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25.01.2022 #nofilter #garden #itscoming #camillia

25.01.2022 This week's incursions were so much fun,spring edible gardens planted out and tiny seed pots planted to take home. If you think your centre may need help with sustainable practices or your children would love to plant a garden space please get in touch. .Happy Friday #mjcreative #springplanting #ediblegardens #sustainablepractises #holisticeducation #kinderkids... #seasonalplanting #urbangarden #NQS #incursion #gardening #sustainability #lovemyjob See more

25.01.2022 Our new additions to the tribe.A white bantam langshan Calima named Tokyo and a bantam white laced Wyandotte Im yet to name.We lost two chooks in the heat a couple of weeks back,leaving transgender Bob all alone.We have introduced Bob to the two bantams but we will take our time,putting them in the coop,there so little compared to him. #backyardchickens #bantamwyndotte #bantamlangshan #newchooks #urbancoop #fresheggs #reducingwaste #permie

24.01.2022 I brought in a variety of heirloom tomatoes to share with children.My conversation with a 3 year old. Do these look like the tomatoes from the supermarket? No these ones are bumpy.I love teaching children about seasonal produce and that in nature, not all things are perfect. #seaonalproduce #adelaidetoms #heirloomtomatoes #oxheart #urbangardener #teachingkids #summercrops

24.01.2022 "Everything that you do to the Earth, you have to be prepared to do to your mother." We have a lot to learn from the Aboriginal understanding of the environment, says writer Bruce Pascoe.

21.01.2022 A tidy up in my little urban patch,some winter veg in.Heres to bumper crop(hopefully) #diggerscauliflower #wintercrop #endofsummer #herbs #urbangardener #thaichilli #finallygotridofthezucchini

21.01.2022 Stationary for school/work does not have to purchased brand new.Check out Green Collect for all stationary items,they are rescue items from officers that have a over supply. I got most of my childrens stationary list for one third of the retail price. #greencollect #doesnthavetobebrandnew #closedloop #sustainabilty

21.01.2022 Although easy to grow,harvesting this giant with kinder kids was a highlight of M.J Creative. The element of wonder growing and harvesting with children makes my heart swell. #flashback #mjcreative #growingwithkids #giantrussiansunflowers #doinmything #teachingkidsaboutfood

20.01.2022 I feel very honoured to be attending this symposium.There are so many many passionate educators advocating for change. #changeagents #mjcreative #iamwhereimameanttobe #reconcilation

19.01.2022 I love summer in the garden.Altough my business will be on the back burner for a little while I thought I might keep posting. Heres my garden with one months growth,not everything survived,I was away, but had a sprinkler system set up. #urbangardener #summerveggies #notallthingsurvived #heirloomseedlings

18.01.2022 I absolutely love this time year in the garden,this is one reason #peony #locallygrown #summervibes #summergarden

18.01.2022 A while ago,I grew chickpeas for a kinder.Now Im growing them for the first time in my urban patch at home.I am excited for these little treats.The flower on this plant is so delicate and beautiful. #mjcreative #urbangarden #chickpeas #sustainableliving #enviromentaleducation #urbanproduce

17.01.2022 The #Waronwaste program had a huge influence on me.Last year #mjcreative implemented challenges across four workplaces/centres,collecting soft plastics and coffee cups.The idea was to raise awareness,to discover better practise and to reduce unnecessary waste going to landfill. To say I am excited about the second series of #Waronwaste is a understatement.If you feel your centre needs help with,their waste/recycling or are wanting to implement sustainable practises please get in touch.Happy Friday #Waronwasteau #mjcreative #reduceyourwaste #bestpractise #sustainablefuture #curriculum #changeagents #educationforsustainability #QIP

17.01.2022 What a great summer season in the garden,some veggies grew in abundance others eluded me,others just simply didnt take.I was inspired at work to give a zucchini curry soup a go. I can whole heartily say,I will be glad not to see another zucchini again until next year!! Time to prep for winter crops

16.01.2022 The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show.I take myself here every year.I love meandering through.So many talented,creative people out there.Its inspiring #mifgs #gettingmygardenfix #gardeninspiro #mjcreative #landscapedesign #sculptures


15.01.2022 Teaching children about sustainable practices is my passion.They will be the change agents of the future. This weeks session has been all about composting and worms,the kids loved it. #mjcreative #compoststew #worms #sustainabilityinearlyyears #creatingchangeagents #EYF #NQS... #bestpractise #wholecentreapproach See more

