Monad Centre of Balance in Joondalup | Medical and health
Monad Centre of Balance
Locality: Joondalup
Phone: +61 411 199 032
Address: Unit 3/48 Winton Road 6027 Joondalup, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Thank you for this precious moment of connection with you. Thank you to Mei-Lan Maurits for permission to use your soulful music to complement our Meditation from her album Reverence. Time to come home to you.
24.01.2022 Loving Awareness Meditation. Be a conduit for Divine Blessings for the upliftment, healing, nourishing and evolving of life on beautiful Earth. In turn this blessing flowers in our world and in our lives. What you bless, blesses you back as the Divine law of Karma or Law of Attraction gives you exactly what you give out. From our hearts to yours may you be blessed with Divine Ligh, Love and Will Power for the will to do good in action. Gratitude for the lovely music by Leoni Du Toit - Angelic Ambience - Album - Just Be.
22.01.2022 All Sterling Silver Crystal Pendants by Entia Jewellery and Kerryn Leigh Designs are now 20-40% off. Both talented Australian Artisan. New stocks coming soon. All available online here Or just drop in at 3/48 Winton Rd Joondalup. We are open Mon to Sat 9.5pm. Sorry we don't hold products.... We have your wellbeing at heart, when you arrive please use hand sanitizers in reception. We have restriction of numbers in our little shop so please call 0411199032 to book your viewing. If you do arrive and its busy please be aware you may have to wait in reception till theres room and of course theres a cup of tea or coffee if you wish. Parking at the door.
21.01.2022 Its a New Year why not add some new energy into your life and living spaces to enjoy the beautiful light, loving, fun, healing, beauty and grounding vibration of Angelic and Nature medicine. Check out our summer Crystal and Jewellery sale 20-40% selected items. Theres lots of variety of quality hand chosen pieces that suit any budget. Its also a good time to tune into the crystals sharing your life and see who may leave you to continue its service elsewhere. This helps regulate the flow of energies that enliven your life. While your here check out some new arrivals. Your find these in the Online shop click the link below. to shop. If you are like me who has to touch, see and feel before you buy just drop into 3/48 Winton Rd, Joondalup. We are open Mon-Sat 9.5pm. We have Covid-19 measures in place and we thank you for scanning or filling out your details before you enter. Theres sanitizers too at the door. See you soon.
21.01.2022 Well its time for a Crystal Sale, its been awhile and with Spring here these lovely Crystals are now on the move to create space for more stock to bring in the energy of Spring. These of course are already vibing Spring energy and heart frequencies they are now syncing into just like us. Sale items are from 20-50% off. This is just some of the sale so just drop in to see the lot. These will be online soon, in the meantime feel free to drop into the Centre to browse. We ar...e still limiting access to the Shop so please bell us before you drop in on 041119902. If you forget and its busy when you come, we'll park you in the therapy room or meditation space till its clear. Sorry about the inconvenience but we do have your wellbeing and ours in mind as always. We are open Mon-Sat 9.5pm, parking at the door. Sorry we don't hold products, its first come first serve.
20.01.2022 Wow this is another wonderful rare phenomena happening right now in our times coinciding with the Spiritual awakening ramping up this year. I'll be attuning us into this energy this morning in our Livestream meditation 10am, join us let's tap into this blessing to fire up our creative minds and heart to create our hearts desires and dreams. The alignment of such magnitude like this is rare just like Covid19. The last alignment occurred 500 years ago. It means there is a mass...ive flow of balance and harmious energies radiating, harmonising the new frequencies we are experiencing and breaking down the old. Another perfect Divine timing as its occurring during such a difficult time and in Spring the season of new life, beginnings and growth. A wonderful time to get creative on those dreams, projects and purpose, harnessing this blessing. See you soon. Thank you Dr Theja for the heads up and data.
20.01.2022 Hi everyone. Please contact Fiona Ginn the facilitator of this event on 0403161816 to book in. To find out more about her check out her post below, her fb page and email is listed there.
