Monti on the Go | Other
Monti on the Go
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25.01.2022 This one is so much fun. You just need some water pistols, some paint and a canvas, although poster paper or sheet of material also works great. Fill the water pistols, one colour for each one and let your kids have fun. Make sure you jump in and have a go because kids love it when the adults join the fun. Check out for all the tips and tricks to making this activity a success. Share you photos and videos on Facebook and be sure to tag us so we can check out your mess-terpieces! #montionthego
25.01.2022 So today theres a couple of activities all rolled in to one. Baking, painting and of course, beading. Head on over to Red Ted Art and check out their salt dough bead recipe. Kids love mixing up the dough and getting messy in the kitchen, before painting and creating their masterpieces. If you make a beautiful bracelet or necklace, share your pictures here on Facebook and be sure to tag us #montionthego
25.01.2022 Pivoting is the art of saying yes instead of no, and meaning the same thing. So instead of saying: No, you cant go to the park, its nap time, pivot and say: Yes, we can go to the park as soon as youve finished your nap. Or: Yes, you can play outside as soon as youve finished packing up that activity . The message is the same, but the tone is completely different, and saying yes gives kids a lot less to argue with.... Have you practiced the art of pivoting? How is it going? #montionthego
23.01.2022 Sit down with your child and ask them to tell you a story. Write down their story and be sure to ask questions to clarify. Add all the parts that they might miss out. When they say there was a dog, ask what kind of dog, what colour and how the dog is feeling. If they say they went to a house, ask your child to describe the house. If you can then shape their ideas and thoughts into a comprehensible story that flows and makes sense, youll have a story that will be treasur...ed for life. Next step .... illustrations! #montionthego . . . . . . . . . . . #montionthego #storybook #kidsstorybook #writing #writingwithkids #stayathomemum #busymumlife #busytoddlers #stayathome #keepthembusy #mumtips #toddleractivities #supportsmallbusiness #victoriansmallbusiness #eastmelbourne #montessoriaustralia #montessori #lockdown
23.01.2022 Hide and seek requires you to plan and prioritise. For instance a child may hide behind the curtains and think If I hide here, my feet will stick out, so Im going to need to find a better place!. Kids becomes better over time at playing hide and seek and it come become a great challenge for not only the seeker, but also the hider, to continue to find NEW hiding spots. Maybe its time for another game. #montionthego
23.01.2022 You might be a Montessorian Check out this Ted X Talk to learn more about Montessori. You might find that you are in fact a Montessorian without even knowing it. #montessorian #montessoriathome #katywright #tedxtalks #tedxspeaker #tedx #educationsystem #youmightbe #carrollcollege #solveallourproblems #seekdiscomfort #trysomethingnew #freeeducation #freemontessori #montessoriforall
21.01.2022 This one is so cute! Theres something whimsical about a fairy garden. The scale of a fairy garden naturally lends itself to planters and tiny containers, and its also a greqt option if you want to set up a gardening experience for your child and youre short on outdoor space. Check out to see how they set their fairy garden. Just head to your local nursery or hardware store and pick up a few miniature plants. Find a great pot and the...n some decorations. Maybe a pebble garden path, a house ornament, maybe a bench seat or a little bridge across a water feature. Kids imaginations can run wild and they really enjoy planning out all the parts for their garden. If fairies arent your thing, then you can create a habitat for small beetles, bugs and insects and really take the time to create a micro habitat best suited to your area. This can be really educational or simply just trial and error. Just remember its about the journey, not the destination. If the plants die, or things dont look how you first wanted to, just try again. Its very uncommon to get things right the first or even second time round. Have fun. #montionthego
21.01.2022 Its time for colour and creativity. Just hand your child a box of jumbo chalk and let them go crazy. Draw a rainbow and join the Rainbow Trail across Australia (check out their Facebook page for more inspiration) Draw a hopscotch and watch the local community join in as they stroll on by. Draw and inspirational message to share positivity. Write a trivia question at one end of your footpath and write the answer at the other end. Rainy days are a great opportunity to s...tart over, add more rainbows, hopscotch, quotes, trivia and drawings. If youre drawing on the footpath or driveway always make sure youre supervising closely and encourage your child to also be aware of whats going on around them, Get your child to be on the lookout for people passing by, dogs off leash, wheelchairs and prams and also cars coming and going in the neighbourhood. #montionthego
20.01.2022 Need some time to yourself? Its so much fun to hide all the balls around the house and have kids go and find them all. It really builds up great hand stamina having to use the tongs for an extended period of time This colour sorting bag comes with 5 coloured crocheted disks, three felt balls for each colour and a pair of wooden tongs. Buy Now. Let them play and have some time to yourself. #montionthego
20.01.2022 Connecting with grandparents is a great activity. Reading stories to kids is a great activity. Combining these two is a win-win. Video call a grandparent and have them read your child a story. Its a great way for them to interact when they cant physically get to see one another. It works best if they read a familiar story at first, and after your child is used to the idea of stories via video call, then you can move on to stories that are new or less familiar. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places youll go. Dr Seuss. #montionthego
19.01.2022 THIS SUNDAY !!! You can find us at HURSTBRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 961-989 Heidelberg-Kinglake Rd, Hurstbridge... from 8:30am - 1pm. Come and support small businesses and get a head start on your Christmas Gift Shopping !!
