Miss Orderly Linen Labels | Other
Miss Orderly Linen Labels
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25.01.2022 Oh dear Glen Boss! We say Bravo Michelle. We think its a rare woman who wants to call out sexism because they know full well that theyll be berated by gentlemen such as Glen. Not always in a horrible way. Just in a way that is meant to subtly put the outspoken woman back in her place.
25.01.2022 Kitty Flannagan and Miss O are kindred spirits. Except she lucked on the lovely, luscious locks:(
25.01.2022 Miss O has been accused of being way too interested in the Blake the Bachelor Hoo Haa at the moment. Methinks Im only mildly interested, not morbidly interested. I havent bought the mag yet! Only done the dailymail.com research!
24.01.2022 Miss O is outraged. I have heard twice this week from gentlemen that they think Rosie Batty isnt mourning properly. I find it amazing that anyone would judge her and yet it appears Mark Latham (who could have been our Prime Minister) also has nothing better to do. Wow!
24.01.2022 Miss O pondering whether Dyson vacuums truly the best?? The new Big Ball (I swear its true!) range just coming out with a price tag around $800-1000 but our vacuum repair man says bagless not the way to go for tough, old, high transport area carpets (he says the dust goes right through them and hes constantly repairing them). My fathers wants one but I suspect his old country house will burn through the Dyson as it did the Hoover and cheap-chinese-Godfrey-stocked vacuum. Thoughts anyone??
23.01.2022 I know it is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel to pick on our Minister for Women but Miss Orderly really thinks he needs to set some better targets for that ministry in 2015!
22.01.2022 Miss O totes agrees!
22.01.2022 She really is my kinda gal. Go well Commissioner Liz
21.01.2022 This is a hard subject but one we all need to think about. Dont wait until youre personally affected. Take the time to consider the issue now and if you agree with Peter then please take the time to support the petition and visit his website and facebook page.
21.01.2022 Miss O invested in a new set of flannelette sheets - a must in this Arctic Freeze weather - and has got them tagged with the labels. Right-hand bottom corner. Now even Mr O will work out how to position the fitted sheet first time every time! PS Bed Bath n Table have some knacky flannelette sheet sets out at the mo.
19.01.2022 Miss Orderly is no way shallow and easily fooled by men but is this new Prime Minister going into overdrive on trying to win the female vote?! Hipster Glasses, Female front benchers, getting rid of the ridiculous Blue Tie, money for Domestic Violence and to top it all off he doesnt say everything twice!
18.01.2022 Now Miss O is a Capricorn so loves to be all matchy-match. And I love a headband too. So love this idea of having accessories to match the school uniform! A great bespoke option (yes they are hand-made) and you have a huge choice of schools to choose from. So those of you that like to see your young-uns neat and tidy have a look at School Pride. And those of us without the young-uns but with the "Tsk- Tsk-Wouldnt-Have-Been-Allowed-In-My-Day" attitude should pass this around. It would be so nice to see a bit less of the gawdy pink shiney chinese baubles......
18.01.2022 We've had problems with our website so apologies if you encountered that. All ok now. Miss O was not taking any notice as she was galivanting at a country wedding. Love a country wedding. So much more relaxed and you have so much more time across the weekend to spend quality time with all the guests. Am on strict 'Nil Champagne by Mouth' instructions for at least a week!
15.01.2022 So the blame for the dismal performance of the Australian cricket team? Well, one Melbourne radio commentator gave serious consideration to the WAGS. Yes, its not that the men played badly. Its the women!! Natch....
14.01.2022 Wow! Who came up with the idea of fitted sheets anyway? They take forever to fold. Have a look at how Pinksofoxy (??) folds her sheets. Shorter than Martha Stewart but surely there is an easier way. Anybody have any better ideas please let Miss Orderly know x
14.01.2022 A client of Miss Orderly gave us a very handy tip. She said she puts her linen labels on the right-hand bottom corner. She said this is especially helpful on fitted sheets as she always knows then that the seam where the label is goes on the right hand corner of the bed. This saves having that other sheet frustration of trying to work out on a fitted sheet which side is the long side and which the short. Thanks Miss Maryanne C
13.01.2022 Today we got a big tick of approval from Brig Duclos on 104.3 Gold FM. Brig had a big rant last week on the What makes my Blood Boil segment and it was all about needing labels on sheets and doona covers. Miss Orderly hates to see suffering so we sent her samples to help out with the Sheet range. Being a well-mannered gal she called to say thank you. Only too happy to help:)
13.01.2022 Miss O wants a new pet. http://www.youtube.com/embed/c36UNSoJenI?rel=0
11.01.2022 We had an order from a Customer today who looks after holiday homes. Shes ordering them in for her clients because she said it will make her life a lot easier when it comes to setting up the houses. She said shes not prone to exaggeration but she said if she had a $ for every time shes picked the wrong size sheets......
