Montessori International College in Forest Glen | Nursery
Montessori International College
Locality: Forest Glen
Phone: +61 7 5442 3807
Address: 880 Maroochydore Road 4556 Forest Glen, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 It's #flashbackfriday and a great chance to look back on our whole school involvement in the International Day of Peace last year. Remember this? What a beautiful moment it was.
25.01.2022 "Only Montessori students showed coherent changes in brain activity following errors, suggesting that they were engaging with the errors strategically to learn." This is an interesting article published by this week regarding a study undertaken by the University of California which found that educational systems which prioritise correctness over engaging deeply with content may be less beneficial to student development. We couldn't agree more!...
25.01.2022 It takes more than a bit of rain to stop these students following their passion! It was a hive of activity in Senior Primary this afternoon with the Gawung environment participating in Creative Spaces - student initiated and operated ''clubs'' that support their passions and interests. This term students have developed clubs ranging from skateboarding to dodgeball, to digital art, origami, rollerskating and frisbee golf. A great time was had by all today - rain or shine - with a broad range of new skills being mastered!
24.01.2022 Spotted in the Early Years playground...Year 10 students from our Secondary College reading to our Early Years students (with a bit of non-reading fun time thrown in). Looks like a lovely way to spend an afternoon for everyone!
23.01.2022 Being of service to others is a concept that's introduced early at MIC with even our very youngest students contributing by caring for class pets and plants and participating in community clean up at the end of the day. So when our Prep students were asked to help with cleaning the ''chicken caravan'' in our Secondary College recently - they didn't hesitate! They absolutely loved working alongside the adolescent students and all were very proud of the result. Thank you for your service! :)
21.01.2022 Congrats to the small, dedicated group of MIC students who qualified with their running times to represent MIC at the Cross Country District Trials last week. Although the conditions were difficult at times with rain and storms delaying some events, our students remained positive and supportive and were a credit to our school. They all did very well with most placing in the top half of their respective fields and several qualifying for the Regional Carnival at the end of this term. Go MIC!!
21.01.2022 Happy World Teachers' Day to all of our talented and inspiring teachers at MIC. Every day we see you modelling respect and working tirelessly to serve the children in your care. We know you give above and beyond - and we are grateful for all that you do. #thankteachers #teachersday #gratitude #brightfuture
21.01.2022 It was a beautiful morning for a celebratory World Teachers' Day breakfast this morning! Snazzy sunnies were the name of the game because the future is bright for the teaching profession! #thankteachers #teachersday #BrightFuture
20.01.2022 Maria Montessori was born on this day, August 31, in 1870 in Italy (and died on May 6, 1952 in the Netherlands). To celebrate, some of our Junior Primary students have been labelling 150 fractions and assembling them in the shape of 150, while other students have been symbolising 150 sentences with grammar symbols. Happy birthday, Maria! #Montessori150
19.01.2022 The study of Europe has been guiding the selection of recipes this term for our Kitchen Garden students. So far students have made vegan paella followed by apple empanadas (Spain), fresh pasta with a tomato/basil sauce and crusty bread rolls (Italy) and more. Leeks, potatoes, peas, zucchini, sweet potato, and a Mediterranean herb garden have all been planted and a new garden bed has been constructed with recycled timber. We are so fortunate that our children can nourish their bodies with something they've grown and prepared themselves - such a powerful, delightful, and rewarding experience.
19.01.2022 Last semester each Senior Primary student was presented with an opportunity to plan and create an artwork inspired by some of our ingenious builders, surveyors and architects...the bird. Read more in today's blog post here:
19.01.2022 We're back! It's great to be together again after the holidays and see so many smiling faces this morning!
18.01.2022 Our Senior Primary Kitchen Garden is really coming along! So far this term students have added a large bamboo arch, built a native bee hotel, created sign posts and built a lovely wooden frame for the bathtub vegetable bed. Continuing the garden theme, they have explored lino cuts as a form of printmaking and have also made beautiful gift cards out of hammering flowers onto paper.
