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Muslim league of NSW Sports Association in Sydney, Australia | Personal blog

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Muslim league of NSW Sports Association

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 402 501 598


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24.01.2022 Sugar City takes out finals in the over 35s

23.01.2022 Congratulations to the Fijian juggernaut Suliasi Vunivalu and the Melbourne Storm winning 26 to 20 against Penrith Panthers.



18.01.2022 Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah WB If you dont know already Major Cyclone Yasa a Cat 4 is in open waters and expected to head towards our beloved nation Fiji. While we ask our brothers and sisters to prepare for the worst, we should keep in mind that only the lord Allah can protect us from damage and loss. I request you all to increase your dhikr (remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala), recitation of the Qur’an and istighfaar (seeking forgiveness). May Allah subhanahu wa ...ta’ala protect us all including our home nation from this cyclone. Below are some du’as (prayers) to remember during such times: - - : - - : . [.] - [ .] Allahumma innee as-aluka khayraha wakhayra ma feeha, wakhayra ma orsilat bih, wa-aAAoothu bika min sharriha, washarri ma feeha washarri ma orsilat bih O Allah, I ask You for its (the wind’s) goodness, the good within it, and the good it was sent with, and I take refuge with You from its evil, the evil within it, and from the evil it was sent with. : : ( ) Allahumma la taqtulna bi-ghadhabik wa la tuhlikna bi-‘adhaabik wa ‘aafina qabla dhaalik O Allah, don’t end our lives with Your wrath, and do not make us perish with Your punishment and forgive us before that. ( ) Allahumma hawalayna wa la ‘alayna. Allahumma alal akaami (wal ajaami) wal dhiraabi wa butunil ‘awdiyaati wa mana bi tish shajar. O Allah, let the rain fall around us and not upon us, O Allah, (let it fall) on the pasture, hills, valleys and roots of trees. Jazak Allah Khairyn

15.01.2022 Dear Community Members, friends and families Assalamualaikum WRWB once again I take this opportunity to congratulate you all for the purchase of 268 and 278 Catherine Fields Road. It is indeed a milestone achievement for our community, that we all got together to deliver a clear message, a clear mandate of change and progress. We as individuals will remember this day, the decision we took for the league. I thank everyone for being honest in your opinion, constructive in yo...ur ideas and sincere to your intentions. Insha Allah we hit get the ground running and commence our community consultation process, commence a strategic Master Plan. We will reach out to our members to render your support, your ideas and your vision so we can put together a project brief. We will seek to engage professional development companies to assist us in this planning process. I ask Allah SWT to unite our community together, whilst having diverse opinions, be able to work together for the betterment of our community today and for future generations. Imtaz Hasim

12.01.2022 MLNSW Sports Association congratulate the Under 13s Division 1 team for winning it's grand final today.

10.01.2022 Inna Lillahi Wa Inna IIayhi Raaji'oon. It is very sad to announce Abdul Raiyaaz Buksh has passed away. Janaza will be today at Kemp’s Creek Cemetry at 230pm. Inshallah. DUE TO COVID-19 SOCIAL AND JANAZA DISTANCE LAWS APPLY. THOSE WHO WONT BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE JANAZA PLEASE MAKE DUA FOR MARHOOM. May ALLAH SWT grant Marhoom highest place in Jannatul firdous and give Sabar to all the families. Aameen.

10.01.2022 Urgent Appeal for those impacted

10.01.2022 Rewa sizzles in the sun with 9 man with another draw. Maxmum pressure bowing out short if semis

09.01.2022 Congratulations Mohammed Jamaal (Tasi) voted most valuable player for season 2020 by SDSFA

07.01.2022 Camping Umina Beach

06.01.2022 AUFFI Australia welcomes you all to its new social media platform known as AUFFI AUSTRALIA. We will do our very best to inform all our members with up to date Fiji Football News on a regular basis.

06.01.2022 *Important Update - 4WD DAY OUT* Assalamalaikum brothers, we would like to inform you that the 4WD day out tomorrow has been postponed due to the weather. We would like to confirm a new date of the 15th November. We Appologise for the inconvenience.

