MLC School, Sydney in Burwood, New South Wales | School
MLC School, Sydney
Locality: Burwood, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9747 1266
Address: Rowley Street 2134 Burwood, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Our last virtual tour for prospective students the year is now live! With our new presentation style.
23.01.2022 Year 12 Killing it
23.01.2022 As we wind down to the end of term, our Year 12 girls are preparing their major works. Today our musicians performed in the HSC Music Showcase - from violinists and pianists, french horns to Taiko, singers to self composed drum solos, this was a feast of talent.
23.01.2022 What a beautiful original composition by our own Tristan Coelho performed by the Year 10 Piano Quartet to set the tone for the 2021 House Captains announcement
22.01.2022 Mooramoora takes out the trophy for House Throne
22.01.2022 As we prepare to host our final 'Virtual' MLC School Tour for all prospective families tonight, we take inspiration from our Year 1 students. Our Year 1 girls this term have been writing persuasive texts and have given their personal responses about MLC School. Perhaps they will be future marketers?
21.01.2022 Today Reverend Vinnie delivered the final Chapel Service for our 2020 Year 12 cohort - their first service together as a group since March.The girls were encouraged to follow their dreams, to trust and 'dont worry about a thing' The Year 12 cohort presented Rev Vinnie with her own personalised Year 12 jersey as a token of their thanks.
21.01.2022 The Seniors took on Jet and blew it away!
20.01.2022 Welcome to Book Week! Our Junior School students will start each day this week with a quick story, read by one of our Executive Team members. Thank you Mr Scotney, Head of Senior School for reading The Story of the Little Mole
19.01.2022 ‘MLC Idol’ preliminary heats are happening again today at lunchtime in the Year 6 courtyard. Well done to all the girls who have already preformed in recent weeks and good luck to those in the heats today. This reminded us of the time in 1910 when a number of our girls put on impromptu performances around the School for the entertainment of their classmates during lunchtime breaks. #tbt #throwbackthursday
19.01.2022 The first Sunday of Spring is the day that we honour the fathers and father-figures in our life. MLC School wishes all the fathers and father-figures in our Community a very happy Fathers Day.
19.01.2022 Congratulations Joanna Drimatis we are very lucky to have you as a member of staff at MLC School.
17.01.2022 The 2020 Book Week theme is 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds'. Our Junior School students were asked to dress up as a character from a favourite book that ties in with the theme. There were lots of smiling faces at the parade today.
17.01.2022 With our Year 12 girls in the middle of their exams, we thought wed throw back to when they were in Year 1 in 2009 at the beginning of their path of life-long learning; in Year 7 in 2015 with Ms Tynan showing how learning can happen anywhere; and in Year 10 in 2018 with Ms Renwick and Ms Pow at the announcement that Ms Renwick was to be the girls Head of Year through the final part of their journey at MLC School. #MLCSchool #throwbackthursday #Classof2020
17.01.2022 Tomorrow, 14 August, is Red Nose Day, the annual fundraising event for the Red Nose charity. Red Nose works to save the lives of infants and to support families impacted by the death of a baby through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Today we look back at a pioneer in SIDS research and an amazing MLC School Old Girl, Dr Susan Beal AM (Ross, 1952). An all-rounder at School, Susan completed her Leaving Certificate in 1952 and went on to study medicine at the University of ...Sydney, specialising in paediatrics. After moving with her family to Adelaide, Susan conducted the first epidemiological investigations into the circumstances surrounding SIDS. Between 1973 and 1990 she visited more than 500 families who had lost babies to SIDS, and in 1986 was able to show that the rate of death was highest among babies who slept face-down. Susan was the first person to argue publicly against babies sleeping on their stomachs, and in the countries that heeded her advice, including Australia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, the incidence of SIDS halved. In 1997, Susan was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to medicine, particularly in the fields of paediatrics and SIDS research. In 2005, Susan was granted the inaugural SIDS and Kids Award, and this year she was a recipient of a Social Welfare and Impact award at the inaugural MLC School Alumnae Awards.
