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25.01.2022 How to make a fun sensory base for construction play First off - chocolate ‘cloud dough’ only has three ingredients, which is one reason I love it. It’s so soft and powdery, but also mouldable (kind of like damp sand). Combine 4 cups of flour with chocolate powder ... Add in 1/2 cup oil & mix DONE I prepare this in the tray that will be used for play, and pop some gloves on to mix with my hands. (Bake the flour first if your child likes to taste test, as raw flour contains bacteria). I’ve been making this for a couple of years now, and my 4yr old still loves using it with his diggers If diggers are life at your house too, save this recipe & share with a friend (it’s a great playdate activity).
25.01.2022 Unicorn playdough kits are now available, and the dough smells amazing... I’m so excited to announce unicorn playdough kits are now live on the website. Each kit contains two jars of handmade dough in delicious Bubblegum & Grape Bubblegum scents. Also included are accessories designed to spark the imagination of little unicorn lovers. There’s a unicorn cutter & figures, coloured gems, pom poms & pipe cleaners, all packaged in a calico bag.... . There are only a limited number of these kits available, so don’t miss out. Grab yours today at See more
25.01.2022 SHAVING CREAM SCOOP Simple, messy fun! Miss 2 loved playing with this shaving cream - she scooped, stirred, dipped in a finger...and then took the plunge and got her hands messy. She also lathered my hands in it . To colour the shaving cream, I added food colouring (it didn’t stain hands). It was super easy to clean up, & you could do this in the bath to make it even easier. ... . What kind of messy fun do your little ones enjoy? See more
24.01.2022 How to set up a toddler activity in less than 5 mins POM POM SCOOP Fill tray with water... Stir in food colouring (optional) Add in pom poms, scoop, bowl & tongs DONE I set up this activity outside for Miss 2, and she had a great time pouring, scooping, splashing and practicing with tongs (great for fine motor skills). She came back to it later in the day, and we did some colour sorting. Best of all, the pom poms can be dried and reused. Lay them on a towel, fold it over & squeeze out excess water. Then leave in the sun to dry Does your little one enjoy water play?
24.01.2022 Change up water play with these two additions First off, I added some powdered milk to coloured water to create ‘strawberry milk’. Next, I added a bowl of ‘whipped cream (shaving cream) which took this water play to the next level Both kids (2yrs & 4yrs) LOVED this set up, and many strawberry milkshakes were served. I know this looks messy, but it was totally worth the thirty minutes of play ... Here’s the best bit though- it honestly didn’t take long to clean up (we did this outside). A quick hose down was all that was needed. This was such a hit, I will definitely do it again. Will you try it too? Let me know below!
22.01.2022 Something new is coming... Unicorn lovers get ready - I’ve created a playdough kit just for you! Featuring scented playdough and new packaging, I just can’t wait for you to see it. Kits go live on the website Monday 5pm (AEST) In the meantime, check out my stories for a sneak peek ... Any guesses what the new scents are? I’d love to hear them!
20.01.2022 Have you ever had this thought? I have. Here’s what I’ve learnt When my son was a toddler, I started seeing sensory activities on social media. I thought they looked fun, but every activity I did felt like a total fail. Here’s the thing though- I’d forgotten that a five minute attention span for a toddler is actually great. If you’re finding sensory play frustrating, these tips may help:... Realistic expectations - generally, attention span is three-five minutes per year of age. Follow your child’s interests (which may not be the activity you just saved on Pinterest). Keep activities open-ended, don’t try to direct play. Use sensory bases that are quick and easy to prepare e.g. a bowl of water and some kitchen utensils. Most importantly - don’t try and force it. Can you relate to this? If you have a friend who can also relate, share these tips with them too
20.01.2022 How to create taste safe foam in five minutes This foam is soft and fluffy, and perfect for little ones who like to taste test. Better still, you can make it using just two ingredients: Drain the liquid from a can of chickpeas (optional - add food colouring) ... Add 1/4 tsp cream of tartar Mix on high for 5 minutes I decided to experiment and make second batch using the liquid from a can of cannellini beans. It worked fine Miss 2 decided to have a taste test - safe to say, she didn’t go back for seconds Mr 4 made bowls of ‘ice cream’, and they both had fun making handprints. If you know a little taste tester who would love foam play, save this recipe or share with a friend.
