Miss Grey Photography | Other
Miss Grey Photography
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25.01.2022 Online Auction for QLD Flood relief.
25.01.2022 Under Mum's careful watch... Brahkle (or Brahckle) - Speckle Park X Brahman
25.01.2022 "Life will change without our permission. It's our attitude that determines the ride" Anonymous
24.01.2022 So this year I have branched out & will have Travel Mugs available with 3 different images...now the question is, which images?!? If you could like and/or comment on your favourites, the 3 most popular photos will be the ones appearing on the travel mugs. (Likes = 1 vote, comments = 2 votes) Thanks! Oh & for those wondering if calendars are happening this year, yes they are!! Previews will be available soon :)
24.01.2022 So proud of my dogs yesterday. Love seeing them working from this perspective too.
24.01.2022 Thank you for this incredible drawing Catherine, you do every photo of mine more than justice :)
23.01.2022 This week, my family property is hosting Central Station- Stories from Outback Australian Cattle Stations. The first 2 blogs already published cover the road trip Courtney from Bush Chooks Photography & I took earlier in the year while the next 3 were written by the very talented writer, Margareta Osborn about her journey over with her family & subsequent 3 month stay. Here is the first blog, please head over to Central Station to catch the rest. Hope you enjoy them all :)
23.01.2022 'All good, Dad, I've got this paddock inspection covered...' #bushkids
23.01.2022 "We took a vote & no, you can't have your seat back." Does anyone else have this argument at every gate?!? Jinx & Flora #truckingdogs #shouldbeintheback #toosmartfortheirowngood
23.01.2022 (Or a heifer in this case ) An old photo but still a favourite...
23.01.2022 You tell her, Jingle...
22.01.2022 Pilbara Working Dogs
21.01.2022 Finding that sweet spot...
21.01.2022 Once touched by the gift of a dog's love, life without is unimaginable. They give us their all and only ask for a fraction in return. That kind of selflessness has the power to change everything.
20.01.2022 2 weeks old & beyond cute...
20.01.2022 Helpers don't get much cuter than this....or less helpful! But Linc did make fixing waters a lot more fun :)
20.01.2022 A wonderful friend & extremely talented lady has written another brilliant book behind this gorgeous cover. Please head over & follow Fleur McDonald if you enjoy a great rural Australian novel. https://www.facebook.com/FleurMcDonaldAuthor/posts/10156424982270065:0
20.01.2022 I tried to find a quote for this photo but I couldn't choose one that seemed right. There is something about this image that captures me every time...
20.01.2022 I havent picked up my camera for a while but pulled it out & dusted it off this morning, my apologies for being so quiet. Miss Jinx & I were working with some sheep this morning, down near Naracoorte, SA
20.01.2022 Kelpies can handle just about any job....even being Ring-bearers in a country style wedding. Shaz & April
20.01.2022 **Auction ended** We have raised over $6000 so far for the QCWA QLD Flood Relief, thanks to the incredible generosity of the many people bidding! This has outdo...ne my tentative expectations by far! & it gets better... Thanks to the very generous offer from Joe at Bedrock Village Caravan Park in Mount Surprise to print & frame the canvases for this auction in support of the Flood Relief Appeal, I can now extend the offer to include these 3 items (sizing 20" x 28" valued at $210 each). So the auction now consists of 7 x set photos, 5 x photos of the winning bidders choice. These are 3 of my all time personal favourites. I can honestly vouch that they look incredible on the wall as a canvas or print. Anyone interested in seeing this gorgeous Brahman Calf, Sunset Standoff or Mateship on their wall, please bid on each photo underneath this post. If you would like to bid on any of the other auction items, please follow this link. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2069781926446086&id=684592818298344 Auction ends 8pm WA time Wednesday 13th Feb. *All donations will be made direct to QCWA & will be tax deductible. If you are unable to bid but would still like to donate, please consider any of these organisations. They are on the ground now offering much needed support to those devastated by the floods. Sisters of the North QCWA BlazeAid #pilbaraworkingdogs #qldfloodrelief #everylittlebithelps
19.01.2022 Wishing everyone a fabulous Christmas wherever you may be. Hope it is filled with love & laughter surrounded by friends & family.