17.01.2022 On this #MontessoriMonday we are sharing the final in a series of 10 short videos by Dr Angeline Lillard, author of Montessori: The Science behind the Genius. In this week's video she explains how children thrive in the organised and orderly environment of a Montessori classroom.
17.01.2022 Congratulations to our Year 12 QCAA students who completed their CIAs (Common Internal Assessments) this week. A big achievement!! We also send our best wishes to our Year 12 IB students as they head home to prepare before their final IB examinations in Week 6.
17.01.2022 Our Roundhouse has been looking very festive this week as our Junior Primary students decided to display the results of their Visual Art lessons where they were learning about primary and secondary colours. The Fraser Island Creeper plants are looking beautiful as well!
16.01.2022 What a beautiful day it was yesterday when our community came together for our Caring for Country Working Bee event. From a Cultural Walk along Eudlo Creek, to participating in working bee tasks across our site, to the Gubbi Gubbi Dance Performance, it was an amazing day of connection as we all experienced the cultural and unique beauty of this place. Thank you to everyone who came along! #NationalReconciliationWeek
16.01.2022 Today is one of our favourite days of the year here at MIC - Primary College Cultural Fair Day! This year the region was Europe with students choosing a country or topic earlier in the term that they would like to research and then present to their peers. Parents had a sneak peek yesterday and today students did everything from demonstrating their models of the Eiffel Tower, the Acropolis of Athens and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, to explaining that the European Bee Eater bird eats 250 bees a day (amazing!), to sharing scones with jam and cream (United Kingdom, of course), and so much more. It's fair to say we all learned something today!! And a great time was had by all.
16.01.2022 It's #MontessoriMonday and in this sixth in a series of 10 videos, Dr Angeline Lillard presents key insights from her best-selling book (Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius) - the Montessori principles, the scientific research that supports them, and how these ideas are implemented in a modern Montessori classroom. This week she explains how extrinsic rewards such as grades and prizes squash the natural interest children have in learning.
14.01.2022 Junior Primary students have been enjoying their visual art lessons this term and have been learning about primary and secondary colours and lines in recent weeks. No need to just learn it in theory when you can get creative with paint and brushes and do it in practice!
13.01.2022 It's hard to believe it's been two years already since our Senior Primary students planted 120 Eucalyptus trees to provide fodder for koalas in rehabilitation. Students have been monitoring and taking care of the trees as part of their learning experiences so it was wonderful to see all of that hard work pay off recently with the first harvest! Koalas at Wildlife HQ are now happily enjoying our leaves and nothing is going to waste! The tree trunks are being used here at school for garden edging and Senior Primary students are using the branches for building their humpies!
12.01.2022 Everyone loves gifts - us included! So we were thrilled to receive this one - a beautiful locally published book ''The Magic of Mary Cairncross: A Celebration of Art and Nature'', made possible through a Sunshine Coast Council grant. Sue from Friends of Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve presented the book to our librarian, Rachael, recently. It includes a remarkable collection of scientific names - and photo realistic artworks - as well as Jinibara and Gubbi Gubbi language words for some of the most common animals and plants in the reserve. We can't wait to check it out!
11.01.2022 Dr Angeline Lillard is a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and in a series of short videos provides key insights from her best-selling book (Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius). This week we look at how social interaction in a Montessori classroom is a powerful facilitator of learning and enjoyment.
11.01.2022 Spotted this morning - some senior primary students ushering a wayward chicken back to her caravan coop (with time for a quick cuddle along the way). How fortunate are we (and the chickens!) to have this beautiful natural environment to enjoy every day!
10.01.2022 Congratulations to Johnny and Nate from our Secondary College who represented MIC at the North District Surfing Trials at Sunshine Beach last week. In good 2ft to 3ft surf they performed really well and displayed some fantastic skills. (Looks like it was a beautiful day for the beach too!) :)
10.01.2022 It's all about perspective! Recently our primary students have been learning about perspective (spatial depth) on 2D paper. This work has also allowed our students to apply other learned techniques such as line making, brush techniques, colour mixing, and the application of watercolour or acrylic. So much learning as they produce their beautiful pieces of art.
