MoJo Intuitive Healing And Readings in Perth, Western Australia | Astrologist & psychic
MoJo Intuitive Healing And Readings
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Address: CLARKSON 6030 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls, I have a guidance reading for you today. Pick a starfish your are drawn to and see what message that starfish has for you
24.01.2022 Card 3 If you were drawn to this card it indicates that you are guided to work for yourself, in a field that brings you fulfilment and joy. This card encourages you to launch or grow your own business. You could start part-time and then ease out of your day job as your endeavour begins to support you. If you are currently self- employed, you are being guided to seek out new ways to express your vision. Bring your own boss usually means that you put in longer hours , however the hours feel more like devotion to a calling thank work. You may partner with someone who brings extra skills to the table or consult with a mentor who can teach you business skills. Follow the path of your true interests and focus on a purpose of serving others. The rest will take care of itself.
24.01.2022 Card 2 If you were drawn to this card it indicates that you need to retreat for some much needed rest and self care. If by reading this you are breathing a huge sigh of relief then this another sign of the need for a healing pause. Self care comes in many forms, but the important thing is for you to look after yourself in a way that promotes your happiness, health, and high energy. This may involve a detox to your diet, or getting away from harsh energy relationships or circumstances. Take great care of yourself is needed right now and you will soon fly high and free like a beautiful butterfly that you are
24.01.2022 Letting Go And Surrendering We cant always control the events that happen in our life. We need to let go of our desire to force a situation to happen our way. Surrender and allow The Divine intervention to lead the way. Youll look back one day and understand why it needed to happen that way.... Many Blessings Mojo Healing See more
22.01.2022 Smudge making today
22.01.2022 Have a blessed Friday the 13th Ladies get your female healing and self care on today Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth. Friday the 13th was considered a very powerful day to manifest, honor creativity and to celebrate beauty, wisdom and nourishment of the soul....Continue reading
22.01.2022 Today is the day to manifest the shit out of your life. Go chase your dreams
21.01.2022 All By Myself Being by yourself is good for your soul. To function from day to day and be at your best, you need to make time to be by yourself and attend to your inner and outer needs. Being alone allows you to re- centre, recover, breath, release and it... alouds you just to be present, in the right now . This week try some alone time so you can re-centre and re- balance your energy Many Blessings Mojo Healing See more
21.01.2022 This is way self love is so important if u love your self you put that love outward, when u put that energy outward you attract people into your life who will love and respect you back.
21.01.2022 Feel your emotions, know why these emotions are coming up and then let that shit go.
20.01.2022 If you want to use candles in your New Moon ritual tonight, this colour guide will help you choose what coloured candle you will need for what you want to bring into your life. Many Blessings White: purity, balance, healing, spiritual work... Purple: empowerment, wisdom, confidence Pink: love, peace, affection Green: abundance, wealth, luck Red: strength, passion, power Black: protection Brown: stability Yellow: inspiration, creativity, intellect Orange: ambition Blue: truth, insight Silver: intuition, energy work
20.01.2022 All set for The Full Moon tomorrow Dont forget to put your crystals out so they can charge
20.01.2022 Rainbow 2 If you were drawn to rainbow 2 this week you need to rest and refresh. Your body and soul is screaming for it. Give your self time this week and space to renew your body. If you are feeling like you are in a rut this week take auction and get them wheels turning. A fresh start can be good as a holiday. You may find you self running away from tough Decisions you need to make this week but u know these decisions have to be made and you cant keep running away from ...them. This week you will work out that someone in your life is holding you back or their lack of action has a negative effect on your current situation, they are stuck and most likely are not going to change. This ask your self do I need to rest or a wake up call See more
20.01.2022 These two beautiful grounding candles of to their new home to spread their magic This candle will help calm the body and mind when you are feeling un balanced or your mind is all over the pace. The smell and the intentions I have put into the crystals and herbs will help you back to centre. The candle is made from soy wax.... This candle has Smoky Quartz Crystals, Black Obsidian and herbs. Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient crystals for grounding and cleansing. Black Obsidian is a great grounding stone, and its energy may work by helping you in moving any excess energy down thru the root chakra through then down into Mother Earth for grounding. Herbs Calendula Petals Helps with lifting ones spirit. Elder Flower Helps keeps you grounded in stressful times. The essential oil I used for this candle is Siberian Fir from DTERRA. The oil has a beautiful wood, earthly, grounding smell. The candle holder is a Plum colour with a mirrored inside. The plum colour promotes overcoming challenges. The candle is $35 and P&H is $12.80 Please inbox me if you would like to purchase this candle. Many Blessings
20.01.2022 Starfish 1 If you were drawn to this starfish it indicates that you need to release any resistance you may have have to the unknown and the unseen. Dont cling to what you thought you knew to be true. Open to new possibilities. You are ready to make profound changes and move forward to the next stage of your soul purpose.