19.01.2022 Time for some new Angelic Crystal Medicine to bring in the creative renewal and new beginning energies of Spring. Check out our Crystal Sale now on mark items too. If your dropping in, find us at 3/48 Winton Rd Joondalup. We are open Monday to Sat 9.5pm. Parking at the door. Or drop into the Online shop
19.01.2022 Its Spring, new roads of the New World are starting to appear. They have been quietly greening with new ideas, inspirations and dreams born out of difficulties and letting go of our fears. Spring has a new vibe, a new song, new colours, new vista and paths to explore. You will feel this newness deeper, fuller and enjoy the invigorating injection of aliveness filling the new spaces we have cleared to begin again in the heart. There's a new mindset and open heart growing stro...nger everyday strengthening our Oneness growing out of every home. Our longing for a new world with loving caring conscious people that take care of each other and mother earth has been answered. Open your eyes to see the beauty in and all around you. See the light and loving heart of every Soul in human, animal plant, mineral and elemental and your see the New Earth. See fear and your remain in the old world we are leaving behind. Theres no going back to the nightmare, we are awake we can only go forward. The paths before us are to the heart, our home. Go to nature and she will open you to see what many are now living. She is reclaiming her world, creating new roads of peace, love, light, balance, beauty well-being, abundance, compassion, beauty, order and there's endless surprises to come. We are the change we wanted to see in the world. Now live it so it grows in power.
19.01.2022 So love these Arizona Sandstone Crystals, colours are stunning energies are just grounding. Stunning gift ideas or just spoil yourself. Find us at 3/48 Winton Rd, Joondalup open Mon-Sat 9-5pm
18.01.2022 When the Soul wakes up, the stories it shares are enlightening, healing, inspiring and sets others on fire. You feel the light love and power in their stories and presence. What do you feel in this story? Do you really listen to the stories others tell? I don't hear the stories I feel the effect of the energies their stories are feeding grow in and around them like dark clouds If its negative, if its positive, I see light uplifting energies gather around them. With negative ...clouds I shift the energies while they are unconsciously releasing their toxin. I radiate love and compassion that defuses the negativity then I speak to the Soul and through me their Soul speaks to them. The words always has the right effect to create awareness and understanding that heals and helps them to release. Sometimes I just hold them in love and allow them to talk and cry because all they needed was a loving heart to let them be and support their unique process. I share this for those who feel the effect of negativity in others and are affected by it. I was born with an acquit sensitivity to Spirit, feeling whatever the Soul was experiencing in others. Humans call this sensitivity empathic or your an impact. Its a Soul quality you have the ability to feel whatever Souls are experiencing because your vibration is attune to a heart level. It is also why the energies can be intense. I used to avoid people for this reason preferring being in nature enjoying my nature friends and learning from my Soul and Angels watching over me. It was these lessons that helped me learn to use my heighten sensivity to help others and do Earth healing with them. The lessons were to develop Self love to purify the heart centre so the high frequencies of universal loving kindness and compassion flows forming a protective shield around the aura. This took time to master as Self love didn't come naturally to me. But the years of dedication has given me the joy of thid gift. As I see and feel how the spontaneous outflow of love and compassion just heals and frees Souls to express themselves in the neutral space of heart presence where heart wizdom flows and guides them bome. So if your an impath listen to your inner guides and practice self love to activate your gift, its your natural protection and a blessing to this world thats searching for Soul light Soul Love that you are sensitive to. May you set your love and light on fire and shine brightly in the darkness of others.
15.01.2022 Looking forward to sitting with you under this full moon and feel the majesty of Grace pouring at this time moving us forward to the New World unfolding. Join us in our livestream tonight 6.30pm to hold sacred space for every life on our planet at this phenomenal time of spiritual awakening. This is the most powerful time we can all contribute to the creation of a New Earth as an enlighten global community. Tune in and lets connect to send a global wave of Love and Light through Earth as we connect o Uluru accessing the power centre of our planet to aid us.
