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22.01.2022 From the book "Our lifelong struggles with power and surrender" by Judith Viorst, there is a quote from Therese Benedek, "Parenthood as a psychobiologic process ends only with the death of the parent." Parents invest many years raising children and helping them to become independent. We encourage their separation because this is their life. We need to let go at some point. As parents of adult children we look back on our first years of child-raising, knowing we were in contro...l. Later, despite their lack of experience, our children reach adulthood. However, parents are too devoted, too concerned and never wish to let go.Parents continuously want to guide their children on how to live life.Then comes the issue of grandchildren and how they should be raised. Ruth Caplin believes that controlling our children may serve to maintain our sense of importance, the most important position of life. Issues around this subject are not new. If you have any triouble with this subject matter, I am happy to listen. See more
20.01.2022 Norman Doidge wrote in his book "The brain's way of healing", that learning and exercise together seem to be a good combination. Understanding this is more important today than ever before. People are sitting in front of computer screens for many hours in the day, for work and for recreation. This sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor to many diseases. The simple answer is to walk.
20.01.2022 Robin Youngson writes in her book "Time to care" that compassion is portrayed in the smallest acts. Health professionals who say they don't have time to care will find they can transform their experience by focusing on the smallest things.Kindness and compassion must start with your own family. Do small deeds of kindness before dashing off to work. We live stressful, busy lives, with many interruptions due to mobile phones, however, choose moments early in the day which will help the family and you, yourself, start the day on a positive note. Starting the day, at a slow rate, eating breakfast, taking care of self and others, will make a huge difference in the mood you set for your day.
19.01.2022 Mark Tyrrell writes that a new born baby brings in many changes. There is joy, bliss even, as the newly arrived and longed for child makes its appearance. Or maybe a new arrival brings with it doubts and anxieties, worries or feelings of loneliness. Can I really be a good enough parent asks the adults in the newborn's life? Becoming a parent is packed full of challenges. But for some new parents it's compounded by post natal depression which is linked with the emotional style of the parent, his/her expectations and support network. Never underestimate the value of a strong support network. We have often heard that it takes a village to raise a child. This is the truth.
18.01.2022 Darlene Mininni, is my hero. She has many and she names them in her book "The emotional toolkit". Darlene talks about the difficulties of life. "No matter how charmed your life is, you will experience a range of emotions from joy, love, and exhilaration to sadness, anger and fear. " Does all this sound familiar? I am sure it does. Besides our daily reactions to life, there are cycles of emotion we will all experience. We experience crises and periods of calm and they all infl...uence our identity. In your twenties and thirties you will face the challenges of career and , work decisions, where to live, and then by your forties you will be challenged by the search for a mate. Each time you reevaluate your life choices you are challenged by the thought of have you chosen correctly. In hindsight we know the answers, but at the time of choosing, it is so confronting. You can't always change the decisions made, but you can learn to deal with the consequences in an emotionally healthy manner. We can all learn to live mindfully, taking into account our new choices and making the best decisions at the time. We must learn to evolve, and thus learn to change as circumstances change. Darlene gives us much food for thought. See more
16.01.2022 I found a beautiful passage from my little book Life’s Journeys according to Mister Rogers by Fred Rogers. And he says When people help us to feel good about who we are, they are really helping us to love the meaning of what we create in this life. It seems to me that the most essential element in the development of any creation must be love a love that begins in the simple expressions of care for a little child, and once received, goes on to mature into responsible feelings about ourselves and others. We all benefit from this love when showered upon us as children. We cannot grow without being loved.
16.01.2022 Having a baby? Feeling isolated? Feeling insecure? These are all normal feelings. Mums and Dads all experience these responses to the birth of a new baby. A new person in the home adds tensions, anxiety. worries and joys. When feeling alone and insecure, call for help. Talk to other parents. Join mothers' groups and dads' groups. There are stay-at-home mums and dads and it can be a lonely journey. However, with support of professionals, families and friends, the job can be made into a beautiful journey.
14.01.2022 For those people interested in migration and the journeys that special birds have to make, read "Circle" by the wonderful Australian children's author, Jeannie Baker. In this wonderful book Jeannie tells us about the migration of a little bird, the godwit, who migrates annually from Australia to Alaska. This bird has to go home to breed and the journey is treacherous. This is a wonderful story of courage for migrant children who may be torn from countries, friends and relatives. The illustrations are all done by Jeannie who uses collage as her medium. Thank you, Jeannie Baker, for this gift to Australian literature.
