Mirato Coaching in Dover Heights, New South Wales, Australia | Coach
Mirato Coaching
Locality: Dover Heights, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 414 702 054
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25.01.2022 Please reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, scared or like it is all too much! Do not struggle alone, you deserve more! ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Are you climbing the walls? Is time standing still?... Do you feel caged in? Are you waiting for life to begin? ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Have you cleaned your cupboards? Have you mopped your floors? Did you cuddle your loved ones? Have you baked and left crumbs? ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Are you reaching out? Are you connecting with friends? Or are you hiding away? Is there nothing good to say? ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Who is around? Who will you call? What will you say? Is today just the same as yesterday? ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Perhaps now is the time For you to say hello Connect with the person inside of you? Ask that person.... How are you? ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Notice your feelings Notice your thoughts Some days are easier, and some are not How you show up, says a lot. ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? Reach out, reach out Someone somewhere is feeling your same doubt When oh when will we be let out? ARE YOU OKAY? HOW IS YOUR DAY? # #payingitforward #contributing2others #onpurpose
24.01.2022 #mondaymotivation - Don't wait, for the perfect time. go out and make your dreams a reality! Everything is Possible.... Get started today! Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step. Naeem Callaway
24.01.2022 The #leadershipatttributesseries - Being a Leader Leaders are easy to recognise, we love to follow them and they inspire us to #bemore, #bebetter & #domore. #Leaders all have specific #leadershipqualities they display consistently.... One of these qualities is: #empathy & #empathyinaction. For some people understanding exactly what empathy is, can be challenging or difficult to truly master. Empathy is defined below but right now I invite you to notice what you are feeling, thinking about, seeing around you, hearing and telling yourself about #selfisolation, and the world as it is right now. This is most likely very similar to what #everyoneelse is experiencing. If you ever wondered what empathy was. and how to feel it, you just did. Please share below what are the qualities of the leaders who inspire you? And Why? "empathy | \ em-p-th \ Definition of empathy : the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner also : the capacity for this"
24.01.2022 #mondaymotivation Ready Aim Fire is what achieves #businesssuccess. If you're not hitting targets yet ask yourself and your team these 3 things: Are you ready to go? ... Are you clear on your vision, your purpose, you're why? Are you aiming in the right direction? Do you have systems and processes to enable you to achieve your vision, purpose and goals? Consistent action and managing your benchmarks working to your standards of excellence to make your #businessgrowthstrategy your reality. Are you firing? Are you taking action or talking about it? Consistent action, followed by testing and measuring your results action before adjusting your next action allows for informed business decisions and faster results. As #businessowners, all 3 are required. Do you have all 3 happening right now? If you answer, yes, keep doing that. But if the answer is no, or you want to increase #profitability and increase #performance, check the comments below and connect so I can support you to find out how to bring all 3 into your business today.
24.01.2022 The way we respond is learned. We will all get through this in our way so run your own race as you move through. The winner never looks left or right they stay in their own lane. So why not do that!
