Joondalup Montessori in Joondalup | Childcare service
Joondalup Montessori
Locality: Joondalup
Phone: +61 8 9301 0417
Address: 16 Mercer Lane 6027 Joondalup, WA, Australia
Likes: 2639
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25.01.2022 What to say instead of " ( I N S T E A D O F " G O O D J O B " O R " T H A T I S W O N D E R F U L " ) 2 . W H A T D O Y O U T H I N K... A B O U T Y O U R W O R K ? " ( I N S T E A D O F " I L O V E T H A T " ) 3 . W H E R E C O U L D Y O U L O O K F O R T H A T ? " ( I N S T E A D O F " H A V E Y O U L O O K E D U N D E R Y O U R B E D ? " 4 . W H I C H P A R T W O U L D Y O U L I K E M Y H E L P W I T H ? " ( I N S T E A D O F " T H I S I S T O O M U C H F O R Y O U T O C L E A N . I ' L L D O I T . " ) 5 . I N O U R C L A S S , W E . " ( O R A T H O M E I N O U R H O M E , W E " ) ( I N S T E A D O F " T A K E Y O U R S H O E S O F F A T T H E F R O N T D O O R . " ) 6 . D O N ' T D I S T U R B H I M , H E ' S C O N C E N T R A T I N G . " ( D O N O T I N T E R R U P T A C H I L D W H I L E T H E Y A R E P L A Y I N G . E V E N S I M P L E E Y E C O N T A C T C A N B R E A K T H E I R C O N C E N T R A T I O N . ) 7 . F O L L O W T H E C H I L D . " ( D O N ' T W O R R Y A B O U T W H A T O T H E R K I D S A R E D O I N G . F O L L O W Y O U R O W N C H I L D . ) 7 See more
22.01.2022 Sensorial is one of the 5 learning areas that is presented in the Montessori Classroom. Here are some great ideas for you to do at home
21.01.2022 Congratulations: Cornelis Van Eldik - Brisbane and Siara Azhar - Perth Our new name is..... Joondalup Montessori! Thank you Cornelis and Saira for reminding us that we are great as we
21.01.2022 Grace and Courtesy lesson. At Montessori we value Grace and Courtesy lessons where children are able to develop and refine social skills while building self-esteem and independence. One of the Grace and Courtesy lessons is Washing of hands. Washing of hands activity is a key element of the practical life area. It is the development of the skill of learning how to wash hands a child seeing their dirty hands become clean. This activity has been a popular activity as children are learning to keep safe, given the current situation. NQS 2.1.2 Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.
21.01.2022 If you are in the Midland area there is a great little Montessori that has recently opened. Give them a call.
16.01.2022 Did you know you can use bubbles to promote mindfulness with your children?
15.01.2022 Who doesn’t love to jump in muddy puddles !! So much fun and children just being children with not a care in the world
13.01.2022 Our uniforms are in #cargocrew
12.01.2022 How do you do Montessori at home? check out this video on Youtube or come and chat with us
10.01.2022 Thank you to our wonderful dads (and Grandads and uncles) for joining us for our Father's Day Coffee Morning yesterday! Dads and children had a lovely time getting their morning coffee from our amazing barista - Justin from The Coffee Connection Fremantle. A great way to start the day!
09.01.2022 September is Dementia Awareness Month! Did you know that Montessori philosophy and practices transfer beautifully into aged care and early dementia? Respect for a persons needs and stage of development doesn't end at childhood. Montessori philosophy is about growing well and living well. We put so much effort into the first part of life in the hope that it will then just 'do' for the rest of life. Lets work harder to put some effort all the way through......
07.01.2022 More locations have been added to the location sites at healthywa. Please make sure that you check the list and if you have been to these locations you must get tested. Any signs of being unwell please ensure that you get tested
04.01.2022 So how do we build a healthy lunchbox here is a great tool to help you out. Remember to keep it Peanut free for the anaphylaxis children in the centre. Thanks to Nourished Beginnings for sharing this with us.
04.01.2022 Exploring the World Look at the children here at Joondalup Montessori as they are exploring the world through our Geography area. Geography creates the foundation for understanding the oneness of the human family, recognizing the basic needs that all people share while appreciating the diversity of how different cultures satisfy those same needs. As children are learning about the different continents, they also unpack the uniqueness of each continent and the diversity.... EYLF:- Belonging: knowing where and with whom you belong. It recognises children’s connections with others and the role of those relationships in defining their identity.
04.01.2022 Mathematics in our environment. Montessori mathematics gives children visual and tactile representations of the numbers they are working with. children are provided with exposure to concrete materials first, then giving them incremental opportunities to work to more abstract concepts. "Children display a universal love of mathematics, which is... par excellence the science of precision, order, and intelligence." Maria Montessori See more
03.01.2022 We set out to freshen things up a bit after the dreariness of COVID19 by having a fun competition to find a new name! It has not been as easy as we thought it might be....we had lots of creative and interesting ideas and we would like to thank those that participated. (though we should point out that the majority of people didn't manage to get all the steps correct so we are just going on name alone) Just the act of having an entertaining competition gave us a breath of fresh... air.........but finding a name was hard and of course the most important thing was that it had to represent who we are. While it has been a hard decision, interestingly there were 2 entrants that came up with the same we are going to go with this and these 2 entrants will be sharing the $1000 prize money....... And the winners are.......
01.01.2022 Thank you for joining us for our first week of NOVEMBER NEWS! We look forward to having 'The Daily News' continue their reports next week... Have a great weekend!
01.01.2022 Our Naming competition winner will be announced tomorrow!Our Naming competition winner will be announced tomorrow!
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