10.01.2022 Wow. This was hard first thing in the morning...
10.01.2022 If you have to find something innovative for a Kris Kringle gift or something for the relative that has everything then dont forget about Miss Orderly Linen Labels. $5 per pack plus small postage and youll have in your hot little hands within a couple of days.
10.01.2022 The lack of women on radio came up in conversation over the weekend and Miss O remembered this article. Only written a year ago, yet the female duo mentioned especially as they had recently topped the Vic Breakfast slot have already been discarded. Yes Jane Hall & Chrissy Swan. I wonder why Mix thought they had to break up the successful duo and bring back Matt whatshisname? And did he not receive the memo saying he was a co-host only (and should let his female co-host sometimes finish a sentence!!) As a matter of principle Miss O now will not listen to any shows (or media outlets) that only showcase men. That wont worry those media outlets but at least Miss O can make a small stand.
09.01.2022 This Miss is Famous! Check out Miss Orderly Linen Labels (and 16 other great ideas) on the 17 Bright Ideas Gifts for Mums List: http://www.17brightideas.com.au/gifts-for-mums/
09.01.2022 I cant stop watching this. 10 seconds that will bring a smile to your face. Take it away cute baby goat.....
09.01.2022 Weve had problems with our website so apologies if you encountered that. All ok now. Miss O was not taking any notice as she was galivanting at a country wedding. Love a country wedding. So much more relaxed and you have so much more time across the weekend to spend quality time with all the guests. Am on strict Nil Champagne by Mouth instructions for at least a week!
08.01.2022 Feedback from a happy client...... Dear Miss O, I cannot begin to tell you how happy your linen labels have made me :) ... Thank you! Marion.
08.01.2022 I heart Charlie. And I love the sassy song.
08.01.2022 Miss O pondering whether Dyson vacuums truly the best?? The new Big Ball (I swear it's true!) range just coming out with a price tag around $800-1000 but our vacuum repair man says bagless not the way to go for tough, old, high transport area carpets (he says the dust goes right through them and he's constantly repairing them). My fathers wants one but I suspect his old country house will burn through the Dyson as it did the Hoover and cheap-chinese-Godfrey-stocked vacuum. Thoughts anyone??
06.01.2022 Miss Orderlys little Doggie Admirer Oscar (the one on the right) has gone to doggie heaven. Thanks Oscar for your 16 years of adoration, begging for food and your insistence that I spend my visits at your house playing fetch. And sorry that my Lucy (the one on the left) always acted like you were the most annoying THING she ever had to cope with. Well both miss you xxxx
05.01.2022 For those into Orderliness you should really look at Dr DeClutters website and blogs. (Of course, the name Miss Orderly implies Ill all over being organised BUT (and most know this) Miss Orderly if really a Ms Disorderly). Anyway, I especially love the Doctors Stock Exchange Principle. You should check that one out in the below blog. So simple and brilliant.... And the doctor also made me gasp with the pronouncement, as it so reflects my house, - that if you start to refer to your Guest Bedroom as the Junk Room (oops so guilty) then guess what???? A junk room it becometh.
05.01.2022 Miss Orderly loved seeing Tara Moss on Q&A last. What a talented woman and clearly the best-on-field last night. Smart, interesting and so sophisticated just what Miss O aspires to be!
05.01.2022 I love this. Breaking down the horrible task of decluttering! Im going to make my own list but I suspect I might need more than a couple of days dedicated to My Closet.
05.01.2022 Just finished tagging all my dear Dads linen. Now the home-helper can work out whats what. What a job! There are a lifetime of sheets in that linen closet. Lovely flannelettes from my childhood and those colourful 70s sheets that Santa delivered for Christmas just before I started boarding school. (Thanks Santa - just what every 13 year old Miss wants!!) And there were the good sheets which were just for visitors. Miss Orderly recommends you help out maturing relatives with my tags as remembering what sheet is what is beyond most of us from about age 40!
04.01.2022 Mr Orderly not a fan - hell only do cotton in the undergarments department - but maybe some of you looking for a slightly different gift idea.......
04.01.2022 Miss O not completely comfortable sharing this - she so hates the way Australia is being insidiously invaded by the Gambling companies and this is giving them more publicity. BUT, bad behaviour has to be called out! And youll never guess who is one of the owners of this lovely, misogynistic betting company??? Rupert Murdoch. Wow, that man has given the world so much! Crappy journalism, OTT conservative shock jocks, phone-hacking, corrupt influence on democratic governments and opposition parties, lack of media diversity and now an infiltration of on-line betting companies who think this Tweet is funny.
02.01.2022 This brings back bad memories of when Miss O was in a showgirl comp (a small town event where all girls of an eligible age HAD to enter)!!! That realisation that youre being judged on how you look really knocked me for six. And not in a good way! And if journalists are so into how the athletes look rather than play then maybe they might want to talk to Hewitt about that cap......
01.01.2022 Wow - this made Miss O tear up.
01.01.2022 I swear Im not dog obsessed (or Swedish-Intrepid-Adventurers obsessed!) but this is so heart-warming!
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