24.01.2022 What would you be willing to give up that you need?
24.01.2022 Accountability #LeadershipAtttributesSeries - #accountability Inspiring leaders set a goal & hold themselves & their team accountable for the outcome because it creates a successful Environment.... Teams want to know the success criteria & be acknowledged for their achievement. Without accountability, none of this is possible. Deadlines are missed, passion diminishes & frustrations soar. Inspiring leaders are infectious & develop future leaders. They build accountability throughout their team. Joe Dumars said, "On good teams, coaches hold players accountable, on great teams players hold players accountable." 5 Steps to be an #accountable #influential #leader 1. Take all the blame & give away all the credit 2. Know your goals & what is required to achieve them 3. See accountability as a #businessgrowthstrategy because when we are accountable we can influence outcome & achieve results. 4. Sometimes things dont go according to plan, but when you take responsibility, you can instantly learn from your error & begin to develop mastery in a new skill because of the #learning process. 5. Always own your errors and act quickly to resolve them. This is what inspiring leaders do! Dont miss downloading 27 EMPOWERING WORDS & PHRASES TO START USING IN YOUR CONVERSATIONS, TODAY. Comment below
23.01.2022 Habits of Successful people incl: early starts, exercise, meditation, risk-taking, clear goals, plans, actions, they love feedback & practise gratitude. WHICH HABITS SUPPORT YOUR SUCCESS...OR ARE SUCCESSFUL HABITS NOT FOR YOU? What if you could have success through your habits? Perhaps youve tried, but you keep slipping into your old ways. - Do you wish you had different results?... - Do you blame others, defend or justify your outcomes? If you answered yes, its likely, you arent getting what you want. Truthfully, its a mind game, because successful people all own their results the good & the bad. When you decide to take responsibility for your results, it changes everything, you can finally influence your outcomes. Ownership is the first step to a different result. There is a way to stop blaming procrastination, self-sabotage & quiet any negative self-talk. If this is you or someone you know, draw a circle & write everything that you can control & influence inside the circle. (Hint this is about you not others). You can take control now. We are all able to choose how we are being. - Our attitude - Our self-talk - How we respond. If you want successful living, take the 1st step, take responsibility for your results good, bad & ugly. You decide what happens next! 1.00
23.01.2022 Lets do this Australia!
22.01.2022 #leadershipmindset #leadershipatttributesseries #leadershipp is an inside job", it begins with you!" What #leadershipqualities do you think are required to excel in the current economic, health and stretched and stressed environment?... Curious to hear your view. How will you #influence your results? #businessresillience #businessgrowthstrategy
22.01.2022 Every day, progress trumps perfection - where have you made progress this week?
21.01.2022 #committment #leadershipattributesseries Leaders all have this one thing in common, they are all #passionate, #committed and #driven to achieve their goals and it is so much more than that, they can influence others to join them on their journey. A plane needs the pilot to direct it because 99% of the time, it is off course.... Great leaders do the same, they may veer off course at times because of daily distractions, but they always return their focus to where they are heading. Im curious, how are you managing all the distractions in your business right now? 1. WHY: Do you know your why? Are you absolutely committed to the outcome you are trying to achieve, or are you just interested? Check your response carefully, because this will determine your results. 2. WHO ELSE: Who else is your goal for, motivation increases when we can meet our core need of #contribution2others 3. WHAT: What are you committed to achieving Do you have a SMART result you are aiming for (Specific Measurable, Achievable & Timed) that you are aiming for? 4. HOW: Have you planned out how you will get there? Or not yet? What steps are in place to guarantee your success? 5. WHO: Who must you influence to stand behind you on this journey? Who will you engage as your coach, mentor or guide to champion you? Who do you trust that you can delegate to? 6. WHAT IF: What will happen if you dont reach your goal? How will you feel if you dont reach your goal Do you have these answers yet? #businesscoach #businessgrowthstrategy #influence Want steps to boost your #leadershipattributesand #leadershipqualities, PM me to receive your Workbook direct to your inbox. * Kenneth Blanchard quote adapted.
20.01.2022 When you make #business decisions based on your emotions, you are setting your business up for failure. Good #business and #leadership must make decisions and management manage utilising facts and evidence #Turnoverrr, $$$ in the door, #profitability) and benchmarks of excellence. This does not mean you ignore the impact of your decisions on your people, resources and business future, instead, it is how you make #businesgrowth and #businesscontinuty decisions.... If you are struggling to make decisions using evidence rather than emotion, lets get together to explore how to make better business decisions! Want more from your business? Why wait, lets #makeithappen! PM me!
