Monika's Entity in Adelaide, South Australia | Health & wellness website
Monika's Entity
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 412 973 446
Address: 46 mckinlay ave Gawler East. 31 Clayton drive @North Beach Wallaroo SA 5118 Adelaide, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 This is brilliant. Love John Martin. Very knowledgeable man. Love Andrew Wakefield too. Both are Legends in my eyes. On our team.
24.01.2022 Many should be aimed at these so called bogus made up Governing Authorities. They are Worse than a Nazism control freak. There self ego ,which should not even come into it has much to do with it . Perhaps an investigation should be what is needed here. Trust me this is not the first , nor will it be the last. The complete S.A.Health department & Associates such as HSCC needs to be addressed with some intelligent educated in the actual field that is taken on. To be chasti...sed & punished like an idiot by one is not very good grounds for respect. Let alone know education in the field or medicine they are taking on. Go figure. Yet they dictate . Its like a bigger idiot saying a n plant is dangerous, even though a herb. Then relating it to Homeopathy. Which is a vibration & energy & also not a dangerous medicine ever. It is so safe. Then you have pharmaceuticals which kill people everyday. Go figure. This man has taken his life. No one should be made to feel like that by a bogus group such as APRAH. Disgusting practices. Then they try & chastise US. GOT to be kidding. See more
24.01.2022 Thanks Nicole Cunningham for sharing. UTI's are a frequent occurrence lately. Many are prescribed antibiotics. So be sure to use probiotics as soon as course of antibiotics are finished. If not before. Sanum have a biological medicine for bacteria called Notakehl. Works wonders.
24.01.2022 Sharing this again so its closer so it is closer to your fingertips.
24.01.2022 These UTI's can be very debilitating. There seems to be many of these happening. Along with Homeopathy, Alkalizing salts, & something many forget is a Probiitic. #bioceuticals have a really good 7 day or 14 day course called Probiotic 500. They are satchels which you can add to your smoothies daily. Especially after a course of antibiotics. Remember to also drink plenty of water.
23.01.2022 This is another reason our pooches should be on my prescription Homotoxicology Homeopathy Dog Wellness Tonic. Ridding bacteria & toxins, so they don't get sick or Us. Gently detoxing the blood & tissues , right down to their cellular level. Fine tuning their Biochemistry. Homeopathy Pooches & FurBaby's Do It Better. Just ask ME
21.01.2022 Yes I just don't understand how anyone can just let a substance be injected into your blood stream. Like wtf. Let alone just hand over your kid, just like that. Without a thought or question. To just trust the system , & let strangers do this to precious children. Ruin their chances of living life to their fullest potential. Banging their heads on hard surfaces ain't how its meant to be. Then when we try & get people to realise, research for knowledge & prevent by understanding what have learnt. We are crucified, sabotaged, ridiculed, blocked, banned, shamed, lied about. The worse is we're anguishing for your children, yet the ones we are worrying about, are the exact ones that help bring you down, & treat us with contempt. We get destroyed , all because we cared about your kids. Go figure.
20.01.2022 These dudes behind this bioweapon are all about depopulation, not making more. Seriously they are sick mother f#%kers. Bill Gates has 8 patents already in his name. Its all about control. What am I missing here. People are actually running out wanting this. Pity we didn't all look after each other & all say NO. I mean what can they do. There is more of us than them. Maybe that is a little much to ask. After all many of us held our kids up like lambs to slaughter. Do you really think they care. Control freaks only care about themselves. They even blatantly tell us what they are going to do. Then they laugh & laugh & laugh at us all. Fighting each other, just like they calculated on it. We are these psychopaths amusement.
20.01.2022 The news we have been waiting for. Chase is officially back with his parents & siblings. As wonderful this is. 3 years is still a long time in this situation. Can you imagine what 3 years of being with his Mother, how much together they could of achieved. This is just horrendous what a Governing system can do , does do. They have a lot to answer for. Just seeing Chase there next to Cini & Mark. Was awesome. Now the real healing begins. I hope they both have looked at the know your rights & the common law. To be sure this will not & can not ever happen again.