20.01.2022 Happy first day of Spring. Its a time of rebirth so let your magic shine.
19.01.2022 Hello Beautiful souls Tomorrow is a New Moon So its time to write down them wishes and goals for the next month. Clear your space and cleanse your home so you can make room for all the good things to roll into your life with ease. Without having to try and push through heavy energy. With clear and cleanse environment nothing will stand in the way of your wishes and goals.... Things you can do on a New Moon Smudge your home and your self. Take a cleansing bath. Make a list of your wishes and goals. Ground yourself. Meditate with your crystals. Sit outside and soak up The New Moon energy. Write in your Journal. Do a New Moon Card spread Many Blessings for the New Moon
18.01.2022 Rainbow 4 If you were drawn to rainbow 4 this week a man born under the sign of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo who comes across as down-to earth patient and methodical May come into your life. This man can also be reliable and trustworthy and the sort of person that you can lean on times of trouble or difficulties. You may already have a person of this nature around you right now that provides support or positive practical advice you need right now specially around money and finances. This is a good week to get on top of your finances and get a hold on your spending. It a good time to draw up a budget plan and set some long term financial goals.
17.01.2022 Everything has energy, and what energy you put into something is what energy will grow.
17.01.2022 Picture 1 Love Yourself First Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive... If you desire more romance, first look at yourself (in a caring and noncritical way, of course). The more you love who you are, the greater your capacity to feel loved by others. This means trusting yourself to take good care of you, and it may entail becoming more assertive. Dont worry: you can still be very lovable while affirming your boundaries. Perhaps this means spending some time alone, instead of in a relationship. During this period, you can delve into introspection to understand the patterns of your love life. Ultimately, you can take responsibility for attracting, and agreeing to, every relationship youve had. To heal your heart, find the blessing and lessons youve gained from each one. For instance, have you become stronger, more independent, or more patient as a result of your prior partnerships? If so, let everything else from the past go except for the lessons and the love. This picture emphasizes the importance of loving yourself firstespecially as you prepare for your next relationship or heal the one youre in. As you gain self-respect, youll begin attracting more loving people into your life. This will lead to healthy friendships and romances, based upon mutual respect.
16.01.2022 Starfish 2 If you were drawn to star fish 2 it indicates That there is no need to make a decision now, just let life float gently by for the time being. See the beauty in all things, live fully in the moment. Wonders are all around you, just waiting to be appreciated.
15.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls Its Self- Care Sunday Lets do something for our selfs today.... So we can unwind from the week that was and become balanced and Centred for the week a head. Self-Care For The Mind, Body and Spirit Your Mind - Put your phone away in a draw for a few hours - Turn off the internet - Delete social media apps and social media detox - Close your eyes and allow your mind to daydream - Listen to a podcast - Play a board game - Do some colouring, painting, drawing - Read a personal development book - Accomplish a small goal - Declutter a room - Create a vision board for the future Plan a trip - Learn a new skill online - Do a deep clean of the house - Write morning pages - Try journalling - Make a scrapbook - Read a new book - Watch a new movie - Organise your computer files - Try a new craft Your Body - Make a new healthy recipe that nourishes - Drink lots of water - Try some stretches - Practice yoga - Do an online exercise class - Sit in the garden for fresh air - Put on your comfiest, softest clothes - Soak in an aromatherapy salt cleansing bath - Walk around the garden in the sunshine - Rest and sleep - Practice deep breathing - Have a dance break - Plan nutritious meals - Touch silky, fluffy, soft things - Give yourself a home spa treatment Your Spirit - Write a gratitude list - Try gardening, planting new seeds, weeding - Light a candle - Try meditation - Bake a cake - Try freewriting to your intuition - Help someone in need - Allow your emotions to unfold without judgement - Create a bucket list - Have a cuddle with a loved one or pet - Watch comedy and laugh hard Read poetry - Listen to some uplifting music - Take photographs of small moments and things around your home - Repeat positive affirmations or mantras to yourself Many Blessings Mojo Healings
15.01.2022 Witch 1 If your were drawn to witch 1 it indicates you have been in a time of uncertainty. Have you been restless, torn between two paths ? Perhaps ow is the time to choose which aspect of yourself will show its face to the world. If you have been having nightmares, perhaps your subconscious is trying to send you a message. Make sure you are listening. This witch also herald a time of flux and change, , neither good or bad it simply warns you to look carefully at the reflection in the mirror . What hidden secrets will it reveal if you are daring enough to gaze directly at the face in the mirror.
