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Mitcham Rehab Clinic in Kingswood | Physical therapist

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Mitcham Rehab Clinic

Locality: Kingswood

Phone: +61 8 8271 4122

Address: 9 Princes Road KINGSWOOD 5062 Kingswood, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 MRC OPEN ON Monday November 23rd!!! After the SA Government and SA Health Announcement of the early end to our hard lockdown, we are excited to be able to OPEN Mitcham Rehab from Monday November 23rd! We will be open from 8:30am on Monday morning. As you can all appreciate, we have a huge number of appointments and classes to reschedule due to the missed servicing over the last few days. Our reception team are busy working on getting this all organised for opening time on M...onday. Please be mindful of this when attempting to reschedule your appointments. We will endeavour to get you in as soon as we can whilst maintaining our strong commitment to the safety measures that need to be in place for the safety of you, our patients, and our staff. Please see below a list of our services and how they will return from tomorrow; Physiotherapy normal servicing resuming Podiatry normal services resuming Massage normal services resuming SwimEx Hydrotherapy normal services resuming GLA:D Program scheduled timetable resuming Strength and Stability Classes scheduled classes to resume from 4:00pm Tuesday November 24th For those of you with appointments, you will receive a confirmation message today to confirm your appointment time for Monday and/or Tuesday. You will also receive a second SMS with your specific appointment time confirmation as per our normal procedure. If you have any questions, please get in touch! We look forward to being back on deck tomorrow! Ps Do your exercises today .

25.01.2022 With all the interruptions to this last few weeks we have forgotten to post our winners of the Marion Swimming Club Swimmer of the Month - Tarcan has recenrtly recovered from a fracutred collarbone and performed brilliantly for the next competition. He shows great effort and enthusiasm in training! - Maya is somewhat of an early bird and shown her commitment by coming in at 5:00am around altered training times due to COVID which sows great determination and deication to her training. Congratulations to Tarcan and Maya! Enjoy your FREE Physio or Massage on us!

22.01.2022 Come and join us at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre for a morning of all things Running! Matt, Craig and Chris from The Running Company - Adelaide will be there to wow you all! Jokes and running demonstration are an added bonus!!

22.01.2022 Just in time for the Xmas break it's time to announce our Swimmers of the Month for November for Marion Swimming Club - Kenya has been super diligent this year and even hit the surf during shutdown to keep up her fitness. Her attendance at training is exceptional and is noted by her coaches and training partners - Kyan managed to train consistently during the shutdown and booked in extra sessions in both the mornings and afternoons. Kyan made the hard decision to also train butterfly! Huge congratulations to Kenya and Kyan! Enjoy a FREE Physio or Massage session on us!

21.01.2022 Our SwimEx pool is the only one in Adelaide and is an excellent place to get you moving better. We have filmed a set of exercises to show you how using our SwimEx pool can be a gentle way to get strong and relieve pain and improve function for anyone with hip and knee pain. Whether you are returning from surgery, trying to prevent surgery or just got a niggle that is keeping you down, the pool could be for you. Check the video out to see how it all works.

21.01.2022 Our clinic at MSP has a great offer going for the next 2 weeks .... Expert Physio at our clinic inside the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre with NO GAP if you book before Feb 15th! Keep that 2020 vision of a fitter you on track. Get in touch now!

21.01.2022 Our clinic at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre is open and we are looking forward to getting back in and helping you all! If you are a regular to Mitcham and cant get a time that suits, consider a trip to MSP!!

20.01.2022 Sadly, our clinic at Marion Sports Physio has had to temporarily close due to the shutting down of the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre. We hope that this measure can help flatten the curve and we can be up and running again soon. We are still open at Mitcham Rehab as per normal for those that require Physio services.

20.01.2022 Thanks to one of our patients for passing this one on ........ The answer ... ... NO! Dont be resistant, be persistent ! Happy active Tuesday!

19.01.2022 There are only a couple of days left to make the most of our NO GAP Initial Assessment Offer at Marion Sports Physio! Don't let the New Years resolution exercise niggle stop you now. Get in and keep moving!

18.01.2022 With lots of sitting and prolonged postures, we can all get a bit stiff. Continuing on with our series of strength and stretching work, Sam has suited up again for a couple of lower back and hip mobility exercises. Enjoy!

