ManKind Project Western Australia in Perth, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation
ManKind Project Western Australia
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 411 122 600
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25.01.2022 To understand how we turned out as adults, it's often good to understand how we got there. Vanessa (a Canadian child psychologist) talks about separation as punishment, which is often used as a parenting 'technique', that has a big impact. She very briefly touches on unconditional love that we give or get on the condition that we behave according to our parents likes. Having to behave that way for a number of years in childhood, sets us up for a pattern that'll easily stay us the rest of our lives unless we consciously break it. Before we know it, we endlessly, and unconsciously, seek connection and approval for the rest of our lives. Throwing tantrums every time our connection or feeling of self worth is under threat. A little kid with a tantrum is one thing, an adult man or woman with a tantrum is dangerous. Bear in mind, both want the same; to feel okay, heard and quiet possibly, held...
24.01.2022 Very late notice, but this sounds like a really interesting event. If you have chance to go, please do! And let us know how it was...
23.01.2022 MKP WA is holding another New Warrior Training Adventure, 25-27 June in Dwellingup. Contact us for more information
23.01.2022 Mens Health Week panel of men representing different mens circles across Australia
23.01.2022 A beautiful and moving homecoming for the men who completed the NWTA in Dwellingup this week! Their descriptions of the impact of the weekend were heartfelt and touching, especially for the family and friends who witnessed its effects!
21.01.2022 Ready to take a fierce and loving look in The Mirror? The New Warrior Training Adventure, June 25 - 27, Dwellingup WA. Register now at
21.01.2022 I can say from experience that this often harder than it seems. Uncovering the darkness and seeing it's there is the hard part.
20.01.2022 ManKind Project WA along with Women Within Australia and more connected groups are coming together to bring you...... HUMANKIND COLLECTIVE communities in connection ... Go to our event site to see more
16.01.2022 The New Warrior Training Adventure is calling to you men! A chance to explore your path, to find what may be holding you back, and be supported in going forward with a new sense of direction. Get in before 30 September to save $100! Go to or call Jeremy on 0433 367 563!
16.01.2022 I had a Jeep Grand Cherokee with a 4.7L V8 engine. Starting the car brought flashes of a tank in my mind, and driving it, I felt invincible. It made me feel super masculine. With it's traction control and power, it was pretty much impossible to get bogged (I've tried many times to get bogged) and I felt superior to all those suckers that got stranded, shoveling their way out. I mentioned to a friend one day how much it adds to my sense of manhood. My masculinity. The car was extension of myself. And then it died... The one thing I didn't like about the car was the fuel cost. I'd spend a fortune on it, so I went 180 degrees and bought a Prius. Needless to say, that's also the polar opposite of a masculine car. I could justify my choice by linking the car to super high tech, and it has a cool cockpit. So I'd still feel manly. Because I had a no issue internally and justified the manliness, I drove it with pride. I fell in love with the electric aspect and started buying more of it. An electric mower was next. And I instantly got told by a massive Ozzie bloke (he truly was a giant) that it was all girlie. Which made me laugh. But he made a good point! A friend commented and said this; you're not insecure in your manhood and do not rely on external validators to compensate for any lack of manliness. You're more of a man than me. I took that as a compliment and entered my ivory tower to look down on the rest on men as inferior and insecure with their fragile forms of masculinity propped up by big cars and other typical masculinity compensators. I have no right to sit in that tower though and equally struggle with manliness. That Jeep made me feel good. Period. I also no longer eat meat as of three years and noticed internally how that impacts on how I see myself. I have to admit that too is part of my masculinity. I'm very curious to know if that's a result of decades of marketing, or a deep psychological phenomena where my masculinity is based in. I'd love to say that how women view me is irrelevant, but that'd be a lie. My masculinity is almost 100% linked to how women gauge me. Am I masculine enough? I have a stubborn deep seated belief that women feel safer, and are stimulated by, strong powerful men. I also know on a conscious level that has very little to do with the car I drive or the food I eat. Women feel safe by the way I show up and behave. So maybe my friend is technically right, a man that doesn't feel unmanly regardless of what he drives, eats or wears is more of a man than those that do worry about that. Lots of questions, not many answers. My journey with masculinity and what it means to be a man is far from over...
