MobilizeMe Physiotherapy in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
MobilizeMe Physiotherapy
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 434 052 277
Address: Ground Floor, 17-19 Oak Avenue 4220 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 719
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02.02.2022 Using the AxIT system to test baseline strength for a cyclist who has been recovering after fracturing his pelvis after a road accident. 1 Mid thigh pull - peak force 35% higher on left (uninjured side) 2 Using the force trace as a guide - we were able to cue him to start the pull with even weight on both legs, resulting in only 7% more peak force being generated on the left side. ... Interestingly, whenever we tested both sides simultaneously (squat, mid thigh pull, calf raise) he was always much higher on the left side. However, when we tested each side individually, the strength differences were much smaller. We can now use all this data to build a strength program and help to increase confidence and endurance on the right (injured) side. #mobilizemephysiomiami #axitassessment #strengthtesting #cyclingstrength #squat #midthighpull #hipstrength #quadstrength
31.01.2022 Unbelievable athlete! Way to go Tia-Clair!
25.01.2022 Oh .... the memories In all seriousness, you don’t need to put up with back pain. If your back is giving you grief, you should get a comprehensive assessment to see WHAT is actually causing your pain. I know what dealing with back pain is like, because I’ve been there too. Since January and doing the McGill course, I’ve learned some fabulous ways to help people overcome their back pain....and mine too!... Don’t suffer. Get in touch. I’d love to help you.
25.01.2022 How well do your feet move? Can you control your toes like in this video? THIS IS NOT ABNORMAL BTW ... I find myself having these conversations with people, clients, friends who are amazed and sometimes astounded that I’m able to do these weird things with my feet/toes. It’s not weird. This is called having a foot that does what its meant to do Spend time barefoot Spread your toes. Move your feet. Lift the big toe without the other ones coming up. The more you do it the better you get at it and the better your foot will function. And your whole body will thank you for it. #feet #footfunction #notabnormal #barefoot #toes #footcontrol #footstrength #foothealth #barefootisgoodforyou #MobilizeMePhysio #physiotherapy #startatthefeetthenlookup
25.01.2022 Testimonial Tuesday My goal as a Physio is to discover the true cause of your injury and to get you back on track to doing what you love, as soon as possible. If you’ve been told to just stop and this doesn’t sit well with you, come get it sorted. I’ll work with you to find another way, and get you back to ...
24.01.2022 The big toe Did you know that the big toe is one of the most important parts of your body. And without a big toe we wouldn’t be able to balance or walk properly? So we’ve got to start looking after this guy! Poor mobility of the big toe joint leads to issues further up the chain. We need roughly 60deg of big toe extension for it to function properly ... Without this range, compensations occur and we start to walk around the big toe instead of over it. Bunions, anyone??? So if you’re lacking a bit of big toe movement, give this stretch a go. It’s super easy, just don’t jam your toe there if it hurts, ok! Want a foot map to see if you’re using your big toe like you should? Click the link below to book
23.01.2022 Great weekend out exploring the Sunshine Coast! Back to work time now! . . . #longweekend #sunshinecoast #sunnycoast #australia #hikes #mountcoolum #stunning #exercise #explore #travel #fun #adventure #MobilizeMePhysio
21.01.2022 In 1978 Harvard physician Dr. Gabe Mirkin coined the term RICE (Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.) as the recommended treatment for sports injuries. Since this... time, the medical community has religiously used this protocol for the treatment of all acute injuries AND in the recovery of intense exercise. But here's the deal, just because the pain and soreness you experience is decreased temporarily with ice does NOT mean you’re fixing the problem. In fact, you actually may be doing more harm than good. . What most don't realize is that in 2013 Dr. Gabe Mirkin came out and WITHDREW his original statement writing, Subsequent research shows that ice can actually delay recovery. Mild movement helps tissue to heal faster, and the application of cold suppresses the immune responses that start and hasten recovery." . To read the full blog post (8-10 min read) on why ice is a bad idea after injury and in the recovery from intense exercise (including 30 cited research articles), check out Dont Ice, Walk It Off on . This is a reason why we are NOT using ice in the rehab process for Martins @martinslicis (the 2019 World's Strongest Man). To help hin recover from his injuries, we crafted a plan that aims to address movement problems (restrictions in mobility, deficits in stability, etc). Our goal is to treat the WHY behind pain and not try to cover it up by addressing the symptoms with rest and ice. _________________________________ See more
21.01.2022 Figuring out WHY someone is having pain is what I am searching for in a session. This patient was having some issues with left sided lower back/hip pain which he reported to be worse when unracking a barbell in preparation for squatting, especially when putting weight onto the left side. So I had to look at his single leg stability and what I found was actually quite surprising, especially when you consider that he back squats 200kg for reps ... Check out the video below!