18.01.2022 Congratulations to the January winners of the Swimmer of the Month at Marion Swimming Club!

18.01.2022 Tendon pain is one of the most common presentations to physiotherapy clinics and there are a number of experts claiming they know how best to treat it. As we all seem to have more time on our hands at present, we thought it was a good time to see if we can get you all to concentrate on getting those tendon problems sorted. The rehabilitation process often takes a decent length of time. Have a read and get stuck into your rehab program in readiness for the country to open up for business again! Happy Exercising!

18.01.2022 Keeping your abdominals strong is important for being able to do a multitude of things. Simple exercises such as Dead Bugs are a good way to build your abdominal strength and control. Check out Sam in his active wear going through a few progressions of this exercise for you to incorporate into your daily routine. Happy Moving!!

16.01.2022 Welcome to the next installment of our Isolation Exercises Series. This time we are Bridging! A bridge is a great way to get from one side of a river to another ..... It's also an excellent EXERCISE to loosen up and strengthen your hips, gluts and lower back. Check out Sam in his active wear and see if you can work through these progressions! Happy Moving!!!

16.01.2022 With all this extra sitting at home offices and Zoom meetings, our hips can get a bit tight and potentially give us soreness in your hips and your lower back. Get yourself familiar with this little battery of hip mobility exercises from Matt to keep your body firing! Happy moving!!

15.01.2022 ISOLATION EXERCISES - UPPER BODY WARM UP About now you are all sitting at your newly created home office setups and thinking ... "Gee i'm getting stiff and sore" Time to get up and give Matt's upper body warm up exercises a go! Try and work through these each day to keep the aches and pains at bay! Keep an eye out tomorrow for the lower body version ... Following on each week we will be uploading a video each week on Wednesday at 12:30pm with new exercises for you to try! ... We would love to see you comment on these with all criticism and accolades accepted! Happy moving! See more

15.01.2022 There was no way we were going to do an upper body warm up and neglect the lower body! You know us better than that surely. Some excellent advice and some brilliant laughs from Matt here yet again. Combine this with yesterdays video and you have 9-10 exercises that you can do each day to get you moving for the day! All feedback welcome! Happy to hear from you on future exercise ideas! See you on Wednesday at 12:30pm for the next installment ... Happy exercising!

15.01.2022 We are always on the lookout for exercise ideas to keep you all informed and moving. Inspiration can come from anywhere but .... just stay safe on the return of our #PhreakyPhysioPhriday! Stay safe everyone!!

14.01.2022 MRC & MSP 6 DAY CLOSURE With the announcement from the State Government and SA Health today of the 6 day lockdown we have made the tough decision to TEMPORARILY CLOSE our clinics at Mitcham Rehab from Thursday November 19th to Tuesday November 24th... This decision has not been made lightly. It is our belief that supporting the decision of our health authorities and minimising the amount of travel and potential exposure to COVID-19 for our staff and patients in the next 6 days was the best course of action. As always our aim is to do our best to protect everyone involved with our clinics and the greater population of South Australia. We understand that this may cause some disruption to you and your rehabilitation and we apologise for the inconvenience. It is our hope that this short closure will help SA get on top of this current COVID-19 outbreak and we can get back to business as usual from Wednesday November 25th. We will keep you informed as we know more in the coming days. In the meantime, stay healthy and STOP THE SPREAD! Again, we thank you for your understanding. PS - Remember, you can always do your exercises at home...!!!

14.01.2022 Matt has been at it again, complete with Beetle socks, to give you another set of exercises using small dumbbells (or spare canned tomatoes) to keep you strong! Check it out .. Happy moving!

13.01.2022 SERVICE UPDATE The recent COVID-19 outbreak in SA has seen a number of restrictions being imposed for the next two weeks. We wanted to let you know that we are OPEN with only a slight change to services. See summary below:... - Physiotherapy - normal servicing - Podiatry - normal servicing - Massage - normal servicing - SwimEx Hydrotherapy - normal servicing - GLA:D Classes - normal class times continuing - Strength & Stability Classes - suspended for two weeks due to the number of people in the room exceeding social distancing measures Thank you for your patience and understanding with these changes! We look forwarding to getting back to normal soon! Stay safe! Stop the Spread

11.01.2022 Most of us are now BACK to work. And after you have been BACK for a while you can develop a sore .... BACK with the recent ramp up in the amount of time you spend sitting. Injury proof yourself with our Low Back Pain 101 Insight Article. Happy reading and have a happy and active day!

