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Mk1 Developments in Red Cliffs, Victoria | Local service

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Mk1 Developments

Locality: Red Cliffs, Victoria

Phone: +61 427 147 475

Address: 3 Barn Deet Ave 3496 Red Cliffs, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Soooo come on in, spend $10 and go in the draw , grand prize ... a new car , it’s that simple.

22.01.2022 Proudly supported by ..US

22.01.2022 One for NSW One for Victoria.....

22.01.2022 Then onto the wobble board

21.01.2022 45 cal air rifle anybody ??

21.01.2022 12g Ammo .... shotloads

21.01.2022 Off to its new home

21.01.2022 Had a great weekend and happy to be apart of

18.01.2022 Fluffy lined gun bags ...$35 48

16.01.2022 Great to be involved in the making of a great weekend for the second year running ...

16.01.2022 Coming soon .... pull the trigger.... Push the bolt release... pull the trigger .... Push the bolt release...

16.01.2022 SORRY for the inconvenience , but for those that didnt get the MEMO ..we are CLOSED TODAY.. Saturday 23/2/19 .. But open Sunday from 10 till 2 as normal . Thanks folks .

15.01.2022 Sorry folks , Im down for the count today , crook as a dog, so we will be CLOSED today, Saturday . Sorry for the inconvenience but Im going to bed

14.01.2022 When Henry Ford was asked what color choice there was, he said any color you want , so long as it is black.. Well that aint the case with air rifles

14.01.2022 YES , open today till 2pm , then closed till Tuesday morning 10am

13.01.2022 New kid on the block , very well made, one is designed for solids , the other comes with a fibre optic front sight AND a standard bead as well as pic rail if you are thinking of adding a red dot or optic sight , Made just that little bit better..

13.01.2022 Something for everyone........ shape, size and colour .........

13.01.2022 AWWWSOME job from these folks

12.01.2022 A husband and wife were out Christmas shopping just before Christmas. The wife suddenly noticed that her husband was missing, so she called him on his mobile. The wife said, Where are you, you know we have lots to do. He said, Do you remember the jewelers we went into about 10 years ago, and you fell in love with that expensive diamond necklace that I couldnt afford at the time and I said that one day I would get it for you?... Little tears started to flow down her cheek and she got all choked up saying Yes, I do remember that shop. Well, I am in the gun shop next door to that.

12.01.2022 new savage lineup

11.01.2022 As Anzac day approaches take a moment to remember those who fought for us! Matilda Poppy is dedicated to the Acknowledgement & Support of Living Veterans, wear a Matilda Poppy this Anzac day. To all our brothers and sisters in service past, present & future, we say thank you!

10.01.2022 PRODUCT RECALL LA102 CROSSOVER RIFLE IN .223 REM CALIBRE It has come to our attention that there is a potential barrel defect affecting the LA102 CrossOver rifle in .223 REM calibre.... The potential defect is isolated to LA102 CrossOver rifles in .223 REM calibre only, which have been available for sale between November 2016 to present. Accordingly, Lithgow Arms is taking precautionary action to recall all of the rifles meeting that description. WHAT IS THE DEFECT? Over time small cracks may develop in the barrel of the LA102 CrossOver rifle in .223 REM calibre. WHAT ARE THE HAZARDS? Potential injury from escaping gas from the failed barrel. WHAT SHOULD THE OWNER OF A LA102 CROSSOVER RIFLE IN .223 REM CALIBRE DO? Owners of a LA102 CrossOver rifle in .223 REM calibre should STOP using their rifle immediately and arrange for the return of the rifle to Lithgow Arms via their local gun shop. Gun shops will send the rifles to the Lithgow Arms factory, who will inspect and replace the rifles barrel as necessary and return the rifle to the gun shop for return to the owner. There will be no cost incurred by the owner during the barrel replacement process. Once you have returned your rifle to your local gun shop please register the return via the following link: Registration via the above link will ensure that we are able to keep you up to date on the barrel replacement process and schedule, and will allow you to receive email updates throughout the process. Lithgow Arms will contact you upon receipt of your rifle to the factory to confirm the barrel replacement and rifle return schedule. Lithgow Arms has over 100 years experience in the design and manufacture of superior military and sporting shooter rifles. We stand by the quality and reliability of our products and service. Again, the safety of our customers is paramount. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Best Regards THE TEAM at LITHGOW ARMS

09.01.2022 SORRY for the inconvenience , but for those that didn’t get the MEMO ..we are CLOSED TODAY.. Saturday 23/2/19 .. But open Sunday from 10 till 2 as normal . Thanks folks .