16.01.2022 And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." ~Kitty O'Meara
16.01.2022 Ready for dangerous, unexplored territories? Answer the call, look within on the New Warrior Training Adventure, June 25 - 27, Dwellingup WA.
14.01.2022 It's an unexpected bonus; learning how to facilitate. As we do our work, and others facilitate our transformations, we learn how to facilitate at the same time. Today I facilitated a large business meeting with company owners and their entire team. I can again confirm what we learn at MKP is not limited to the organization. It's a box of tools that can be used anywhere. Although I've facilitated conflicts with family members and friends, the most fulfilling experience came f...rom running entire circles in schools with kids aged 10-11. The circles with kids blow me away every time. It's beautiful but also heartbreaking... The things that go on inside kids, even at age 10, is often surprisingly tough. Feelings of isolation, anger, judgement and being misunderstood are very common. With no place to let it out. When they do in a circle, and they do, it brings a connection and closeness forward that's remarkable. After this one particular 2 hour intense session I expected them to run around like mad and play games or soccer on the school square. But they didn't, instead they all walked to the far end of the verandah, talking quietly and they all just stood there. As a solid group, in the sun. Giving out hugs. Me and the teachers observing them from a distance. I'll never forget, it was unreal... The power of a well run process is phenomenal. To create a safe space and allow people to be themselves. Invite them to share deeper truths. It brings people together like nothing else. Deep connections, trust and acceptance.
12.01.2022 Demonic or dynamic? This week's Campbell video clip talks tricksters, chaos, and the disordering principle. This video is a brief excerpt from interviews filmed... with Joseph Campbell shortly before his death in 1987, previously unreleased by the Joseph Campbell Foundation. See the rest of this week's offerings on the JCF homepage:
11.01.2022 I AM JUSTIFIED Whenever I make a choice, I have to make sure on a conscious and unconscious level that I'm ok with that choice. No matter what that choice is. And once I've justified it in my head, I can do whatever it is I want to do. Although it's not always easy to justify my actions and choices, I usually can. Sometimes it's a super far fetched reasoning, but as long as it sounds ok, it is ok.... So the challenge is rarely in justifying my actions or choices. I pretty much always can. The real challenge is admitting that my actions and choices were not that good to start with. Accepting that my words may have had a negative impact. That my actions were painful to others. That my life choices have a damaging impact. The next step is admitting that I'm doing something that I know in my heart isn't right, but I do it anyway without justification. Like admitting that my company isn't contributing to a better planet; my company uses lots of resources and energy that are much better spent differently. And I'm responsible for this. I won't justify it, I have to look in the mirror every day and face that truth. It's only by acknowledging the truth without justification that I can change or grow. Like an alcoholic will only face his/her challenge once they admit they've got a problem. What I've come to realize is that my justifications had become completely automatic. I didn't even realize/know I was justifying my actions or choices. But I did. Feeling justified feels similar to feeling entitled. I find it a little weird to experience it to be honest. Justifying also meant 'not taking responsibility' in my world. So I choose to step up and stop justifying my actions. It's time to own it and not find ways to make it sound ok. It won't be easy, but I'd love that to be my new habit rather than unconsciously and automatically justify everything I do and say...
11.01.2022 Over the course of my life, I've been labelled many things, from Nazi to leftist intellectual and cold hearted **** to the most caring human in the world. And pretty much everything else under the sun. Growing up and well into my twenties I was curious about those accusations. Surely, I can't be all of it? What you see in me is reflection of you. BUT it's also in me. And that's a powerful thing to take on board. Think about those you admire. How do you label the people you ...look up to? What things do you attribute to them? That's all in you! Perhaps not to the same extent, but it's definitely present. Now think about all the people you really dislike. All the idiots in this world. The people that trigger you. Maybe I trigger you. How do you label them? Whatever comes up, that's also a reflection of you. It's only when we identify with the labels given that we can fully accept ourselves. Acceptance of our gifts and what we have to offer goes hand in hand with acceptance of everything we're not so proud of. Denying my own darkness = denying my own light. Being in balance, or being in my center, happens when I accept both ends of the same stick. What was even more profound, is that by accepting both ends of the stick, I found a peace and strength I didn't know existed. That is something I wish upon anyone...