14.01.2022 "When did life become so complicated? There was a time in our childhood when life was simple, and we had the time to do all manner of things, like chasing a hula hoop down a path or noting the colours on the horizon. Adulthood, in comparison, is a series of chasing loose ends in a land of distraction. We’re in constant motion, zigzagging from one thing to the next - barely attending to one need before another jumps in our path. Over time, accustomed to distraction, we activel...y seek it out, deploying technology and the media to aid us in our quest to fill our lives with as many diversions as possible. We measure our success by the sheer volume of information we consume, the number of events we attend, places we see, how many facts and figures we can roll off our tongue - this is progress, we say, this is the meaning of life. But in the early days of psychology, it was attention - not distraction - that was championed. Attention implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others, wrote psychologist William James. It is a condition which has the real opposite in the confused, dazed, scatter-brained state which in French is called distraction. It is our ability to discard, ignore and block out that enables us to set goals and pursue them; to bolster memory; and to determine where we’re heading. For unless we decide what we’re chasing in life, others will step in and set the agenda for us." This was published in a beautiful local magazine, Womankind. It is a magazine that does no advertising but presents wonderful articles and interviews. It is available in Newsagents. See more
14.01.2022 Jonathan Sacks writes in his little book "Celebrating life" that "we are living through an age of change, one of the most dramatic and unpredictable in the history of the world...{and} the best we can say is: expect the unexpected." One of the important supports to manage these changes is in belonging. Belonging to a family is a great advantage, but if there is no family available then belonging to a group is such a help. At school, hopefully there are groups of friends, spo...rting groups, debating society and more. If that has been difficult, there are groups out in the community for all ages if you look hard enough. Mothers' groups are popular after the birth of a child, I hope the fathers are included as these groups should be called parent groups. Book groups are helpful in belonging somewhere, choirs are a great support. Communal singing is so very good for our health. Voices don't have to be amazing but what needs to be amazing is the will to join. Support groups are good if you have experienced grief, loss, migration,disabilities, domestic violence and so the list goes on. For the older citizens have a look at the U3A (University of the 3rd age ) in your area. They all have a full curriculum of activities at a nominal fee. The main point is to belong somewhere safe. See more
13.01.2022 Clint Greagen who wrote "Reservoir Dad" was interviewed on Life Matters on Radio National on Sat 23rd Dec. It is most interesting to hear what he says about Dads who are at home with young children. A lot what he says applies to the stay at home mum as well. Staying home to raise children is serious business. It takes maturity, dedication and responsibility. Then there is the issue of self-care. Be brave, you parents who do stay home to raise children. The advantages are great and the rewards are never-ending. However, it is a demanding and challenging experience.
13.01.2022 Josh Geffen of the Toowong Private Hospital wrote about postpartum depression in fathers of babies 3 to 6 months after the birth of their babies. PPD may be due to a previous perinatal loss, parenting distress, difficult babies, and their issues such as hormone dysfunction. Seek help, talk to your partner, call me on skype. We all need to connect and share our knowledge. There is no parent who gets a free ride.
12.01.2022 "Dedication & Determination leads to Excellence"
12.01.2022 Returning to my hero, Darlene Mininni, she tells us that Robert Putnam believed that activities sch as entertaining people at your home, being part of a sports club, volunteering or being a member of a book group, are the happiness equivalent of more than doubling your income. Now that is worth pondering upon and then taking action. Darlene believes that when you feel defeated by setbacks or difficult times, turn to others for help, support, advice. Support groups are a great help. There you have strangers who are experiencing similar difficulties but all are prepared to help and support each other. There is power in numbers.
11.01.2022 Sarah MacDonald wrote in her book Holy Cow: May the long time sun shine upon you (with hands up in the air), All love surround you (arms up in the air), And the pure light within you guide you on your way.... I must find peace in the only place possible. From within. See more
11.01.2022 Kyra Maya-Phillips wrote a wonderful article in the magazine, Dumbo Feather, which is published here in Melbourne. Her article was "Reading ourselves awake." Having migrated from Venezuela to the U.S. she discovered Jane Eyre, by Bronte. From this connection she learned how literature can enhance one's life.Through the reading of novels she learned about the human experience, helping us all to understand our internal and external worlds. Through reading we experience compassion and satisfy our curiosity. This magazine has wonderful articles, no advertisements, and is simply a joy to hold. There are many articles and interviews with interesting personalities who are generous of spirit and have much to teach us, such as Mariam Issa, Ronni Kahn. Such women are an inspiration and wonderful examples of generosity.
06.01.2022 There are many books helping mums to stay home with babies, but Dads, please check the internet and your local libraries. There are books for you, too. Remember counsellors can also help with issues that you find troubling. Online counselling is a great help when alone at home with children.
06.01.2022 Fred Rogers has many gems in his little book "Life's journeys. We all play different roles in life, whether domestic, academic or services industries, but "nobody else can live the life you live. And even though no human being is perfect, we always have the chance to bring what's unique about us to life...no matter what our age, no matter what our condition, life's disappointments often show us the limits of what we're able to do. But, of course, in dealing with them, we just might create a new forward striving." Meet the challenges with courage and be surprised at the outcomes.
05.01.2022 One of my favourite books is "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" a story by Richard Bach on the subject of dedication and determination. In this little book Bach illustrates how with determination a little seagull could climb to great heights. The lessons learned in this little book are inspiring and encourage us to aspire to be the best we can. Live life to the fullest but remember the work needed to get there
04.01.2022 Justin Coulson also writes on belonging, in his book "21 Days to a happier family". During the early years, children seek to belong, consistently. They want their parents to constantly notice what they are doing. They need to feel safe, secure and fulfilled. How parents make themselves available to their children effects their feelings of belonging. They need to feel valued. There are many challenges. Some parents are doing it solo, others are working long hours, some have extra responsibilities. Ultimately it is important to find a meaningful way to build the bonds and strengthen their resilience. Spend time together going to the park, to the beach, walking the dog, reading together, helping the children to love being in your space. Such activities need to be on a regular basis to become enriching sources of happiness and meaning.
04.01.2022 I have a very special book on my shelf, which I have treasured since 1966. "The last of the curlews" by Fred Bodsworth. Bodsworth tells us of the enormous migration of this wonderful bird. He describes the storms, the oceans, the dangers and often despair facing this little bird who has to reach the end of his journey. It is a wonderful story of migration, determination and survival against the odds. It is a most inspiring story to read when we feel life is far too challenging. It is a journey of hope.
01.01.2022 'Continuous effort not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential.' Winston Churchill
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