08.01.2022 Ruger All weather 77/22 in 22 magnum . Classic paddle wheel stock. Lovely

08.01.2022 Gun and Ammo Ban Lifted! Victoria Police has declared it will remove the suspension of firearm-related transactions effective 11.59pm Tuesday May 12th 2020. SS...AA Victoria welcomes this decision. Throughout this entire process SSAA Victoria has been engaged in lengthy, proactive discussions with Victoria Police and senior ministerial staff. While strongly disagreeing with the decision to implement the suspension, SSAA Victoria has always maintained that advocacy is the best way to approach this particular issue to guarantee it is removed. This approach was backed by expert legal advice SSAA Victoria received. Licensed firearms dealers will be able to resume normal sales activities. LRD will begin processing PTAs. If you have any questions about the status of a PTA you have lodged we recommend you contact LRD directly. More details will be made known as soon as they come to hand. You can contact LRD for any further clarification.

05.01.2022 Soooo come on in, spend $10 and go in the draw , grand prize ... a new car , its that simple.

05.01.2022 On November 7th, 1920, in strictest secrecy, four unidentified British bodies were exhumed from temporary battlefield cemeteries at Ypres, Arras, the Asine and ...the Somme. None of the soldiers who did the digging were told why. The bodies were taken by field ambulance to GHQ at St-Pol-Sur-Ter Noise. Once there, the bodies were draped with the union flag. Sentries were posted and Brigadier-General Wyatt and a Colonel Gell selected one body at random. The other three were reburied. A French Honour Guard was selected and stood by the coffin overnight of the chosen soldier overnight. On the morning of the 8th November, a specially designed coffin made of oak from the grounds of Hampton Court arrived and the Unknown Warrior was placed inside. On top was placed a crusaders sword and a shield on which was inscribed: "A British Warrior who fell in the GREAT WAR 1914-1918 for King and Country". On the 9th of November, the Unknown Warrior was taken by horse-drawn carriage through Guards of Honour and the sound of tolling bells and bugle calls to the quayside. There, he was saluted by Marechal Foche and loaded onto HMS Vernon bound for Dover. The coffin stood on the deck covered in wreaths, surrounded by the French Honour Guard. Upon arrival at Dover, the Unknown Warrior was met with a nineteen gun salute - something that was normally only reserved for Field Marshals. A special train had been arranged and he was then conveyed to Victoria Station, London. He remained there overnight, and, on the morning of the 11th of November, he was finally taken to Westminster Abbey. The idea of the unknown warrior was thought of by a Padre called David Railton who had served on the front line during the Great War the union flag he had used as an altar cloth whilst at the front, was the one that had been draped over the coffin. It was his intention that all of the relatives of the 517,773 combatants whose bodies had not been identified could believe that the Unknown Warrior could very well be their lost husband, father, brother or son... THIS is the reason we wear poppies. We do not glorify war. We remember - with humility - the great and the ultimate sacrifices that were made, not just in this war, but in every war and conflict where our service personnel have fought - to ensure the liberty and freedoms that we now take for granted. Every year, on the 11th of November, we remember the Unknown Warrior. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.

04.01.2022 Plenty of most Cals in stock , if Victoria follows WA and QLD , and goes to stage 3 restrictions , it seems thats GUN SHOPS, are deemed as non essential and will probably be forced to CLOSE the doors for the lock down period, or face hefty fines . We are open from 10 till 2 tomorrow and at this stage business as usual Monday ,10 till 5, We will keep you informed as we learn anything.

03.01.2022 Saturday 9/6/18 Sunday Monday 10am till 2pm

01.01.2022 An favourite ... back in stock.

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