16.01.2022 To congratulate and welcome our 2021 MLC School Student Leadership Team, we look back at their first photos taken as new MLC School students. #mlcschool #throwbackthursday
15.01.2022 New Release by Singer/Songwriter Alex Varvarigos Year 10 MLC School Elective Music student Alex Varvarigos has recently stepped into the studio to record her first single ‘Joyride’. Alex is a talented singer and creative songwriter who has created this outstanding track. Check it out here and support her on Spotify and AppleMusic. Tristan Coelho and Elizabeth Gilberthorpe Music Teachers
14.01.2022 Today we hosted a Virtual School Tour. During the session, guests heard LIVE presentations from our Principal Lisa Moloney, our Heads of School and our students, just as they would on our usual tours. It was also an opportunity to see videos of our facilities and learn about our programs. You can learn more about MLC School here
14.01.2022 Global Studies students using @Teams to discuss sustainable development with expert Benjamin Nickell, Assistant Sustainability Manager @Mirvac. #sustainability #globalstudies #geography #sustainability #realworld #teams #MLCBurwood
14.01.2022 The Year 12 gift to the school is a time capsule and the ceremony was a key part of todays Valedictory celebrations. The capsule will be opened in 2086, the Schools bicentennary, and features mementos from all parts of the community.
14.01.2022 The break gives us the chance to do some major repairs around the School, like replacing the French slate roof of the chapel and tower, lets hope the rain holds off!
14.01.2022 Traditionally our Year 12 students who have been with us since Kindergarten visit the Junior School and share a morning (and cupcakes) with the current Kindergarten class. This year they shared a virtual morning with the kindy class. Our Kindergarten students made cards for the Year 12 students, wishing them all the best for the future. The Year 12 girls read a story to Kindergarten and were also presented with their MLC School K-12 badges.
13.01.2022 Lots of smiling faces at Orientation Day today! This morning we welcomed all students for Kindergarten through to Year 10 for 2021. This ‘day of welcome’ is an important opportunity for all new and current MLC School girls to make new friends and acquaint themselves with MLC School before they commence in 2021.
12.01.2022 The HSC and IB trials started today. The MLC School community wish our incredible 2020 cohort all the very best in their exams. This has been a tough year for all students in Year 12 and we hope their resilience and close friendships will see them through.
11.01.2022 Were getting ready for the Year 12 DART HSC Exhibition. Students from Design and Technology, Visual Arts and Textiles will be exhibiting their major projects that they have spent 50 hours (or more!) creating, designing, sewing, painting, sculpting and photographing.
11.01.2022 National Science Week 15-23 August 2020. Established in 1997, National Science Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. It also aims to encourage an interest in science pursuits among the general public, and to encourage younger people to be fascinated by the world we live in. This week at MLC School, Students in Science have been busy experimenting while others have been exploring the power of static electricity generated by the Van der Graff Generator! #mlcschool #nationalscienceweek
10.01.2022 Congratulations to the 2021 MLC School Student Leadership Team. We wish the girls all the best in their new roles and trust they will do an amazing job. #mlcschool
10.01.2022 Our judges for Battle of the Bands - all class and sartorial splendour!
10.01.2022 Yes, bands can socially distance!
10.01.2022 Thursday 17 September was a day to farewell our Year 12 cohort. The full day included revealing their pavers in the path to the School, burying a time capsule, farewelling the School in a Final Assembly, enjoying lunch with their Head of House, and the day finished with the Valedictory Assembly and Service. It was no doubt an emotional day, and definitely a memorable one. Good luck Year 12, we cant wait to see what your futures bring.... We wish all MLC School families a safe and happy holiday break.
09.01.2022 #throwbackthursday Our wonderful Year 1 ‘marketing team’ reminded us of the time our Class of 2004 girls ‘sold’ the School as part of their muckup day fun.
08.01.2022 Today at MLC School we commemorate Remembrance Day. Across the Junior and Senior School, students and staff remember and honour the memory of all the men and women who served, are currently serving and those we have lost to the cause. Lest We Forget.