14.01.2022 Witch 3 If you were drawn to witch 3 it indicates that something wonderful, powerful and life changing is about to happen but you also really need to have a think are you taking advantage of all the opportunities that are in front of you right now? Be alert so you don’t miss this moment when it gets here. Make sure you are channelling strengths and energy in the most productive and positive ways possible
13.01.2022 Happy New Moon everyone Tonight is a New and The New Moon is sitting in Virgo. So with New Moon sitting in Virgo its time to asks you to believe in yourself and to permanently dismiss the fears that you carry inside for too long. The healing has begun and you are putting yourself in the hands of destiny, discovering the faith, perhaps, it is the missing element of your life. The New Moon in Virgo is also about self-love and channelling that beautiful goddess inside.... The New Moon Is all about renewal washing away cleansing birthing beginning anew planting seeds starting new projects So its time to write down them wishes and goals for the next month. Clear your space and cleanse your home so you can make room for all the good things to roll into your life with ease, Without having to try and push through heavy energy. With clear and cleanse environment nothing will stand in the way of your wishes and goals. Crystals to use on a New Moon staurolite (for physical body cleansing) halite or clear quartz for energetic cleansing labradorite for tapping in to the magic of the new moon indigo gabbro for connecting to new moon energy,planting seeds and clear intention setting moonstone always helps for tapping into lunar energies. Things you can do on a New Moon Smudge your home and your self. Take a cleansing bath. Make a list of your wishes and goals. Ground yourself. Meditate with your crystals. Sit outside and soak up The New Moon energy. Write in your Journal. Do a New Moon Card spread Many Blessings for the New Moon
13.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls I have a guidance reading for the week a head. Pick a rainbow that u are drawn to and see what message you for the week a head. Many Blessings
12.01.2022 Hello Beautiful souls, I have one self- love candle left The candles are made with soy wax.... This candle has Amethyst and Clear Quartz crystals and crashed rose pedals. Crystals Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Clear quartz healing properties are extremely beneficial in spiritual healing. Clear quartz stones enhance personal awareness and growth, in support of clear quartz meaning. The healing properties of clear quartz work subliminally to impart clear quartz benefits to those who have not yet experienced spiritual awakening. Clear quartz stones act as beacons of light and energy for highly spiritual people The Rose pedals can help with easing anxiety/depression, lift spirits and promote love. The fragrance is Rose Quartz it’s a uplifting sweet smell. The candle holder is a plum colour with a mirrored inside. The plum colour promotes overcoming challenges. The candle is $30 and P&H is $14
12.01.2022 Beautiful Cleansing Bath Salts Off to its new home to spread its cleansing magic #self-love #self cleanse #rosequartz energy for self-love... #Lavender for love, protection, purification and happiness #roses love, healing of the heart and protection See more
12.01.2022 Self-love Sunday What have you done today that has just been for you ?
12.01.2022 Starfish 3 If you were drawn to to this starfish it indicates You maybe feeling bored and dissatisfied with your life, your job or your relationship, but you cant quite figure out why or what it is you want? Maybe its not them its you. This starfish is a reminder to make sure you arent turning away good opinions just because you think that something perfect will eventually appear as if by magic. Are your expectations realistic? Is it possible that what you have been waiting for has been here all along , but you werent seeing it with clear eyes? Its time to take another look around and see what you have been missing.