11.01.2022 Ready to take a look within? Answer the call - Mankind Project WA's NWTA weekend - register now -
11.01.2022 AS MKPWA is a member of MHWWA some of you may be interested in this. Akram Azimi is speaking.
11.01.2022 This is about acknowledgement. Most people, myself included, have a tendency to want to help others. Helping when people are going through difficult times often includes cheering them up or telling them to persevere. Sometimes we try to talk them out of, or into, things. And despite all the good intentions, it's not what's going to help. It's a little strange, but the best way to help is to let people be in pain. It goes right against my nature, but in reality and honesty, my rescue attempt is nothing more than a way to soothe my own pain. Seeing someone in pain is an easy reminder of something I don't like, want or experienced myself. What people in pain really need is to be acknowledged; to be heard and seen. All I need to do is remind myself it's not about me, so I can listen and be the witness they need me to be.
10.01.2022 Definitely food for thought!
09.01.2022 This is very chewy and intellectual but an engaging speaker with a useful take on how we absorb and act on news and other input
08.01.2022 Pretty scary when we notice our shadows for the first time
07.01.2022 BREAK THE ROUTINE & LOVE LIFE (AGAIN?) Think back to when you were at your happiest and really enjoying life. What was the location and what kind of activities were you doing?... Were you out socialising with friends? Away on a camping trip with your family? Out in Nature? Travelling? Young and free? Playing sport? What is it for you? Work, life, family and other commitments, can put us in routines that make us forget to do the things that make us feel alive. It's super easy to fall into a routine and let days tick by. Are routines satisfying or fun? Fulfilling or exciting? Well, not in my case! Time to break those patterns and reconnect with the things you love! Here's a strategy that could work; Step #1: Write out a list of the top 5-10 things you love to do. Step #2: Schedule each of them into your calendar when you have a free spot. It could be evenings, weekends or you might need to arrange some time off to make it happen, but do it and do it now. Schedule in as many as you can. Say YES to life! (Seen that movie 'Yes man'? ) What if you don't come up with 5-10 things? Well, it's time to try something new. If you can't think of 5-10 things you love to do, then starting thinking about activities or hobbies you've always wanted to try, but have never started and put them on the list. What perks you up? What excites you? What used to be your passion? Even if reincarnation is real, you'll only live this life once! I think... Not sure about that actually!
06.01.2022 A great opportunity is coming up in WA, have a look at this video to find out more. Unrelated to the work we do at MKP but at the same time, with lots of overlap. There's a bunch of people in this world trying to make it a better place, by helping us all to connect with ourselves, others and the world around us.
06.01.2022 Transform yourself. MKP WA's New Warrior Training Adventure, June 25-27, 2021. Register at
06.01.2022 Done with Normal? Take the call to adventure within and without - the New Warrior Training Adventure. June 25 - 27, Dwellingup WA.
