEBSITE could be just a successful application away! If eligible, you could get a single up-front fixed grant payment of $5,000 (excluding GST) and the best news is... WEBSITE BUILDS OR UPGRADES are ELIGIBLE! ... If successful, you can even use the funding to develop new website content - like pro copywriting and blog posts! Applications open 31 May 2021 and to get ahead of the crowd, make sure you've got your supplier quotes ready to go. Why use this grant? Your website is outdated and looks...well... crap..but you're ready to SHINE! You don't have a website so you're missing out on building brand awareness, trust, and revenue Your website doesn't reflect your business, brand, service offering, or your values - it's just not you! It looks and feels like all the others in your industry (booooring!) and you're ready to STAND OUT and get noticed. Your ready for the website words (AKA the copywriting) to be professionally written, SEO friendly and connection building so you can turn visitors into subscribers, leads, and clients (that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!). How can I help? I'll provide a detailed and compelling proposal for an all-inclusive Copywriting and WordPress Website Design package. For example, you could get: An 8 Page WordPress Website Professional SEO copywriting 1.5-hour briefing and strategy session 2 rounds of revisions 4 weeks of technical support Voice of Client Questionnaire Subscribe Box Set Up Blog Setup PLUS 2 x professionally written SEO optimised blog posts by yours truly! OR we can tailor a package to suit your needs! Sounds amazeballs, right?! NEXT STEPS 1. Check your eligibility (visit the link in bio for more info) 2. Book a chat with me (DM me, send me an email) 3. I'll send you a tailored proposal 4. You prepare and submit your application 5. Fingers crossed!! Stop thinking 'where the f#@k am I going to get the money from for a new website?' and get crackin' on your application!

12.01.2022 I'm feeling very grateful this Friday for the amazing clients that I get to work with each and every week. This lovely feedback was for a copywriting project that I worked on with the beautiful Belinda Bow, CEO of Green Chilli Marketing and marketing extraordinaire. Belinda was working with @skildare, a boutique HR consulting firm based in Newcastle, NSW.... For this website copywriting project, we really wanted to capture how the Skildare team are experts in the industry and go above and beyond for their clients. But, HR can be a fairly dry topic, so we also wanted to inject some of the personality and humour of the team. Not only did we weave this magic through the website pages, but we developed team profiles that let each team member express their personality and capture their skills. It was a great project and I had an absolute blast! The Skildare team are top-notch and if you're looking to outsource your HR, I highly recommend you get in touch! Want to know what my favourite line of copy was? Head to my portfolio where I reveal that and more

12.01.2022 Why it's so important to have a responsive website. If you're not sure whether your site is responsive, check it out on your own mobile. Is it still easy to navigate? Is the text readable? Are the images the right size? Are the buttons still easy to tap on? You can also use free online tools that will show you how your website looks across various devices. Just google 'website responsive tester' or flick me a DM and ask for the link (I've got a couple of my sleeve!). ... P.S. All websites that I design are responsive - in some cases, this means going the extra mile and creating different rows on your page that are only viewable on desktop or mobile. It's all part of the service

12.01.2022 Working with @newskyconsulting was so much fun and I'm very humbled by Katrina's kind words. As with all of my copywriting and website design projects, to write great copy and then wrap it in a beautiful and conversion-focused design, I need a detailed brief. One that lets me get in-depth knowledge of your business and all the juicy insights into your ideal client. It's absolutely critical to know your goals and how you'd love your new site to look and feel to visitors. Kat...rina didn't disappoint and the result speaks for itself. Keen to check it out? Visit my portfolio for the backstory and to find out my favourite line of copy.

10.01.2022 Happy Monday! I've got a super quick tip to help you write better copy. Last week I smashed out 5-pages of website copy (plus extras like a custom 404 page) for a client's WordPress site in about 5.5 hours. That's HUGE! But, did I sent it straight away? HELL NO! I let it breathe. ... And, that's the tip. When you write copy for your website or even a new blog post, I recommend walking away from it for about 24 hours (or at least a few hours if you're on a tight timeframe). When you go back to it you'll have a fresh pair of eyes, a new perspective and you'll be better prepared to give your words the edit they deserve (like spotting those extra words you don't need!). What do you think? Are you prepared to give this a try?