19.01.2022 Ever wonder why we recommend a flat soled shoe? Take a look at what your typical trainer/running shoe does to your feet.... #Repost @andybryant_podiatrist with @get_repost Let’s play spot the difference.... Swipe left to see more analysis. I hope it’s clear. While a picture does speak a thousand words, I thought I’d point out the differences in more detail. This side view highlights the differences a heel height and toe spring make compared to being barefoot. It misses what squishing the toes in a narrow toe box does though there are many images out there that do that. Including a few in my posts. The view shown here also doesn’t show how cushioning effects the foot and body. Also of note is that we don’t know if these images are of the same foot and at the same angle. They look very similar to my moderately trained in radiography eye but there is a lot of joint overlap in the Nike image which may be due to a different angle of view or because the foot is a bit squished. Next up I’ll repost a 2D view that my kids and I came up with to show how the foot is held in a modern athletic shoe. #picturespeaksathousandwords #barefootisbest #health #notnike #podiatry #healthyfeet #strongfeet #minimalistshoes #freeyourfeet #reclaimyourfeet #barefeet
17.01.2022 Getting in nice and early! Have a great New Years and let’s hope next year is a better one! Cheers ...
17.01.2022 Want a great strength exercise for your rotator cuff? Try these end range external rotation holds. Super tough! Prepare for cramping at the back of the shoulders for sure Lie on your stomach with arms out to the side & elbows bent to 90deg... Put your wrists up on yoga blocks (or a small box, folded towel etc) Create some tension in the arms by making a fist, then lift the wrists off the boxes - take the shoulder into external rotation Hold at end range for 10sec Rest 30sec and repeat 5x Tag someone who needs some help with their shoulders
17.01.2022 Do your shoulders hurt with push ups? They don’t have to! Check out this video from a little while back and get in touch to get some help. Click the link below to book ...
16.01.2022 Had two clients come in yesterday and say I think I’m too old for this S$&T Hands up who’s had a rough week good thing it’s a long weekend
15.01.2022 Friday funny Have a great weekend everyone!
12.01.2022 Testimonial Tuesday
11.01.2022 #Repost @crossfitburleigh with @make_repost This woman deserves some recognition. Sue @sueran123 is very humble so we will brag for her At 69 years young she is still setting personal bests. This is after a hip replacement and a few other setbacks! She PBd her clean at 29kg and she also held two 8kg KBs overhead for 60sec for the first time in years ... She never complains and trusts the coaches & their ability to modify any movement to suit her and how her body is feeling each day. She has also had a lot of assistance from @mobilizeme to help build a stronger body after her setbacks Sue knows there is no excuse to not exercise and it is never to late to start! Improvements don't happen overnight, but they do if you just keep at it and get some help along the way! Sue, we love watching you get stronger and more confident in your abilities . . #crossfitburleigh #crossfitaffiliate #crossfittraining #crossfitcommunity #crossfit #burleigh #burleighheads #fitnesswithfriendsisfun #anyageanyability #fitness #varsity #robina #varsitylakes #palmbeach #currumbin #currumbinwaters #tugun #mudgeeraba #reedycreek #strongerpeoplearehardertokill #MobilizeMePhysioMiami #physiomiami #physiogoldcoast
11.01.2022 Squat depth issues? Your ankles can have a massive impact on whether you may be able to hit full depth in a squat. As you can see in the before video, she had trouble getting even to parallel and had to lift her heels. We tested her ankle ROM and found she was lacking 7-9cm of flexibility. We did a banded ankle mobilization and within about 2 minutes she had improved drastically! ... The result? A deeper squat and no knee/hip pain (which was her main complaint!) There’s still some work to be done but what a great outcome with a little bit of effort Do you need help with your squat? Come get it checked out! Hit the link below to book
10.01.2022 I’m all for more wine...I mean yoga.... I mean mobility Hey it’s Friday. Do what makes you happy
10.01.2022 Struggling with tennis/golf elbow? What about Achilles issues? Tendons can be a challenging area to treat, as they are slow to respond and require compliance with a progressive home exercise program.... Contrary to what you may have been told in the past, research indicates that EXERCISE and NOT rest, is the way to overcome tendon injuries. Have you been dealing with a tendon problem? Let me know how I can help you.
