Mollydooker's Cafe & Bar in Apple Tree Creek, Queensland, Australia | Canadian Restaurant
Mollydooker's Cafe & Bar
Locality: Apple Tree Creek, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 4126 1114
Address: 29399 Bruce Hwy 4660 Apple Tree Creek, QLD, Australia
Likes: 4186
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24.01.2022 This is the station I am still waiting to get negative commentary on... and I'm not sure why. Not a lot of places you get to hear Pink Floyd and Zeppelin on the radio buuuut why not? We love it. This is from the 'Led Zeppelin' station; a really good mix of heavy metal, blues rock and classic rock - what's not to love? Open at 430pm today; 830am tomorrow. Happy Saturday! #mollys4660 #foodandmusic #thecurealls #goodforthesoul #ledzeppelin #heavymetalisthedevilsmusic #waitingforsomeonetoaskmetochangeit #answerwillbesorrybutno #whenyouwork14hoursadayyougettochoosethemusic #untilthen ... #no
23.01.2022 ...Thirsty Thursday had me thinking... #whychoose #redANDwhite #keepthosedoctorsaway #wait #thatwasapples #wasntaglassofredadaygoodforyoutoo #letsgowiththat #havingfruitfordinner #mollys4660
23.01.2022 Our website and in-house signage explain our hours like this, but since FB and Google don't allow us to specify kitchen hours - here they are! We are still only serving breakfast on Sundays until we have some new faces to help us out. We would like to remind people about making bookings if you know you are coming - even a 30minute warning can be the difference in us happily seating you or unfortunately having to turn you away. Further to that - if you already have a and you can no longer make it, or if your number of guests increases or decreases, please call to inform us too! With the COVID restrictions, we book to capacity quickly on the weekends so we can't always just add 1 more person once you arrive, and the couple of people who 'couldn't make it' could have been a table for customers on our waiting list. The restrictions are making it hard to be hospitable in hospitality, but, we're trying our best and doing our part - hopefully some normality will return soon! #mollys4660 #buggeroffcovid #noonelikesyouanyway #capacitycaps #noyoucantmovethetables #noyoucantmovethechair #nosalt #nopepper #noblanketsforthecold #noprettytablebottles #signinandsanitise #washyourdamnhands See more
22.01.2022 Mike was nice enough to move Stanley for a zoom call with his buddies around the world.... not long now and iso will be over for him! #stanley #isoelf #wereplacedourfriendsheads #neelyistheofficer #mooseisthemoose #hartyisthehockeypenguin #alyisthebeardedman #saraishisbeaver #sorrysara #missingallourfamilyandfriends #covidsucks @alyharji @shane.hart.75457 @doktormoose91
21.01.2022 Had a boomerang video aiming for the whole ‘if you break it you buy it’, but you’ll have to head to our insta page to see it .... a salted caramel popcorn cheesecake in the cake display this week! It tastes as impressive as it looks #mollys4660 #sweetsbysuey #boomerangsdontworkonfacebook #atleastnotforme #nothowyoulosethecovidweight #butcovidisntover #soooooo #eatme
20.01.2022 Always loved this one.... a little something' for your Monday
18.01.2022 ...and on the fourth day of quarantine our Stanley gave to me... bread! Not sure where he found yeast, but, today we bake bread #stanley #isoelf #isit2021yet #allcarbsallchristmas
18.01.2022 I actually had to eat this for breakfast because I will not waste food! Caramilk cheesecake is’re welcome #somethingabouthavingtocutthefirstpiece #sellsbetter #myexcuse #anyexcuse #lovecaramilk #lovecheesecake #sweetsbysuey #mollys4660 #breakfastofchampions #kidswithgrandmasonosharing #hidingfrommike #hisbitesaretoobig
18.01.2022 Gonna be a boring end to quarantine for Stanley... should of made his break-out a little more worth it than an Anzac bikkie! #stanley #isoelf #naughtyelf #guarded #letsseehowthispansout #mollys4660
17.01.2022 Not featured... the Nutella pancakes, or the beetroot cured Salmon Bene that we’re running for Mum’s Day brekky specials tomorrow.... We still have a few tables available but not many, so, if you know you’re coming, please give me a call! (07) 4126 1114
16.01.2022 Looks like Stanley’s on the Tiger King train... #isoelf #hardtobenaughty #carolbaskin #tigerswerewellfed
15.01.2022 They're so big they look just like the ocean #butnothingcaneatyou #sharkfree #crocfree
15.01.2022 Steak and grilled curd salad, with beetroot, radish, cherry tomatoes and balsamic glaze #mollys4660 #notimeforhashtags #eating
14.01.2022 Oh hey! That’s us! Thank you all for all the love - not just on this, but always We’re just two kids from the sticks, doing what we love so it’s great you love it too! #ourstickswerefarapart #notkidsanymore #19and20whenwemet #30somethingsneveryoumindnow #canthidethosetiredeyes #twokidsundertwo #andabusinessduringcovid #doingwhatwelove #mostlyeatingfood #anddrinkingbeer #andespressomartinis #lotofwine #afewcocktails #shotskisforgoodmeasure #hmmtheresatrendhere #letsblameamy #thecauseofandsolutiontoallourproblems #kiddingthatstequilla
13.01.2022 There is not a lot to say about this one.... Funky Jazz. It is almost impossible to stay cranky with this playlist on. This is the one you blast with feather duster in one hand and glass of wine in the other and just get. it. done. Kidding... no one uses feather dusters anymore... do they? Not open this weekend , but open regular hours come Wednesday! #mollys4660 #motivationmusic #makesforagoodmood #forgetthefeatherduster #twoglassesofwinesoundsbetter #allergictodust #notallergictowine #notmyfault #decisionfromahigherpower #thanksmumanddad #goodpriority
11.01.2022 Well, turns out equipment isn't the biggest fan of sitting for 4months unloved (in fairness, nor were we...! Ha) Open today until 2pm and then we're closing up shop to get some maintenance done until we return on the 30th.