11.01.2022 Hello Beautiful souls, The Full Moon is coming up on the 2 of September. The moon will be at it fullest at 1.22pm Perth time.... Let the Moon be your reminder to take a deep breath and pause to reflect about the past month. Then breathe out and release and let go of the past month. The Full Moon is a time to release what no longer serving you, like relationships, fears and doubt, anxiety, stresses, old emotions, any obstacles that are standing in your way. Take a cleansing bath A aura cleans bath contains epsom and pink Himalayan salts you can either use lavender buds or lavender essential oil I like two use both oil and lavender buds and also Surround your bath with your favourite crystals as this will help raise your vibration. Our auras collect so much crap during the day other peoples emotions negotiate emotions and when we dont cleanse we will feel overwhelmed and Bogged down. Signs you need an aura cleansing bath: Youre feeling emotionally and/or physically drained All you want to do is crawl into bed with your cat and put a pillow over your head You feel overstimulated Youre constantly exhausted (and its unrelated to last nights party) You feel overwhelmed Youre withdrawing from everything and everyone (even your besties) People around you notice that youre in a general funk or seem off You notice youre just going through the motions of life Cleansing your aura helps you reset, kick those negative energies to the curb, and gain a bright shiny new perspective. Many blessings Smudge yourself and your home after releasing so you can clear all blockages and you can move forward and make room for all the new beautiful things to enter your life. Things To Do Over The Full Moon Charge your crystals. Take a aura cleansing bath. Smudge your self and your home. Bath in the Full Moon rays if you low in energy as it will top that energy up. Meditate. Do a Full Moon card spread. Write down everything you want to release and read it out to the moon. Then Burn the piece of paper. Make cleansing moon water. Many Blessings Mojo Healing
10.01.2022 I have 4 of these beautiful bath cleansing salts jars for sale . Also great for your New Moon and Full Moon cleansing $18 for cleansing bath salts and $11.00 For P&H If you would like to purchase a jar please PM for payment details. Many Blessings
10.01.2022 Rainbow 1 If your were drawn to rainbow 1 this week is all about focusing is on your self-worth on a financial level. You may be questioning whether you feel OK about spending money on yourself, or whether you deserve to be paid at a certain level. On an emotional level, you may be struggling with your ability to nurture yourself, again wondering if you are indeed 'worthy' of being nurtured. If you are reluctant to take some 'me time', stop for a moment and reflect on why you are hesitating. Don't you deserve to have some time out, just for yourself? And don't you deserve to treat yourself well and even indulge in some 'luxuries'? So this week, tune in to your feeling of self-worth and how you can bring this into balance and alignment within yourself.
09.01.2022 Hello Beautiful souls, I have a Romance guidance reading for you today. Pick one of the pictures you are drawn to below And see what message it has for you on the romance front. Many Blessings
09.01.2022 Your feeling Spaced out ? Dizzy ? Clumsy ? Light headed ?... Are you Waking up tired Drained and forgetful ? Are you Finding it hard to concentrate, feeling overstimulated ? Are you Sensitive to noise and light ? YOUR UNGROUNDED !!!! Time to work on balancing your Root Chakra. Take a salt bath. Get out in nature and walk around barefooted. Take a walk along the beach. Crystals to help keep you balanced. Blood Stone Garnet Red Agate Red Aventurine Ruby Red Jasper Foods to eat to help keep you grounded Onions Carrots Potatoes Radishes Any foods that are grown under the earth Affirmation for grounding I am grounded I am loved I am safe I am enough Exercising is also another great way to keep you grounded and balanced I am not a doctor so if symptoms do progress please seek medical attention. Many Blessings
08.01.2022 Picture 2 The Romance Angels are cheering you on in your quest for great love by letting you know that you deserve it. As a child of The universe youre naturally a loving and lovable person (as is everyone). You have the right to be treated with kindness and respect by everyone in your life. If youve had harsh life experiences, you may have blamed yourself and felt unworthy of receiving affection. This picture is a reassurance that you do deserve it! Youre a beautiful of Angels pure love and light, no matter what any person has said or done to you, and no matter what happened in the past. Angels handiwork can never be undone! The more you affirm, I am lovable. I am loved. I am loving, the more this experience comes true for you. Affirmations help you believe spiritual truths at a deep, unconscious level. This, in turn, allows you to attract loving people, relationships, and circumstances. And you definitely deserve that!
08.01.2022 Picture 3 Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment Congratulations! This card signals pending nuptials, beginning with a romantic engagement. Even if youre not presently in a relationship, the Romance Angels can see one upon your horizon.... This card comes to you as reassurance specifically so that youll choose to release any worries about whether youll get married . . . because you will. Deep romantic love, in which you feel treasured, is in the cards for you. The deeper meaning of this card relates to commitment. First, you commit to taking care of yourself. You establish boundaries about what you will and wont accept in your relationships and in other life areas, such as career, home, lifestyle, and so on. Next, you honor your self-commitment by taking decisive action and telling others how you truthfully feel about their behavior. As you commit to yourself, the universe sends you additional experiences of loving commitment, including the promise of marriage.
