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Mingenew Primary School in Mingenew, Western Australia | School

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Mingenew Primary School

Locality: Mingenew, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9928 1062

Address: 70 Phillip Street 6522 Mingenew, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Our students thoroughly enjoyed the guided discovery activities in their World of Maths Incursion today.

19.01.2022 Dan Hunt, the Midwest Regional Development Officer from Basketball WA, came to our school today and ran basketball clinics with our students.

19.01.2022 Mr Hoskin’s class were learning about the effects of change on environmental sustainability today. The students were actively involved in the class discussion and made some very thought provoking responses demonstrating a good understanding of the topic and related issues.

19.01.2022 More of our marvellous Mingenew parents and students showing their support. Such a great community!

18.01.2022 Our students reached their PBS target and their whole school reward was a Colour Fun Run. The oval was filled with laughter.

17.01.2022 Nature Playgrounds came to install our new playground this week. We are so grateful to our P&C for funding this awesome project. A shout out to Mr Gall for coming and relocating the tractor tyre for us. We really appreciate your hard work. Mr Passmore will be making and installing a balance beam early next week and then the playground should be ready for use by all our super excited students.

13.01.2022 We love how supportive our Mingenew parents and students are.

08.01.2022 Happy World Teacher’s Day to all of our wonderful staff. #teachersday #brightfuture

07.01.2022 Steve, Justine, Jasmine, Stevee and Gareth spoke to our students about traditional Aboriginal damper and taught them how to make it. They demonstrated the process whilst explaining each step and then involved the students in kneading the damper dough. It was then cooked and the students got to eat it with a variety of toppings including homemade Quandong Jam from the Cosgrove family. The damper was scrumptious and thoroughly enjoyed by the students. They were amazed that all you needed was flour and water. Thanks so much to the Simpson family for providing our students with this awesome NAIDOC activity.

05.01.2022 As our first activity for NAIDOC Week, our students went on an excursion to Littlewell-Mingenew Aboriginal Reserve. Uncle Bill Jones and Cheryl Bell, who both lived on the Reserve, spoke to the students about their experiences there. Uncle Bill also taught the students how to do water devining. We would like to thank Uncle Bill Jones and Cheryl Bell for providing our students with this valuable cultural experience.

04.01.2022 Our students got to use our new Nature Playground for the first time today. They loved the new equipment.

02.01.2022 You have to love a country sense of humour! So great to have the support of our School Council members and their amusing children.

01.01.2022 YOU'RE A SPEC-TACULAR TEACHER Don’t forget #TeachersDay is this Friday! Download, print and get your child to write a personalised thank you card to their teachers. Download your A5 thank you card at #edunews

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