10.01.2022 It's #MontessoriMonday and this week we look at the ninth in a series of 10 videos presented by Dr Angeline Lillard. This week she presents research about teacher characteristics that enhance learning and development from her best-selling book (Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius).
09.01.2022 At 11am today, along with over a million other readers around the country, we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime with the reading of #GiveMeSomeSpace written and illustrated by Australian (in fact, Sunshine Coast-based) author, Philip Bunting. This truly wonderful book tells the story of Una, who dreams of a life in space....until she realises there IS life in space as WE are life in space! And we are all the crew of the most spectacular spaceship in the universe, complete with food, air to breathe, fresh water, and our fellow travellers, of all species, shapes and sizes. A fantastic book with a thought-provoking message, well-delivered as a read-aloud to our students by our amazingly talented librarian/alien Rachael. Well done, Rachael! It was mesmerising! :) #NSS2021 #1millionkidsreading
09.01.2022 We love being of service in our community and our Year 10 students get out and about when they can as part of the Community Service part of the curriculum. Earlier this week they helped Sunshine Coast Council by planting 156 native trees at Doonan to assist with the revegetation of a green corridor. Thankfully planting trees and caring for the natural environment is second nature for our Year 10 students! Their knowledge and skills were certainly put to good use.
09.01.2022 Some dates for your diary! Term Dates 2021.
09.01.2022 There have been some fun times on the oval recently as students have enjoyed learning new skills in volleyball, making use of new volleyball equipment thanks to a recent Sport in Schools grant. Any opportunity to get outside in our beautiful environment while learning new skills with friends sounds good to us! :)
08.01.2022 Our annual Rainforest Run was held on Friday and while we couldn't have our parents onsite this year, a great time was had by all as we enjoyed getting outside into our beautiful rainforest and cheering each other on across the finish line!
08.01.2022 It has been a busy first few weeks of term in Senior Primary! Our Kitchen Garden program is well under way with students harvesting produce, preparing and cooking meals and then enjoying the spoils together as a community. So many learning opportunities here! :)
07.01.2022 Vale Sir Ken Robinson Educationist Sir Ken Robinson died of cancer on August 21, 2020 aged 70. Described as 'one of the most profound education system thinkers of his generation' he will be remembered for his advocacy for the importance of creativity in education. He argued that children's creativity is stifled by school systems that prioritise academic achievement and advocated for a personal approach to education, one that treats children as unique individuals with a divers...ity of talents. The best-selling author was also a professor of education at the University of Warwick and received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts. A passionate Montessori supporter, Sir Ken's TED Talk 'Do Schools Kill Creativity' is the most-viewed talk of all time and is estimated to have been viewed and shared by more than 380 million people in 160 countries. Sir Ken, may you rest in peace.
07.01.2022 Spotted this week - students helping Todge, our Groundsman, by collecting dry grass clippings off the embankment for the compost bins. We all pitch in around here! :)
06.01.2022 It's #MontessoriMonday and this is video eight in a series of 10 with Dr Angeline Lillard as she presents key insights from her best-selling book (Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius). This week she explains how hands-on materials and real-world experiences enhance learning in a Montessori classroom.
06.01.2022 Our adolescents have been busy with their community projects this term. Students have been working on our farm planting and harvesting food, they've created a new rainforest walk and some have transplanted a fig tree to create a shaded area outside the Adolescent Learning Commons. Students have also been building resources for the HPE and sport program, repairing damaged furniture and restoring a trailer to transport bikes for the mountain biking group. Some students, who are unable to visit the Early Years and Junior Primary students at the moment, are creating videos of themselves reading picture story books to share instead.
06.01.2022 Recently our Year 6 students, as well as our Secondary College students, were invited to participate in the United Nations International Youth Day. The theme - Engagement for Local Action - led our Year 11 students to organise a panel discussion and seminar exploring the relevance of governance internationally and locally. MIC Board Members Kyle Kimball and Marcus Bussey, as well as Sunshine Coast Council's Liam Mayo and our Principal, Chiray Fitton, formed the panel with students asking questions which resulted in some healthy debate about human rights. We certainly don't shy away from the big issues here at MIC!
