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Moonshadow Flying Fox Rescue & Rehabilitation

Phone: +61 429 930 138


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22.01.2022 Oh Miss Ericka. Such is life for a tired baby bat. I feel it too. Lol.

21.01.2022 Well done Catherine. The season is well and truly ramping up.

17.01.2022 Gracies story. 4. A new beginning. The installation of Gracie in her bat box went smoothly thanks to the great care and expertise of professional arborist Darren and we couldn't have done it without him. We have no idea how long Gracie will stay in her box as it's coming into the time where our batty micro friends will be heading into torpor. She may stay a while or she may go but at least now she will be safe and protected until she decides for herself when its time. ... Thanks also to caring members of the public and residents Melissa and Jen who, if they hadn't have called for help to save Gracie in the first place, none of this would have happened. Gracie owes her life to you. You are her true hero's. Fly free now Gracie. See more

13.01.2022 Ok so its not bats today but sooo cute all the same. Spring is definately in the air and baby season well on the way. While we specialise in the rescue and rehabilitation of flying foxes we are actually registered with Wildlife Victoria as rescuers of any wildlife and got a callout today for a little family of Pacific Black Ducks that had lost their way. In the township of Sale we have many valuable big old gum trees with hollows and the local ducks do use these for, even the ones in the middle of town. Unfortunately, while most navigate the streets on the way to the river without incidence, some get a little bit lost on their way and we need to give them a helping hand. That way we prevent any fatalities on the roads as their usual path means having to cross the main hwy. Today this little group of eleven ducklings and their Mum had taken refuge under a small shrub in the playground of the local kindergarten and were a little overwhelmed by all the excited but interested children. So the kind staff explained to the children they needed their space and called us for assistance. After masking up, sanitising hands, signing in and having our temperatures taken we were able to contain the little ones and happy to say the whole family was safely delivered to their new home on the river near a sloping grassy embankment. To explain the two baskets we popped Mum into a separate one just for the trip to the river, as she was a little feisty and didn't want to keep still. It's just safer for the ducklings so they don't get accidentally trampled on the way. Don't think Mum was happy with me though. Such a beautiful sight to watch them go off together. Made my day. See more

12.01.2022 Great piece on our Melbourne colony and some timely advice on use of appropriate fruit tree netting.

12.01.2022 While most of our rescues are on the larger side, the Megabats, sometimes we are called to rescue the littlies too. The Little Forest Bat is one of our smallest bats, a insect eating Microbat not much bigger than the top of your thumb. He may not be big in size but makes up for it in personality. And does us humans an enormous favour by eating hundreds of mosquitos each night. We definately want them around. Weighing in at just 4gms meet Tiny Tina. She was found on the groun...d by a concerned member of the public and brought into our local veterinary centre who called us. Thank you so much for caring. Tiny Tina is doing very well and is looking at going home in the next day or two. A happy ending for this one. See more

12.01.2022 New adventures for Gracie. 3. The big day arrived and there were nerves and excitement all around. I think including Gracie, she knew something was up. All the goodies needed were gathered together in the car and Gracie placed in the portable ICU for the nearly hour trip home. This was just to ensure she was warm when we arrived and I was able to feed her a few mealworms as a send off. Ensuring she didn't go too hungry on her first night out if she stayed in her box. Bat box,... wire, pliers, bolt cutters, oh and Gracie too, were all piled into the car. And a call made to the property managers to say we were on the way. I have to mention here none of this would have been possible without the help of a good friend who arranged his work day to fit us in to help install Gacie and her new home in the tree at a good safe height for her. Thank you arborist Darren, from Up There Tree Care , we are just so very grateful for your expert assistance and couldn't have done it without you. The installation of the box was achieved quickly with Gracie safely installed in it, with the entrance sealed until it was installed, and placed in a pack that was carefully lifted into the tree quided by a rope attached so as not to jolt her around. Thankfully all went smoothly and Gracie is finally home. (Please excuse the background noises. There was garden works going on next door.) Good luck Gracie. Stay safe. We love you. See more