14.01.2022 The Shift occurring in our life time right now will not be a fast move. We have to accept this kind of shift is rare and it only happens when there is danger of a global extinction that will affect the natural Universal order of life, the natural evolution of a species in the scheme of the Divine Plan or in response to prayers of a collective consciousness seeking help. I feel it's a combination of all 3. So how do we adjust our lives to live through this shift? We have to a...djust the lense of our mind from the little lense of the human mind to the panoramic view of our Soul mind. We've outgrown the ancient ways of fear now crashing down. How we use our minds now will determine how fast we move from the falling rubble of fear to walk on the new shores of our New Earth, breath the air of freedom and meet each other with new enlighten minds and open heart. The Light of Soul consciousness breaking through this shift is expanding our views to its Infinite dimensions of knowledge and wisdom. Its only here we will find peace in knowing truths that puts life into an infinite perspective that evolves our minds beyond the survival stories it plays and lives in. Take care of your mind, you own the most powerful creation of God. It can destroy you or take you on incredible journeys you can't envision yet, but will when this Shift opens your mind to the Light of your Soul and that sun shine in. From that day on all you will see feel and be is the Sun in your vortex of Life just shining as life lives in their spaces around you like Planets orbiting your Radiance. Slow down breathe and feel this shift inside you, bring your focus back to you. This is the orientation we need to make. Start with changing ourselves and revalue our worth and uniqueness and the space we are given to stand in the Ocean of Life. When enough Soul Light and Love blazes on Earth our Goodness will prevail and anchor the New Soul humanity. Be that change you want in the world. #lightoftheworld#lightworker#soullight#logos#divinelight#godislove#godisgood#grace#enlightenment#illumination#consciouscommunity#lovingkindness#soul#loveyourself#humanity#alive#5thdimension#newearth#meditation#mindfulness
14.01.2022 2 more seats left to this life transformation workshop starting this Sunday 6 Sept.
13.01.2022 Love is the Grace showering this Spring with abundance feeding the new seeds of change showing signs of growth with the delicate colours of love you can feel and touch if you are present. When your heart is open it delights and dances through the seasons, moods, colours, sounds, shapes, imperfections and perfections of life. It breathes in the fragrance, sees the light and beauty, it gently touches life gifting love, it tastes all the offerings of life and hears every voic...e of every Soul knowing it is One with all. This intimacy of heartfelt living is gently stirring and rising out of what has died, dissolved, release, healed and let go during this reset time. Social distancing and a threat to human existence has for most being a breath of new life, new beginning, direction, simplification and slowing down. For others it has provided time to refocus of themselves, to heal, to clear, let go and find themselves but in new versions. For some it created space to leave their bodies to rest in the eternal. Others found new depths in relationships or strength and courage to close doors to begin again. While its been a year of turmoil for some, the value of this global shake-up is what it will leave behind in humanity and every life it has touched intimately. The stories we hear in our community is changing, there is more light love, understanding, excitement, hope, inspiration and positivity. There's more letting go, surrendering and mindfulness in connections. Theres new levels of awareness as we educate ourselves to be informed about what's happening in our world and make sound decisions with good outcomes. Yes theres doom and gloom for some but the wave of soulful stories are now holding their own strength and power. What you give your attention to is the key to how you attune to this Grace of Change and benefit from the Smorgasbord of choices, opportunities and freedom now flowing with the clearance of the old ways. Its a blessed time so give yourself time to tune in and let your heart touch and open you to new depths of Soulful living loving thinking and Just Be.
13.01.2022 Meditation and Mindfulness Workshop for Beginners is now entering its six years of running at the Monad Centre. This workshop has helped hundreds of people in our community find a new lease on life with deeper understanding of themselves and how to use their minds in positive ways to recreate their lives from a process of inner transformation. The workshop program is an integration of spiritual knowledge, science evidence and modern application of techniques in real scenari...os enabling to you to experience the health and mental benefits of meditation and mindfulness. We share our own real-life experiences of how meditation has transformed our lives and build more adaptable, resilient, flexible, open and positive mindsets. The workshop is offered in various packages to meet your needs. It includes a membership into the Private Beginners Meditation Resource Hub where you can access meditation videos by Iva and Neil as well as receive support contents and post to support your healing journey. The packages include 10 meditation classes that you attend after to cement and build on your learning. Group meditation is a supporting process to your own home practice as it continues to evolve you on other levels and connects you to like minded people harnessing the power of group meditation boosting your practice. To find out more about the program and book your seat go to this link
