Mooroolbark Bowls Club in Mooroolbark, Victoria | Sports & recreation venue
Mooroolbark Bowls Club
Locality: Mooroolbark, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9725 3131
Address: 170 Hull Rd 3138 Mooroolbark, VIC, Australia
Likes: 434
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25.01.2022 What's everyone up to in LOCKDOWN? Send us your comments. I know the MacKays finally got round to washing the windows, but only the outside. They didn't want to spoil themselves and have all the fun in one day
25.01.2022 Grab a cuppa ,sit back and enjoy the MAY Newsletter 2ND edition of the" Barkers Byte " keeping us all informed and gradually getting back to the sport we love, Thankyou Jackie its great Go onto the Mooroolbark website home page, click on notices then click on newsletter.
24.01.2022 Check out MBC website for the Aug Barkers Byte and the latest news from the board.
24.01.2022 Bootcamp on Sun 26/7 is cancelled. We'll tentatively reschedule for 23/8. More details will be posted early August when hopefully things will be looking better with the covid-19 numbers. We'll get through this and get back on the greens, but meantime, everyone stay safe and sane
23.01.2022 VALE Gordon Harrod. It is with great regret we announce the passing of Gordon on 9th July. The funeral is at 4pm Wednesday 15th July, and due to restrictions will be streamed live on the link
23.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just letting you know my Dad, David Hillard is in hospital, has had an operation on his lower back for nerve damage! Out of ICU and back on ward at... Knox Private. Hoping to have him home at the end of this week if not sooner!! It's hard that Mum can't visit him. They don't have FB but I just thought I'd reach out to you all. Take care, Shelley Ogden See more
22.01.2022 Wanted to congratulate David Stuart on a great singles win today . Best singles game l have been involved in at Mooroolbark. Good luck with the rest of the tournament Dave - Ian McLeod
22.01.2022 What's everyone reading at the moment? I decided to borrow my son's LORD OF THE RINGS (yes the entire book 1150+ pages) as I'd heard it's such a classic and e...veryone should read it at least once. After about 20 pages, I realised I had ALREADY READ IT years ago. As anyone who has read it will know, it's not the easiest read but I persevered and am now at page 745. At this rate I might finish it just in time for covid-19 ending (I hope). Yes, it is a great book, but this time I'll initial the flycover so I don't ever open it again!!! Can't wait to get back into Wilbur Smith See more
21.01.2022 We're sad to report Alf Grundy passed away last week from a stroke. At this time we have no further information. Sincere condolences to his friends and family
21.01.2022 Even the queens going back to Bowls
21.01.2022 Just a reminder the Bowls Show is on Ch72 Sundays at 11am.
20.01.2022 Click on the link below to read the latest E-newsletter from Bowls Victoria You can subscribe at get get your own copy delivered direct to your inbox
20.01.2022 Coach Henny would like members to know he intends to be be at the club most Thursdays weather permitting, from approx 4-4.30pm for an hour or so and hopes members might like to join him for a bit of practice. He says to bring any problems you're experiencing (bowls related - not marital problems please!)
20.01.2022 I hope David got his arm back otherwise he'll be armless!!
20.01.2022 Notice to all members - Covid-19 Further to the Notice of the 7th July and the Statement from Bowls Victoria: the Board of Management and Bowls Committee have agreed that there will be no bowls permitted (including Roll-Ups)at the Club until further notice.We appreciate that this may be disappointing for some members but in the interest of member safety and the considerable amount of volunteer work required to comply with COVID-19 Stage 3 restrictions we agreed that this is the best option. We are continuing to monitor the situation and will notify you of any updates. Please take care and stay safe. Board of Management & Bowls Committee 9th July 2020
20.01.2022 Just announced by Bowls Victoria, all finals, Sat and Tue, are postponed due to the rise in Covid cases. Safety comes first.
