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Mosman Language and Learning Centre in Sydney, Australia | Doctor

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Mosman Language and Learning Centre

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9968 4075

Address: Suite 1, 836 Military Road Mosman 2088 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Don't forgot to write your name on an ornament and stick it on our Christmas tree next time you're in the clinic . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathologist #christmas #children #christmastree #mosman #mosmanliving See more

25.01.2022 Tuesday Tips : Children will learn the names of letters, and that is ok, but if you really want to support your child with their future reading and writing skills, teach them the sounds letters represent. Teaching letter names doesn't support their decoding e.g. 'cee-aye-tee' doesn't help them to read 'cat' but using the sounds does e.g. 'c-a-t'. Think about going through your alphabet chart based on sounds.

24.01.2022 Monday Motivation : A little bit of Monday evening motivation to get us through the week! School holidays - another day down, just a few weeks to go! . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #mondaymotivation #therapy #schoolholidays #children #mosman #cremorne #neutralbay #northshoremums See more

24.01.2022 Loving this little deck of auditory memory cards to work on comprehension of short stories by answering questions after the story is read . . . .... . #superduperpublications #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #comprehension #listening #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

24.01.2022 Monday Motivation - using one of our favourite books to work on rhyming. Phonological awareness skills include rhyming, initial sound awareness in words, identifying and manipulating syllables, blending sounds into words, segmenting words into speech sounds and manipulating sounds in words. Phonological awareness skills are strong predictors of later reading ability. These skills are important to develop in the year before school Give us a call if you want your child to b...uild these skills before they start school . . . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #phonologicalawareness #literacy #reading #school #schoolreadiness #success #rhyming #books #schoolready See more

24.01.2022 Wednesday Workouts : Hungry for Words App - a great app to help your children work on important pre-literacy skills before they start school! It's always great when you can trick them into some learning for iPad time . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #literacy #phonologicalawareness #learning #education #apps #children #hungryforwords See more

23.01.2022 Tuesday Tips : Don't let those rich 'tier 2' words disappear when you're reading and engaging with your children. Help them build their vocabulary by identifying 'tricky' words when you're reading. Talk about the words, see if you can both work out the meaning from the context, look up the word, look at pictures, find words that have a similar meaning, use the word in a new sentence. Don't let these words slip away, get your child to make a special little workbook or diary they can write new words into. This can be their book of gold that they can refer to when they're writing to include more interesting vocabulary . . . . . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #vocabulary #reading #learning #children #englishlanguage #writing #mosman #northshoremums #neutralbay #cremorne See more

22.01.2022 Tuesday Tips : Using pretend food to work on following instructions, recalling information, working on concepts, requesting and working on sequencing. Today we had a burger shop and we were building different burgers whilst targeting all our very important goals! . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #speechpathology #pretendplay #play #children #learning #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

22.01.2022 Wednesday Workouts : Working with toddlers and early language, one of the first things we talk to parents about is reducing the questions they ask their child. As a child is learning language, asking too many questions can put them on the defensive and can lead to the child saying or doing less. Challenge yourself to not ask any questions within an activity and focus more on commenting on what you and your child are doing. Then notice how these interactions change. . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathologist #speechpathology #earlylanguage #earlyintervention #hanen #morethanwords #languagedevelopment #mosman #mosmanliving #cremorne #neutralbay #northshoremums See more

21.01.2022 Tuesday Tips : Pretend play is a fantastic way to build on your child's language skills. Get your toys out and talk about what they're doing, create little scenes and scenarios to work on your child's goals in a fun way! With a doll house you can go through familiar routines with toys such as bath time, bed time and your morning routine. Happy playing . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #pretendplay #languagedevelopment #children #learning #preschool #dollhouse #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

21.01.2022 A fun game of Jenga today while we were working on our 'smooth talking'. . . . .... . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #communication #jenga #learning #children #fluency #mosman #northshoremums See more

20.01.2022 Monday Motivation : Always believing in our clients and aiming high to help them move closer towards their goals. Having a positive attitude and encouraging them at every stage . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #speechpathology #goals #motivation #children #learning #education #positivity #positivereinforcement #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums #cremorne #neutralbay #balmoral See more