06.01.2022 WHEN THE BAD AND UGLY TURNS OUT TO BE THE GOOD AND NEEDED Someone recently shared that she was being seen as a dictator and dominating. This lady had her own business and 5 staff that were rebelling against her and making accusations. They felt dominated. I asked why people would see that in her? What part of her was a dictator? This turned out to be a hard question to answer for her. ... The things we are accused of are generally true. That doesn't mean she was a dictator, but her behavior reminded people around her of that label. Days later and with support from others she came to realize she wasn't enough of a dictator. She needed it more! That was a big break through for her. It may sound counter intuitive, but the denial of aspects inside of us drives those aspects to come out anyway. Often in unexpected ways, but hard to recognize for ourselves. In this case she thought of dictatorship as a bad and ugly thing. Therefore her denial of it was powerful. But she needed this energy. The energy of setting clear boundaries and direction (I like to refer to this state as king/queen energy). By accepting she has a dictator in her, she can recognize it AND stop it from accumulating energy and growing out of proportion. It only becomes ugly when it's out of control and big. And this is true for most aspects we so easily label as 'bad & ugly'. But they're not bad or ugly. In most cases they're desperately needed and serve a purpose. They only turn ugly when we deny and suppress them. I have little choice but to acknowledge all the parts I so hate (in others). They're all alive and kicking in me regardless of my approval or wanting them. Without acknowledging, I feed the beasts. They'll grow big and out of control. Through acknowledging, I can rely on them as allies. And draw on them when needed...
06.01.2022 We learned almost as soon as we come out of the womb how to get our needs met. When I was behaving in a way that was pleasing to my mother or father they shined their love in my direction. And when I was misbehaving that light was taken away from me in one way or another. It doesnt take much to figure out how to play that game if our goal is to be liked or feel loved: just do what others want you to do. Often our most loving relationships are based on assuming we know ho...w to make others happy. Just do the things they want you to do! And surely, they will do the same for us? We all just meet the other's needs & wants and everyones blissfully happy. At least that is the plan. Often we make vows, spoken consciously or believed unconsciously, that set completely unrealistic expectations and inevitably fall short time and again. In many cases it leads to the assumption that were going to remain together no matter how much we hurt one another or how unloving we have been to one another. Until one person in the partnership says, "Enough. No more. Im not doing this anymore." And the other partner is stunned and left reeling. How did all that start? It started at the beginning, when we came out of the womb and learned the hard way that love is often conditional. We learned to please our parents to get approval and love. Over the years that behavior turns into a habit and we unconsciously continue to behave that way. We please others in an attempt to be loved. But what if our pleasing doesn't give us what we're looking for; love? Or connection? Or maybe the other does not demonstrate the same pleasing behavior. Then what? That's when things turn sour real quick: you're being rejected! Our ultimate fear and trigger. Creating resentment, disappointment, sadness, feeling totally inadequate, unloveable, depressed, mountains of deep seated anger and we become vile and aggressive. A truly terrible place to be in! Sadly, unconsciously, we pass this behavior on to our kids. Setting them up for the same. So how to get out of this? That'll take time. There's no magic pill or trick. No one-weekend resort will clear this up although it's a great place to get started. You may need a few weekends! :) If this resonates with you, here's one place to start; acknowledge you're a pleaser. Acknowledge you're looking for acceptance. Acknowledge that your love is conditional. If you're ready to do more, we run weekends twice a year in WA and there's a number of weekends run by MKP around the country. If you can't wait, I can highly recommend Joseph Douglas in Perth who runs workshops much more frequently, he also does 1:1. More info about Joe can be found here:
05.01.2022 Less than two weeks to go until the start of the last New Warrior Training Adventure in WA for 2019! A wonderful opportunity for men to be supported by other men to find their mission and the tools to make them a more complete human! Register at or call Jeremy on 0433 367 563! There are just 3 places left, so get in now!
03.01.2022 A question that I've heard and even asked myself at times; "Why should I be nice to her and treat her well when she's being nasty to me?" Because it isn't about her (or the other). How you treat someone or something has nothing to do with how you're being treated. Or what you think you can gain.... Your integrity is what matters here. If it's not right for them to treat you that way, why would it be OK for you to treat them that way in return? If it's wrong of them, then it is wrong for you. How you treat the World is a reflection of how much you have grown and who you are. It is solely your responsibility. Holding on to, or reflecting, pain will hurt you. Reacting with a negative emotion comes at a cost to you. It takes your energy away. This journey that you are on is about you becoming who you need to be. To discover your own purpose, and experience what you truly desire at your core. It is not reliant on others. They are on their journey, you are on yours. Be consciously aware and ensure your words and actions reflect who you are. Don't let others erode your integrity or your core values.
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