10.01.2022 Carrying on the foot topic. Check out the post below by Squat University.
08.01.2022 Can you spot the difference between the two photos? Gently lift the arches of the feet but keep the big toe down Sometimes a verbal cue can make a big difference.... We are now on our way to cleaning up years of knee pain by focusing on the feet Look forward to getting this client back out on the trails Need some help with an issue? Click the link below to book!
08.01.2022 Sometimes it’s the little things that make ALL the difference We’ve been working on getting rid of back pain with overhead squats so now we’ve started to fine tune the start position.... (L) Starting with the lower back slightly arched/pelvis tipped forward ends with the lower back over extended with the ribs flaring, arms too far back and slightly off balance. (R) By just tucking the tailbone under slightly to get a more neutral spine, the end result is a more balanced position with no lower back arching. How you start, is how you finish. If you start in a poor position, you cannot improve that position through the movement. Pretty sure K-Star said that Start well, finish well. Evidence below Need some help with your movement? Get in touch by hitting the link below
07.01.2022 Ever go to a therapist for a problem and they tell you Just stop doing what hurts? While yes there can be a time and place for such advice, if they don’t even ASSESS the movement that is causing your problem, I would run far far away from this person! This client came In yesterday with shoulder pain while doing push ups. So what’s the FIRST thing I looked at???... HOW SHE DOES PUSH UPS Within 5 minutes I could see what I thought was the issue, given her cues to correct it and had her doing PAIN FREE pushups. So please....Stop listening to people who: 1. Give advice 2. Don’t take the time to actually figure out your problem #MobilizeMePhysio #miamiphysio #stoplisteningtocrapadvice #getaproperassessment #pushups #shoulderpain #shoulderstability #exercises #fixtheproblem #notjustlookatthesymptoms #goldcoastphysio #fitness #yoga
05.01.2022 Getting out an exploring some of the West Australian coastline while on holiday. Back to the clinic from Monday January 11, 2021. Look forward to helping you this year! . .... . #mobilizemephysiomiami #westernaustralia #kalbarricliffs #exercise #vitaminsea
05.01.2022 Hearing things like this make me mad. So mad Likewise when I see someone who has been to over 20 therapists for a problem and has never been properly educated ON THAT PROBLEM Don’t keep settling for this garbage! If you have an issue and are seeing someone for that issue, you had better understand what the issue is, why you have it and the steps to sort it out.... If you get told to rest, stop doing X, that you need to come 3 times a week for treatment or that surgery is your only option *without trying any other option* GO SEE SOMEONE ELSE! #getasecondopinion #stopsettlingforbadadvice #rantonawednesday
04.01.2022 Update: Dancer with knee pain 3 weeks ago I did some assessments to figure out what was causing knee pain for this young dancer and found that she was lacking control of the left hip/knee with jumping & landing. She’s been working hard and returned yesterday with no pain in her knee and much improved mechanics check out the video below! ... Have you got an knee issue you’re struggling with? MobilizeMe Physiotherapy can help!
04.01.2022 I love a good before and after photo to ensure that my intervention has done what I intend it to do! And I love using my @matassessment to get some good objective data to show my clients. In this case I found that he was lacking 10deg of hip internal rotation on the same side he was having some knee issues and used dry needling to release the glutes. We tested hip IR after and found it to be equal on both sides = WIN! Then I make sure he’s got the right mobility + strength ex...ercises to make those changes stick. #physiotherapy #beforeandafter #assessment #matassessment #hipinternalrotation #kneepain #MobilizeMePhysio #test #retest #exercise #mobility #stability #strength #miamiphysio #goldcoastphysio #crossfit #squats #injury #rehabilitation #dryneedling @ MobilizeMe Physiotherapy
03.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all my valued clients! Hope you all have an amazing day with family and friends!
