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MKA-Echunga Dojo in Echunga, South Australia | Sport & recreation

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MKA-Echunga Dojo

Locality: Echunga, South Australia

Address: 23 Adeliade Road 5153 Echunga, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hi all, Looks like we will be resuming training after the July school holidays, Tuesday nights 21st of July, and Thursday nights 23rd of July is the official start date unless there is issues with a COVID outbreak. Counting down now, whoo hoo. Spread the word

24.01.2022 Little bit of a Promotional video for MKA

22.01.2022 Hi all, As you may be aware as per Scott Morrisons public announcement last night all indoor sports activities are now suspended until further notice, this incl...udes us, training nights, competitions and grading’s. This is unfortunate but it was always going to happen. So officially all MKA training is now suspended until further notice. Please stay safe and healthy, we can all help stop the spread of the virus by practicing good social distancing and thorough personal hygiene practices. MKA will return as soon at the restrictions are lifted. Thankyou Shihan Glen Doecke MKA Head Instructor/Founder

21.01.2022 Hi all, Due to the continued covid restrictions we have had to structure this grading different from every other grading. To stay within the hall’s covid capacity restrictions we've slotted the grading into 3 groups. Only student’s grading at the nominated time are permitted in the hall. Students must be on time, no-one arriving late will be permitted to grade this is important to ensure we stay within the time slots. ... The coloured belts quoted in the groups are what the students are attempting not their current belt rank. Group No.1. Beginners: 9.30-10.30am, YWS and OWS only Group No.2. Advanced kids: 10.30-11.45am, BBS, PBS, GBS, PWS, BWS only Group No.3. Adults: 11.45-1.00pm, Blue, Green and Brown belts. The students must be there at 9.30, 10.30 and 11.45, if they arrive late they miss out, we will not be waiting for anyone due to the time slots. Finish times 10.30, 11.45 and 1.00pm includes belt presentation and photo's. Spectator limit: 2 per student grading, this includes siblings, parents, relatives and friends. This means if you have one child grading 2 spectators can come and watch, if you have 2 kids grading 4 spectators can come and watch. This does not include instructors or graders. If you have any question contact your instructor or me personally. Looking forward to catching up with everyone, been a long time since we had a grading. Good luck everyone.

18.01.2022 Thursday Night Kids Class Cancelled tonight. Hi all, Again training is cancelled due to the extreme heat, unfortunately this is out of our control. With the up and coming grading cancelling the last 2 Thursdays is not the ideal preparation. As a part of the training fee this enables the students to training both Tuesday and Thursdays at no extra cost, now would be a good time to take advantage of this, if the Thursday night students can get in a couple Tuesday nights leading... up to grading this will help the grading preparation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0412 979 828. Shihan Glen

15.01.2022 Hi all, unfortunately due to the covid 19 issue in Adelaide all gyms and sporting activities are suspended for 2 weeks. The Echunga Dojo is now officially closed until restrictions are lifted.

15.01.2022 No classes tomorrow night, will see you all next week!

14.01.2022 Hot weather policy. Hi all the hot weather is upon us, below is the MKA hot weather policy, please read carefully. As the weather warms up we will be taking regular drinks breaks during training but the important thing to do is to hydrate yourself before training. HOT WEATHER ... Guidelines Exercising in hot weather can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even muscle meltdown, kidney failure and death. Children have a poorly developed sweating mechanism and absorb heat more rapidly than adults due to their greater surface area/weight ratio, making them more susceptible to heat-related injuries. The following points should be followed to minimise the effects of training during hot periods, it is up to the individual to maintain their fluids levels prior to training not during to ensure their body can cope with the conditions. If the training day’s weather forecast is 38 or above as advised on the official BoM (Bureau of Meteorology) web page, training is automatically cancelled whether the temperature reaches the forecasted maximum or not. During warm weather instructors must provide regular drink breaks every 10-15 minutes and ensure that class participants have the opportunity to replace fluids depending on the activity. Plain, moderately cool water is all that is necessary to maintain fluid levels. Students are encouraged to properly hydrate their bodies before class. As a guide a person should drink at least 30ml of water per kilo of their body per day and at least 40ml on training days. Being thirsty is a very poor indicator of your level of hydration. If you feel thirsty its too late. Get into the habit of drinking regularly throughout the day and prior to training. Heavy training sessions during hot weather is not permitted. So bring a full water bottle with to training and get into habit of drinking water regularly during the day and keep hydrated.

14.01.2022 Reminder, annual membership is due today, please make sure your registered. Thanks.

11.01.2022 Hey kids and adults get your video into Sensei Josh Schwartz

11.01.2022 Trainings not too far away, i hope.

11.01.2022 Hey Kids, Practicing your kata’s at home? Send me a video of you doing your favourite kata in your gi, if you get it posted on our page you will get a prize at the first training back. The more kata’s you get posted the more prizes.... Get your parents or brother or sister to video it and pm them to me. Have fun Shihan