19.01.2022 How are you juggling all the new roles you are playing right now?
19.01.2022 Letter to the business owners who are succeeding despite Covid-19 Dear #businessowners I see you, I see the way you are working, I see how you are leading your team, your business, and yourself. ... I want to recognise you and thank you for doing business the way you do it. I want to celebrate your success because you are a key part of making our economy bounce back even faster when we come out of this phase. Do not feel uncomfortable for your success, feel proud. Feel pleased. You are serving others and keeping the economy going because as soon as we come out of lockdown, you will be the ones to help kickstart our economy, spending the dollars youve earned to eat in cafes, bars and restaurants, support our retailers, return to the gyms, travel around Australia supporting our tourism industry, reinvigorating employment in Australia. Thank you for helping keep Australia great! #Strongertogether #Payingitforward #contributing2others #leadersshipattributesserties #empoweringothers #businesscoach
19.01.2022 #feedbackfriday If your attitude is poor you are starting on the wrong foot - and if your team member's attitude is poor - I recommend you: Check if your team member walks, talks and reflects your business values? If the answer is yes right person right place , time to problem solve! If the answer is no invite that person to change or move on.... Everyone, especially your business will be better off even the person with the poor attitude! #performance #businessgrowthstrategy #F!Mediocrity
19.01.2022 #mondaymotivation - Be your sky! X Stop the voices in your head telling you you cannot X Break down the beliefs that do not serve you X ignore the naysayers ... And step into your power - Your power to say YES to Committing to what matters to you YES to Upgrading your beliefs YES to Changing Your Actions not your goals YES to an Accountability Buddy YES to Askling for help YES TO YOU!!! #businesgrowthstrategy #businesssuccess #businescoaching
19.01.2022 #Empathy Explained - The #LeadershipAtttributesSeries - Being & Becoming An Inspiring Leader Leaders are easy to recognise, we love to follow them and they inspire us to #bemore, #bebetter & #domore. #Leaders all have specific #leadershipqualities they display consistently.... One of these qualities is: #empathy & #empathyinaction. For some people understanding exactly what empathy is, can be challenging or difficult to truly master. Empathy is defined below but right now I invite you to notice what you are feeling, thinking about, seeing around you, hearing and telling yourself about #selfisolation, and the world as it is right now. This is most likely very similar to what #everyoneelse is experiencing. If you ever wondered what empathy was. and how to feel it, you just did. Please share below what are the qualities of the leaders who inspire you? And Why? "empathy | \ em-p-th \ Definition of empathy : the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner also : the capacity for this" Mirato Coaching
18.01.2022 Inspiring leaders demonstrate these key leadership attributes. Great leaders aspire to have these attributes, live them and pass them on to others.
18.01.2022 #mondaymotivation What are you doing today to focus on your "forgotten" leads to show them the love of being your existing customer. There's lots of different research out there. Most of the research shows that it costs between 6 to 7 times more to get a new customer vs. keeping the customers you already have,"according to Ali Cudby, who is CEO of Your Iconic Brand, a marketing firm based in Indianapolis.... Love to know how are you connecting with existing customers who haven't purchased recently? - Emails - Telephone calls - Special offers - Discounts to return Or are they forgotten? WHERE ARE YOU LEAVING $$$ ON THE TABLE? #profitability #businessgrowthstrategy #businesscoach
18.01.2022 #LeadershipAtttributesSeries - Being & Becoming An Inspiring Leader Today
18.01.2022 Is your #businesscoach being kind expecting 8 pushups instead of 12? Activating your business results #businessstrategy #businessgrowth #businessdevelopment
17.01.2022 Leadership comes as we step up, and guide others to act, for the greater good of all. Inspiring others is second nature to this amazing lady. Well done Janine Khosid!
17.01.2022 Without a #goal, we are aimless, unclear on actions required to achieve our goals. #businessowners become servants to the business & their team, fighting fires and reacting. There is little or no time to consider what will propel them to #UltimateBusinessSuccess, their #businessgrowth, #businessprofitability & #businesssuccess.... None of this is rocket science, but it is the difference that makes the difference. A structure emphasises your focus, making achieving goals possible & far more likely. Disruptive team members, operational fires distract, because they are urgent. Steps to propel you forward Set the goal, strategies key steps Prioritise steps with the most significant impact, considering time, resources & $$$ Break the steps down to avoid overwhelm Identify key milestones at the 12, 9, 6 & 3 months Break that into months & weeks Crucial to your success is testing & measuring. Use Sunday night for your weekly goals, Wednesday for check-ins & remember to celebrate your wins on Friday. THEN HIT REPEAT! Each week, notice how your consistent action is achieving the smaller steps. Have you checked your progress today? Will you achieve your quarterly & weekly goals? What must you do: More of? Stop? Start How did you go this week?