20.01.2022 This is it & how its going to be. Until then. Be at peace & know everything is going to be alright.
19.01.2022 This has to stop . These poor children. This just tears me apart. This is only the transporting part.
18.01.2022 Not often you can get this kind of information. Amalgams & Root Canals. Destroy Us. Slowly but surely. Its all in the plan. Ho many Dentist are in co-hoots with the evil ones. The Frome road Dental Clinic back in the 1960's. Have very much to be accountable for. We basically pay thousands of dollars for Dentists to make for certain we cliche' bad health . As we correlate with our organs, every tooth has a relationship with our organs. So be it
17.01.2022 A lot of thinking has gone into this write up. I love this stuff. Not actually having them but the thought patterns . Also the simmillium & ofcourse things that helped & worked. Diversity. Don't you just love it. Thank you for sharing the knowledge #KateWilliam
15.01.2022 Any one that was sure, best listen to these three very professional women . Dedicated health system advocates. Even they didn't get any help. This is life changing.
14.01.2022 I thought this was quite good for teaching kids. Anastasia Zidis
13.01.2022 These UTI's can be very debilitating. There seems to be many of these happening. Along with Homeopathy, Alkalizing salts, & something many forget is a Probiitic. #bioceuticals have a really good 7 day or 14 day course called Probiotic 500. They are satchels which you can add to your smoothies daily. Especially after a course of antibiotics. Remember to also drink plenty of water.
13.01.2022 Sharing this brilliant result of a case well taken. When these things happen in life they certainly can stir things up. Especially if there is susceptibility & weakness in this area. However it is the only way our body can talk to us. This is what Homeopaths do, they listen. Every remedy has a patient picture. This is a classic example., there are many. Well done. This is an acute situation. Usually the acute is an extension of a chronic, perhaps underlying, issues. The beauty of Homeopathy is, it will also gent,y deal with that too. The quiet achiever. Homeopathy has no self ego. It is medicine that is actually all about you. It deals with your energies & vibrations. Homeopathy makes you feel alive again.
13.01.2022 How good are these. Contact Michelle & place your orders. $20.00. Individually unique.
13.01.2022 Now they just make sure its in our soils & foods & inject similar detrimental poisonous substances into our kids ground terrain/ matrix. Just to be sure.
13.01.2022 Most of us are infected with this H.pylori amoebea/bacteria/parasite. I have a pretty good protocol for this. Did you know the Helicobacter pylori, is the biggest contributor to Cancer. This lil critter is pure evil.
12.01.2022 These prices are fantastic. Oh so many to choose from too. Thank you #HealthyFitnessAndLiving for your intensive research. Good job.
12.01.2022 Thanks Nicole Cunningham well written for ones wanting a remedy to have at their finger tips. Nothing worse knowing you are going out on a particular date for an event. Then the day of or before a cold sore starts to raise its ugly head. With a remedy to conquer at your fingertips at home. Usually 3 doses & done & dusted. How good is that. We can do the same for a painful blustery type lesion, which is very sore, even painful in the nose. Kids bring this microbe home all t...he time. It feels like a cold sore but in the nose. A staph sore. We have other remedies to beat this too. Beginnings of a cold flu or virus flu. Bacterial or Viral. The Sanum remedies for these. I have seen three doses do unbelievable magik. After all who has time for sickness,. Not ME. See more
11.01.2022 How good are these. Contact Michelle & place your orders. $20.00. Individually unique.
11.01.2022 This is what happens when you connect with Homeopathy & the Universe. Its almost like you speak another language. However the right people will hear you.
10.01.2022 A little diversity for you all. Some kool ideas here. How does your garden grow. ? That is the question.
10.01.2022 Phos. Giving you back the effervescence of life. Like the bubbles in a can of soft drink or lemonade. Or even like the bubbles in champagne. Especially if it is your constitutional remedy.
08.01.2022 Potassium Chloride chemical form. This is in the Bioweapon. Seriously what are they thinking. Rather blatant & definitely no duty of care for mankind at all. Best consider saying goodbye to all your loved ones if you are considering this. Oh & best make sure you have a Will in place. Oh & here is an update. The blue dot represents recovery. The red one represents deceased. The red dot doesn't show on the black , so where it looks like there is no dot consider it deceased....
07.01.2022 Havent read yet so sharing to read. Feel free to share.
07.01.2022 Wow. This is so terrible. They all have very responsible jobs. The health system is not even acknowledging them . Turning their back on their own. All these women were advocates for this. Also for the system.