13.01.2022 Thank you for liking me. I now have a lovely human. SOLD.
12.01.2022 We are all born with minds and abilities to be powerful and successful in what we do. The difference in how we live is how we use our minds and the conditions we choose to live by. Powerful successful people aren't born they are Self made from what they feed their minds with, give attention to, their motivation, drive, discipline, belief and don't give up mentality that pushes them beyond limitations. They are self directed following their own path and inner knowing. T...he key to being your ultimate Self living by your rules, standards, vision and Truth is the knowledge you grow your mind with. Their is practical knowledge that helps you with everyday workings of living in this transient world I call worldly knowledge. Then there is Spiritual knowledge that expands your mind beyond the limitation of worldly knowledge. It opens and develops new subtle mental muscles and higher connectivity to a universal library of infinite wisdom. Meditation and Minfulness is the gym for mental expansion and door to this universal library of higher education. It's strategies processes and tools have been developed tested and evolved down the ages through direct personal and group practice and experience. Results have been recorded also down the ages of direct effects experienced by practitioners of these practices affirming their powers of transforming unconscious mental conditions to conscious and mindful presence evolving self awareness. Meditation and Mindfulness is a Science proved with its exact processes that yield positive mental development growth effecting and transforming ones life from the inside out. Spiritual awareness and knowledge is essential to our wellbeing happiness and wealth that enables us to live and thrive. Once you are awaken into your true Spirit everything of this material world and all its conditions will no longer effect you as your mind will evolve beyond their limitations. Self education is self empowerment. #empowerment#meditation#mindfulness#livinginthemoment#selflove#enlightenment#illumination#mentalhealthawareness#Spirituality#Buddha#wellness#monadcentre#peaceofmind
12.01.2022 We are all co-creating a New Chapter of Life in the Light.
12.01.2022 Everyday presents opportunities to begin afresh, to write a new chapter or you just continue to walk the same we'll trodden path of routine edged in your mind. New beginnings doesn't just happen, you have to create it. Your mind is like a garden you have to clear some space, dig some old mindsets out, weed old habits and let Light in. Mindfully plan your new horizon, choose your new seeds of thoughts wisely envisioning the fruit they will yield to feed your life and oth...ers you share your garden with. Then water and fertilise it with love the secret ingredient. Now you watch and care for it weeding it regularly to give your new mindsets space to grow strong with deep roots to thrive into new habit and ideas that will transform your world into a beautiful self sustaining garden. This new garden will continue to Self seed new ideas to enjoy new landscapes of experiences that keep your heart open and alive your mind active and youthful and your body healthy and strong. This garden feeds the Soul and you have all the resources to begin. It doesn't need money or any special qualification to create it. You have all you need. Just begin from where you are. Think about what you want to be and how you desire your life to reflect. Then start in small ways, a beautiful garden takes time dedication and love to grow. It is always changing as it will grow with you. Happy gardening.
11.01.2022 This workshop has 4 more seats left if you are looking to explore the wellness, personal and spiritual evolving benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness. The condition of your mind and attitude affects every area of your life, from the relationship you have with your self, to how you relate to others and the environment you live in. Mental well-being is not an option, it is essential to happiness, health and quality of life. Without mental wellness, life becomes a battle, a ch...allenge or a meaningless survival existence that affects every area of life. If you are struggling to make positive and healthy changes in your life. This workshop will equip you with ancient and powerful processes and tools to expand your current knowledge base and understanding of your self. This expansion is essential as the building block for a new beginning or transformation, what you know right now can only produce what you already are and all your experiences. At this workshop you will learn the fundamental basis of meditation and mindfulness that will enable you to enjoy and experience the benefit of mental health and personal development practices. You will receive guidance and mentoring during the 2 half day workshops, that include 10 meditation classes to cement your learning and continue to expand your practice with our support of group learning and mentoring. You can join the Meditation for Beginners Resource private page to access guided meditations and motivation information to support your practice and you will have all that you need to begin a routine at home and to understand how to apply the mindfulness into daily living. Plus a variety of weekly meditation classes you can join to continue to grow evolve and receive support in your practice. To view the program and the Meditation and Wellbeing Packages go to For more information call us on 0411199032.