17.01.2022 How are you maximizing your ROI from your team. Do you know when to lean on specific members? Or not.. Are you clear on the strengths and weaknesses of the team and your colleagues? Or not...... Perhaps as the leader you think you know how to motivate, engage, support and challenge in order to maximise that team ROI but... Are you getting the results you want? And. Can your team members do the same with their colleagues? If not. Lets talk. Why wait?
17.01.2022 #mondaymotivation As we count down to the end of 2020 Remember the challenges you have overcome... The wins you have achieved The time spent with people who matter ... And that some have been less lucky than you. It is in our #gratitude we can truly appreciate and notice how we can help those around us. Make 2021 a year of generosity, #kindness and love! Wishing you a 2021 you deserve!
17.01.2022 If you havent booked yet, PM me for a complimentary ticket!
16.01.2022 Words have so much power and the ones that we hear in our heads are a key to success in business, personally and professionally. Your can words persuade and empower yourself and others. You can not achieve the results you say you want until you are conscious of the language you use every day. ... I like to call the disempowering words like "I cant", "I dont know," "I cant decide" our gremlin words. Superwords empower and engage and are guaranteed to instantly improve outcomes. Superwords include "This matters because," "I choose to," "I choose not to"etc. Who wants a copy of Empowering You and Your Team, 27+ Superwords & Phrases To Start Using In Your Conversations Today With Mirato Coaching & Judith-Rose Max
16.01.2022 #Businesssuccess #businessgrowth Blame creates blockages, Questions create momentum, Momentum create results! Momentum generates results!... - Where are you unclear about your goals? - Where are you disorganised? - Where are you not doing what needs to be done? - Who do you not have on your team yet? Start asking yourself these questions and you start to win #growthandprofitability #businessgrowthstrategy #businesscoach
16.01.2022 Looking forward to sharing how to unlock the door to your success tomorrow at our free lunch and learn on zoom tomorrow. Pm me to join us.
15.01.2022 Language is such a powerful thing, how are you taking advantage of being at home?
15.01.2022 Which business associates will you connect with today?
14.01.2022 Learn more about inspiring leaders and #committment here https://www.facebook.com/miratocoaching/videos/819249908587275/
13.01.2022 The #LeadershipAtttributesSeries - #communication "Your communication has the power to inspire others," so remember these 5 things as you speak: 1. Language is our communication power, our words can be disempowering or empowering - Which words are standing in your way of achieving your goals? ... For 27 EMPOWERING WORDS AND PHRASES TO START USING IN YOUR CONVERSATIONS, TODAY write " " in the comments & Ill PM you a copy. 2. Communication is so much more than the words we use, it is our physiology, tone, our compassion and our curiosity. 3. Communicate as if you are giving someone a gift, in a way that lights them up. Do this by mirroring their speech, their tonality and their energy. 4. We all have a sign on our forehead that says " " " and when you communicate with this in mind you will always connect with the other person no matter what your message. 5. communication | \ k-my-n-k-shn \ Definition of communication 1a: a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviour, also: exchange of information #businesscoach; #businessresults
12.01.2022 Sensational working with people who are clear exactly how they serve their amazing clients - creatives and innovative entrepreneurs. The Pen Accounting experts in their field, delivering business solutions to creatives with passions, integrity and excellence. Thanks for having me Kirsty Donachie & Elodie Rodrigues :)... #values #Businescoach #WorkingonBusiness #LoveYourWork See more
12.01.2022 Stop getting triggered - 3 steps to help. Are you ever triggered by something or someone? Do you react instead of responding?... Perhaps a question, or suggestion from someone, & suddenly you react. One look at them, and you realise youve gone too far; your reaction is out of proportion. And the worst part, its not your first time. Or have you mastered masking your emotions? #Leaders manage their #emotions, & your reaction wont #influence, #lead or #inspire your team. Your immediate next step is to apologise, showing your #vulnerability, a key to great leadership. Now, its time to learn to STOP REACTING & START RESPONDING - We must uncover the cause, to resolve it? 3 STEPS: Acknowledge & own your story/ emotions Ask yourself: - What feeling does this elicit in me? Anger, fear, shame etc. - What are you making this mean about you/ someone/ something? - How can you start a resourceful dialogue & design your new response? Explore diverse perspectives? Brainstorm possibilities? Test your feelings, check if youve resolved the old emotion, or you need to do more? If you notice any unease/ resistance, remember you dont have to do it alone. #leadersleadthemselvesfirst Want to emerge from emotional baggage & lead effectively, lets connect, link in comments below.
