Monbulk Primary School in Monbulk, Victoria, Australia | Community organisation
Monbulk Primary School
Locality: Monbulk, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9756 6481
Address: 1 Main Road 3793 Monbulk, VIC, Australia
Likes: 419
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25.01.2022 Last night’s Grade 6 graduation service and dinner was a huge success. Thank you to Monbulk College and Yarra Ranges Estate for accomodating us at the last minute. You helped make the night extra special for our students.
25.01.2022 Our building works are all official!
24.01.2022 2021 PREP INFORMATION NIGHT We are holding our 2021 Prep Information Night virtually on Tuesday 13th October at 7pm. If you would like to receive the Webex link to attend this meeting please email the school on [email protected] ... This session is open to enrolled and prospective Monbulk PS families.
24.01.2022 The $7.2 million upgrade of Monbulk Primary School is another step closer with a builder now appointed to the project. Harris HMC Constructions will work to del...iver a library, grade 5 and 6 building, an administration building as well as two competition-grade netball courts and cricket nets which can be used outside of school hours in partnership with the local community. When finished, this upgrade will provide high-quality learning facilities that Monbulk deserves. I’d like to thank Kosloff Architecture for these designs and their hard work on the project so far. Construction will be carried out under COVID-19 advice guidelines to ensure the health and safety of the school community and the team working at the site. To keep up to date and find out more, visit
22.01.2022 After more than 20 years working at our school, the end of the school year saw the end of an era with Kaye Gray retiring. We all love Kaye and everything she does for our school and we all wish her well with her new adventures in her retirement. Thank you for everything Kaye, you’ll be missed.
22.01.2022 Great to see a current and past student spreading their entrepreneurial wings. Amazing!
22.01.2022 COVID-19 Update Dan Andrews has today made announcements of new coronavirus restrictions. As part of the announcements, the school holidays are being extended by 1 week, this will provide schools with 5 pupil free days to make preparations in the event that a return to remote learning is necessary.... More information regarding this will be communicated to families once further information has been obtained from the Department of Education. Stay tuned for now and stay safe. Estelle Alder - Principal
22.01.2022 We know that many of you are looking for information about the Chief Health Officer’s recent restrictions. For all the latest information in multiple languages,... please visit the Department of Health and Human Services website and follow VicGovDHHS on social media. If you prefer to speak to someone, contact the dedicated COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 675 398. If you need to speak to a police officer about a crime or a policing matter, call or visit your local police station. In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000).
22.01.2022 Enrolments for the 3 and 4 year old programs at Monbulk Pre-School are now open for 2021. For any queries or to receive an enrolment form please call the Pre-School on 9756 7379 or email us at [email protected].
21.01.2022 We appreciate it’s a difficult time for parents to be choosing the right school to enrol their child in for 2021. So Monbulk PS’s virtual tour will be coming soon, to help parents discover all the wonderful aspect of our school.
21.01.2022 We hope Remote Learning is going well but we are missing you.
20.01.2022 Hi everyone! Here are some screenshots to demonstrate how you can add images to your childs portfolio. Click on your child, then click on their class or group. Click the blue plus button and you can then select which type of file you would like to add to their class dojo portfolio. Hope this helps!
20.01.2022 Yesterday was World Teachers’ Day. Celebrated on October 5 every year it commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/Unesco recommendation concerning the status of teachers. The Recommendation sets benchmarks regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers and standards for their initial preparation and further education, recruitment, employment, and teaching and learning conditions. World Teachers’ Day is co-convened in partnership with Unicef, the In...ternational Labour Organization and Education International. The theme for World Teachers' Day 2020 is ‘Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future’. As the Covid-19 pandemic affected the education process, it created challenges for teachers across the world. It created a need to revisit the method of giving education. Teachers have had a significant duty in providing remote learning and making education accessible. However it has not just been teachers making changes to learning. Remote Learning in 2020, has seen parents and carers become teachers. We would like to extend our thanks to all our amazing parents and carers for your dedication and diligence in supporting your child’s learning. This year we have all become teachers. Thank you.
20.01.2022 Reminder from Monbulk Pre School Even with new lockdown requirements enrolments for 2021 kinder placements are still being taken. Please mail your enrolment form to the pre school or call them on 9756 7379 to ask any questions or to gain help with the enrolment process.
20.01.2022 To all our wonderful MPS mums, we hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.
20.01.2022 Our teachers are very thankful for all the hard work families are doing during remote learning. Whilst we aren’t directly teaching our students, we know they are in good hands.
20.01.2022 Just a reminder that Monday 25th May is a Curriculum Day - no students at school. We are looking forward to seeing all our Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students on Tuesday 26th May when they return to school.