11.01.2022 Cancer- Capricorn Trinity Full Moon Meditation. Thank you dear family for our loving connection in anchoring the Light to end this blessed year. Have a safe and prosperous New Year and see you in 2021. With deep love from our hearts to yours. Iva and Neil. The music was Sharman by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
11.01.2022 Join us for the Full Moon of Capricorn-Cancer and Earth alignment on Saturday 26 June 5-6.30pm. These monthly global Earth healing connections have grown powerful in their connectivity and especially during these challenging times. Enjoy a grounding refreshment after in the energy of our community oneness. The image that resonated for this full moon is the softness of this Luminous moon shining on a tranquil ocean breathing on the shores of our New World. So much is happe...ning and yet if you just stopped close your eyes, breath and tune inward your feel a calming flow underneath all the surface frenetic activities. If you deepen into that flow you would feel the softness too of the feminine energy. The marry of the Capricorn and Cancer qualities brings the realistic practical down to earth element of Capricorn to balance the homely nurturing heightened sensitivity of the water element of Cancer. As cardinal signs the ideal of these Celestial houses is the developing of Soul Leadership. A fully integrated Capricorn will assess the needs of all, consider everything with logic and care to take action to make sure the needs of all are met. Cardinal signs are pioneers of change exploring new ways of doing and being. Capricorn's ideal is mastering the Earth physical element so it will be concern with creating new ways to harness and use energy, resources, finance and time to enjoy the maximum benefit of output. Cancer is the sign of mass consciousness as its sensitivity picks up the energy waves of the collective consciousness and emotions. Cancer is the mastery of the water emotional element. It has to overcome its sensitivity with empathy and compassion that will move its focus to others using its intuitive feeling nature to connect and understand others so like Capricorn its output is effective in helping the whole. If we relate these signs to what is occurring in human relationship and the global crises today. We have entered the Age of Light that is illuminating consciousness to expand our views to seeing events and life through the Soul universal mind, to feel each other through the wholeness of our loving heart and to create new ways of relating to each other and our world on a practical realistic level as well as with deeper loving compassion and empathetic heart connection. Looking forward to our Soul connectivity under these Cardinal signs of Capricorn and Cancer. To book just drop into this link
09.01.2022 Found a gem in Port Denison. A lovely creative Artisan just having dinner with her. Here's a quick sample of her creativity. Love the shell idea. More to come from Kristine, Tribal Sands.
08.01.2022 Thank you for joining the Loving Awareness and Blessings Meditation livestream this morning. Heart connection in the new Earth vibration. Music - Untold Depth by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
07.01.2022 Meditation clears the fog of conditioning. It activates Soul intelligence, that is clear, focus and open. The power of such a mind is the exactitude, precision, directness and timing of action. It will always hit the target, achieve its purpose succeed in all its endeavours while maintaining poise and balance. Poetry in motion.