20.01.2022 Check out the July Barkers Byte newsletter now on the website. Keep safe everyone
19.01.2022 Best wishes to Dave Hillard who is in Knox Hospital. He has had surgery on his lower back, laminectomy for nerve damage. He is In ICU and will be hopefully home next week. Pam would love to hear from any friends. Best wishes from all at MBC to Dave for a good recovery
19.01.2022 Notice from Bowls Vic 2/7/20, all divisional finals have been cancelled. Read more here
19.01.2022 After many postponements due to covid, the final of the President's Handicap was played on Thursday 5th Nov. Congratulations to winner Ian McLeod, and R/Up John Baker in what was a very close game 21-19 (and thanks to Marker Judy Baker). Entries are now on the noticeboard for the following championship events - Mens, Ladies Singles and Minor Open Singles, Mens & Ladies Pairs, Men's Triples. Mixed Triples will be posted soon. First events close 14th Nov, so don't dilly-dally - get your entries in NOW!!! And you can be a champion like the two below. You have to be in it to win it!!
19.01.2022 Bowls Show has been moved to 2pm today ch72, not 11am this week
18.01.2022 The October Barker's Byte is now out with all the latest news and gossip. If you didn't receive your copy by email you can find it on the website under Notices/newsletters.
18.01.2022 Time to loosen up the bowls muscles as hopefully we'll be on the greens soon. I don't have room to bowl at my house, but I've been rolling a tennis ball. It feels like it uses the same muscles and good practice for rolling a jack. Just aim at a specific point and see if you can hit it. We may still be placing jacks with our feet, but at least it's something to practice meantime
18.01.2022 MOOROOLBARK BOWLS CLUB This is a reminder notice to all members that during the COVID-19 Lockdown restrictions the Clubrooms remain closed. There continues to be no access to the Clubrooms unless on official Club Business. Members who wish access for other reasons will require Directors approval. Unauthorised access will put the Club at risk with the relevant State Government Authorities and members must adhere to these restrictions. Please note that if you are bowling the ...greens and equipment have been arranged so that no access is required to the Clubrooms. We will notify you of changes to Lockdown requirements as they occur. Merv Hicks Neil Johnson Executive Director Bowls President
17.01.2022 From the Coach: sad news all pennant finals now cancelled which is a pity as our mid-week and weekend sides were showing all the signs of making it all the way to the top!!! Please take that momentum into the new season. At this stage it is proposed to have a BOOT CAMP coaching session for all members on Sunday 26th July 11:00am to 1:00pm. The focus will be on leads and seconds but even experienced back-end bowlers can do with a back-to-basics session. The Boot Camp session will be held according to all of the social distancing and Covid19...
16.01.2022 The final championship event was played this morning. 100-Up Men's Winner is Ron Morton with a close 101 / 99 win over Gary Roberts, and Ladies 100-Up Winner is Jackie MacKay over last year's champion Mandy Carter 100 / 70. Well done to all winners and runners-up on good games this morning. Photos of the season's winners and runners-up are on the website under the Gallery page.
15.01.2022 Following the changes to the COVID-19 restrictions by the State Government on Saturday 20th June please note that the Clubrooms can now have only a maximum of 20 people at any one time. Therefore the Friday Night Members Draw is postponed until further notice Board of Management. 25th June 2020
14.01.2022 WED/FRI SOCIAL BOWLS UPDATE. As per the most recent Bowls Victoria guidelines, we can now have 32 players per outdoor green and max of 8 players per rink. Therefore from next week Wed social can go back to triples and both days can accommodate more players over two greens. Competitions are now allowed, so green fees will go back to $10 with prize money paid out. Wed time 11.45 for 12 noon start. Fri 9.15am for 9.30am start. PLEASE HELP KEEP OUR ORGANISERS SAFE... BY BRINGING CORRECT MONEY. The clubhouse remains closed during play. Outside toilets will be open. It's very important we handle matts and jacks as little as possible, so no rolling of jacks and no changing rinks for the 2nd game. Please maintain SOCIAL DISTANCING and good HAND HYGENE so we can continue to defeat COVID and get back to the game we love without further restrictions. Thanks to all our Wed and Fri organisers for a great job. See you around the greens. Jackie MacKay, Tournament Manager
14.01.2022 CHAMPIONSHIP PRESENTATIONS WILL TAKE PLACE AT 11.30AM NEXT SATURDAY 21ST NOV PRIOR TO THE PENNANT PRACTICE MATCH. We would appreciate if all players (or supporters) can please turn up prior to 11.30am to applaud last season's champions. Sorry for the late notice, however due to covid-19 recent easing of restrictions, we are pushing through to finish as many of last season's events as possible. The new season's championships are starting on Sun 22nd so come along and watch some good singles games at 10am and 1pm. Please pass this on to anyone without internet access.