06.01.2022 ***World Bee Day, May 20*** It was World Bee Day last Thursday with the youngest members of our learning village celebrating by learning a lot about these hard-working little pollinators! Not only did they go on a walk through our rainforest to visit our native bees and their hives, but they also explored a beehive in 3D using VR goggles! Using the goggles they were able to get inside a real beehive and closely watch as the bees worked together to make honey. They could also join a bee in flight! Between our natural environment and modern technology, we certainly have it covered!
06.01.2022 Happy Anniversary to us! Eight years ago today, we broke ground for the first time here at Forest Glen - way before there were any buildings. We've come a long way since then! To read more about our history (and our planned future!) - check out our website here: #MemoryMonday #8yearanniversary #montessorischool
05.01.2022 It's #takemebacktuesday and a good reminder to take a quiet moment and reflect on where we have been and how far we have come. This time last year we were all coming back on campus to be together again after remote learning due to COVID19, grateful for all that we have, especially each other.
05.01.2022 Wishing a Happy Father's Day to all of our MIC Dads, guardians and carers for this coming Sunday. We hope you all have a relaxing day with your families.
03.01.2022 It was a glorious afternoon amongst the trees here at MIC yesterday when our Year 6 students experienced hands-on learning at its best for their Australian History extension lesson. From building a fire, to making and cooking damper - served with a cup of billy tea of course - we're sure this was one experience our students won't forget! Read more on the blog here:
03.01.2022 Our Senior Primary students have been exploring the world of computers and coding for their STEM specialist classes this term. Having first learned the physical workings of how computers work, they are now learning about program design using a visual system and 3D design using entry-level CAD software. By the end of the year students will have had the opportunity to make their own games and create 3D models to be printed.
03.01.2022 It's Term 3 and in a non-COVID-19 world our Junior Primary students would have been heading off on camp tomorrow! Still, it's #throwbacktuesday so what better time to look back on the wonderful time we had last year as we look forward to many more amazing camps in the future when this is all over...
03.01.2022 For this year's International Tree Day, the Year 10 students travelled to Peregian to help plant trees during our community service hours. We, along with a few members of the public, assisted in planting, watering and guarding around 200 trees. We were taught how to properly plant and care for the trees. - By Chloe M And thank you to Sophie S who shared this video with us of their experiences. It looks like a fabulous day.
02.01.2022 Happy 150th birthday, Maria! Today, August 31, is 150 years since the birth of Maria Montessori. A pioneering scientist and educator, she inspired people globally with her genuinely universal approach to the development of the child. Today, children of all ages in more than 140 countries across the world enjoy a Montessori education. Thank you Maria for your amazing legacy!
02.01.2022 We are fortunate here at MIC to be located on 22 hectares of biologically diverse land which provides many opportunities for our students to engage with the natural environment. Recently students in our Adolescent Community have been getting outdoors, preparing the soil, building herb and vegetables gardens and planting. We look forward to seeing the results when everything is ready to harvest!
02.01.2022 In music this term primary students have been learning songs of Australia including the famous sea shanty ''Bound for South Australia'', with some students taking the lead part and others joining for the response part (rather raucously at times!). This theme is continuing for the rest of the term as students learn about the music of First Nations people and the concept of ''songlines'', with senior primary students composing their own song about a place in Australia using music notation. Hands-on learning at its best!
01.01.2022 Our Early Years students have been learning about creating portraits of each other and have been exploring the use of different materials for portraits, including wooden rounds and nature materials. Some beautiful and creative works have been created!
01.01.2022 Couldn't resist sharing this given it's #ThrowbackThursday. Helen and Todge have birthdays just one day apart (in January) and often share it with a cake. We're not sure how long ago this is but our best guess is about three years ago. They're looking good aren't they?
01.01.2022 It *may* be true that on occasion the odd lolly snake gets consumed in Admin to get us through the day. BUT we do also like our green juices and beetroot drinks - and here's the proof! Everything in balance, that's our motto!
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