19.01.2022 The Kelpie Deconstruction & Landscaping Crew at your service!! Enthusiasm & entertainment guaranteed....though not much else ;)
19.01.2022 Would love some caption ideas for this photo....I'm a little speechless
19.01.2022 **Calendar Update** Printing & binding will be completed today & they will be overnighted to Perth tomorrow, finally! So I will be sending out orders this Thursday/Friday. All calendar orders will include a free greeting card (while stocks last). Thank you to all who have placed orders already, your patience is very much appreciated. If anyone is looking for a great Christmas present, please head over to my website where I have calendars, travel mugs, canvases, prints, pla...cemats & coasters. Have a great week :) Teesh http://miss-grey-photography.theshoppad.com
18.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who has enquired about my calendars this year. Unfortunately, due to time restraints with work, I wasnt able to put them together. I do hope to have a photo book available in the near future though, Ill keep you updated. Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the years & for following my page. Sorry it has been a little quiet lately. Hope everyone has a wonderful Xmas & New Years.
18.01.2022 For all the hard working dogs & horses out there who never give up trying their best to please... IF you can start the day without caffeine, IF you can get going without pills, IF you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, ... IF you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it, IF you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, IF you can overlook it when something goes wrong through no fault of yours and those you love take it out on you, IF you can take criticism and blame without resentment, IF you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him, IF you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend, IF you can face the world without lies and deceit, IF you can conquer tension without medical help, IF you can relax without liquor, IF you can sleep without the aid of drugs, IF you can say honestly that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion or politics... Then, my friends, you are almost as good as the dog by your side and the horse under you. - Anonymous Thanks to Cowboy Dressage (Big Loops & Slick Horns) for sharing these incredible words. Available for purchase via this link -http://missgreyphotography.com.au/products/ifquote
18.01.2022 *Auction Update** Thanks to a very generous offer from Joe, I can extend the 5th item in the auction, "canvas or print of your choice" to 5 canvases, so the top 5 bids will be able to select a photo of their choice. (PLEASE BID ON THE AUCTION POST - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2069781926446086&id=684592818298344 ) All these photos & more are available to choose from, please just browse through the photo albums on here & over at Pilbara Working Dogs to see the... full range. Please bid generously, all proceeds will be assisting those devastated by the QLD flood. Donations can also be directed to Sisters of the North & QCWA #pilbaraworkingdogs #onlineauction #floodrelief #nwqldfloods
17.01.2022 First lot of calendar orders heading to the local post office (I'm pretty sure they dread seeing me walk in there ) Thanks again to Double Diamond Australia & Simmos Kelpies (Simmo's Collars & Leads) for sponsoring these calendars again
17.01.2022 First lot of calendar orders heading to the local post office (Im pretty sure they dread seeing me walk in there ) Thanks again to Double Diamond Australia & Simmos Kelpies (Simmos Collars & Leads) for sponsoring these calendars again
17.01.2022 Travel Mugs, $35 each with Free Postage within Australia Thank you to everyone who voted on which photos to use. Here are your 3 winners. The mugs can be posted out the first week in December. ... Cheers, Teesh http://missgreyphotography.com.au/col/gift-shop/travel-mugs
17.01.2022 10 decks of cattle, loaded, locked & heading south to better feed. #waitingonrain
16.01.2022 Not a bad way to spend the arvo :) Near Pinneroo in SA
16.01.2022 Once again Artwork by Catherine Clark Dowden has done a wonderful job with one of my images. So glad I can provide some inspiration! Looking forward to whatever comes next :)
16.01.2022 2016 Calendars are now available for early orders!! Art work has been finalised & they are on their way to the printers now. All going well, I hope to have them in hand to post out early December. Anyone wishing to send calendars direct to friends or family for christmas, I am happy to gift wrap them & include a card with a personal message. My apologies again to anyone who purchased or received a 2015 Working Dogs Calendar, with the incorrect dates for December. If you ...could please send me a msg or email, that would be greatly appreciated. Full previews available on my website, just follow these links. 2016 Pilbara Working Dogs http://missgreyphotography.com.au//2016pilbaraworkingdogsc 2016 Station Life http://missgreyphotography.com.au/p/2016stationlifecalendar A huge thank you to Double Diamond Australia & Simmos Kelpies (Simmo's Collars & Leads) for sponsoring these calendars again this year.