14.01.2022 Want to know a really great series on Netflix, while we have sooo much time at home ? Queen of the south. keeps you on the edge of your seat. Enjoy,
13.01.2022 I would just like to let every member know that we now need to make up for lost time. We need to get down to the club more often than we ever did, we need to come along to pennant practice on Thursday nights We need to come down to Sunday Morning Coaching drills, and we need to enter the various club competitions.... Go Barkers - COACH HENNHY
11.01.2022 Following yesterday's State Government's easing of COVID -19 restrictions we are pleased to announce that Club rooms will be open from 10:00am Wednesday 28th Oct. This includes the Bar which will be open from 3:00pm until 7:00pm with a maximum of 20 patrons (inside) at any one time. All members are required to sign in and out in the book at the entrance. It is essential that we all adhere to the COVID-19 requirements to ensure a safe and lasting return and we thank you for your co-operation during this period. So on behalf of the Board of Management, welcome back and we look forward to seeing you at the Club.
11.01.2022 Hi all the weather is getting a little warmer and somehow feels really weird that its the end of August .entering September ,and we are not Bowling . We will all be very excited to get back to bowls, and catch up with our friends ,its been a long Haul but lots of bowls to look forward to when the restrictions start to lift keep safe everyone.and hope to see you all real soon
11.01.2022 PENNANT PRACTICE - Please put your names on the entry sheets in the clubhouse for pennant practice matches. Sat matches 1pm 14/11 and 21/11/20. Tue matches 10am 17/11 and 24/11/20. If you can’t get to the club or get someone to put your name in, you can still front up and get a game. Mufti. Keep your eye on the News page of the website for updates
10.01.2022 The sun is shining And Mooroolbark bowls is back for roll ups Book your time ,Ring Neil Johnston ,Practice days are Tuesday ,Thursday and Saturdays between 12 and 4pm. Please read all the notices, when you arrive Sanitise on arrival keep your distance and Enjoy ,nice to see all those Mooroolbark smiles back on the green on Saturday .
10.01.2022 As we have no diary at present, it's easy to forget when the 1st rounds of championships are on (or so I keep hearing from those who have almost forgotten!). So although the dates are on the noticeboard, as well as draws for those events that have now been drawn, this is an additional reminder that R1 of Men's Triples Championship is this Fri 4 Dec at 6pm. Men's and Ladies' Pairs start this Sun 6th Dec from 10am. Draws are on the Events page of the website at If you're a no show, you forfeit, so don't forget to come if you have entered. Also in response to another query, the DrawExpress program can only select one name, so even if you're a pair, triple or four, only the first name on the entry form appears on the draw. FYI if you want to see the full list of players, the original entry sheeet is behind the draw on the noticeboard. - Jackie
10.01.2022 Padlock your letterbox! Just heard a member had her bank card taken out of her letterbox and it was subsequently used at Mooroolbark and Kilsyth. I also heard another member had loads of tools stolen. With more than the usual neighbours walking around due to covid exercise restraints, you never know who might be checking your place out, so please think about locking up your garages, gates and letterboxes. Stay safe everyone
09.01.2022 You couldn't do it if you tried - well Beryl can! A bowl fell out her bag and ran down the drain from the top carpark. Unfortunately it hadn't appeared further down the pipeline and is yet to be found despite attempts by various members. I wish I'd been there on Monday when Neville Bosley was head first down the drain looking for it, and when pulled out by his shorts, exposed more than he wanted to. Trish says he has a very nice backside anyway. The Mon boys are still looking and have tried various contraptions to try to push anything stuck through, but hope is fading...... Vale Beryl's bowl?