19.01.2022 Exciting news at our school day. New Kiss and Go signs have been installed in The Hub carpark. We are so pleased that our new drop off and pick up system worked so well, it’s now a permanent option.
19.01.2022 Yarra Ranges Council - Parent Support Webinar. Many of us are on an emotional roller coaster as we try to juggle isolation, financial pressures, supporting our children and staying connected. At times these emotions can get the better of us. Yarra Ranges Council’s Family, Children and Youth team have planned 2 workshops for parents and carers with children 0-18 years, which support self-regulation, identifying triggers and growing a toolbox of practical tools and strategies to support the health and wellbeing of ourselves and those we care about.
19.01.2022 Our first glitch has been solved! It appears COMPASS is back up and working.
19.01.2022 Our Mother’s Day stall is all set up and ready to go. A big thank you to our helpers who have set and and will man the stall today. We hope everyone loves the gift the children choose.
19.01.2022 -2021 Start Date- We hope all of our families are enjoying a relaxing time during the holidays. We wanted to remind you that the first day of Term will be on Friday the 29th of January with all students, except our Prep students, expected to be back on this day.... Prep students will begin their one on one assessment from Friday the 29th January to Wednesday 3rd February, with Prep students starting school on Thursday 4th February. Enjoy what’s left of the holidays and we will see you in a couple of weeks.
19.01.2022 We are so lucky to have the support of our local Bendigo Bank.
19.01.2022 This weekend, Melbourne Zoo is offering free virtual tours.
18.01.2022 We appreciate that Remote Learning comes with its challenges. But all the staff at MPS are so proud of all the work families are doing. Sometimes we need to focus of the positives to face a new day.
18.01.2022 We hope you all enjoy your Melbourne Cup public holiday tomorrow. We will see you all on Wednesday.
17.01.2022 Something to remember whilst working and learning remotely.
17.01.2022 Letter Land was a massive hit today! Thanks to all our parents are carers for their incredible ideas and efforts in creative unique costumes for their child. And well done to all our prep students who now know all their letters and sounds. This will help with their reading and writing skills.
17.01.2022 Today we held our inaugural RC (Remote Control Car) Club meet. Our newest club was the idea of some of our students. The club will continue to meet every Thursday.
16.01.2022 Remote Learning Day 1 Complete! Congratulations to all on navigating themselves through Day 1 of remote learning. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through some technical difficulties, we are all quickly becoming technology experts!... We want to personally thank and acknowledge the great work that staff have put in to their first day of remote teaching as well, I know many have been inundated with messages from students and families and have done a great job of responding to these whilst also completing planning, filming videos, learning how to use software, whilst also juggling their own family situations. Some staff have even juggled all of that whilst supervising students at school! So well done to all! Don't forget that remote learning only equates to about 2 to 3 hours of learning per day as per Department of Education guidelines, so make sure you are splitting up the day for what works best for you and your family. Thank you for your ongoing support and we hope you are looking forward to Day 2! Estelle and Penelope
15.01.2022 Essential Items packs. If you missed paying for and collecting your child’s Essential Items pack don’t worry. Collection can still occur on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th, at the front office. This way all students will have their stationery items for their first day of school. ... Please contact the school if you have any questions regarding to these packs.
15.01.2022 Today we had 13 new cases of Coronavirus and including one at a school. This is why the testing blitz; flexible and remote learning for our kids; and following... the clear advice of the Vic Chief Health Officer is so important. We can not be complacent. But it’s also important to say thank you. As we begin another week of remote and flexible learning I thought I would share this letter the Premier sent to teachers today. Remote and flexible learning is hard and challenging but I am constantly amazed by the incredible work underway in our schools right across the state. Thank you so much to all of principals, teachers, support staff, families and students.
14.01.2022 As another year of learning comes to an end, we’d like to thank our school community for your support throughout the year. Whilst 2020 saw learning take on many different forms we thank everyone for helping to continue to educate our students. We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a safe holiday with their families and loved ones.
14.01.2022 We have started our own Spoonville, located in the Hub Car Park. If you wish to decorate a wooden spoon to add your Spoonie to our village we would love your contribution. We currently have a Billy Spoonie. We also have as some spoons and forks if you’d like to take one and bring it back decorated.
14.01.2022 It was an amazing day today having our Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 return to onsite learning. Well done to all parents and carers for preparing them for their return. There were no tears, just lots of happy and excited faces (from the students, the teachers and parents/carers)! The students quickly settled back into the routine of learning. We are sure there will be some tired little ones tonight but we are just so excited to do it all again tomorrow.
13.01.2022 To all our families, friends and wider community we wish you a very Merry Christmas and safe and Happy New Year.
