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My Life of Balance

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02.02.2022 The things you find when you’re tidying up your 9-year old daughter’s room COURAGE: - You have to sometimes face your fears and have courage!... - Courage is about being brave of fears. - It is important to have courage in your body. - Courage is an important thing to do when you’re desperate to do something. - Courage is a hard thing to do. . . . . . . . . #TheThingsYouFind #TheThings #The #ThingsYouFind #Things #YouFind #You #Find #When #YouAre #Are #TidyingUp #Tidying #Up #9Year #Daughter #Room #Courage #FaceYourFears #HaveCourage #BeingBrave #Body #Desperate #HardThingToDo #Artwork #ByZoe

28.01.2022 Have a great weekend everyone! . .... . . . . . . #NoMatterWhat #NoMatter #No #Matter #What #May #Happen #Tomorrow #Appreciate #Your #Reasons #For #SmilingToday #Smiling #Today #HaveAGreatWeekendEveryone #HaveAGreatWeekend #Have #AGreatWeekend #A #GreatWeekend #Great #Weekend #Everyone See more

25.01.2022 Cocktails on Mother’s Day after a relaxing bath with bath-bomb, and some pampering Maybe we should treat every day like Mother’s Day? . .... . . . . . . #Cocktails #Margarita #Negroni #MothersDay #MothersDay2021 #Relaxing #Bath #BathBomb #Pampering See more

25.01.2022 The best decision is to persevere, Course Correct and keep going. Let the many facets of the world around you take care for themselves. Focus on what you want and keep your decisions in line with these desires. . . . .... . . . . #People #Fail #Lack #Desire #Commit #Decision #Persevere #CourseCorrect #KeepGoing #Facets #Care #Focus #Want #Keep #Decisions #InLine #Desires See more

24.01.2022 Dreaming is the first step towards your goals taking shape. The path to your dreams might be complicated and you might face several obstacles, but get started and place little goals that you can achieve along the way until you finally arrive at the dream you desire so much. Focus on smaller, doable goals at first will strengthen your confidence and show you that you can advance if you do it step by step and keep dreaming.... Always hold your vision! . . . . . . . . #Dream #Achieve #Dreaming #FirstStep #Goals #Shape #Path #Complicated #Obstacles #AlongTheWay #Arrive #Desire #Focus #Doable #Strengthen #Confidence #Show #Advance #StepByStep #KeepDreaming

24.01.2022 OK, so I get this text message late last night that I’ve been shortlisted for a TV Commercial and that the Casting Director has requested additional information from me including a current self-take full length body photo... By this morning With nobody else in my home by myself, I had to get creative and take the shot myself. Many, many, many shots later (some of them didn’t even have myself in it, at all ), I narrowed it down to the one in the middle, but it took many sho...ts like the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right to get me there... Oh well, at least I started of my day with a laugh . . . . . . . . #Shortlisted #TVCommercial #CastingDirector #SelfTake #FullLength #Body #Photo #Home #Creative #Shot #Start #Day #Laugh

23.01.2022 Sometimes life can seem like a giant race in which we’re all chasing happiness through goals and to-do lists. I, for one, am very guilty of this! As soon as I complete one task, there’s another one waiting for my attention. There’s always more to achieve, create or gain... However, much of what we’re chasing is already available in the moment, exactly as it is. We simply have to take a break from striving and make time to want what we have. . .... . . . . . . #SlowDown #Chasing #ComeAround #Catch #Race #Happiness #Goals #ToDoLists #Guilty #Complete #Task #Attention #Achieve #Create #Gain #Available #InTheMoment #TakeABreak #Striving #MakeTime #Want #Have See more

23.01.2022 Don’t wait until the start of a new year, don’t wait until your birthday, don’t wait until you receive ‘a sign’, don’t wait Full Stop. Start now with what you know you want to start eventually. Don’t procrastinate, but make a head start.... This is your sign Happy Monday! . . . . . . . . #New #Beginnings #NewBeginnings #Available #AllOfUs #Year #DontWait #Start #Birthday #Receive #Sign #FullStop #Now #Know #Want #Procrastinate #HeadStart #MyLifeOfBalance #Monday #Mondays #HappyMonday

18.01.2022 It’s never too late to follow your dream! Have a look at this very powerful, motivational video called ‘Dream’, and let me know what comes up for you... .... . . . . . . . #Do #Have #Chosen #Believe #Life #Making #Change #Priorities #Follow #Dream #Powerful #Motivational See more

16.01.2022 My gorgeous, orange birthday tulips; they truly make me happy Wish I could keep them around forever! Any tips on drying them? . .... . . . . . . #Tulip #Tulips #Orange #OrangeTulips #Birthday #Gorgeous #Happy #Love #Wish #Forever #TulipDrying #DriedTulips #Florist #Floristry #Flowers #DriedFlowers See more