12.01.2022 #mondaymotivation - Life is for living! Spring has sprung and the world is a different place. An even more compelling reason to live your life to the fullest!... What will you do today that makes you feel alive? What will you do today that sets you up for tomorrow? What will you do today that fulfils yesterdays promises? Avoid waiting, wishing, and hoping and become the director of your own life... Dont know where to begin, lets make it happen. Lets talk. - https://lnkd.in/gN9ApDY #business #businessowners #sustainable #businesssucess #businesscoach
11.01.2022 #mondaymotivation "The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings, and seek out ways to make life better for those around us"... Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year. xxxj
09.01.2022 If it looks too good to be true it probably is. Take care with shopping online. Too many people I know have been taken in by the sophisticated scanner who’s sole focus is to scam. It is not a reflection on you at all so keep your eyes open and avoid any losses. Rickard Warns, Watch out for popular products being sold at prices much lower than on other websites and sellers requesting payment through direct bank transfer or cryptocurrency, https://au.finance.yahoo.com//black-friday-shopping-scam-w
08.01.2022 Questions you could be asking in these challenging times Turn on your inner magic to thrive in these trying times. #SME Questions to ask yourself and your team right now... for your #performancecoach #businessgrowthstrategy #businessresults... What have we avoided doing that we could pursue now? What is no-one else doing? What could we do differently? Who could we collaborate with? How can we use this downtime? Who could we leverage with? What must we take care of right now? We can choose watch, wait and hope things will change or take action and turn on our own inner magic! Curious to hear what steps you will take that are different today? Mirato Coaching
08.01.2022 On Tuesday, Russel Pillemer shared insights into the opportunities in the small caps market, which continues to outperform the large caps. (Despite large caps attracting the lion share of the investment) One of the most interesting facts for me and others in the session was the enormity of the private equity markets in small caps where only 2% is listed, and the private market represents 98%. So for the unsophisticated investor, investment is near impossible, making the #best...fundmanagers the only choice. Russel highlighted some of what fund managers look for when assessing where to invest, and this criterion is exactly where I focus when working with my clients. As their #businesscoach we target #businesssuccess through #sustainability, #replicability, and #scalability. Where are you focusing your attention in your business today? #Sustainable Business model #Aligned, #Disciplined,and #Motivated #Management Strong #Balancesheet (ability to cover your upcoming growth strategy), to name a few. And if it is not these areas, it is time to #rethink your big picture view of your business and stop #workinginthebusiness and start #workingonthebusiness Thanks, @Ivan Kaye and @Jeff Glazer for having me join this session. Where is your focus today? #businessgrowth #businesssucess
07.01.2022 #mondaymotivation we hold the key to unlock limits we place in our minds. Often we are so convinced of our limits we don't attempt to refute them. But what if we could unlock the key to blow up our limitations holding us back?... I'd love to share the story about the elephant, the largest, heaviest land animal that could crush anything, held "prisoner" with a little piece of rope, locked in prison because of his unequivocal belief he cannot escape. A man at a zoo noticed some adult elephants tied to a tree with a thin rope while other animals were caged or heavily secured. He asked a trainer how it was possible to stop the elephants wandering away. The trainer revealed that when elephants were babies, they used the same rope, but then it was strong enough to stop the elephants from running away. As the elephants got older and stronger, we never changed the rope. The elephants did the rest with their minds. Despite being strong enough to escape, they never tried. Do not be like the old elephant. Be inspired by the young elephant and escape your chains of limiting beliefs that hold you back from achieving your dreams. And if you want some help, PM me so we can unlock your chains together. #businesscoach #Businessgrowthstrategy #mindsetmastery
06.01.2022 "Avoiding making tough decisions is like refusing to pay the ransom when someone kidnaps your mind." The time, energy and effort that gets sucked away from your main game is far greater than you can imagine. Ask yourself, what will happen if I am still avoiding this decision in 12 months from now, and you will quickly realise the cost of avoiding your tough decisions. Can't see the wood for the trees, stop holding your mind to ransom and start making tough decisions, a ind...ependent perspective will propel you forward, let's discover how to move forward today. https://calendly.com/mirato/timeisnow See more
06.01.2022 And imagine what is possible when we add speaking kindly to ourselves!. If your inner critic is working overtime right now, it is time to connect and have a chat with someone who champions and challenges that inner critic of yours!