08.01.2022 Hello Mooroolbark Bowlers. Sadly, we are not out there yet doing what we so love & enjoy but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan or set some goals for the coming season, So USE THIS TIME PRODUCTIVELY Why don’t you contact me and we can discuss creating a Personal Development Plan’ just for you. We can put it down on paper and work on it together. Call me on 0418 530 247 or email to [email protected]. Regards from Henny
08.01.2022 We are pleased to advise that greens will re-open from Tomorrow the 2nd of June .. as follows Monday :2PM TILL 4PM -Synthetic Only Tuesday To Sunday 10am till 4pm (synthetic and 1 grass green will be available ) Members are requested to use synthetic as much as possible to protect our grass greens .... The blue "signing in" book is located in the alcove at the front entrance door , Everyone attending the club must sign in and out as per Government contact tracing guidelines. Social bowls recommence Wed 10th and Friday 12th June. with restrictions, please put your name down on the Entry sheets, in the alcove at the front door , or alternatively ring Peter Meyer .. Wednesday social Don Mckie .... Friday social Club house will still remain closed. Outdoor Toilets will be open SEE YOU ALL AT THE CLUB, RUG UP AND STAY WARM _
08.01.2022 I’m an optimist - new shoes - brown legs - GO BARKERS. (posted from Denise Kirby)
07.01.2022 The September Barker's Byte is now on the website under NOTICES/NEWSLETTERS. On that page you will also find a link to the new Rink Booking Calendar that we would like to trial prior to going back to bowls. BowlsVic recommend using this app to help control numbers during tight restrictions, while also keeping player details for contact tracing. Please try it out and get familiar with it before (if) it goes live. If you know anyone without internet, we'd really appreciate if you could drop off a copy of the newsletter to them. Please let them know, as mentioned in the newsletter, you will still be able to book a roll up time by ringing the organiser(s). Lists of organisers will be posted in time for the return to bowls. Meantime, stay safe and we hope to see you back at bowls before too long.
07.01.2022 See NEWS page on MBC website for the latest board announcement.
06.01.2022 Back to normal - covid normal that is. With easing of restrictions members no longer need to book rinks for rollups. Social bowls is starting from Wed 4th and Fri 6th, and hopefully also Sat. Championships are starting in the next few weeks. Don't miss out. Entry forms for all the above are in the clubhouse now. All covid guidelines are still in place i.e. masks, 1.5m washing your own mats and jacks etc.