20.01.2022 Online Therapy: Due to recent circumstances, our therapist have transitioned smoothly into delivering online therapy. Although many sessions are back face-to-face, several families are opting to have their children/teenagers continue online sessions. With so many after school activities and drop offs, it can be a juggle and it's one less thing for families to have to get to. Online therapy has been as effective as face-to-face and our clients are really enjoying it. .... . . . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathology #onlinetherapy #onlinetherapist #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

19.01.2022 One of our incredibly talented teenagers was sharing a bus he made last night in his online therapy session. How amazing is it!?! He is thriving in his online sessions. We love that our clients can share their strengths and passions with their therapists and build such strong relationships. . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #speechpathology #occupationaltherapy #therapy #telehealth #onlinetherapy #creative #sydneybuses #publictransport #bus #mosman #northshoremums #cremorne See more

18.01.2022 Hungry Dino has been a popular game this week in the clinic! Great for getting lots of speech sound practise - one correct production = one ball, then a fun game at the end! . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #speechpathology #speech #communication #therapy #motivation #learning #toys #children #mosman #northshoremums See more

17.01.2022 What a wonderful profession to be a part of! . . . .... . #speechlanguagepathology #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication See more

17.01.2022 Lovely ideas to help support small businesses that don't involve spending a cent @kindnessfactory . . . .... #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #covid19 #recovery #mosman #mosmanliving #neutralbay #cremorne #balmoralbeach See more

17.01.2022 Friday Funday : There are so many fun ways to use miniature objects in therapy activities. Today we used them to work on pronouns she/he and her/his. Who wants the burger? "She/he does". Whose burger is it? "Her/his burger." . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #therapy #pronouns #trinkets #activitiesforkids #languagedevelopment #mosman #mosmanliving #neutralbay #cremorne #northshoremums See more

17.01.2022 Happy International Women's Day! We're very lucky to work in a practice with so many wonderful women . . . .... . . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #speechtherapist #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2021 #mosmanliving #mosman #northshoremums See more

16.01.2022 Using the minimal pairs approach to work on fronting - when a child says 'tut' instead of 'cut' they're bringing the /k/ sound further forward in their mouth and producing it as a /t/. Teaching children that there's a break down in communication when they say it the 'old way'. E.g. 'Tut? That's the name of our silly monster, can you try it again with our new back sound' (cut). . . . .... . . . #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathology #speechtherapy #speechtherapist #northshoremums #mosmanliving #mosman #cremorne #neutralbay See more

16.01.2022 Do you have concerns about your child's speech or language development? Early intervention is key! Engaging in early intervention for children with speech and language difficulties is important to help them to develop the communication skills needed for ongoing succuss throughout their schooling and social interactions. The earlier a child receives the specific support they need, the better their language outcomes will be. . . . .... . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #speechdelay #languagedevelopment #earlyintervention #academicsuccess #learning #onlinetherapy #telehealth #education See more

16.01.2022 Happy Speech Pathology Week . . . .... #speechtherapy #speechpathology #communication See more

15.01.2022 Mini Harry Potter wands for pointing! We love this idea that a wonderful speech pathologist had to get kids to use mini Harry Potter wands to point to picture cards and items during assessment and therapy tasks. It's amazing how much more fun a little wand can make some activities! . . . .... . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #harrypotter #wand #therapy #learning #fun #mosmanliving #children See more

15.01.2022 Marble runs with Maltesers - what a fun activity! . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #therapy #fun #matesers #marbles #marblerun #children #northshoremums See more

15.01.2022 Wednesday Workouts : Children often have trouble marking all sounds and syllables within polysyllabic words (words with multiple syllables). This skill is important for speech production, literacy and phonological processing. Children always love some pretend play with dinosaurs! Within that you can work on segmenting, blending and marking all sounds and syllables within all those long and tricky dinosaur names such as 'Ty-ra-nno-sau-rus', 'Ste-go-sau-rus' and 'Tri-ce-ra-top...s'. . . . . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speech #phonologicalawareness #syllables #literacy #reading #learning #dinosaur #pretendplay #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