02.01.2022 And.....we are BACK! Holidays have come to an end but the bookings are open! I’ve got a few free appointments this week so get in touch if you’re in need of some Physio.... 0434052277
02.01.2022 Test...don’t guess! This CROSSFITTER/Weightlifter came to me with hip pain with squatting, so we are digging deep to find out what’s REALLY going on. After our first assessment we found she had an unstable base starting with her feet and was going a bit too narrow. Also, one of her hips was lacking some internal rotation ROM. ... This is part of her 2nd assessment in which we started to look at her pelvic/hip stability. Using the Single Leg Squat test you can see she has some issues controlling this knee as she descends into the squat - not ideal for someone doing high level activities. I’ve prescribed this as an exercise with the band around the knee to help cue a more controlled knee position, to a higher box to work on her control. We will re-assess this in the next few weeks to see how she’s doing! Watch this space Need help with your movement? Click the link below to book
02.01.2022 Do you get shoulder pain with hanging from the bar or with kipping movements? We have been working to correct this issue for an athlete. On the left you can see that as she swings forward on the bar, her shoulders roll inwards and her scapulas are moving in/out - this is causing pain/pinching sensation in the right shoulder.... On the right, I had cued her to externally rotate her shoulders and activate the lats - as she swings, there is much less movement in the shoulder/scapula - NO PAIN in the shoulder. She has been working hard on improving her shoulder external rotation strength and lat strength with exercises prescribed in clinic. I don’t think it will be long before she is back doing overhead and bar work again. Do you have a shoulder problem you need help with? Get in touch! #MobilizeMePhysioMiami #shoulderpainwithkipping #scapularcontrol #externalrotationstrength #rotatorcuffstrength
02.01.2022 Have a great long weekend everyone!
01.01.2022 What’s your excuse for not looking after yourself? Post your BEST excuse in the comments below. Make me laugh and I’ll send you a FREE lacrosse ball so you’ve got one less excuse
01.01.2022 Digging to find the cause of knee pain for a young dancer During our first assessment we discovered an weakness of the hip rotators coupled with the TFL being overactive. Despite helping the pain, she came back with the issue persisting. So we had to look a bit deeper and did some evaluation of her jumping/landing mechanics. This is what we found!... Want a Physio that will look for the source of the problem and not just treat the pain?
01.01.2022 There’s just nothing better than seeing progress! A couple weeks ago I posted about this client having some back pain when unracking the barbell and putting weight onto the left side. We discovered some single leg instability on that left side (video in the left) and he’s been working hard on improving that.... Yesterday we reassessed (video on the right) and you can see how much better his stability is already. And he reported having much less pain when unracking the barbell. Put the work in, and you’ll be rewarded
01.01.2022 Testimonial Tuesday Got a niggle you can’t shake? Come give MobilizeMe Physio a go!
01.01.2022 Think it’s too late or you’ve got too many issues to make change? Well, take a look at this foot. It’s the SAME foot in BOTH photos. No joke. This is the result of years of hard work and dedication to change. THESE THINGS TAKE TIME!... Will it be hard work? Yes Will it be worth it in the end? Yes. Have you got lower limb issues? Come in for a chat and let’s see how we can help you. Click the link in bio. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing journey @gaithappens. Hard work pays off.
28.12.2021 Holidays have come to an end and it’s time to get back to figuring out those body niggles & pains! Get 2022 started on the right track, pain free! Bookings open now online. Click the link in bio to make your appointment.... #holidaysareover #backtoworktomorrow #MobilizeMePhysioMiami #starttheyearpainfree #physiomiami #physiogoldcoast
14.12.2021 Who else gets hi-5 from their dog after a workout? Hope you are all enjoying your break and getting a bit of exercise! See you in the new year #exercise #bordercollie #high5 #MobilizeMePhysio #dogsareawesome
29.11.2021 Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a great day! #merrychristmas
20.11.2021 Want to test your strength? The AxIT system has you covered! Book online at
31.10.2021 If you have shoulder pain, part of the reason may be that you lack control of the scapula. LEFT: as the arm is being lowered down, she starts to lose control of the scapula- you can see it starting to wing away from the rib cage. RIGHT: 2 weeks of working on eccentric scapular control - much improved position and control with increased speed of movement ... Need some help with a shoulder issue? Get in touch! Click the Link in bio to make a booking! #MobilizeMephysioMiami #Shoulderpain #scapularcontrol ##physiomiami #physiogoldcoast
24.10.2021 Wow Amazing technique for such a young kid!
05.10.2021 Sadbut true #funny #buttrue #gettingoldersucks #everythinghurts
30.09.2021 Happy Halloween
27.09.2021 Have you wondered if your training program is working? Are you coming back to sport/training after an injury and want to know if you’re ready? With AxIT there is no guessing! It provides real-time information about your strength. This can help me be specific in helping you rehab from an injury, or help design a program to help you achieve your goals.... Here’s what you can expect from a 1 hour assessment @isabellaacrosss @strengthbynumberstech #MobilizeMePhysioMiami #Physiomiami #physiogoldcoast #axitassessment #strengthbynumbers #lowerbodyassessment #stompitforceplates
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