18.01.2022 Ask any parent what they want most for their child, and the answer is almost always the same - happiness. Were not talking about the kind that you see when you buy your kid some ice cream, were talking about the type thats intrinsically within. The type of happiness you see when your child achieves something for themselves. As children grow and develop new skills, encourage them to do more independently. Let them pour their own milk on their cereal, dispense their own ...hand soap and put their own tomato sauce on lunch. BUT remember to only give them as much as YOU want to clean. Yes, you should encourage them to clean any mess or spills, but when theres 2 litres of milk on the table, the floor and on your child, that becomes more than they can handle. That now becomes your mess to clean. Put things in smaller containers, refill travel sized bottles and use small jugs. Slowly increase the size as their skill level increases. Give them just enough to handle, to manage and to clean up on their own. #montionthego
17.01.2022 Wow !! What a day. Are you looking for some inspiration to get you through? Need a science activity to spark their interest? Are you wanting them to hone in on their hand eye coordination? Check out These guys have some easy step by step instructions on how to make a plate maze. Kids can design their own maze and challenge their family to see if they can complete it. This is a great activity for them to learn ...planning skills while making the maze. If youre looking for 30 mins of screen-free activities then give this a go. Its fantastic ! #montionthego
16.01.2022 Wooden blocks provide the most valuable learning experience to your kids. Playing with blocks helps them to develop their intellectual, physical, social and language skills. Children can play for hours with wooden blocks. A good set of blocks is an investment that will last a long time and are a great fit for a variety of ages. This bag has just the right amount for making the perfect tower ready to knock down. #montionthego #woodenblocks #woodentoys #knockdown #knockout #intellectual #languageskills #toddlertoys #kidstoys #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusinessvictoria #mumtips #keepthembusy #lockdown #stayathome #forlife
15.01.2022 Seriously do this tonight !! Heres a simple checklist to ensure that a night of Whoa, did you see that?! doesnt turn into a night of My neck hurts and I cant see anything: 1. Get away from the city. Light pollution is an astronomers worst enemy.... 2. Keep an eye on the moon cycle and go when the sky will be darkest. 3. Get high, literally. The higher your elevation, the clearer the sky. 4. Winter is the best season for stargazing, because theres less moisture in the air, which can obscure starlight, and the leaves have fallen off some of the trees, which means more sky to work with. 5. Go when theres a meteor shower (theres actually one tonight 23rd April 2020). Tonight there are up to 18 meteors per hour. Check out this page for more info (depending on your current location) Also check out to see what planets are visible in tonights sky (just be sure to adjust for your current location) #montionthego
15.01.2022 Card games are fun, but they can also be competitive. Thinking through the next move while observing everyones expressions and reactions in a group leads to good strategic thinking for children. Check out the website below for a list of card games you can play with your kids. You might want to start with Go Fish or Old Maid Whats your favourite childhood card game? #montionthego
15.01.2022 Kids love puzzles and this one is so cute. You can choose between the Elephant or the Bird or@perhaps you want both. The wooden pieces are beautiful to touch and these puzzles are so compact, making them great to take when youre in the car or out and about. Shop online now and grab yourself a Layered Puzzle #montionthego
12.01.2022 Need spare parts? To continue the war on waste we need to reduce, reuse and recycle. These have always been the main three, but weve come to a new place where we now need to also REFUSE (say no to a bag) REPAIR (fix the item rather than throwing it out) and RECLAIM (businesses receiveing goods back from customers after use, to then reuse). If youve lost, for example, the small triangle on your tangram set, its impossible to complete the puzzles. This product is now Well that was until now... you can now get yourself a replacement part. No need to throw away your item if its damaged, just REPAIR it. We can all do our bit to end the war on waste. #montionthego #waronwaste #spareparts #reducereuserecycle #tangrams #kidsonthego #toddleronthego #kidsactivities #toddleractivities #busytoddlers #busykids #mumlife #ladystartup #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #womensupportingwomen image @yawpstudio