07.01.2022 Creative Juices Flow in Religion - Written by Sophie W. 10RE1 In our Year 10 Religion classes, the last three weeks before rollover took a more creative turn. What is it you may ask? Year 10 have been creating board games for each other to play. In order for this to be educational, we had to relate our games to one, or all, of the units we studied this year. By playing games instead of doing textbook work, our class had a lot of fun and were able to retain knowledge we had ...gained throughout the year. There have been numerous studies that have proven that if children are engaged with what they are learning or studying, then they will understand concepts significantly better and remember the information for longer. As seen in the pictures below, our year had an incredibly fun time playing each other’s board games and have preserved knowledge we never thought we had! I for one, can now clearly remember the difference between situational and proportional ethical theories. Overall, the past few weeks of our Year 10 religion classes have been well-spent. Our year thoroughly enjoyed creating our own board games relating to ethics, social justice and science and religion. However, it was arguably more exciting to play all the games and get a memorable summary of each of the units we studied! - Girls played a modified version of snakes and ladders, where the snake is a character. - Modified monopoly (based on places relating to our studies) - ‘Crisis Averted’ a new version of ‘Game of Life’ - Girls learnt ethical theory whilst playing UNO - ‘MLC against humanity’ all cards appropriate and approved lots of fun! - A new spin on Pictionary, an ethical, scientific and religious themed game!
06.01.2022 What a finale from the staff band!
06.01.2022 With just 14 days left of schooling for the remarkable young women of the Class of 2020, we look back at their years of fun and learning during their journey through MLC School.
06.01.2022 Our Year 12 HSC and IB Dux and Runners Up, congratulations to everyone on your courage and resilience this year. We celebrate you all.
06.01.2022 Today our Year 12 cohort received their autograph books, a keepsake gift from the MLC School Parents and Friends Association. The President of the MLC School P&F along with a Senior School Parent Ambassador (also a Year 12 Mum) were our guests at the event. Over the next few weeks we hope our students fill these books with kind messages and inspiration from our staff, students and fellow classmates. Year 12 jerseys are also part of the uniform now, and are making for some interesting conversations as we try to decipher some of the 'nicknames'
05.01.2022 #captainstakeover...for the next 10 days our 2020 Captains will be sharing their days on our insta story cant wait to see more!
05.01.2022 Congratulations to the 2021 Senior School House Captains and Vice Captains announced today. Principal Lisa Moloney challenged them to lead with 'kindness'. We look forward to watching them succeed.
05.01.2022 At the Senior School Remembrance Day Assembly - Mr Coward plays The Last Post.
04.01.2022 In the Junior School grade House Challenges are a fun way to build House spirit. Some of the challenges include relays, paper plane throwing, drawing, craft & building rafts. The girls have loads of fun and earn points for their Houses.
04.01.2022 Lisa Moloney Welcomed as Trustee to Round Square Board We are delighted to announce that Principal, Lisa Moloney is one of three new Trustees recently appointed to the Round Square Board of Trustees. Lisa was selected by majority vote of the Heads of School in the Australasia and East Asia Region and assumes the role of Round Square Regional Trustee for Australasia and East Asia. ... Each of the five Round Square Regions is represented on the Round Square Board by a Regional Trustee, who is the current Head of a Round Square Global Member School within the Region. Lisa has been appointed for an initial term of office of four years. MLC School was one of the first Australian girls’ schools to be accepted as members of Round Square, joining in 2004 as Regional members (now called Candidate-members) and then Global members from 2006. Lisa’s appointment secures MLC School’s commitment to Round Square and reflects on our significant involvement across the organisation.
03.01.2022 Lots of excitement building for the 2021 Captains Announcement
03.01.2022 At MLC School, string players can rehearse but woodwind players are not allowed under new COVID-19 rules for schools. On Monday, schools across NSW were told that singing and playing wind instruments in groups should cease for the rest of term three, meaning that choir and full orchestra practice could not continue. Director of Music Trevor Mee is quoted in todays SMH article about the impact of the new COVID-19 rules for schools announced on Monday.
03.01.2022 Good luck to our AeroGym girls!
03.01.2022 A small ceremony was held to unveil the pavers purchased by families for students in the Class of 2020. A gift of a paver in a students name is a permanent tribute to her and her familys involvement with MLC School. Though time at MLC School as a student will come to an end, the connection will never fade; our students will always be part of the fabric of the School, as one of our cherished Old Girls. A paver is a tangible way to provide a lasting memory.
02.01.2022 Our 2020 and 2021 School Captains have compiled some helpful insights into what to say after R U OK, and why opening up discussions about mental health is important.
02.01.2022 Year 12 Academic Award winners announced
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