07.01.2022 HAIR TONIC - Fornlong beautiful hair with density. Orders taken now. HAIR TONIC. - for long beautiful hair with density. Have notice some remarkable results since taking my prescription, which I have been doing research & study on. My hair has always been thin & no sustenance. Took a long time to grow, often it was always with frizz on the end bits. ... For anyone interested ill be doing 50ml bottles for $50.00 . 100ml bottles for $100.00. These are a 3 month course. You will feel the results almost immediately, & see & feel them by the end of these 3 months. Can send by mail. Just add $10.00 for postage . Can do a net bank transfer. Send me a message with address & size. I can send my bsb & account number. Cheers Monika. See more
06.01.2022 This is it folk's. If you don't get this, then so be it. However our Government are purposefully killing Us. We need to get rid of the existing Government now. They are all bought & oh so greedy. Nasty stuff.
04.01.2022 I am thinking you all have seen this ? Yes.
03.01.2022 Sharing this for every one to hear. However I would like to specifically share this to #Lisa@#HSCC . I wish to say Thank you, for your respect & acceptance agreeing to open your mind & broaden your horizons by taking in the wisdom & trying to understand the description of how Homeopathy works. This video is a simple way of understanding how Homeopathy works. Without having to do your Degree in Science. As you will recognise why Homeopathy is a Superior & Real Science. Home...opathy also takes all of our living & functioning of our physiology on all levels. As a whole. I would like to add that the only limits there are in Homeopathy are the ones you place on it yourselves. Also that is okay. Homeopathy respects this. It is about preventing & quality of your life. After all it is all about you. Homeopathy is so intense & passionate , you can't help but feel alive. See more
03.01.2022 What would you make of it all if you realised this is all a huge hoax. I would ask WHY. The object & goal . These are the questions that need to be answered. What do you think.
03.01.2022 That could be so very right. Maybe this is exactly what it is. Knowing this can be empowering. What do you think.
02.01.2022 Worse drug ever & all calculated, without one iotta of any duty of care. This is our "Health System". Should be concentrating on better things for the people, like electricity & such & on how to install a more positive & healthier ways of life for the people. Then the habits & addictions which the same people installed to make the addictions by promoting them as the thing to do. Will not be on such a severity & deep levels. When people are in a happier place they don't so e...asily rely on something, as smoking. I myself think governing bodies & the ones who cashed in when smoking first came out should be made answerable. Compensate all the tobacco babies. Considering this was all done with that exact intention. All calculated. Charging the price as they are is criminal. Considering it is a drug with intentional made to be addictive. Tobacco is the worse drug of them all. Yet the same ones crucify the amphetamine dealer on the street corner. While with the other hand say zilch about a pre-evented criminal act purposefully. On innocence. All the smokers that are a tobacco made baby purposefully & with intent, should make a claim & be paid out a rather large sum of money. Waiting for that phone call. Show me the money. #corruptpharmaassociates . Time to compensate See more
02.01.2022 If your still undecisive let this make your mind up for you. Reality folks.
02.01.2022 Oh my. This made me cry so much. How sad. It made me see there are many ways this COVID19 affects us. This isolation. It may not have changed things for me so much, but for the kid's this has to be so hard. How as a parent do you deal with this. With losing jobs & the bills accumulating. Just to provide is so much stress. Being not just a parent but a human being , a person too. The pressure is on. So many may not even realise what their kids are thinking, feeling. Isolation is a killer. Then their is our elderly. Such a sadness & situation. Stay strong everyone please.
01.01.2022 Surely after you have done even a little research, you can't be serious about having this Vaccine. You also can not be forced, with a threat of losing your job. That is illegal. This is all about the Shareholders & Monies. Nothing about You. Just as most of the Vaccines. Even when the are told by the scientists , professors, of their own, they don't want to hear about it. Many of them are told to zip it & for this they are rewarded jobs way up the ladder with huge pays. ...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Creating the flow with in you & with in me. Massaging everyday is a necessity as much for me , as it is for you on a regular basis. When I'm not massaging , I am being creative in other ways. My hands are never still. Unless I am sleeping.
01.01.2022 As it once was & will be again. The real Science : Homeopathy.
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