11.01.2022 Now, before you say youre devoid of artistic ability, a new study published in the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association says we can all benefit from the positive psychological effects of creativity, regardless of talent. The research suggests that no matter what skill level you bring to the drawing board, creating art can significantly lower stress hormone levels. Think of it as a holiday for your headspace, and we all need some of that.... So, are you ready to give it a try? Our watercolour Monti OnThe Go bags will be available on Sunday !! #montionthego #productlaunch #watercolour #painting #artforlife #creativity #minipicaso #engagedchild #positivepsychology #toddlerchallenge #mumforthewin #lockdownactivity #stayathome #stayathomemum #wineclub #ros #ros #whoknows
08.01.2022 If your child has learnt the skill of threading (penne pasta on a skewer) then why not try sewing a button. You may not want to start with a small needle and a tiny button, but a large cardboard button and a shoelace might be a great place to start. Thread the button onto another piece of cardboard. Learn the concept. Slowly decrease the size of the button until they find it difficult. Practice. Practice some more. Decrease button size and repeat. Next step is a large ...button on some firm thick fabric (think canvas). You may need to pre-make some holes to thread through. Once this has been mastered decrease the level of firm in the fabric until you reach a standard weight piece of fabric. By now you should be ready for a needle, a piece of material and a regular button. Congrats on the journey. It didnt happen overnight, but it was a beautiful journey to be part of. #montionthego
08.01.2022 Play is for everyone, not just kids. What do you do for play? . . . .... . . . . . . . #montionthego #playisimportant #braingym #playbraingames #learningthroughplay #learningisfun #learnthroughplay #screenfreekids #playisforeveryone #montessori #supportsmallbusiness #stayathome #lockdownactivities #woodentoys @yawpstudio See more
07.01.2022 Such a simple activity, and a great way for kids to follow a sequence of steps. But I dont know how to make a paper airplane! No worries, just check out the website below for heaps of designs. Easy to follow instructions with pictures. Test out your designs with different types of paper and see how that changes they ability to fly. Have fun pilots ! #montionthego
07.01.2022 Many young children can spend hours hosting a tea party for their dolls and stuffed animals. Its a time of imagination that kids really love. How to have a great tea party. 1. Spend sometime choosing and making the food for your tea party. Sandwiches of varying flavours, mini scones, cupcakes, etc. 2. Then decide on the drinks. Try a fruit tea or tisane, juice, water with fresh fruit, etc. ... 3. Its time to set the table. Make it fancy. Cut out some paper doilies. Find some flowers and make a small arrangement with your kids. Set the cutlery, plates and glasses. 4. Invite your teddy. Your child may even want to dress them up in a fancy tea party outfit 5. Its time for tea ! Enjoy the afternoon, sipping tea, eating sandwiches, chatting with your child and enjoying what youve created. #montionthego
06.01.2022 Kids love stacking, and they love knocking things over just a little bit more. Have you introduced your little one to cup stacking. Pickup some plastic cups or use what you have around the house. Arrange the, into a pyramid and allow your child to knock them over. Be aware that some get broken after being squashed, but generally if they get crumpled and can be used again and again. At 2 years of age its fun to run through the cups, by age 3 they are almost building the t...ower on their own. We have so many cups that my little one cant reach to the top of the pyramid without some help. Sometimes we take a slow motion video as the cups fall down, other times its just fun to run through and get a high five. Something to note: if your cup tower is taller than your child, they may confident to run through at first, considering they cant see whats on the other side. It may take half a dozen tries until theyre willing to do it. Some children who are risk takers may do it sooner, and others may never want to run through. Allow your child to choose their own level of challenge. Remember - its about the journey. Have fun stacking and playing and dont worry if thy knock it down too early, or if they dont run through, or even if you cant build a pyramid. Just have fun playing with your child. #montionthego
05.01.2022 To all the mums out there, for all you do and all you are, we love you. Were thinking of you with lots of love today! Hope you can feel it. Theres a hug waiting for you when this is all over. #montionthego