13.01.2022 Remote Learning during Stage 4 restrictions has created some new challenges for parents and carers. All our staff appreciate the partnerships we have created with homes to continue to deliver quality teaching and learning. To all our parents and carers who have stepped up to now add the role of educators to your already long list of skills we want to say a big thank you. We will continue to get through this together.
13.01.2022 REMINDER We are holding our 2021 Prep Information session tonight at 7pm via a virtual meeting. If you do not have an access code for the meeting please contact the school on 9756 6481.
13.01.2022 The vast majority of students in Victoria are learning from home because that is the advice from our health experts. If we did not follow this advice, more than... one million children, their parents and school staff congregating at our schools has the potential to spread Coronavirus in our community. Let me be very clear, particularly to the federal government who do not run any schools, we will only transition back to face-to-face teaching for all students when that is the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer. Not a moment before. What we are doing in combating this pandemic is working. But the situation is very fragile. A move back too early could see a spike in cases and a need to reimpose any restrictions we may have eased. I know this is hard - for parents and carers, students and educators - flexible and remote learning is challenging, no doubt. But I could not be prouder of our principals, teachers and support staff. Exceptional, dedicated and innovative. They are doing their very best. I am seeing this first-hand as a father of three school-aged children. And I could not be prouder of Victorian parents and carers. 97% of children are learning remotely. You have heard and understood the message. Thank you. And for students where learning from home is simply not possible, our schools are open for you. We are all in this together. And it is working because at all times we have followed the advice of our health experts in Victoria. We must, and we will, continue to do that.
12.01.2022 Fantastic news from the OSHClub Service of the Year awards. The team at Monbulk PS OSHClub were awarded the State award for best Service in Victoria and then won the best Service in Australia! We are so proud of them and thankful to all the families for helping the team deliver the best program, care and environment for the children attending the program.... Well done Aleesha and Steph!
12.01.2022 School Tours Unfortunately term 3 will be starting with a period of remote and flexible learning. Therefore we cannot conduct school tours onsite. We appreciate that choosing a school for your child is a deeply personal decision and visiting prospective school helps to support your decision. ... Please visit Monbulk PS via our virtual tour filmed last term, to gain an insight into our wonderful school community.
12.01.2022 Our building works are progressing. We’ve even had some of our kids helping out!
12.01.2022 Announcements have been made this morning for the staged, gradual return to face to face teaching. More information regarding arrangements will be communicated to families soon. In the interim, the key dates and information are as follows: Monday the 25th of May will be a student free day.... Tuesday the 26th of May students in Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will return to school. Students in Grades 3-6 who cannot learn at home, will still be able to attend school for on site supervision. Grades 3-6 will continue to participate in remote learning up until Tuesday the 9th of June, where they will also return to school.
12.01.2022 We had a great first day back for our P-2 students. It was lovely to see so many, happy, excited faces in classrooms and in the playground. As we continue our return to on-site schooling, we would like to remind families of the following: -Send children with their own drink bottles.... -Please do not enter the school yard. Children need to be dropped off in the morning at the Hub gate, utilising our new Kiss and Drop Zone. -Please do not congregate in areas outside the school or car park, ensuring we are observing social distancing rules. We thank you for your support and understanding and for preparing your child for such a successful first day back. Finally, thank you for adapting to remote learning to ensure your child continued to learn whilst away from school. Well done. We are incredibly proud of the work you have done with your child over the past six weeks.
12.01.2022 Reminder for 2021 Foundation students. Don’t forget to submit your enrolment application for a Foundation (Prep) placement in 2021 by Friday 7th August.
11.01.2022 Tuesday 8th December is the Statewide transition day. Our grade 6 students will attend their secondary school for the day. Our 2021 Preps will attend between 9.30am and 12.30pm. All other students will Step Up into their 2021 classes between 9am and 1pm. They will meet their 2021 teacher, classmates and discover the room they will be in in 2021.
10.01.2022 We have all tried something new this week. Remember our amazing teachers are still available to support you and your children however they can, just in a slightly different way! Thank you to our wonderful families for embracing remote learning with such courage and enthusiasm. Well done on completing week one!
10.01.2022 Good luck to our Grade 6 students tomorrow as they attend their first transition session at their secondary schools. Tomorrow we welcome our 2021 preps into our school for their last transition session. In addition, all students will spend most of the day with their 2021 teacher, in their 2021 classroom with their 2021 classmates.