08.01.2022 The reason why I love doing what I do... .... my clients are more than just 'clients' and 'dollars' to me. I take the time to get to know you, your business, your ideal clients and your website needs BEFORE I start designing or writing copy. ... I'm personally invested in delivering the custom-designed and professionally written website that you've been dreaming of. If you're ready for a website that connects you with clients, let's talk!

06.01.2022 Oh my goodness! Yes. Yes. Yes. This is adulting my friends! The sheets HAVE to be line dried for me and the takeout (if I'm good enough to leave leftovers) would be Thai green chicken curry What's for dinner tonight?... And no, I don't feel weird asking this at 8:00 am in the morning because another (less fun) thing about adulting is planning dinner at breakfast time. Show of hands if I'm right? @letterfolk

06.01.2022 Is your website About page a lean mean connection-building machine? Is it helping you convert visitors into subscribers, leads and clients? Your website About page is typically the second-most visited page on your website but it's the page many business owners get wrong. Why? Well, it's also the hardest to write! I freakin' hated writing mine and I'm a pro! ... Here are a few of the common mistakes that I see business owners making when it comes to writing their About page: The copy is too salesy, pushy or it's a brag fest (urgh!) It focuses more on the business owner and less on the ideal client The copy is snoreworthy, isn't engaging and doesn't tell a story The page is written entirely in the third person There's no call to action If any of these sound familiar OR if you're not sure whether your About page is working hard enough for your biz, I've got great news! I've written an e-book to help you avoid the same mistakes by walking you through the same process that I use to write connection-building and conversion-focused About pages for my clients. If you're ready to take your About page to the next level, grab your copy for FREE today. Simply click the link in my BIO and choose the 'Grab a Freebie' option. See more

05.01.2022 Do you use emojis in your email subject lines? I've been using them in my emails to clients (like when I ask them to complete my client brief or I send them the first version of their copy). I've also been experimenting with them in my lead magnet nurture sequence. BUT, I'm rethinking that last one. ... The savvy folks at Search Engine Journal put emojis to the test in their own email marketing campaigns and this is what they found: Emojis in subject lines show a slightly lesser open rate and non-emoji subject lines are preferable. Regardless of open rate, emails with emojis have a higher click-through rate. Users unsubscribe more for emails that have emojis in the subject line and users make abuse reports more for emails with an emoji in the subject line. If you do want to use emojis, placing at the end of the subject line is the favourable position. Although the differences between using emojis and not using emojis appear to be minimal, every click counts, right?

05.01.2022 [NEW BLOG POST] Let's talk 404 pages and how they can help your business. A 404 error page is the page you land on when you either type in the wrong URL or the page/content has been deleted or moved, or the URL has changed. In most cases, you'll see '404 PAGE NOT FOUND' leaping out at you from the screen. If you're lucky, you'll find a link back to the website homepage. But, would you click it and go in search of what you were looking for? OR, would you hit the back button?... Me - I'd hit the back button. It's no big deal for me but it's frustrating, right? But as a business owner, whoops! I've lost a potential lead. Let me tell you there's a BETTER way of using this page. One that will protect those lost visitors, turn a negative into a positive, and increase your chances of keeping them on track and on your site. Introducing....*drum roll please * the custom 404 page! This is your opportunity to put key links right in front of your lost visitor's eyes. I mean, screw just giving them a homepage link. Nope! You're going to try to help them find what it is they're looking for (and help your SEO at the same time - winner, winner!). Need some inspiration? I've written a blog post that includes 5 of my favourite 404 Error Pages. P.S. If you work with me, I include really cool custom 404 pages in my Sapphire and Diamond package - @charlottelovely on instagram