10.01.2022 Only 5 more sleeps to go until we are back!! However, we have a few covid and housekeeping rules before we open the doors next Tuesday the 18th of Jan. So please take some time to familiarise youself. MKA is the home to many people, some of which live with compromised immune systems. This means the effects of covid could be detrimental to their health. Therefore we kindly ask for everyone to follow the below rules:... - All children and spectators are to sanitise their BEFORE entering the Dojo. - 1 spectator is allowed per child (This includes sibilings and will be reinforced due to density requirements). - Masks are to be worn by all spectators (except for those medically exempt- please bring a copy) - All spectators are to QR code check in. - Please do not come to training if you are unwell or have in contact or suspected contact with covid. If an instructor deems either a spectator or student to be unwell they will be politely asked to leave and not to return until they are better. Thank you for doing your part in keeping our MKA community safe. We look forward to welcoming you all next week in what will be a fantastic 2022!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message or phone. Shihan Glen, Dai Sempai Makayla, Dai Sempai Chuck, Sempai Corey

07.01.2022 Hey all, After an interesting few days we can now get on with returning to training, if everything remains on track we can resume training on the 1st of December 2020. However the grading is still in doubt, I will be making a decision later in the week, missing the last 2 weeks training has impacted the grading preparation process significantly. I will be talking with our instructors to see what options we have.... Christmas break, once again this has not been finalised due to current events, but if the grading does go ahead last training will be the 15th of December (Standard games night for kids, adults to be decided) and returning on Tuesday January 2021. I will finalise these dates later in the week. Stay safe and hopefully see you all next week. Shihan

06.01.2022 Hi all, A new set of restrictions are set to be lifted as of Monday, we shall see what this allows. As I can gather the 4sqm rule applies and no contact. On a p...ositive side at very least sports involving contact and close contact are set to be lifted on the 25th of June, this is the category we fall into. I will be in close contact with all the instructors to work out a re-opening date. Fingers crossed we will hitting the mat soon.

06.01.2022 Hi all, May 9th Grading Again due to the continued covid restrictions we have had to structure this grading the same as the March grading. To stay within the ha...ll’s covid capacity restrictions we've slotted the grading into 2 groups. Only student’s grading at the nominated time are permitted in the hall. Students must be on time, no-one arriving late will be permitted to grade this is important to ensure we stay within the time slots. Spectators are restricted to immediate family members only, mum, dad, guardians and siblings only. The coloured belts quoted in the groups are what the students are attempting not their current belt rank. Group No.1 : Arrive 9am, grading 9.30 to-10.45am. Attempting the following ranks Yellow WS Orange WS Blue WS Blue BS Group No.2 : Arrive 10.45am, grading 11am-12pm Attempting the following ranks Purple WS Red WS Green WS Brown BS Junior Shodan ho Adult Shodan ho Adult Green Adult Blue If you have any question contact your instructor or me personally. Good luck everyone.

05.01.2022 Hi all, I’ve been looking into a return to training plan, and it's not as simple as when restrictions lift we can train. Apart from the social distancing issues there are strict cleaning protocols involved, the hall committee have advised they need to confirm what these cleaning requirements are and until then we cannot train.... I will keep you informed as soon as more information comes to light, hopefully training is not too far away. Shihan

05.01.2022 Can anyone help CL Chng with a second hand good quality MKA uniform.

04.01.2022 Hi all, Echunga Dojo will re-open on the 21st of July 2020, normal training times Tuesday kid’s class 6-7pm, Tuesday adult’s class 7.15-8.30pm and Thursday nights kids class 6-7pm. As we are an activity that requires a degree of personal contact there are a couple requirements we must meet apart from cleaning. We are required to keep a register of who attends each session along with a contact phone number, the contact details will only be used for Covid related matters. Ther...e are several other conditions No-one is permitted to attend if you are unwell, if the instructors believe you are showing cold and flu like symptoms you will be asked to leave, parent’s watching included. Students and parents must report to the instructor on arrival to be marked off the check list. Spectators are to be kept to a minimum, parents or guardians only. Kitchen will be off limits. Bring your own full drink bottle. Toilets will be off limits, in the case of an emergency you will be required to wipe down what you use and touch. Wipes will be supplied. Access, one double door will be in, the other double door will be out. Hand sanitiser will be available. Bring your own personal sweat towel if required. This is in line with the current requirements if any more changes are released I will update this post. Spread the word, look forward to seeing you on the matt. Shihan.

04.01.2022 Second hand gi for sale.

03.01.2022 Summers still kicking about, going to be a warm one tonight, make sure you hydrate during the day and bring a drink tonight, not long till grading!

27.12.2021 Something I keep telling my adults reguarly, "do not let your mind dictate what you can and can't do" you mind will always look for the easy option.

10.12.2021 Hey all, Unfortunately Valley View Dojo is now not available for the grading, so therefore we are changing venues to the MKA Wynn Vale dojo, address is Wynn Vale Primary School, 17 Sunnybrook Dr Wynn Vale. Times are the same only the venue has changed, please spread the words. Shihan

25.11.2021 Based on the numbers the grading will look like this: 9-10.15am Kids (arrive and wait outside 8.30am) YWS BWS RBS... RWS 10.15-11.30 am Kids (arrive and wait outside 9.45am) OWS BBS GWS PWS PBS 11.30-12.45pm Adults (arrive and wait outside 11.00pm) Blue Green Brown Covid restrictions apply: -No spectators (Adult gradings). -One parent/guardian per child grading only and must wear a mask. -Medical exceptions for not wearing a mask required and will be checked. -QR check in required. We need all students grading at the venue 30mins before their start time to issue grading sheets and confirm head count, there is a seated, under cover area out side the hall to gather in. No late admissions permitted. See you all there. Any questions, please give me a call.

10.11.2021 Put this in your diary, grading is on!

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