06.01.2022 Nadroga all smiles after electric final. The young guns are in town.

03.01.2022 Message from the interim President of the MLNSW Inc Dear Community Members, friends and families. Assalamualaikum WRWB... It is indeed very pleasing to see our community getting together, easing of COVID restrictions have seen our masjid becoming alive again, our juma attendance have increased, enrolments in our kids quran classes have been highest ever. Alhamdolillah we have 5 separate classes going on and expecting to increase this number next year with new teachers and new curriculum coming in place. Our Friday evening daras has gained momentum and benefited by many. Our ladies Sunday daras and ladies Saturday class have recommenced with full attendance. We have commenced our monthly program in the masjid since the easing of the restrictions. We have seen a considerable increase in community membership to our league and I thank every community member for the active participation towards our masjid. Its very pleasing to see the kids active participation in our Youth activities every Sunday. We would like to see our younger generations be connected to the Islamic environment, learn and be part of our community future leaders. Our Sports Association have successfully implemented part of the government grant on community health and well-being program. More sports and community engagement programs are in pipeline next year. Our community has come a long way, whilst we are still learning and growing, we have emerged from many challenges, difficulties, negativity and pessimism from the past. I urge my community members to be proactive, participate, provide constructive and positive contributions towards our growing community. Alhamdolillah, we have a large masjid, a successfully run private Primary and Secondary Muslim school with 1000 children, a significant asset and amenities, all for the benefit for our community. As the Interim president, I take this opportunity to thank every executive committee who has served our league since inception, every Shura member, every school board member, each and every community member who has helped our league in anyway big or small, either in cash or in kind. It is indeed an achievement to be proud of as a community and this achievement is only because of your contribution and participation. I ask Allah's choicest blessings towards everyone who established, contributed and built these facilities for us today. Imtaz Hasim

02.01.2022 Message for the acting President Moeez Khan and the entire MLNSW Sports Association In The Name of God The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. Praise be to The God, The Lord of the worlds.... The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. The master of the end of day. You only do we worship, and You only do we beseech for help. Guide us in the straight Path. The Path of the ones whom You have favored, other than that of the ones against whom You are angered, and not (that of) the erring. Asalamalaikum WRWB May peace and blessing be with you all. Congratulations to all the teams that partipated in the mammoth event. Football was played at the highest level. The MLNSW Sports Association thanks all the partipating teams and congratulates them as the performances were phenomenal. Whilst everyone was a winner in our books, it was please to see the rising stars across all teams. The numerous 16 and 17 year olds announced they arrival in a big way with the youngest team ever to win the MLNSW Fiji Football Association Cup Tournament 2021. A huge congratulations to the Nadroga team for taking out the Super Premier Competition. Congratulations to the the sweet sugar city LAUTOKA FC side for taking out the over 35s and and men from the friendly north island of Vanua Levu SAVU SAVU taking the honours in the over 50s. A huge thank you to all the players that partipated in the under 5s to 14s gala aswell. A testament that we are concentrating in juniors all the way to Over 50s competition. A stella start to 2021 soccer season. The feedback has been very positive and we will look to continually improve where we can to support the community. We thank the support received from the NSW Government, the Liverpool Council, Football NSW and SDSFA aswell as Fiji Football Association, Casula United and AUFFI. We thank all the hardworking officials at MLNSW, Acting Ameer Haji Azmat Ali, Shura Council, President Imtaz Hasim, the MLNSW executives committee, the Youth Movement aswell as all the subsidiaries in making this a successful event. MLNSW has planned for big events coming through this calendar year as we approach the backend of the Covid pandemic. An onsite festival atmosphere at the recently acquired land @ Catherine Fields is next for all to enjoy. With many more activities such as Indoor Soccer and Volley ball to come. Finally we want to thank you all for coming out in record numbers, never seen before, to witness the sizzling event which will be remembered as one of the best delivered events. Jazak Allah Khairyn MLNSW SPORTS ASSOCIATION

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