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24.01.2022 We all need 7 days - A couple of months ago it hit me, I knew I needed a break but I soon came to realise so did our little family. We needed time to come together as a family; time to laugh, time to be still in the moment and take in all the little things that make us, us. I am a planner, when we arrive home from 1 holiday, I am planning another but this past 2 years that hadn’t happened, I had lost not only myself in the b...usiness but I had no work life / balance and emotionally and mentally I was done. Everything was foggy I had started second guessing myself, not trusting in my gut instincts! I was focusing more on what I believed people thought of me; anxiety overdrive. I needed time to clear my mind, find myself again. In 7 days I got what I needed, WE got what we needed as a family. We laughed, we drank, we ate all the wrong foods, the kids bonded, brad and I bonded and you know what? I found myself again. The MFB team pulled together, and held down the fort, all so I could recharge and I couldn’t be more thankful. I’m sure you have all spoken at some stage to my side kick, body double and serious BOSS BABE; Taylah Coker. Not only does this babe have my back, but she genuinely cares about me and my family. #blessedbeyondmeasure Let me tell you she kicked some serious ass whilst I was away. She ran an entire team and business all on her own, whilst telling me to butt out. I want this post to stop your scrolling, to breathe in the moment and repeat after me, we are not Wonder Woman. We all need to recharge and get rid of that haze, because after all this Mum hustle is hard enough without the pressure of perfection. Tag a fellow BOSS BABE who needs a kick up the back side to take that BREAK... then set a date (even Skype) to recharge and enjoy one too many glasses of wine See more
22.01.2022 Life is about stepping out of your comfort zone, a feeling most of us avoid at all costs. Whether it be in business or life experiences, I can guarantee you'll pat yourself on the back when you have achieved what you thought was the impossible. Step up, and go for it girlfriend, because really, other than YOU, what is stopping you from achieving your dreams?
20.01.2022 2 4 { Tap to shop } @jumjumsmcns ... @isla_dream_prints @tutuirresistible Wednesday 26th June; Midnight AEST. 72 HOUR SALE Over 100+ Stores 10-85% Off Storewide Shop Baby, Kids, Decor & Accessories To start shopping click #mfbeofysale Visit @minifashion_blogger to browse over 100+ stores on sale & enter MFB at checkout to apply discount. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting small biz!
19.01.2022 January was a massive month for our family, we sold our house and made the decision to move from Kalgoorlie to Perth, move away from the place we called home, the place we met 15 years ago, and the place we had both of our children. It was a decision that wasn't made lightly, but a decision we knew we had to make for Cale and Thea. I was nieve to just how big the change would be for our family, and for me personally or maybe I blocked it all out as part of a mechanism. The kids both started a new school and unfortunately Brad started FIFO work on a 2/1 roster. At first I thought, oh ill be fine, as I am quite an independent person, but I was very wrong. I cried, I sobbed, cried some more, and wished we had never moved. My emotions and anxiety were all over the place. I missed my friends, our house and even the dam supermarket. But Brad was making a sacrifice for us and I needed to be strong for the kids, and for the guy that has always been there for me through thick and thin... even my crazy moments. Its taken a few months, 4 to be exact and we are slowly but surely finding our groove. FIFO for us won't be forever and only 4 months in, I can't wait for the day he flys home and doesnt have to fly out 7 days later. Everyone has a different story to tell or a different hard, and for now this is our hard. Remember to be kind to those around you, understand that it's ok not to be ok and most importantly be the best person YOU can be. See more
19.01.2022 LIVE this Sunday 8pm AEDT 140+ Stores on sale in the ONE location!
18.01.2022 Have you seen the amazing giveaway we have going over on our promotions page? Open worldwide to public and private accounts. ... Enter via See more
14.01.2022 Tap to shop some our favourite products during our the August Flash Sale. @littleraylane will be offering 20% Off Storewide. ... Our 72 Hour Flash Sale will go live TONIGHT 25th August; 8pm AEST. Over 60+ Kids, Baby & Decor Stores on SALE To start shopping visit @minifashion_blogger to check out all of the amazing stores on sale! Click #mfbaugustsale to browse over 60+ stores on sale Enter MFB at checkout to apply the discount at check-out. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting small biz! See more
13.01.2022 ? #theresahashtagforthat ’ ... Hashtags are one of our most frequently requested pieces of information on social media; Should we be using them? Do they actually make a difference? ... Using the right hashtags on your posts can increase your engagement and visibility on the gram, in turn generating an increase in your engagement and new followers. : 1. Don’t use hashtags that aren’t relevant to your brand or demographic. 2. Use hashtags that are specific to the content you are posting. 3. #love is the number 1 tagged hashtag across the gram; used 1.6b times. Using this hashtag is not likely to attract hashtag followers unless your content stands out. #getcreativegirl 4. Use upto 10 hashtags in your stories. This will not only increase your story views, but also attract new followers. 5. You can post upto 30 hashtags on your post, but statistics show that 9 is the most effective. 6. Post hashtags to your comments with 5 punctuation points above your hashtags (full stops, bullet points etc). Instagram will hide captions after three lines, so your hashtags won’t be viewable unless your followers want to read all of your comments. 7. If you are an Instagram business page you will have access to your post insights. This will tell you how many impressions you received from the hashtags you posted. . . . . # Let us tailor a package of personalised hashtags to suit your page. See more
12.01.2022 H A V E YOU E N T E R E D? 3 prizes! A total of $10k in prize money, given away to one lucky person. So simple to enter! It literally takes 30 seconds. ... Head to See more
12.01.2022 Did you know that Instagram has over 1 billion monthly users, and 500 million of those users are active everyday? I know what is going through your head right now 'If there are that many people active on the IG every single day, why the hell isn't my content being seen?' ... Ask yourself these questions Are you creating content like a true salesman or content that is real and relatable? Are you posting quantity over quality? Posting 3-8 times or more a day is only going to annoy people. Are you consistent? Or do you go a a few days/weeks without posting a thing? Can you identify exactly what your followers want to see from you? Is your imagery bright, reactive and astetically pleasing? Is your social media a true representation of you and your brand? Remember, this is social media and that means being social and engaging with potential followers, current followers and other brands you might enjoy following - dont expect it if you arent giving it. I can't wait to spend an entire month delving into everything social media. You name it we are covering it. #strapin Head over to @the.collective.hive to stay up to date with a special collaboration between two woman with one thing in common; helping woman succeed in business. A powerful collaboration between @minifashion_blogger and @theuncomplicate.