20.01.2022 I remember vividly the first time I held my baby girl, at one week old. That wait felt like the longest week of my life. Giving birth prematurely was something I was completely unprepared for - an emotional rollercoaster. The sadness of going home without my baby. The joy when we walked out of the hospital for the last time. My baby girl turned 2 last week, and this milestone is giving me ALL the feels. I am so grateful my tiny baby is now a healthy, sassy toddler. I’m sharin...g this with you because we all face challenges as parents, and I am no exception. . If I could go back in time, I’d remind myself to celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. Because each one was a step closer to going home. What parenting advice would you give yourself, if you could go back? See more
19.01.2022 How to create neon water with one ingredient This neon swamp bug hunt was so much fun my 4yr old asked for it two days in a row The cloudy, neon effect kept the bugs well hidden. I did it by simply adding 3 tbsp cornflour to the coloured water. ... Miss 2 was here for the pouring and scooping, while the bug hunt I added in for Mr 4. When they had all been found, he’d dump them back in and start over. The second time around, he began classifying and sorting the bugs in a muffin tray. He also decided to try catching them with a whisk. This is why open-ended play is so fantastic - he initiated all this himself without any adult direction. Save this one for next time you do water play
17.01.2022 Let it snow with just two ingredients This snow is one of the easiest sensory bases to make. It’s soft and powdery, but also mouldable (perfect for building a snowman). Here’s how to make it:... Mix 1 cup of shaving cream with 1 cup of bi-carb soda. If the mixture is too sticky/wet, add small amounts of bi-carb until it’s the right consistency. This is one of my 4yr old’s favourite sensory bases. He helped to make it (hello shaving cream) and set up his own play tray. There were snowhills, volcanoes, snowstorms - he was very busy! Have you tried snow play before? Save this one if you want to give it a try.
17.01.2022 Bi-carb soda and vinegar with a twist... This was so fun to watch! These foaming ‘volcanoes’ can be made in three easy steps Half fill a jar with vinegar & food colouring.... Squirt in some dish soap. Add bi-carb soda to the mix. Stand back and watch the chemical reaction. This is a great science activity to do with young kids, inspired by Inspired Little Learners. I asked Mr 4 to predict what he thought would happen when he added the bi-carb, and he thought it would bubble. He was amazed when it did a lot more than that! Would your child enjoy this experiment?
15.01.2022 Here are six easy non-food sensory bin fillers you can use at home. These are some that I love when I need something quick & simple for sensory play. For a different sensory experience, try freezing pom poms, adding building blocks to shaving cream, or making ‘soup’ with water & nature materials. . What’s your favourite non-food based filler?
12.01.2022 I often get asked where this large play tray is from. The answer may surprise you Today my 2yr & 4yr old did some painting on our play tray. I squirted paint on and let them go for it. As you can see, there was lots of hand painting. They also used a potato masher, made tyre tracks in the paint, and then painted the cars. This tray is perfect for activities like this - it’s spacious and easy to clean with a quick hose down. It’s also lightweight and easy to store. So is it? Well, it’s crate tray. Probably not what you were expecting! At the time I was looking for large play trays, I wasn’t able to source the commonly used tuff tray. I needed an alternative, and this ticked all the boxes. I love it so much I never did get a tuff tray. What do you use as a play tray?
11.01.2022 If your child enjoys messy play, they will love rainbow slime It was weather week at Little Bookworms storytime, and we had so much messy fun! We had rainbow slime, snow, sunshine (yellow) oats and ‘rain’ water play - swipe to see the action. If you haven’t tried rainbow slime before, it’s really easy to make. All you need are two ingredients (recipe from @messymatperth) ... Mix 2 cup of flour with 2 cups of coloured water If it’s too runny, add more flour I know it looks super messy, but it was actually really easy to clean. The slime kind of just slid off the tray. Little Bookworms is a storytime and play program based in Richmond NSW. If you want to join for this week’s session (Fri 20/11), be sure to grab your ticket before they sell out -
11.01.2022 FARM YARD FUN This simple sensory set up is what we did for quiet time today, when my 2yr old skipped her nap. Sensory play is calming & relaxing, and helped an overtired toddler make it through the afternoon. She spent the afternoon scooping, pouring, stirring & exploring the different textures. Coloured rice is so easy to make & can be stored for months (or longer) - this green rice is from my stash. ... To colour rice: *Combine 1 cup of rice, 1 tbsp vinegar & food colouring *Leave to dry *Store in an airtight container If you’re looking for quiet time ideas, save this & give sensory place a try. What do you do for quiet time at home?
10.01.2022 How to set up small world play with no prep We visited Sydney Zoo over the weekend, which inspired this small world play. I didn’t prep any sensory bases - just tipped them straight from the pack into the tray. For this set up I used: Red & green split peas... Muesli Coloured water You can use whatever you have on hand in your pantry. I added a tray of water, and all the animals were given a bath by my 4yr old. Miss 2 joined in after her nap, washing the animals and exploring what happens when the wet and dry bases are combined (mush!) Does your child have a favourite animal?
