Moonlight Manor Horse Riding in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Sport & recreation
Moonlight Manor Horse Riding
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 420 310 669
Address: 5 McTaggart Road NEW BEITH 4124 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1256
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25.01.2022 I have the dressage tests with diagrams (thank you to Josh for drawing the diagrams) Not sure how well these will appear, but you can message the page & we can send them directly. I will also have copies available down at the arena. The first test, which is Prepatory A walk / trot test
25.01.2022 We has a helper, pretty sure he just wanted my peanut butter sandwich though #farm #farmlife #australia #australianwildlife #maggie #magpie #horses #horseriding #horselife
25.01.2022 Our alarm goes off at 5:30am to start the day's work starting with morning feedup for 17 horses. Each horse has a individual feed plan developed for their specific nutritional requirements. The herd is fed twice daily in individual yards as part of our full care agistment service. No skinny ponies here! :) If you would like help with a feed plan for your horse, drop us line to enquire about this service. ... #horses #horselife #horsehealth #farmlife
25.01.2022 Punk rocker or Unicorn..... You decide.....
24.01.2022 Just another day at work at the Manor. Faithful Odin doing a private lesson, and little Tarek getting some training. #horses #horseriding #horseridinglesson #farm #farmlife
24.01.2022 We are finally in the centre of the storm!!!
24.01.2022 You has more licorice, yes? #horses #horselife #horseriding #horseridinglesson #farm #farmlife
23.01.2022 Some photos from last weekend’s Dressage Day! The day ran very well & it was fabulous to see such a turnout! I’m looking forward to running a few more competition days in 2021! ... I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas! Mine’s been a very interesting one after an altercation with a spider bite, but more on that later! If anyone has any photos from last Sunday, send them through & I’ll post them up!!
23.01.2022 Another super Saturday smashed by our sensational volunteers, Kayla, Tash, and Ryan. Everyone stepped up their game today with a few firsts, Ryan co-coaching a couple of lessons, and Kayla yard managing the afternoon. So proud of these guys, we couldn't do it without you!!! Also, see comments for extra photos, so hard to get them to take a good photo #horseriding #horses #horselife #farmlife #family
22.01.2022 All sorts of things go on behind the scenes here at the Manor that I forget to post about. Wed we had dentals done! Horses should get their teeth done roughly every 12 months, depending on age, mouth & whether they’ve had good care from a young age. ... The way a horse chews can also impact on the shape of the teeth & grinding surfaces. Also, older horses grow teeth more slowly than younger horses. They can develop sharp points on their teeth which can actually cause some discomfort when you apply bit pressure & even carrying their head down low. Digestion starts at the mouth, with chewing. Also a horse’s behaviour can be impacted with riding if their mouth is causing them pain. They get a mild sedation, a special piece of equipment called a gag keeps their mouth open & a drill with a special bit with a round head made out of diamond spins around to grind back the sharp points & hooks. It certainly beats the old days of no sedation & a hand held rasp!!
21.01.2022 A memory came up this morning from my own page from the fires last year. I couldn’t figure out how to share the post here, but I’m posting up the photos. As much as we would have loved more rain, all I am thankful for is that we’re not (at the moment) living through this again. These photos were taken this time last year, 2 days apart.
21.01.2022 Hmmmmm Apparently, someone is getting my leftover cappuccino cups....
20.01.2022 So, today’s adventure was heading back up to the Abbey Museum grounds again to promote jousting for Totally Wild. Again, Odin was his perfect self. The main interview-ee was Amanda Challen (won’t let me tag properly) & Odin & I were the opponent. ... Ranger Stacey was our interviewer. We’ll let everyone know when it gets aired!
20.01.2022 Recently we bought a couple of new saddle racks from A & J Saddle Solutions and couldn't be happier :D If you are looking for a good sturdy solution for your tack room then look no further than these guys. Locally made by a friendly small business. Visit their page and consider giving them a like!
20.01.2022 Please Note: Lessons are cancelled this weekend. Agistees attending the property must maintain social distances in the yards and wash/sanitise hands. Masks should be worn if anyone else is present at the same time.
20.01.2022 Absolutely beautifully said. I’ve even had parents question whether their children should be riding more accurately. First, you have to achieve some kind of balance & then look for accuracy. No one drives a manual car the first time perfectly or smoothly. Much the same as riding a horse. ... Interesting how certain people understood this even 100s of years ago
20.01.2022 Odin is famous!
19.01.2022 Dinner time #horses #horselife #horseriding #farm #farmlife #moon #nightsky
19.01.2022 Prepatory C Test Walk/Trot
19.01.2022 Hi everyone, Liz here to say my mobile phone is now deceased. I have a new phone, but, it needs setting up, there’s the possibility of not receiving text messages until I figure out how to get the new sim in. My old sim has been deactivated. While connected to wifi, I can receive Facebook messages, so, if you’ve sent me a text message, there’s the possibility I won’t receive it for a while.... ... I’ll update when I’ve figured out the technological side of modern day life...... I’d rather fix a water pump..... wish me luck......