11.01.2022 I'm hanging up my overalls for a while,life is taking me on another journey. I want to take the time to thank everyone who has supported my little venture M.J Creative,especially my amazing family. I hope I inspired the little people I taught, to get out into the garden and the adults to understand that once knowledge is passed on,momentum builds and change is inevitable. Much love ... M.J See more

10.01.2022 Almost two months along and check it out!!! When you harvest from your garden and you know,every single meal now has to incorporate either zucchini or cucumbers,or you just pass it on #firsttimegrowingtrombocinos #abundance #summergarden #justneedthetomatoestogored... #lovethistimeofyear See more

09.01.2022 Great little structure to have in the garden space

09.01.2022 When you talk to your kids,about the Victorian parliament going in to vote to introduce the container deposit scheme and they email our local MP voicing their concerns.A pretty proud parenting moment.Its not too late to take action and email your local MP.Everyone in the community can do this #containerdepositschemeforvic #ourkidsareecowarriors #mjcreative #whyarentwedoingthis #sustainablefuture #rethinkingourwaste

08.01.2022 This memory popped up on my personal feed.Fours ago I went to the Seedlings summit.It was a early years sustainability gathering.It was a great networking opportunity and a chance to see what others were doing in terms of sustainable practises. I enjoy teaching and bringing awareness to environmental issues. #mjcreative #sustainablepractises #EYF #QIP #urbangardens #teachingchildrentogrowfood #sustainabilityinearlychildhood #steiner #gardening #

08.01.2022 What has happened over the summer across East Gippy and the N.S.W south coast is nothing short of devastating.The East gippy coast holds a special place in my heart.Regardless of what people in power are doing,we as a community need to support each other. We are going to try and make it to this little festival in Coota. I encourage everyone to go,its a beautiful spot #emptyesky #hopeforabetterfuture #coota2020 #grassrootsmovement #eastgippy

07.01.2022 GOOD NEWS: Victoria will get a cash-for-cans and bottles scheme to help tackle the state's waste and recycling crisis. Hats off to all the community members who championed the cause for so long. Well done!

07.01.2022 Bruce Pascoe, author of Dark Emu, in conversation with Joanne Shoebridge at the Byron Writers Festival.

06.01.2022 First week of term three. The season is slightly changing towards spring.If your centre would like a gardening incursion or assistance with its sustainable practises,get in touch #mjcreative #sustainabilityinearlychildhood #QIP #incursions #PD #NQS ... #teachingkidstogrow #reducingwaste #meaningfulwork #gardening #mykidsontheshovel See more

05.01.2022 Does your centre need some mentoring when it comes to sustainability within your service?Would your children be interested in garden based incursions? Do you need assistant to incorporate environmental education within your programming? M.J Creative offers a variety of services.I can assist with implementing effective practises and creating curriculums which incorporate education for sustainability. Get in touch to find out more.... #incursions #sustainablepractises #education #mjcreative #urbangarden #bestpractise #community #mentoring #plasticfree #educationforsustainability #enhanceyourprogram See more

05.01.2022 A step in the right direction #nouseforsingleuseplastics #plasticbagfree #sustainability

05.01.2022 Reusing seedling punnets with a seed planting activity. #winterplanting #littlepeoplegardening #mjcreative #gardeninginearlyyears #sustainability #seedplanting #incursions #QIP #EYLF #education

04.01.2022 Larry Marshall and Mike Cannon-Brookes outline some problems and solutions that should be considered if Australia is to move towards zero carbon emissions.

04.01.2022 This is brilliant,kids get it

02.01.2022 If you havent had the opportunity,grab yourself a copy of Dark Emu

01.01.2022 #behaviorchange #earthisntabottomlesspit #respectforland

01.01.2022 Compost turning at our place,so many worms doing their thing.Our food waste and green waste can be turned into a valuable resource #reducingwaste #mjcreative #twobaycomposting #sustainableliving #worms #composting

01.01.2022 This is such a great initiative by the City of Yarra.Large organizations,councils should support Replas as much as possible.They create many products from the collection of soft plastics. Check out their range. #softplastics #mjcreative #closetheloop #Redcycle #letsdoourbit #contentmadefromrecycledmaterial

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