08.01.2022 How to make chocolate mud using just three ingredients My toddler and preschooler could not wait to get their hands into this chocolate mud! They helped make it, and were so excited to see the finished product. I love this sensory base because it’s so versatile. Mr 4 added in monster trucks, but you could use dinosaurs, construction vehicles, farm animals etc. It’s also really easy to make ... Mix 1 cup of flour with some chocolate powder / cocoa Stir in 1 cup of water DONE (I doubled this recipe) What would your child add in to mud play?
06.01.2022 Here’s how to make cloud dough that looks like sand Firstly, if you’re not familiar with cloud dough - it’s a soft, crumbly sensory base that’s also mouldable. It’s made with flour and oil, and kids love playing with it (adults too ). You may have seen me add chocolate powder to cloud dough to create ‘dirt’. Well, for this week’s messy play session I needed to create sand, so I added polenta. It’s the perfect colour and texture to resemble sand. ... To make it: Combine 4 cups of flour with polenta Stir in 1/2 cup oil Finish mixing by hand **I didn’t measure the polenta, just added some until it looked right. If your little one is likely to put this in their mouth, bake the flour first as raw flour can contain bacteria. Save this one for when you want to try something new!
04.01.2022 It’s World Diabetes’s something you may not know about me This is me and my insulin pump. I wear it all the time (except in water). I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 23 years ago, right before I turned fourteen. When I was younger, I was really self conscious about my diabetes gear. So this photo is a nod to my younger self - to show that there is no need to hide something that is part of you. (Check out Sick Happens website blog for my diagnosis story). ... Part of the reason for being so self conscious was I hated all the comments and questions. So please, don’t ask a diabetic should you be eating that? Not only is it rude, but it implies that you have more knowledge of my body than I do. (And yes, I can eat sugar ). One final thought - I am grateful to have a disease for which there is treatment. And to live in a country when I can freely access this treatment. This certainly is not the case for all diabetics. What’s something people may not know about you? I’d love to hear it
02.01.2022 If your toddler loves to help in the kitchen, you might want to try this... My 2yr old loves hanging out in the kitchen, so having all these oats to stir, scoop and sprinkle was like a dream come true It was the perfect activity for her. Colouring the oats is not essential - I don’t always do this. But if you would like to, here’s how I did it... Mix 1 cup of oats with 1 tbsp water. Add some food colouring. Mix & leave to dry (or dry in oven). You can mix in a ziplock bag, or by hand (wear gloves). We played with these outside - if you’re doing it indoors use a large storage container to contain the mess. And don’t forget to set clear boundaries before play so you don’t end up with oats everywhere. Oats were the very first dry sensory base I used, over two years ago. What was the first sensory play activity you did? Let me know below
02.01.2022 RAINBOW SNOW This two ingredient snow is one of the easiest sensory bases to make *Mix 1 cup of shaving cream with 1 cup of bi-carb soda.... *If the mixture is too sticky/wet (it should be mouldable), slowly add more bi-carb until it’s the right consistency. This snow even feels cold to touch! I’ve made white snow previously, & this time I added food colouring to the shaving cream .
01.01.2022 Bubble aren’t just for the bath... My toddler LOVES bubble foam, and was waiting with her scoop at the ready as I made it. It’s light and fluffy, and super easy to make Using a hand mixer, mix 1 cup of water with a generous squirt of tear free bath wash and food colouring. That’s it! ... Miss 2 loved touching it, scooping and transferring, and stomping the bits on the ground. She also added in some dinosaurs, and served me dinosaur soup Save this one for next time you’re playing outdoors in the sunshine
01.01.2022 Are you a toddler parent? Searching for a Christmas gift with no small parts? Your search is over It can be hard to find a sensory play kit suitable for toddlers. They contain small parts, or aren’t taste safe. I’m the parent of a two year old, so I get it. That’s why I’ve created a Christmas play kit just for toddlers. No small parts to worry about, and sensory bases containing only food grade ingredients. Best of all, there’s still plenty to keep little hands busy. Ther...e’s two packs of sensory rice (red and green) to scoop, pour, transfer, mix and sprinkle using the handcrafted wooden scoop. To change up water play, there’s also a jar of gingerbread scented fizz powder. Simply add to water and watch the fizzy reaction. This keeps my toddler entertained for the longest time. This is the perfect Christmas gift, because it’s not just another toy. It’s all about hands on fun, which is what toddlers do best. The best bit? Sensory rice lasts for months (I still have ours from last Christmas!) To grab your pack of fun, head to before they sell out.
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