14.01.2022 A good job compliments you, but doesn't define you...
14.01.2022 Loading 90 decks of cattle out from a feedlot in WA
14.01.2022 Educating some purchased heifers around & through the yards before walking them out to their new paddock. Teaching them to stay together as a mob & respect the dogs as well as us. We'll appreciate this bit of extra time spent with them now when it's time to get them back in again.
13.01.2022 Pilbara Working Dogs plus a few friends...
12.01.2022 Jasper teaching this steer some manners - Mt Gambier SA
12.01.2022 These gorgeous little heart stealers #puppyspam #pilbaraworkingdogs
12.01.2022 Killili Diamond, (Belrieve Meg II x Barru Luke) 12 weeks old & showing everything I could hope for. Her last look at stock till she gets a little older. Killili Working Kelpies
11.01.2022 Linc is a true little water rat. He thought this waterhole was heaven...
11.01.2022 I grew up calling these beautiful birds 'Chicken Hawks'...
09.01.2022 It's always been tricky trying to keep my camera close & out of harms way so I was pretty stoked to find these saddle bags from Double Diamond Australia. There is extra padding on one side & plenty of room for food, drinks, books, camera gear & anything else I might need through out the day. I've also picked up saddle blankets, nose bags, bridles, reins, bull straps & halters from Double Diamond & can't fault the quality or the service. Please head over to check out their page if you get a chance, they have some really great gear. A huge thank you to Double Diamond for sponsoring my calendars each year too.
09.01.2022 Butter wouldn't melt...
08.01.2022 Cattle work at dusk...
06.01.2022 Want a chance to win a travel mug?? Check this Graziher giveaway out :)
06.01.2022 Thank you for such an overwhelming response to this beautiful poem. The original IF... poem was penned by Rudyard Kipling but this interpretation is my favourite. This photo & quote are now available for purchase via the following link http://missgreyphotography.com.au/products/ifquote The photo alone is also available via http://missgreyphotography.com.au/products/loyal-companions
06.01.2022 Jasper cooling off
06.01.2022 Butter wouldnt melt...
06.01.2022 Sunset Silhouette
05.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)
05.01.2022 **Limited number of travel mugs left! Anyone chasing calendars or travel mugs in time for Christmas, please send your orders in by tomorrow morning. I can gift wrap & send parcels direct to friends & family if required. Free postage on Travel Mugs only ($35 each) Station Life & Working Dogs Calendars ($35 + postage) ... If you could please share/like/comment on this post, that would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks again to my sponsors Double Diamond Australia & Simmos Kelpies (Simmos Collars & Leads) http://miss-grey-photography.theshoppad.com/
05.01.2022 I haven't picked up my camera for a while but pulled it out & dusted it off this morning, my apologies for being so quiet. Miss Jinx & I were working with some sheep this morning, down near Naracoorte, SA
04.01.2022 These Brahckles have some beautiful colouring
04.01.2022 "Wait wait, gotta get my good side...." One very cheeky little calf who was more than happy to pull out the poses. Dandaragan WA
03.01.2022 I tried to find a quote for this photo but I couldnt choose one that seemed right. There is something about this image that captures me every time...
02.01.2022 Would love some caption ideas for this photo....Im a little speechless
02.01.2022 Part of educating livestock is teaching the lead to slow down & the tail enders to keep up. The mob is only as fast as the slowest animal but you also want to teach the cattle to stay together as a mob & not get left behind. This is especially important for young weaners & calves to learn as the safety of the mob can help protect them from wild dogs.
01.01.2022 Barru Colt, one cool little dude...
01.01.2022 Travel mugs have arrived & I am really happy with them! The photo is printed on a fabric sleeve which is easily removed for washing & the images have come up beautifully. I will be posting travel mug orders out on Tuesday so if you keen to grab a mug ($35 each, free postage within Australia) to be sent out with these first orders, please follow this link: http://missgreyphotography.com.au/col/gift-shop/travel-mugs *calendar update - I am jinxed, I swear! The calendars have been printed but the binding company have had a machine break down. They will be crossing the Nullabor this week coming & I will turn them around asap. Thankyou for your patience.
01.01.2022 Bindi's version of heaven...anything to do with cattle. She knows we'll be loading some up shortly.
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