10.01.2022 Today our school captains led our school in a Remembrance Day ceremony. We observed 1 minute's silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month because the Armistice came into effect then. Today on Remembrance Day, we acknowledged those who have served and continue to serve our country.... Later our school captains laid a wreath at the cenotaph at the Monbulk RSL. Lest We Forget
10.01.2022 While Victorians are doing a brilliant job following health advice and staying home as much as possible, for those unable to use, or without access to technolog...y, social distancing measures can leave people feeling lonely and isolated. CHAOS Inc Community Houses Association of the Outer Eastern Suburbs Inc, have introduced a toll free line where people can simply ring and have a chat with neighbourhood house staff and volunteers. I encourage you to share the details below with anyone you think might benefit from this fantastic initiative from CHAOS!
10.01.2022 The pathway and retaining wall outside our Raymond Yates Arts Centre was cleaned today. Doesn’t it look fantastic!!
09.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums, step mums, foster mums, grandmothers and mums to be, we hope you have a wonderful day.
09.01.2022 Such great news for our 2021 Prep students!
09.01.2022 Last week our Preps were out and about getting to know their local community. They participated in a Jiu Jitsu clinic at Lionheart Acadamy and everyone had a great time.
08.01.2022 To all our MPS fathers, we hope you have a fabulous Father’s Day.
08.01.2022 We just wanted to pass along this link to the new Yarra Ranges Council Families Facebook page. It’s for families with young people aged 0-12, so more of a primary school resource but thought it might be useful for all!
08.01.2022 After a few months in the making we are excited to announce the launch of our new, upgraded school website. Please check out our new site at
07.01.2022 2021 Enrolments As we cannot conduct school tours onsite please enjoy these two videos for a comprehensive view of Monbulk Primary School. This is our virtual tour with our Principal Estelle Alder, to gain an insight into our wonderful school community. ... This is the tour of our physical space. This tour was originally created by one of our amazing 1/2 teachers as part of a 1/2 maths lesson completed during remote learning. We hope you enjoy these tours and if you have any follow up questions please contact the school on 9756 6481 or via email [email protected].
07.01.2022 Yesterday our faithful portables that have served many generations of the community were retired from service at Monbulk PS. Their removal is to make way for our new 5/6 building including new kitchen for our Kitchen Garden Program.
05.01.2022 One of our school captains enjoying the sunshine and the oak leaves at lunchtime.
05.01.2022 All our teachers are so excited to welcome our Prep, Grade 1, and Grade 2 students back to school tomorrow. Remember the drop off for P-2 is via The Hub gates. Our newly installed Kiss and Drop zone will be operating again. We truly can't wait to see you all. We will see our Grade 3 and Grade 4 students on Wednesday and we will have everyone back when our Grade 5 and Grade 6 students return on Thursday.
05.01.2022 In preparation for our new 5/6 building, which doubles as our Shelter in Place, the trees inside the fence line of David Hill Road were removed today. Whilst removing trees is always a sad day, on the flip side it is marks the start of our new building works project and progress and new buildings are always exciting. For our school parents a website previewing our new building project will be available shortly.
05.01.2022 Wearing Masks Just a reminder that wearing face masks/coverings is mandatory from 11.59pm Wednesday 22nd July. From Thursday DET has advised: ... Students in Primary Schools attending onsite supervision are not required to wear masks, even if aged 12 or over. Teachers and educators do not have to wear face coverings when teaching, but will at other times. Some exemptions apply. Parents and Carers are required to wear face coverings whenever they leave the house, including school drop off and pick up.
04.01.2022 We would also like to thank Cop It Sweet cakes for making and donating this epic cake for our Grade 6 graduation. It looked amazing and tasted incredible. Thank you, the students loved it.
03.01.2022 As we welcome back our Grade 3 and Grade 4 students tomorrow, don’t forget to pack your drink bottle and school hat.
03.01.2022 Our Kitchen has served us well for many, many years, and helped make many happy memories and delicious delights. This week it came down to make way for our new Grade 5/6 building which also includes our new kitchen.
02.01.2022 Well done to all our amazing parents and students on your efforts and achievements so far. We are all very proud of our staff and school community for all pulling together during these weird times.
02.01.2022 2022 Prep Open Morning Don’t forget to come along tomorrow to visit our 2021 Prep classrooms in action and attend an information session to learn more about our school.
01.01.2022 Dear Prospective Parents Please join Estelle Alder, Principal, for a virtual tour of Monbulk Primary School to experience the wonders that make us the caring, supporting and welcoming school that we are. Virtual Tour:... Monbulk Primary School Enrolment Form: Transition to School Parent Information Pack: These forms are also available on our website at
01.01.2022 Congratulations everyone on making it through to the final day of remote learning for Term 3. Thank you for your ongoing support through what has been a very challenging term and year so far. The resilience shown by all and the way that students, families and staff adapted and thrived through a very challenging period is a testament to the strength and the connectedness of our school community. Have a wonderful break and we will see you in Term 4!
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