07.01.2022 Send help! haha
06.01.2022 Every single day I get the opportunity to work with lots of amazing, talented and hard working women and the one strategy I swear by is consistency. Consistency is key. It works. I've felt like I've hid behind the scenes for quite a few months now, even though I've made a promise to myself that I would show up. Show up for you, show up for myself. When a situation makes us uncomfortable, we make excuses. I have made so many excuses to myself as to why I shouldn't show... my face on stories, or the feed, but yesterday, I've finally decided that enough was enough. I am very passionate about what I do, and I love that I have the ability to make a difference by teaching others how to grow. Grow within their business, on social media, and within themselves. Every day my team and I are blessed to wake up and see our clients smash the goals we set and making those small changes within their business to build a community around their brand, rather than another sales pitch. Now I challenge you, step outside your comfort zone and show up. #wecandothistogether See more
05.01.2022 Tap to shop some our favourite products during our the August Flash Sale. @bubba_bump will be offering 20% Off Storewide.... @tutuirresistible will be offering 15% Off Storewide. Our 72 Hour Flash Sale will go live TONIGHT 25th August; 8pm AEST. Over 60+ Kids, Baby & Decor Stores on SALE To start shopping visit @minifashion_blogger to check out all of the amazing stores on sale! Click #mfbaugustsale to browse over 60+ stores on sale Enter MFB at checkout to apply the discount at check-out. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting small biz!
05.01.2022 , ’ ( ) I have re-written and deleted this caption all of 1065 times over the last few weeks but I’ve decided that the time has come to show my transparency and tell you my story. #betterlatethannever 2 years ago, with a little encouragement (ok a lot) from Brad (my rock), I took the leap on something that would change my life forever; I purchased my now 3rd baby; Minifashion Blogger. ... At the time, I had been working for a large family corporation as a Senior Administrator for almost 10 years but that hungry spark that used to drive me, had gone and at the time I wasn’t ready to accept this but deep down I knew. Initially I purchased Minifashion Blogger with the idea that I would still work 4 days a week and on my days off I would spend time with the kids and hustle with the business as a little something ‘extra’ to fill my time. I had always been someone who wasn’t able to sit still, someone who always yearned for more but was always to scared to take that leap and now that I’m writing this maybe I didn’t believe in myself. Within 2 months we were busier than ever but I was also still learning the ins and outs of giveaways and markets #thestressisreal (I STILL remember the hot flushes that took over my body when getting a giveaway to loop within less than 2 minutes) During this time we had seen one of the biggest changes to the Instagram algorithm in years and it was apparent that there were so many businesses that were genuinely struggling with the business they had built on social media. These people were ready to give up, and throw in the towel. After 6 months of late nights and early mornings, I made the massive decision to resign and throw everything I had into growing Minifashion Blogger into something I had only dreamed about. ( ) See more
04.01.2022 # Woman who support one another are 75% more successful and have a hell of a lot more fun in the process You will never regret being kind
03.01.2022 2 4 { Tap to shop } ... @myhiddenforest Wednesday 26th June; Midnight AEST. 72 HOUR SALE Over 100+ Stores 10-85% Off Storewide Shop Baby, Kids, Decor & Accessories To start shopping click #mfbeofysale Visit @minifashion_blogger to browse over 100+ stores on sale & enter MFB at checkout to apply discount. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting small biz!
02.01.2022 2 4 { Tap to shop } @zylishliving ... @tommyandmilly @mabel_bear_boutique Wednesday 26th June; Midnight AEST. 72 HOUR SALE Over 100+ Stores 10-85% Off Storewide Shop Baby, Kids, Decor & Accessories To start shopping click #mfbeofysale Visit @minifashion_blogger to browse over 100+ stores on sale & enter MFB at checkout to apply discount. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting small biz!
02.01.2022 Are you ready for our Boxing Day MEGA sale? LIVE from BOXING DAY; 26th December 2019; 6am AEDT for 4 days! Showcasing 80+ Stores on sale with 10-60% Off Storewide. ... Kids Decor and Accessories Baby Shop via the @minifashion_blogger Instagram page Shop via the Minifashion Blogger website (Link in bio) Click the hashtag #boxingwithmfb to browse all of the participating stores on sale Use code MFB to apply the discount at checkout. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting small! See more
01.01.2022 are successful, are worthy, and allowing the outside to define you. of the need to strive for perfection; it doesn’t exist. of the need to prove your self worth to anyone but yourself. ... True and comes from within. See more
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