11.01.2022 I missed out on most of our Mums Day specials, but know the right people soooo we recreated. Last nights dinner... Eye fillet, roast veg, cauliflower purée, mushroom and thyme reduction #whenyouownarestaurant #haha #no #usuallyieatburntfood #coldfood #leftovers #savethebestforyouguys #yallarethebest #freshfoodararity #mysteakararity #asitshouldbe #sotender
10.01.2022 Aaaand we’re back as of tomorrow with adjustments to our hours, to the cafe and to our attitudes...haha kidding, some things never change Master L turned 2 yesterday and suddenly thinks he’s of coffee drinking age Hard to be mad when he has such good taste in mugs though... Open: Wednesday to Saturday 10am-close Sunday 830am-2pm... #mollys4660 #goleafsgo #hedoesnotneedcoffee #ever #althoughitmakeshimsit #dontworrykarenitwasjustthedregs #thismummaaintnofool #iftheleafshadhisenergytheydwinthestanleycup
08.01.2022 Don’t forget Dad’s this weekend! With Covid capacity caps still in place our lunch seating is all but booked, but we still have availability for Friday & Saturday nights, and Sunday breakfast. We’re bringing back our most loved menus from days gone by, because, how good was life back then! #stupidrona #dontforgetdads #socksandjocks #chocolatecoverednuts #tools #scratchies #didimissanything #mollys4660 #giveyourdadabearhug #youllmissthemwhentheyregone
06.01.2022 Ahhh always a good vibe when you can find a good reggae station. This is one we've certainly had to tailor make - a lot of these had to happen to get it to where it is; just a groovy, light atmosphere.... nothing too heavy, nothing too fast paced. The definition of chillaxed. Paired nicely with a Long Island Iced Tea Open at 430pm today, 830am tomorrow! ... #mollys4660 #foodandmusic #thecurealls #goodforthesoul #jamaicanmecrazy #goodvibesonly #dontworrybehappy #chillax See more
04.01.2022 Since we aren't at the cafe today to see what our isolated little elf is up to, seemed fitting to post our holiday hours. The way Christmas falls this year, we end up with a couple weeks off! It was something we were all very, very much looking forward to this year. In fact, we have been excited for this year, for two years! It was the year we would be able to spend Christmas with our family in Canada, and our UK staff would be going home to theirs as well - all without the g...uilt of closing/taking time off work. Enter COVID and looks like we're all stuck with a very muggy Christmas instead. Has COVID changed anyone else's Christmas holiday plans? #mollys4660 #holidayhours #dreamingofawhitechristmas #willhavetobewinenow #ohthethingsyouhavetodo #whohasaircon #notme #heysanta #ivebeengood #alliwantforchristmas #isnotyou #isaircon #mariahhaditwrong See more
04.01.2022 I mean... you gotta do, what you gotta do.... #mollys4660 #hero #winetime
02.01.2022 Expected this guy to stay in quarantine for the couple days we’re away, come back, the lid’s off the cookie jar with tracks leading back to Stanley silly him for leaving, or silly us for trusting him? #thelatter #naughtlyelf #cantbetrusted #needsecurity #notfromvictoria #notthatstanleyhasmoney #desperatetimescallfordesperatemeasures #hedfindawaytopaythemoff
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