10.01.2022 Well, after a relatively quiet few months rescue wise for us the Grey Headed Flying Fox season has begun. Meet Molly. Poor Molly was found caught on a barbed wire fence on a farm in regional Victoria. Ari took the call but couldn't attend so referred her on to Catherine. Thank you Ary for calling us and Catherine for going out to help this young Mum to be. Catherine then transported her to us. Sometimes it takes a community to get one of our batties to safety and teamwork ...helps us achieve this. We met Catherine half way and brought poor Molly home. What an ordeal for her. She was in distress, scared and injured with a cut mouth and badly torn wing. She was sooo thirsty and ravenous for the grapes we gave her. She gave birth to her little girl while in care that night. Sadly poor bub was stillborn. So so sad that such a precious little life never had a chance. And all because of a horrible wire that is not necessary. There are alternatives to that horrific fencing. It's not uncommon for flying foxes in distress to go into early labour. We don't know how long she had been caught on the fence until she was seen by the farmer and called in. She's only small herself possibly a first time Mum. So tragic. She's been very sad but is gradually recovering. Her mouth is healing and she loves her red grapes and protein smoothie. But she's still not out of the woods and her wing injuries are serious. I am really concerned about her wing. There's quite a bit of necrosis happening now and some of it very close to a joint. It's not looking good but we can only hope for a good recovery and ease her pain a little She's not out of the woods yet. Only time will tell. * Photos of wing and precious baby in comments. See more

10.01.2022 Our first casualty of the rain and high winds came in yesterday. This is Peri named by Baden from Gippsland Snake Catchers who found him and his mate grounded and injured. Obvious victims of the high winds and fallen trees the night before. While Peri survived, his mate had to be euthanased as the injuries to his wing were too severe. Peri has grazes on the wing and down his back and one shoulder. Thankfully xrays showed no breaks visible at the time. He was scared, cold and ...suffering from shock. He is now in care with us for as long as it takes to treat and heal his wounds. After subcutaneous fluids and cleaning of his wounds he's now on antibiotics, is warm and is eating and drinking, we managed to forage a variety of foods and things he can chew on in the hope he would eat something without the need to crop feed as this would have been more stressful for him. But we're still not certain if he'll make it. The next few days will tell. It's been difficult to get him to our specialist bird carer Linda Cunningham as Linda herself has been cut off with flooding and power outages but was wonderful with phone advice after initial difficulties with service in the area. Thank you again Animal Clinic Maffra for your assistance. We'll do our best for him. Fingers crossed. *Thanks to money granted us towards some equipment last year we were able to organise outdoor heating in our hospital area. It's coming into its own in this weather. See more

09.01.2022 A lovely informative piece on our flying foxes.

09.01.2022 This little fellow was also brought in at the start of October by a caring member of the public, whos cat had caught this little one. Thank you so much for being concerned enough to bring him in to receive the care he needed. Requiring a vaccinated assistant I held the little guy while the wonderfully caring Vet examined him. After establishing he had a fracture just below the wrist it was decided the kindest thing to do was to euthanase. You can see the torn wing membrane, a...brasion, bruising and swelling, as well as the location of the fracture in the close up photos (it's bent in the wrong place). It must have been a terrifyingly painful experience. I can't thank the Vet and staff enough for their kindness and service. Sorry little guy. Please people KEEP YOUR CATS indoors. Our wildlife is suffering. It also keeps your pet safe, whom I'm sure you also don't want injured. See more

09.01.2022 Oh oh. And so it begins. It's baby season. So much preparation. Let's hope its not as bad as last season. Our poor batties really need a break.

08.01.2022 Not again. After such wildlife losses that we have had already this sort of uneducated uninformed activity by backward councils needs to stop. There has got to be a better solution. Please sign and share. Even our overseas followers. Show them the world is watching.

08.01.2022 You can see the difference a few days of care, warmth, good food and fluids makes. Gracie was lethargic, thin and dehydrated when she first arrived but after the first week was much improved and the difference is noticeable in her ability speed and movement seen here flying back to her safe space compared to her more clumsy first attempt in our previous post.

07.01.2022 While bat rescues have slowed for us at this time of the year we still get a few. But wildlife of all species often need help year round. Yesterday was a call from Glen. He was working in the area and noticed a dead wombat on the side of the road. But as many people would, thinking it was long dead, didn't think too much more about it. The following day though he had to drive down the same road. This time he was surprised to see little legs wriggling outside Mums pouch. He i...mmediately stopped to check and found this adorable little guy. Glen phoned us for assistance. We advised him to wrap the little one and keep him warm 'til we got there, which he did well considering it was not a pleasant job. Especially considering as adorable as he looked, poor bub did not smell adorable. It was obvious his Mum had been dead more than just one day. You deserve a medal Glen. I'm so grateful that Glen stopped to help this little one and it just goes to show how important it is to always stop and check. I hate to imagine what this little ones fate may have been otherwise. Especially with the forecast bad weather. He was cold and dehydrated so we placed him on a nice warm heat pad snugly wrapped in his new clean pouch and transported him (with vents open and windows part down ) straight to a carer experienced with wombat joey's. He is now in care with Deb at Cristalee Park Wildlife Shelter . Thanks Deb for coming out to meet us. And thank you so much Glen for saving this babies life and preventing a whole lot of suffering and inevitable death if you hadn't rescued him. See more