19.01.2022 With all this highlighted, lessons will be going ahead as normal, but, I’ll be bringing back out all the metho sprays & hand sanitizers. Anyone who thinks they may have come into contact either with the infected people (their images are being circulated around Facebook) or these listed areas, please isolate & if feeling sick, follow the recommended processes. Stay safe everyone. It’s not over yet.
18.01.2022 Hercules has a new fashion statement. This is how feed bins should be
18.01.2022 Hurry up ponies!! Time to finish dinner!
18.01.2022 We just had a visitor. One that I am suspicious of having before (after missing a chicken or 2) but have never been certain. Kayla managed to get this. A Wedge Tailed Eagle & Rocky having a chat at the gateway post heading into the yards. I’ve just been informed that yes, they have taken one of our chooks but, it’s pretty spectacular to see this spectacle so close up. The interaction with Rocky is really interesting. Interesting to see wild prey animal being looked at by a domesticated prey animal. The Animal Kingdom is pretty amazing. The Eagle is a little hard to clearly make out with the overhead cloud.
17.01.2022 Keep an eye on the radar, but at this stage, the Greenbank Dome is well & truly activated
17.01.2022 At this stage, we don’t really know what’s happening, what or how we are/aren’t allowed to operate. Please, a lot of us are local to these areas, if you feel unwell, please, please go get checked out. We may have to buckle up again, I guess we’ll know more by this evening. ... If anyone riding here believes they may have come into contact with infected people, please let us know. Stay safe, everyone.
16.01.2022 Apparently, it’s siesta time!!!!
15.01.2022 I am Facebook friends with the people that bred & raced Baldur & they tagged me in their memory post this morning from when he was a baby in 2014 He’s just so damn CUTE! And yes, grey horses are born either black or chestnut & grey out. But, look at his ears! So cute
15.01.2022 Please note that the Greenbank Takeaway is listed here. They also shared a post yesterday at some point saying that the shop has been deep cleaned. I have no idea about staff testing. With the new cases yesterday, we implemented all our hygiene practices, wiping saddles & equipment down with metho & disinfecting helmets. ... We will be looking at our CovidSafe practices & will update riders as we go. Currently, it’s a maximum of 10 people at a time, with social distancing space. Stay safe everyone!!
13.01.2022 Our Medieval weekend went fairly well, it was quite wet up Caboolture way, so, sadly, what was supposed to be a 6 jouster joust, became 2. It’s been 2 years since I’ve jousted. I couldn’t joust last year due to a forearm injury. Odin was AMAZING. It was 2 years since he last jousted too & he was the ever faithful, beautiful boy that he is. I would have liked to have jousted on Diesel too, but unfortunately, there wasn’t the opportunity. ... We also took Merlot & Baldur. Both of them were VERY fresh (horse term for excitable & VERY energetic) but they settled extremely well. It was perfect exposure for them, although, every time a person walked into a nearby tent, Baldur was convinced the tent was eating said person! It was good to give the boys some exposure. The best part, my arm seems to have coped extremely well, so, now to just keep training until we can show off to the public again! ~Liz PS some photos are mine & some are from photographer Mark Price
12.01.2022 Fun holiday camp yesterday!!!
12.01.2022 I forgot to post up how we went after the hail storms last Sat. Thankfully, we didn’t get hit anywhere near as hard, but, it’s the most hail I’ve ever seen after living in this area for 10 years. The property held up fine & truthfully, we didn’t even get hit that hard with rain. ... We are getting some greener grass through though!!!
11.01.2022 This morning Channel 10's Totally Wild program aired a segment about jousting featuring Amanda from Company of the Gryphon with our very own Liz as her opponent! The segment is at 16:45 and Liz gets a few big hits in from 20:35. It's available to watch online now so go check it out. #horses #horseriding #horselife #jousting #medieval #14thC
10.01.2022 Fingers crossed it clears up by Wed for lessons & the weekend! Although, we can't complain too much about the rain! For people wanting to practice their dressage test at home, here's a link to a page that you can print out with diagram's on it. Specifically, our arena is a 20m x 40m arena. I will send out info regarding rider's times & tests most likely tomorrow. ... IF we get completely rained out, we'll reschedule it for Jan.
10.01.2022 I have a new phone! Wish me luck.......
09.01.2022 The boss finally gets to ride for herself #horses #horselife #horseriding #dressage
09.01.2022 Have you noticed the quitain setup in our jumping paddock? "What's a quintain" you ask? Well, did you know that Liz is not only the best horse riding coach around, but she is also a jouster! With covid restrictions easing, Liz is back in training accompanied by Josh and our stable hand Ryan. Check out this promotional video for the historical reenactment group we are members of and see the comments for photo's of Liz looking amazing in armour!