07.01.2022 Self education is Self Empowerment. Some new books for personal and spiritual development are now in the Giftshop. Find us at 3/48 Winton Rd, Joondalup and open Mon-Sat 9-5pm. These will be available Online soon. To view the Online shop go to
07.01.2022 New gift ideas in the shop from the ancient world of fossils. Ideal gift boxes for storing delicate jewellery all come with a selenite tumble to cleanse and energise your jewellery. Shells are wonderful groundimg allies to hold in meditations. The energy of these Triassic marine fossils vibrate to the root chakra connecting one to the energy of the Earth. It reminds us we are part of the cycle of life and to attune to it to flow in its universal rhythm. An ally for grounding overactive minds to be real and grounded in what is happening in real life now. Orthoceras fossils helps to balance emotions, increase confidence, stimulates the mind and leads to openness and innovation. It feels grounding and helps to gather knowledge, in addition, it also empowers accomplishments. Find us at 3/48 Winton Rd Joondalup. Open Mon-Sat 9-5pm
06.01.2022 Dear Soul family join the Livestream Meditation 10am this morning (Perth time). Enjoy a deep energy cleansing, energizing and recentring your energy flow to maximise intake and harmonising of Spiritual Blessings we are receiving to accelerate the Awakening process. This free service is to support loving togetherness, oneness, deepening conscious healing expansion and wellness in our community. These videos are accessible on this page if you can't join at this time. Please share this to anyone needing this support. Sending you blessings of love light power peace prosperity and well-being from our hearts to yours. Iva and Neil
06.01.2022 Join us tomorrow Tuesday 15th Sept 10am (WST) in the Livestream Loving Awareness Community Meditation. With so much change and uncertainty on our planet at this time join us as we invoke Divine Blessings and Healing for every Life on Earth. Lets come together to form a powerful global conduit for Divine Blessings to flow through our collective Oneness to support, heal, uplift and nurture every life during this difficult time as we ask for the blessings of Divine Energy to p...ower and accelerate the spiritual awakening process to move life forward with the injection of Divine peace, Love, Light and Will Power empowering the will to do good through action. This is a free service to keep our community connected and working together energetically to influence change on a physical level working soulfully on the energy plane where all things originate from. We look forward to lifting the energy of this global meditation in unity as we call upon the Divine Blessings that is available always when we request. See more
06.01.2022 Our new stock of Oracle and Tarot cards are now in the shop and about to go in the Online Shop to. Click images below for prices. To visit the Online shop go to or drop into 3/48 Winton Rd, Joondalup we are open Mon-Sat 9.5pm. Click link to view Online Shop.
04.01.2022 Its time for a Crystal Sale to home some of these lovely Angelic Crystal Medicine ready to gift their light, love, vibrations, and unique healing and beauty of course to where they are destine to be. From the sale we are now running and I will be posting samples daily meet Black Moonstone. She's a real beauty with amazing intrusions and opulent lights shining through her body. "I'm Black Moonstone, the deep earthy balance of the feminine essence, the grounding nurturing st...ream of unconditional love in actions, thoughts and connectivity. I bring through the Spiritual qualities of the Infinite Feminine and Divine Love and weave it into practical living experience. I open you to what is true in your nature so the light within shines through and the love within runs true to who you are. I mirror the truth of Soul and reveal the illusion of fear. " I break the outer core of darkness to reveal the True Light". I empower the courage of the Divine Feminine. See more
04.01.2022 Thank you for your Presence at this Loving Awareness and Blessings Meditation. This morning continued deepening into our Heart space entraining our whole being into the vibe of Heart dimension. Grateful for our music - Adrift by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
03.01.2022 Event booked out, now closed. Looking forward to meeting all who have booked this Sunday. Next Meditation and Mindfulness Workshop for Beginners is on Sunday 11 October Part 1 and Part 2 on Sunday 18 October from 10-1.30pm.
03.01.2022 Good morning dear community. Well the Monad Walkabout journey has been a feast of soul medicine and we have been so humbled by the grandeur of our WA slice of heaven on Earth. As always whenever we take time to deepen in Spirit we naturally share our experiences as we want to share the blessing of immersion in Spirit through nature and feel that love of continuing to share our journey with you, our community family. When we visit nature we serve her in Earth healing our trip...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Hello community theres 3 more seats to this 2 half day workshop on Sunday 23 and 30 of May. These run monthly. W are about to launch an alternative of 3 mini 2 hour classes run over 3 Saturdays from 2-4pm as another option and working on putting this Online giving more flexibility to busy people. These workshops introduce in easy guided processes the basis of Meditation and Mindfulness an ancient practice for developing healthy mind and emotions affecting a healthy body supporting a healthy lifestyle with more meaning, depth and connectivity to your self and others. So if you are looking at trying Meditation and Mindfulness to experience more balance and flow in your life join us. To view the program do to
03.01.2022 Good morning dear ones cheers to the magic of Spring. My cup is full of love light and gratitude I am living. Sharing the blessings of Spring in my Soul Heart medicine garden. What's growing in your garden? My Angel sent me 22 today. Let the magic glow, I'm so ready for change. #change#spring#soulliving#soulfulmoment
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