10.01.2022 Would you like to own a shoe that has been signed by the only person who has run a marathon in less than 2 hours ... ? Watch on ...! A great inititative from our friends at The Running Company - Adelaide to raise money for Animals Australia and Beyond Blue. Check out their FB page and website for more details when they go live very soon ...

09.01.2022 MRC December 1st - COVID Changes After the release of the latest SA Health COVID restrictions and protocols we have a few changes to how you attend Mitcham Rehab Clinic from today. As with a lot of other business you may be visiting, we are expected to keep detailed tracing records of everyone entering our premises. This can be done by scanning our unique QR Code that is placed all around our clinics. If you don’t have a means of doing this with your phone, we have a paper re...gister for you to fill out. To make scanning the QR Code easier we suggest searching for the mySA GOV App in the Apple or Google Play Store. This registers your details and makes it a 30 second job to check into the clinic to register your attendance. It is also now an expectation for therapists and anyone attending the clinic to be wearing a face mask. This includes all exercise classes run at our clinics. We have masks on site if you do not have one. We appreciate that this is a big change. We hope that you understand that these measures are being put in place to help keep everyone associated with the clinic safe. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us on 8271 4122.

08.01.2022 As well as keeping mobile it's important to keep your back strong. Sam has donned the exercise gear again to show off a few back strength exercises you can try at home.

08.01.2022 Choosing the right shoe can be tough! Knowing which one will be right for you can be challenging and often times they arent cheap so you want to get it right. There has never been a busier time for shoe sales with 23 billion pairs of shoes sold around the world each year !!! To help you sort it out, our second video with Chris Chapman from The Running Company - Adelaide shows you how he chooses the right shoe for you. Sam has grabbed the headband again to walk/run you through the exact process. Have a watch then grab your old shoes and see if you think its time for a new pair of wheels ...

08.01.2022 So that you can shoulder the burden of the current situation we are in, we thought it was time for some upper body strength! Keeping strong in your upper limbs is essential for being able to function pain free. Spare a couple of minutes each day to keep you feeling strong and moving well. See you next week for another installment ...

08.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE - March 31 Keeping in line with the latest, ever changing, government issued guidelines, Mitcham Rehab is still OPEN FOR BUSINESS for your injury management and rehabilitation requirements. We are here ready to provide our high-quality level of care. We wanted to update you on our latest procedure and policy changes to ensure we keep you and your families safe during any treatment time with us;... Procedural changes; - Treatment times are spaced further apart to reduce the number of patients and staff in the reception area at any one time - All treatment rooms are sanitised between each patient ensuring all touch points are cleaned thoroughly Continuing procedures; - All staff and visitors entering Mitcham Rehab Clinic are required to thoroughly sanitise their hands using the sanitising gel provided before touching anything within the clinic - Chairs in the Reception area are spaced at least 1.5m apart to adhere to social distancing ptotocols - Mitcham Rehab are strongly encouraging all account settlement and gap payments are made using touchless / pay wave debit and credit cards to avoid unnecessary handling of cash Your responsibility; - If you, or a close contact family member feel unwell or appear unwell, have returned form overeseas or interstate in the last 14 days or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please do not attend Mitcham Rehab Clinic. We request you call your GP or the Coroniavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080 to get further information on what to do next. - Maintain social distancing protocols with all staff and visitors to Mitcham Rehab Clinic - If you need sneeze or cough, please do so either into a tissue, or into your elbow. Our staff will assist with safe disposal of soiled tissues We are proud to continue our service in a safe manner in these challenging times. We thank you all for adhering to these procedures so that we can stay open to assist with your health needs. Please call the clinic if you have an questions about our ongoing services.

07.01.2022 Congratulations to the winners of our Marion Sports Physio Swimmers of the Month for February!

07.01.2022 Shoulder rehabilitation can be slow progress and hard work. Hydro is a great way of getting your shoulders, scapula and thoracic spine moving well and feeling strong. Matt has jumped in our SwimEx pool again to show you a few examples of some exercises that can be great to progress your shoulder rehab. Watch on ...