07.01.2022 Warning: some might find these photos distressing. Photo credit to Tamsyn Hogarth and Catherine Foot Further to our rescue on Friday, another pup had to be euthanased as the break to the jaw was too bad and Zoos Victoria vets, finding other injuries, decided long term convalescence after surgery would be too distressing for the little fellow to go through with no quaranteed outcome. On a happier note it appears one of the adult females has found her pup with those we had res...cued. When placed together the pup found her and started suckling. We're over the moon at this reunite. But Mum is still not out of the woods and appears concussed. Xrays showed no obvious breaks so with time and rest she'll hopefully be ok. So fingers crossed. Two adults were able to be released back to their colony. One after being xrayed just to make sure all was ok. One other little one was found to have a clean break in the wing and the skilled vets in Melbourne were attempting to pin it asap. Prognosis is good at this age for her. We'll let you know how that one goes. Thanks for everyone's support. See more

07.01.2022 Sleepy baby. Mum and Bub in good care now.

06.01.2022 Just a reminder as its coming into batty season again soon. With focus having been on Covid 19 lately and the difficulties it has brought, a lot of people are tending to forget that our wildlife, and many families, are still feeling the effects from last summers fires. The effects of the terrible season we had are continuing to impact on their welfare and this Summer is looming. Many wildlife organisations, rescuers and carers are preparing now for the upcoming season. I kno...w its hard times but if you can help out with donations of any amount, large or small, to those organisations in our state like Wildlife Victoria and locally for me Wildlife Rehabilitation and Protection inc (WRAP) every little bit helps and you'll know that money is being used to help your local wildlife. You can also donate to Fly By Night Bat Clinic or Moonshadow Flying Fox Rescue & Rehabilitation directly or via gofundme. This is just a friendly reminder to be kinder if you can to those who can't help themselves. Our beautiful and unique and much needed wildlife.

05.01.2022 Well you never know what the day will bring. Today was one of those days. First a call from a member of the public informing us of someone letting off what sounded like firecrackers under the flying fox colony around Lake Guyatt in Sale. Police and Shire staff in attendance. Head home to meet Catherine to receive a microbat that had been caught on a sticky fly strip. Poor baby treated, cleaned up and bathed then wait and see for this little Lesser Longeared. Often not a goo...d outlook for these guys but at least he was eating and drinking this evening so hopefully a good sign. So after a quick bite to eat, off again to meet others for a walk around the Lakes and Botanic Gardens with Wellington Shire Council staff Tim Rowe and Wildlife Victoria Bat Rescue Co ordinator Tamsyn and experienced rescuer Catherine with myself assessing needs for possible heat events. We had hardly begun our discussions when the call came through from a member of the public to Wildlife Victoria. They called us immediately as they knew we were already at the location. A fortuitous circumstance. A tree was down in unexpectedly high winds and bats were dying. So we rushed back to my car to grab any gear we needed, sometimes I'm thankful I always carry basic rescue gear with me, and rushed to the actual location where the tree was down. It was just such a sad scene. With some bats still hanging and some Mums and bubs calling, looking for each other but most were trapped under the branches. Mostly already dead from obvious crush injuries. Some little faces looking up at us, still alive and struggling to free themselves but unable to due to the weight of branches, entanglement in foliage and injuries. We worked with Shire staff to clear branches and retrieve those we could. Thanks Tim for calling for backup and Darren for coming to assist. Some were able to fly off on their own, others collected for assessment. But the majority already obviously dead. Over thirty bats affected/injured were assessed. A few more needed euthing and the balance of survivors, not many I'm afraid, after local vet assessment, are being transferred to Melbourne for further treatment for fractures and head trauma and hopefully will be assessed as able to be rehabilitated after specialist treatment or surgeries. We simply cannot thank Animal Clinic Maffra enough for their assistance today. I will be forever grateful. And thank you so so much to Tanya. The person who called it in, for watching over the scene and waiting for us to arrive. Also walking back to meet Chris who had arrived with more gear and helping him carry it to the site. You are amazing. See more

02.01.2022 Spoiled babies. Nothing but the best for these kiddies. They just love dinner time.

02.01.2022 If you live in Victoria or can pick up this channel try to catch WIN News CH8 at 6pm. Tonight. Reporting on the Grey Headed Flying Foxes in Sale.

01.01.2022 Love the close ups at the beginning of this. I do love my Flying Foxes. This is from the Eurobodalla Council.

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