09.01.2022 I received this message from Telstra today, just in case anyone sends a text message & doesn’t get a response in 24 hours, might be worth sending the page a Facebook message
08.01.2022 There are roadworks on McTaggart Rd today if anyone is visiting us today.
07.01.2022 This came up as a memory this morning. Twelve years ago, I was hired as mid-race entertainment for the Doomben Races. This is me on Flash being Santa Claus & we had saddle bags loaded up with lollipops that we threw out to the crowd. Soooooo funny! And Flash being the character he was, loved being in the middle of a racetrack being the centre of attention! He even tried to eat a lollipop
07.01.2022 Polishing Lady Elizabeth's armour and sword, preparing for this weekend's joust. #horses #horseriding #horselife #farmlife #jousting #historicalreenactment #knight
07.01.2022 Prepatory B Test
06.01.2022 An awesome day of lessons yesterday & again a HUGE thank you to all our helpers The last lesson finished up doing a little Pas De Deux. How handsome do Smokey & Nomad look working together?? (Not that I’m biased.....) And a great job by their riders!!
05.01.2022 Lovely fellow that I’ve worked with before
05.01.2022 Guess what? We have a website now too!
04.01.2022 Well, it’s been a huge week & I have to say a HUMONGOUS Thank you to all my crew & helpers. But today is a special day. We have BOTH an 18th AND a 21st birthday this evening. ... You have both been amazing young people to have come into my lives & as much as I believe you have learned from me, I’ve also learned a lot from you & Kayla. Happy 18th Birthday, Ryan, you are truly turning into an amazing young man. Happy 21st Tash, you are on one hell of a journey & we’re so proud of you. Choose the path you want to walk & ALWAYS find the people who want to see you grow & succeed.
04.01.2022 Dentals are a vital part of horse health & care. They should be done every 12 months. All of the horses here get rotated through dentals throughout the year to ensure good health. Did you know, that as horse’s get older their teeth growth slows down? ... Hercules looks like he’s really enjoyed his sedation....
04.01.2022 Some jumping yesterday morning
04.01.2022 Preliminary 1C Test (Advanced riders) from the EA website
04.01.2022 This actually brought tears to my eyes. So many beautiful, faithful horses that have done their job with never a complaint. They may not be the prettiest, they may not be the fastest or jump the highest, but they are always worth their weight in gold.
03.01.2022 The calm before more storms is our window to get everything fed & we have a fence down
03.01.2022 Hmmmm Our dogs are a little quirky. You decide which one is the smart one...... Vincent or Luke.....
02.01.2022 Talk about a bad hair day......
02.01.2022 Some helpful tips regarding feeding & stomach ulcers. How many can you tick off?
02.01.2022 No lessons this weekend, we'll be off jousting! Here's Liz training on Odin and Diesel. #horses #horselife #horseriding #jousting #historicalreenactment
02.01.2022 I haven’t seen hail here in YEARS
02.01.2022 So, I figured I’d give everyone an update, as some people have heard first hand through Facebook & others, through the grapevine. On Mon 21st, it appears as though I’ve been bitten by an insect on my right calf, most likely a spider while driving my car. By Mon night, my leg had swollen up & was burning. I did see my GP on Tuesday & was given on antibiotics & Wed afternoon, found myself in the emergency ward at Logan Hospital. Blood work was done & markers came back as reas...onably high for an infection & I was diagnosed with cellulitis. I figure I can take a bit of a beating with medieval combat & farm life, but, I will say, cellulitis is definitely painful! I highly don’t recommend!! I was given IV antibiotics & kept in for 20 hours before being released as an acute at home patient, where I’ve been receiving daily antibiotics by IV. Today I was cleared for oral antibiotics & am now allowed to drive again. The redness has *nearly* vanished & the angry bite mark on my leg is clearing. There is still some swelling & some bruising, but really nothing compared to what it was. I still have to take it easy & just be careful, but I think by the end of this week, I should be back to normal. I can’t say this is what I was aiming for, for my holidays, but, it could be a whole lot worse! I’m looking forward to getting back on a horse, I think I’m the one who’s forgotten how to ride!! Thank you again to my wonderful crew who have been looking after the horses while I’ve barely been able to walk!! And as for that spider, if I ever find it, it’s going to be an EX-spider!! I hope everyone is enjoying their break!!! ~Liz
01.01.2022 And for our next trick.... A leak had developed in the water line UNDER the mound of clean fill. With Kayla’s help, we managed to dig by hand to locate the leak & then Josh on his trusty tractor moving more of the mound away so we could get to the pipe & repair it. Thank you to Ryan & Tash for feeding horses while Kayla & I got to play in the mud!
01.01.2022 Covid-19 just isn't going away so to do our bit we are now requiring ALL visitors to the Manor to check-in using the GuestTrack system. As you enter the premises via the newly marked pedestrian walkway you will find a QR code on a sign mounted just past the toilet. There will be another one located inside the tack room in case you miss the first one. Simply open the camera on your phone and put the QR code in view, you should be prompted to visit the check-in web page and fil...l in all required details. We ask that EVERYONE does this please! This means all students, all agistees, and all other visitors. Thankyou in advance for your help in following this procedure. ~Josh
01.01.2022 Zafar is our newest school horse. His name means victory in Persian which is inspired by his breed and past career. Seen here with a stylish hairdo :) #horses #horselife #horseriding #horseridinglesson #farm #farmlife
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