07.01.2022 It's been a crazy year but there is still time to get those little niggly aches and pains sorted before your health insurance runs out at the end of the month. In 2016, Australians parted ways with $4.5 billion in unclaimed extras! Don't waste your money! Get in next week and get yourself sorted!

06.01.2022 With all this extra wlking and running it has never been more important to get the right shoe. Getting your footwear right is important to not overload the tissues of your feet and legs and the the wrong shoes choice can make unjury and pain worse. We all send you to go and see Chris and the legends at The Running Company - Adelaide and The Running Company - South Adelaide but we thought we would go down and film a couple of videos to show you how it works. Over to you Matt and Chris ...

06.01.2022 Well ... it's what you have all been waiting for .... Matt and Sam in video form! In these challenging times we have lost the opportunity to continue with our Strength and Stability classes and all the gyms have shut around you! Matt and Sam have dedicated some of their Oscar winning talents to creating a series of vidoes that we will be releasing weekly to keep you moving as well as possilbe while you are locked in your homes!... We would love to hear what you think .... Good, bad or indifferent criticism is welcome. If there are particular things you would like to see. Comment here or give us a call. We hope that you get a kick out of the videos and they can keep you moving well. Happy viewing!!!

05.01.2022 We are doing a great job here in SA with keeping COVID-19 at bay! Whilst we can all enjoy some relaxing of the rules its still important to be diligent with your hygiene We have been keen to try and look at everything we are doing at MRC to reduce the risk and one idea we have come up with was to get PENS FOR EVERYONE! When you see us and pay via your health insurance you need to sign your Hicaps receipt. So that we werent having cross contamination with pens, we got these new ones done up! Every patient gets a pen to use and take home so that we are minimizing the spread!! We have had these in the clinic for a few weeks now and have plenty to go around! Feel free to show off your pen when you are out and about with the lifting of the new restrictions! Stay safe! Happy Monday

04.01.2022 Exciting news .... MARION SPORTS PHYSIO IS OPEN!!! We are getting busy again here at Mitcham Rehab so if you can't get in or you live close to the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre then book in to see the team at Marion!

04.01.2022 We have shown you a couple of videos now of how our SwimEx pool can help with rehabilitation and recovery from hip, knee and shoulders complaints. What about backs you ask ... ? Hydro is a brilliant form of exercise for getting moving particularly after an episode of acute low back pain. Gentle mobility to settle down all the pain and spasm is key and getting in the pool and gently getting moving is a great first step. Matt has slipped into his swimmers and demonstrated a couple of great exercises that can help. If you are struggling to move with back pain and aren't sure where to start to get exercising again, this type of exercise is for you!

04.01.2022 It's been a busy week here at Mitcham Rehab and we almost forgot that it's Men's Health Week! Blokes, if you have a niggle or any issues, big or small, do something about it today! Happy weekend all!

03.01.2022 Its been a tough few weeks with more to come but we wanted to wish all of our patients, families and friends of the clinic a Happy Easter! Take a break from the media and work, connect however you can with your families and eat a bit too much chocolate! We will see you all again from Tuesday.

03.01.2022 In the 3rd video in our series with The Running Company - Adelaide we get our resdient Podiatry expert Craig Douglass to take us through some tips on what to look for in a walking, running or trail shoe. Thanks again for Chris for having us raid his store! Happy viewing!

02.01.2022 An update from our clinic Marion Sports Physio at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre. Please note, our services at Mitcham Rehab are AS NORMAL. Our waiting room has been redesigned to have adequate space between patients waiting for appointments. However, to avoid unnecessary waiting times, we ask that you attend the clinic on time to minimize the time you are at the clinic.... Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the clinic on 82714122.

02.01.2022 Lateral hip strength is a key to being strong on your feet and keeping a lot of different potential injuries at bay. Being strong through the hips is an excellent preventative measure against tendon problems, lower back pain and can help you tolerate increases in exercises like walking and running. Sam has donned the headband again to give you 4 simple exercises to injury proof your hips.

01.01.2022 At Mitcham Rehab we are proud to be a leader in evidence-based physiotherapy. With the current events surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to assure you that we are open for business as usual and taking all precautions necessary to keep you, our staff and the wider community safe. Please read here the steps we are taking and head to our website for any further updates moving forwards. ... We are doing everything possible to keep servicing the community and keep everyone on the move.

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