06.01.2022 FROM COACH HENNY: Of course everything depends on how many of us can bowl, when we can bowl and what restrictions are in place but: I just want to advise that I plan to have "unstructured" coaching on Thurdays from 4pm til at least 6, Saturdays from 10am til at least 1pm and Sundays from 10am til 12, until we have firm dates for resumption of Pennant. Start date will be advised soon. Members who have "Personal Development Plans" with me will also be catered for. ... Club competitions may impact those times. See you soon - Henny
05.01.2022 Dear BV Members & Clubs, Bowls Victoria are aware of the recent announcements made by the Victorian Premier this afternoon. As Metropolitan Melbourne prepares f...or a 6-week lockdown as of 11:59pm Wednesday July 8, we will advise as soon as we can (by Thursday) with up-to-date advice from Sport & Recreation Victoria (Victorian Government) and Vicsport for our Bowls Clubs that are located in the Metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire areas. Thank you again for your understanding as we navigate through the ongoing COVID-19 situation. - Team BV
04.01.2022 R1 Men's Triples starts 6pm this Friday 20th Nov. We urgently need a couple more teams for Ladies Pairs starting 10am Sun 6th Dec. We have a lady on the entry sheet looking for a partner so pls put your name down with her if you can play. Ladies Pairs will be cancelled if we can't get at least 2 more teams. Thanks
03.01.2022 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE STARTING. Entries and money deposit envelopes are in the clubhouse in the usual spot. Men's, ladies' Singles close 14/11, Minor Open Singles closes 21/11, Mixed Triples close 14/11 and Men's & ladies' Pairs close 28 Nov. I know it's short notice, but we need to get started now or we won't get through all our events. PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU SEE TO GET THEIR ENTRIES IN. Any enquiries to Jackie, Tournament Manager
03.01.2022 ROLL UPS ARE STARTING FROM WED 21ST OCT. Visit to book a rink. Members only. NO WALK-INS. You must book via the Rink Booking Calendar on the Events page of MBC website. Any enquiries, cancellations, changes or anyone without internet can email or ring Jackie. Contact numbers on the webpage. YEAH! GETTING BACK TO BOWLS. Please keep to the COVID safe guidelines so we can stay bowling!!
03.01.2022 NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS - COVID-19 Following the reintroduction of Stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions by the State Government this afternoon please note that the Clubrooms and Bar will be closed from midnight tomorrow 8th July until further notice. There is no access to the Clubrooms after this time without approval of a Director. Social Bowls is still OK for tomorrow and Bowls Victoria will be making a statement regarding ongoing bowls tomorrow. We will notify you of any changes soon as we are aware of them. Please take care and stay safe, Board of Management 7th July 2020 See more
02.01.2022 MOOROOLBARK BOWLS CLUB Notice to All Members Clubrooms Re-Opening As you are aware the State Government has announced that there will be further easing of the COVID-19 restrictions from Monday 22nd June which include the use of Community and Sporting Clubrooms with a maximum of 50 patrons at any one time. Therefore the Board of Management has determined that the Clubrooms will be open to all members from that date. This includes the Bar which will be open from 3:00pm and op...ening hours will be similar to the times prior to the lockdown. Members must adhere to the remaining COVID-19 restrictions at all times. These restrictions will be displayed at the front entrance of the Clubrooms. Board of Management 16th June 2020
02.01.2022 Bye bye bowls 2020
02.01.2022 The May edition of Barkers Byte will be in your inbox soon, and is on the website under NOTICES/Newsletters. Some copies will be printed out and available at the club for members without computers. Photos of Presentation Day have been uploaded to the GALLERY/Champions page. Congratulations to everyone who won and took part. Thanks to our photographer on the day, Peter Rawlingson.
02.01.2022 Every day we're getting closer to getting back to bowls. I hope I don't end up with agrophobia by the time it's over and be scared to leave my house!! (Just joking - can't wait to get back on the greens)
01.01.2022 BowlsVic has announced NIGHT PENNANT will start from 12th January 2021. If you want to be in the team, please contact TONY McDONALD as soon as possible, as he has to get the entry form in early Nov. Please ring him on 9723 1768 after hours.
01.01.2022 YEAH! Getting back to bowls at last. Today the sun was out as were our Monday volunteers and greenkeeper. Due to government contact tracing requirements we need to keep a note of who is rolling up, so please ring Neil Johnson if you want to book in for a roll on Tue, Thur, Sat noon - 4pm. Max 10 per green, and please maintain social distancing and hand washing rules.
01.01.2022 Dear Members, As most of you will know following today's State Government announcement there is a COVID lockdown in force from 11:59 pm 27th May for the next 7 days. During this time the Club will be closed with no access to the greens and the Clubrooms. If for some reason you require access to the Clubrooms you must get approval from one of the Directors.... We will update you of any changes to these requirements. Hope to see you soon and stay safe Board of Management Mooroolbark Bowls Club.
01.01.2022 Vale Bert Closter. Passed away 9th September. Funeral details to be advised
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