16.01.2022 Love seeing these chalked motivational messages on the walls at the beach . . . .... . . . . #YesterdayIsHistory #Yesterday #Is #History #TomorrowIsAMystery #Tomorrow #AMystery #A #Mystery #And #TodayIsAGift #Today #Gift #ThatIsWhy #That #Why #TheyCallIt #They #Call #ThePresent #The #Present #Love #Seeing #Chalked #MotivationalMessages #Motivational #Messages #OnTheWalls #Beach See more

15.01.2022 Oh wow, exactly 6 years ago my oldest started ‘big school’. Now he’s in his last year, getting ready to go to high school next year... Where does the time go?? . . . .... . . . . #BigSchool #Year6 #PrimarySchool #HighSchool #TimeFlies See more

11.01.2022 Beautiful sunrise at the beach this morning; what a way to start the day! . . . .... . . . . #Beautiful #Sunrise #SunrisePhotography #Beach #Morning #Start #Day #StartTheDay See more

10.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day . . . .... . . . . #MothersDay See more

10.01.2022 I love this, it’s so true Why don’t we hold on to them as adults and so often let them slip? . . . .... . . . . #Child #Can #Teach #Adult #Be #Happy #BeHappy #Reason #Busy #Know #Demand #Might #Desires #PauloCoelho #Love #True #HoldOn #Adults #Slip See more

09.01.2022 The things you own, end up owning you. Decluttering Project - Day 1 - The Wardrobe . .... . . . . . . #Things #You #Own #End #Owning #Decluttering #DeclutteringProject #Day1 #TheWardrobe #Wardrobe See more

05.01.2022 Best. Job. Ever! . . . .... . . . . #YouAreTheCEOOfYourLife #YouAreTheCEO #YouAre #You #Are #TheCEO #The #CEO #Of #YourOwnLife #YourOwn #Your #OwnLife #Own #Life #SetYourOwnRules #Set #YourOwnRules #Rules #BestJobEver #BestJob #Best #Job #Ever #PersonalDevelopment #LeadershipEducation #WealthCreation #Balance #WorkFromHome #OnlineBusiness See more

04.01.2022 Oh I this pearl of wisdom! I’m currently reading ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho, what a great book Here are some words of wisdom that I took from it so far:... It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. The world’s greatest lie is that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. There is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth. To realise one’s Personal Legend is a person’s only real obligation. And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget to drops of oil on the spoon. . . . . . . . . #Fears #Do #Able #Talk #Heart #PauloCoelho #Possibility #Dream #True #Life #World #Greatest #Lose #Control #Fate #Truth #Planet #Want #Desire #Soul #Universe #Mission #Earth #Realise #PersonalLegend #Obligation #Achieve #Secret #Happiness #Marvels

04.01.2022 One of the most empowering things I’ve learnt in my Personal Development journey so far is that you always have a choice... No matter how difficult the choice or decision you are making, you can ask some simple questions for clarity: - What do I really want? ... - What will give me peace and calm me down? - How can I turn this around, reframe it so I find the best answer? The more questions you ask yourself, the more you open yourself up to a peaceful state of mind. Positive energy is in the desire to know and when you feel yourself relax, body and mind, you know you're on the right track. . . . . . . . . #Empowerment #PersonalDevelopment #Journey #PersonalDevelopmentJourney #Choice #Stress #InnerPeace #Difficult #Decision #AskYourself #OpenUp #Peaceful #StateOfMind #Positive #Energy #Desire #Relax #BodyAndMind #Body #Mind #RightTrack

28.12.2021 Pretty happy with my open door office setup . . . .... . . . . #PrettyHappy #Pretty #Happy #My #OpenDoor #Open #Door #Setup See more

16.12.2021 % . . . .... . . . . #NooneCanStopYou #NooneCanStop #NooneCan #Noone #Can #Stop #You #If #YouAre #Are #Determined #NotEvenYou #NotEven #Not #Even #You See more

26.11.2021 Today was Declutter Sunday! I don’t often feel like going through a big declutter process, but when the mood strikes you’ve got to act on it When your home is cluttered, messy, or exceptionally dirty, the chaos that the mess creates can impact your ability to focus. The clutter also limits your brain's ability to process information. In fact, researchers have discovered that people are less irritable, less distracted, more productive, and better able to process information ...with an uncluttered and organised work area. Source: . . . . . . . . #Declutter #Sunday #Feel #Process #Mood #Act #Home #Cluttered #Messy #Dirty #Chaos #Mess #Creates #Impact #Ability #Focus #Clutter #Limits #Brain #Information #Irritable #Distracted #Productive #Uncluttered #Organised #WorkArea #Work #Source

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