07.01.2022 Must have crystals for your star sign
07.01.2022 Witch 2 If you were drawn to witch 2 it indicates that your life has been full of battles of late is could of been small or large . The trick is to choose which ones you are going to to fight . Are you using precious energy on issues too small to really matter ? Do you seem to end up fighting the same battle over and over again? There is no dishonour in walking away from a fight if it isn’t worth the effort. But if you are fighting for something important don’t give up. You are tougher than you think.
06.01.2022 Star signs as a Babe
06.01.2022 Starfish 4 If you were drawn to this starfish it indicates That you need to get creative. This is a time of rapid growth in every way. Projects undertaken now will blossom quickly. Give in to spring fever and approach life with enthusiasm. Take a leap of faith. This starfish is also a sign of rebirth and eternal life
05.01.2022 Rainbow 3 If you were drawn to rainbow 3 this week you may find yourself in the thick of self sabotage. Self defeating thoughts may threaten to overwhelm you, keeping you blind to reality. Remember that things are not really how they seem when you are in a negative mindset. If you find yourself feeling helpless, down in the dumps or even just confused your task this week is to pinpoint the negative thought (or thoughts) causing you stress and find a way to turn those thought...s around. Those negative thoughts dont need to exist they are no more a reflection of reality than your positive thoughts. Take the time to question your thoughts: are they really true? How might they be untrue? How might the opposite of those miserable thoughts be true? As you unravel your limiting thoughts and beliefs, the veil will lift and you will become truly free.
04.01.2022 Witch 4 If your were drawn to witch 4 it indicates that you have been striving for ages, working hard to achieve your dreams, being drawn to this witch very good news indeed, it means that, sooner or later, successfully be yours. Dont worry if this goal seems far off just keep at it as and u will eventually will kick that goal and get the success you have been dreaming of.
03.01.2022 Make this week about you. Do something little each day this week that is just for you and no body else. Many Blessings
02.01.2022 Self-Care Sunday Today practice protecting your funky vibe 1 let go of things you can’t control. 2 Avoid comparing yourself to others.... 3 keep your faith larger then your fears 4 Don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right. 5 Don’t be afraid of spending time alone. 6 Don’t get caught up in gossip. 7 Speak kindly to yourself. 8 Please yourself before pleasing others. 9 Stay away from people who drain your energy. 10 Ignore any opinions that doesn’t enhance your life . 11 Give your self a good smudging on Sunday, so you can start the week feeling lighter, clear and not bogged down. See more
02.01.2022 Happy Full Moon
02.01.2022 Picture 4 Your love life is influenced by your religious upbringing and spiritual path This picture reveals that religion and spirituality are subtle but important factors in your love life. Perhaps youre looking for a relationship with a partner who shares your spiritual beliefs. If so, this card comes to you as guidance to seek your new partner at the church, temple, or meeting place associated with your faith.... If youre currently with a partner who isnt spiritually minded or whose beliefs differ markedly from your own, you may feel dissatisfied. You may also be influenced by family traditions that expect you to marry within your own culture or religion. The Romance Angels are helping you address this issue, and they ask you to remain true to yourself during the process. Decide which factors you will and wont accept in your relationship, and what your priorities are for your partner. For instance, its possible that your love interest may live the spiritual principles that you find important (for example, forgiveness, charity, kindness, and the like), without having the same religious affiliation you do. The angels remind you that your partner (like everyone) is a child of The universe . Everyone is spiritual in truth, because everyone is spirit. Although its not up to you to change your partner to match your spiritual path, your affirmations, prayers, and visualizations can have a positive influence on both of you and your relationship.
01.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls, I have for sale 2 Protection Herb Candle. Crystals... - Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease. Volcanic in origin, Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns. - Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophesy. Herbs - Lavender is added to sage or rosemary smudge sticks or made into its own to smolder and smudge homes, purify crystals, and clear negativity from a room. - Myrrh for cleansing and protection. DTERRA Oil - Lavender for protection. The candle holder is a plum colour with a mirrored inside. The plum colour promotes overcoming challenges. This candle is $40 P&H is $12.90 I also can make to order other combinations of candle, please pm me. If you would like to purchase this candle please inbox me for payment details. Thank you
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