05.01.2022 So you cant get out and use the playgrounds, but trees are fair game. Climbing is an activity that children enjoy from an early age. Most children will climb just about anything: rocks and boulders, climbing walls, jungle gyms, furniture, and trees! Children perceive climbing as fun and strive to accomplish reaching the highest point possible, overcome challenges and test their abilities. Climbing a tree can build confidence and develop coordination, problem solving skills,... and strength. Children should be encouraged to climb safe trees. Playing outside in a tree gives them direct contact with nature and the tactile experience of touching different barks and leaves. Children have a natural instinct to be cautious of heights. When climbing a tree, they will learn skills to seek out stable branches and determine the best route to take. Good trees for children to climb have branches low enough to the ground for them to easily start climbing. A safe tree for climbing needs to have strong branches that are not brittle. As a guide, branches that are 15cm in diameter are best for climbing as they will support the weight of the climber. The tree must be healthy and safe from external hazards. Check for an active animal, insect or bird nest. The tree should be appropriate to the skill and comfort level of the children. This information comes directly from the Kid Safe NSW Guide to Tree Climbing #montionthego
04.01.2022 If youve got some time on your hands then why not perform a play. A project is better than an activity and what better project than a family play. For a step by step guide on creating a family play, check out the link below. Getting up on stage can enrich your childs life in all sorts of surprising ways. Just remember that its about the process not the outcome. ... #montionthego
04.01.2022 We now offer standard shipping fees to all orders within Australia Order now at
03.01.2022 Creating secret forts, dens, hideouts, and playhouses isnt just any random kind of play. Its a universal drive thats rooted in kids healthy development, says educator David Sobel of Antioch University New Englandthe man whos studied this behaviour more than anyone. It used to just happen, and the best thing to do was mostly stay out of the way, now the impulse is still there in kids, but opportunities to act on that impulse have diminished some. Kids play outside les...s, and theyre online more. says Sobel, whos the author of Childrens Special Places: Exploring the Role of Forts, Dens, and Bush Houses in Middle Childhood. Take the time with your child to introduce fort building, it can be as simple as throwing a sheet over a table or you could rearrange your entire lounge room. Once your child has a desire to build a fort, then its time to step back and let them go. They may need engineering help every now and then, but they will mostly be able to build on their own. Fort building has many benefits that youre probably already aware of but make sure youve included stress-release on that list . A fort is literally and figuratively, a defence against the world out there and a great play to daydream. #montionthego
03.01.2022 Step 1. Make an obstacle course Step 2. Place puzzle pieces throughout the obstacle course Step 3. Get your child to complete the obstacle course, collect the puzzle pieces and finish the puzzle ! Thats a whole morning full of fun. Check out this great blog for some extra tips and tricks its fantastic.... #montionthego
03.01.2022 Its time for baking !! These are an awesome sweet treat to satisfy your cravings. Theyre full of chocolatey goodness but without the sugar rollercoaster. This recipe comes from They are a great recipe for kids and adults alike. Checkout some of the other recipes Chantal has, there are so many delicious goodies. ... #montionthego
03.01.2022 Observed annually on 26 May, National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as The Stolen Generations. National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. While this date carries great significance for the... Stolen Generations and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, it is also commemorated by Australians right around the country. The above is quoted from To get involved go to The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families.
02.01.2022 If youre looking to make some great masks then head over to and print these off for FREE! Choose between a giraffe and elephant and a panda. Kids love dressing up and imagining, and youll love how cute they are. Enjoy an afternoon of arts and crafts without really having to know anything about arts and crafts. What a win #montionthego
02.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them
02.01.2022 @janetlansbury #janetlandsbury #unruffled #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #setboundaries #loveyourkids #lovethemmoreeveryday #loveisrespect
01.01.2022 This is a simple activity but so important in childrens development. When you color you have to control the speed of the pencil or crayon, the pressure you put on it, and the direction you steer it. These are all things we do when we are learning to write. if your looking for some simple colouring in pages for your child to start their colouring journey then head to the website below. They have a great collection to get you started. Remember to sit down with your child and colour in together. Sometimes children dont know how to do it if they dont get a chance to see you do it too. Children love to copy adults. If you enjoy yourself while colouring in then they are more likely to enjoy it too. Have fun. #montionthego