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Monica Yates
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25.01.2022 TRIGGER WARNING PART 1: p.s. Susan's and Karren's' are not welcome in my inbox or as a comment. Read this with an open mind and heart. ... The idea that women and men are equal, is like saying that zucchinis and cauliflower are the same.... Whilst we 100% should all have equal opportunities, pay etc (DUH)...the idea that we are the same or will ever be 100% equal is BS. The fight for equality has only done one thing ... make women subconsciously unhappier because they aren't in their feminine (most are so unaware of how unhappy they are deep down), and men are emasculated AF because so many women keep chopping off their balls and have so much built up anger towards them and men have no idea how to act these days and are in fear of having a lawsuit slapped on them for a woman taking something the wrong way. NOTE: and I'm not excusing any bad behaviour ... what I'm suggesting is that instead of us fighting this uphill battle for equality (that has actually just made everyone unhappy and walk around on eggshells) why don't' we start playing to our strengths and honour the gifts of the other sex. Honour that for a man, taking the garbage out isn't a big deal whereas for women....well I'll leave it as long as possible and then muster up the courage to take the rubbish out. It's DISGUSTING RIGHT LADIES?!!! let's honour that the masculine loves looking after the feminine and making her feel safe, and the feminine loves to nurture, receive and be looked after. Let's honour that the masculine can use stress VERY often as rocket fuel, but for the feminine, it makes us cranky uptight, anger and/or we just crumble into a ball of tears because it's too much for the feminine nervous system. Men have DIFFERENT BRAINS to women. So how about instead of fighting biology, we actually learn to work with our strengths. past 2 coming tomorrow.. See more
23.01.2022 TRIGGER WARNING PART 2: I will never stop saying this. ... Yes, I'm here for gender roles. I know, sooooo socially unacceptable. (note: dgaf) But the reality is, that without you embracing your core energy (either feminine or masculine) you are living out of alignment, and for women, this can be showing up as being a cranky, stressed-out control freak. And for men, this can be struggling with intimacy, lack of self-worth and harbouring feelings of shame. The thing is, that fighting out biology is just plain stupid. Women -- we are NOT able to deal with the same amounts of stress that men can, Our nervous systems can't handle it as well. So when you're trying to also stay up until 4 am because your male colleges are punching it out in conference room B, you're not helping yourself. And when they're telling you to go home and get some rest and you're taking it as them thinking that you're're also not helping yourself. Men can handle more stress on their nervous system than women can. So when they try to make your worl easier, don't take it as weak -- take it as them trying to help you and you just need to receive it. Start to allow yourself to be looked after. Let yourself crave what your heart is desiring (connection) and stop thinking that you need to show up as men in order to be successful enough or good enough. If you are craving to look after others, get cuddles, and have a family. EMBRACE THAT. And whilst i'm sitting here I always want to say that it's SOOO important for you to embrace and honour the needs of the opposite sex. If your man needs space, give him it. And men -- if your women is craving connection - give her it! Thank you for coming to my ted talk one day it’ll be a ted talk See more
21.01.2022 I'm seriously SO obsessed with my amazing clients: In just 2 weeks in QA we've had: - The best intimacy with hubby they've had for AGES - Feeling so comfortable being naked... - Partners offering to buy new phones - Centrelink payments being extended - Paybacks from insurance - Best sleep since being a new Mumma - PAINLESS PERIODS (after just call 1) - HUGE realizations x 32748439483734 - manifesting with their partner - Better communication with their partner - RECEIVING like no one's biz (YUM) - So much dancing and fun!! - No longer 'needing' parents love and validation to feel enough - Triggers going MIA - Buying a house at the EXACT same time she signed up for QA (that's a fkn vibe) - Money coming in in random ways and NOT through her normal job and sooooo much more!! Ladies, I'm not joking when i say that my work WORKS. These results are not uncommon out of the blue. they are the norm. Clients no longer getting triggered by HUGE things, trauma being completely released, manifesting like no one's biz (cause they're clearing their blocks), better sex and more confidence is the NORM when working with me. Have an amazing weekend and go listen to the latest podcast episode on trauma bonding!! Xx See more
18.01.2022 Enjoy the little things as much as you enjoy the big things. Take the adventures, stop and smell the roses, go to Paris for the weekend, buy the expensive Champagne, stay in a 5 star hotel in your own city, spend the money on yourself, take the 5 minutes to journal your dreams, tell the person that you love, that you love them, phone a friend, make yourself a delicious meal like you would for someone else, watch TV in the middle of the day, eat breakfast for dinner, have brea...kfast in bed, stay up late, hire the coach, dance in the rain, blare the music, feel the water on your skin, dance naked, write the book, start the podcast, heal your trauma, feel the pain, drink the cocktail, go on the holiday, quit your job, start your business, have an orgasm, feel the pleasure. This is life. Life isn’t sitting at your desk until midnight to ‘make it’. That shit fades. These experiences don’t. One major thing I’ve learned from COVID is to just do what I want to do. You don’t know when time will run out, or when the world will stop again. Or when you’ll break your leg. So just so the shit now. Don’t try and rationalize everything. If you want to do it, just fucking do it. The universe has got you, and YOU HAVE GOT YOURSELF. As Hannah Montana says, life’s what you make it. So many exciting things coming to you guys! And p.s. to keep it real: In the last 7 days, I have felt every emotion. Sadness, anger, grief, homesickness, misery, hopelessness, frustration, worry, anxiety, fear, contempt, emptiness, nothingness, hope, excitement, bliss, ecstasy, pleasure, joy, happiness and deep deep love. I let myself feel it all, because you need to feel the pain to be about to feel pleasure. Don't put yourself in a trauma response. pps. if you're not sure which program is best for you - slide into my DMs and i'll help you xx See more
08.01.2022 As a client said to me yesterday, "I've never properly understood the nervous system until joining Queen Alchemy" ...and let me tell you. IT. CHANGES. EVERYTHING. So here's a new episode for you guys full of chicken nuggets that is SO relevant for everything happening in the world right now. I encourage you ALL to listen to AND women. Dogs and cats. I don't normally post my episodes on to my feed like this -- but should i be? Does it make it easier for yo...u guys to see that a new episode is up? Have a good day!! See more
07.01.2022 This weekends agenda: pleasure, naps, catching up on work, buying things for my home and being fully in my feminine