05.01.2022 Hands up if you suffer from shiny object syndrome and FOMO. There I said it. I'm easily distracted by new (new to me - not necessarily 'new') business tools, platforms and apps. ... And, I wanted to share one that I've been using A LOT lately. Loom Now, I'm probably waaaayyyy behind the times when it comes to using this screen recording, video making, time-saving tool in my business. I know others have been using it for quite some time. But, I'm loving it! How am I using it? I've used it to: record website handover videos respond to questions from clients record simple tutorials to share a quick tip with my business group The best part is, it's so simple to use. There's a chrome extension and I just hit record! I can pause the recording, save it and share a link to it. You can choose between recording your entire desktop, one tab, with video of you (or without). Super. Freakin'. Cool. In the time that I've taken to write out this post, I could have recorded it so much faster. Anyhoos, I'm not affiliated in any way with Loom but I know I'm not the only one out there that suffers from FOMO. It's a really cool business tool and if you're not already using it, take a squiz. What's your go-to tool/app at the moment? I'd love to know. : Samantha Santana on Instagram @mssamanthasantana

05.01.2022 Guess what? I've added a new service to my all-inclusive Copywriting and WordPress Website Packages. Let me introduce you to Voice of Client (VOC) questionnaires and interviews. ... The three main benefits of using VOC for your copywriting are: You get valuable insights into how your clients were thinking and feeling BEFORE they came to you for help. You'll learn their pain points and motivations. You get valuable insights into how your clients were thinking and feeling AFTER you solved their problem. How has your service changed their life for the better? What did they love most about working with you? They'll share what obstacles ALMOST stopped them from working with you and what got them OVER that line. When you have all this information in your back pocket, you're able to write copy that SPEAKS to your future clients. And that my friends, is great for conversion. Want to know how this service works in one of my packages? Get in touch and we'll book in time for a quick chat.

04.01.2022 That moment when you FINALLY reach ground zero in your downloads folder! Nothing like a good clean up! What about you? Are you a computer files neat freak or do your files and folders look like something that should be on Hoarders?

02.01.2022 HAPPY FRIYAY!! I'm rockin' my usual nil makeup, blacktop and trackies on the bottom (shhhh) look today! It's been a BIG week here at MYW - 5 proposals went out which is super freakin' exciting and I got to chat business with three fellow ladies in biz. Last night, I caught up with my tribe (virtually, of course) who are truly some of the most remarkable women I know @HerEvolutionToday @EnterpriseByDesignWithJinnyCoyle @oliverandcoconveyancing @SevenLadies1 @thegiddyaunt...sau. A few bubbles and many, many laughs were had. Exactly what I needed - thank you! I'm also sharing my full 2020 AusMumpreneur Awards submission on my blog. If you're keen to learn more about the lady behind this biz (AKA me) this post has it all. Voting closes this Sunday, 30 August and the QLD winners are announced on Wednesday, 9 September Anyhoos, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. To read my submission: To show your support: (Customer Service Category) Cheers Leeha x

01.01.2022 Here's something you probably already know...but I'm sharing it any. Writing content for the web is different from writing for a printed publication. Here's why you need to adjust your writing style and get a bit creative: Print and web are two very different mediums and as readers, we adjust our reading style to suit each one. ... With print content, it's usually in the form of books or magazines and we'll mostly read it paragraph by paragraph, page by page, from front to back. With web content, it's usually on a device (most likely a mobile) with a backlight and we get fatigued more easily. On the web, we tend to scan the content in an F pattern. We'll read the headline, some of the summary and then scan down the page to see if anything else is interesting and catches our attention. When it comes to writing your content and designing your website layout, keep this in mind. Make it easy for visitors to scan your content by using sub-headers, shorter paragraphs, lists and bullet points. Keep it interesting and break up content with graphics and photos. About every 500 words is great, and make sure they align with your post topic and help tell the story. Save this tip and refer back to it as a friendly reminder next time you're writing web content

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