06.01.2022 Back by popular demand - we are running this session again on 20 January, Book now to Jumpstart your goals for 2021 and kick 2020 to the kerb in the most polite way. Join me for our next session on 20 January 2021 at 9am.... "This morning a few of us were lucky enough to partake of Judith-Rose Max’s Planning and Strategy Workshop. I highly recommend you invest in yourself to assist you in clarifying what your business plans for 2021 are and how to articulate and map out your goals. Judith-Rose is a superb presenter and a highly valuable resource who can assist you." Greg Woods https://calendly.com//jumpstart-your-2021-financial-goals-
04.01.2022 Thank You! Youre awesome we have 100 likes!
03.01.2022 #businessowners, #leaders, what are you doing that you really do not want to do in your business right now? Do something every day that you dont want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain. Mark Twain #businessresults #businessgrowthstrategy #businessresillience #businesscoach #leadership... with Judith-Rose Max
03.01.2022 #feedbackfriday You can everything you want when you own every outcome! Ask yourself are you above the line or below the line? The moment you take: Ownership, Accountability & Responsibility For yourself, your business, your team, your actions, you can start to influence the outcomes you are getting.... Ditch the Blame, Excuses, Denial & Sense of Entitlement and you are on your way to achieving everything you want in life, business and family. Ask yourself - Am I above the line or below the line? Feedback to me: Always be open to learning a better way #businessgrowthstrategy #businesssuccess #timeisnow If you want a different result, do something different, lets talk!
03.01.2022 Thanks @Victor Perton for your gems in The case for Optimism at todays #BBGForum I facilitated.Thanks for everyones contributions - highlights below Optimism is a choice, 25% is learned & the rest a choice. What if you choose to be optimistic now?... #Optimism is knowing that it will all work out in the end & if it hasnt worked out yet, it is not the end. We can choose our approach, focusing on solutions first & addressing challenges afterwards. Optimism promotes creativity, innovation, great relationships & even more than that it helps you live over the age of 85. #leaders must be realistically optimistic, because without this they may as well do nothing, a devastating decision. Victor shared how to increase your Optimism, some of my favourites: * Smile optimistically * Practise gratitude journal 3 things you are grateful for each night & revisit these before starting your day * Go on a news diet 15 minutes twice a day, enough to keep you informed * Exercise * Meditate * Be aware of your language Asking people what is the best thing in their day spreading Optimism * Say thank you * Laugh optimistically * Be your best possible Self My favourite: THE LEADER IS THE ONE YOU SEE IN THE MIRROR. Optimistic Leaders are infections, how are you infecting others today?
01.01.2022 #Communication #Feedback #WinningTeams If you want to be on a winning team, it is critical you bring 3 intentions. 1 - You want to win... 2 - Be willing to do what is required even when things get tough 3 - Be open to giving, receiving and acting on feedback Winning doesnt just happen, it takes a goal, a plan and key steps to achieve the result you desire. Ive missed more than 9000 shots in my career. Ive lost almost 300 games. 26 times, Ive been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. Ive failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan How do you contribute to being a part of a winning team? #BusinessSuccess #BusinessResults #BusinessCoach #BusinessGrowthStrategy #Profitability
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