15.01.2022 We love when students come in with their favourite book and mention they brought it in because they noticed their special speech sounds they're practising are coming up a lot in the book . . . .... . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathologist #speechtherapist #childrensbooks #goals See more

14.01.2022 Wednesday Workouts : Today we used a shopping game to help generalise the /s/ target sound across word positions to sentence level in an activity. "I'm going to the store to buy chips and I'm putting in my basket". . . . .... . #speechlanguagepathology #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #children #learning #mosman #northshoremums See more

14.01.2022 A weekend getaway down the coast. It's important that therapists take the time to look after themselves so they can provide the best care to their clients. The ocean, beach walks and good company is always a great way to recharge . . . .... . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #therapists #speechpathologist #occupationaltherapy #psychology #recharge #selfcare #weekendgetaway #nswsouthcoast #kiama #mosmanliving See more

13.01.2022 Thursday Thoughts : A reminder that not being able to speak is not the same as having nothing to say. Some people may not be able to use oral language to communicate, however they may use sounds, facial expressions, sign language, a picture exchange system or a speech generating device. Everyone has something to say, it's our job to support them to find a way to communicate their message . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #occupationaltherapy #communication #language #talking #aac #signlanguage #facialexpressions #visuals #mosman #northshoremums #northernbeaches See more

13.01.2022 Great to hear Professor Mark Onslow talking stuttering last week on The Morning Show!

13.01.2022 We've been having so much fun using Banagrams to work on building words and digraph spellings such as 'th', 'ch', 'ee' and 'ai'. Children are finding it so engaging and a nice change from writing to reinforce their learning. . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #speechpathology #literacy #spelling #bananagrams #kidsstuff #northshoremums #mosman #mosmanliving See more

13.01.2022 Excited by all the Peppa Pig toys in Target! They're a great resource to support children with pretend play and language skills . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathology #peppapig #targetaus #target #northshoremums #mosman #mosmanliving See more

12.01.2022 Tuesday Tips : We have borrowed this idea from a wonderful family who used it with their toddler at home to work on early language skills. The family had themes each week such as under the sea, wild animals, food, transport etc. This helped them to have a focus each week and to build on vocabulary in each category, whilst focusing on their child's goals within their theme. It also helps families to get out specific toys related to the theme, read related books and set up fu...n craft activities. We love that families can bring us ideas, and that we can share them with more families . . . . . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #earlylanguage #languagedevelopment #vocabulary #themes #reading #parenting #semantics #categories #toddler #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums #neutralbay #cremorne See more

12.01.2022 A little motivation for your Monday . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathologist #drseuss #motivation #mosman #mosmanliving See more

11.01.2022 An important message. You can not always see communication disorders, but they can have a significant impact on people's lives. . . . .... . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #therapy #communication #communicationdisorders See more

10.01.2022 Thursday Thoughts : Some great new books purchased this week from Aldi to add to our collection! We love these magnetic/felt books. They're great for allowing children to build their own stories but also for getting them to follow instructions with concepts and key words e.g. 'put the orange fish next to the seaweed'. . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathologist #speechpathology #books #aldi #learning #children #reading #imagination #mosman #mosmanliving #neutralbay #cremorne #northshoremums See more

09.01.2022 What a wonderful profession that we're a part of! . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #speechpathology See more

08.01.2022 Speech pathologists work to support children and adults in so many different areas. A shout out to all the wonderful speech pathologists out there who work hard to support so many children and adults with communication difficulties. . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathology #communication #children #learning See more

08.01.2022 Some new Aldi buys for the clinic . . . .... #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #aldifinds #education #learning #mosmanliving #northsydneyliving See more

06.01.2022 We're loving this book of tongue twisters to work on a child's speech sounds at a higher level! Our older clients are loving the challenge . . . .... . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechlanguagepathology #tonguetwister #speechtherapist #northshoremums #mosman #mosmanliving See more

06.01.2022 We used planes and luggage to work on longer words today. Each luggage bag had an item inside that was 2, 3 or 4 syllables long. We worked on clapping out syllables in words, counting syllables and blending the syllables back together to say the word. These skills are important for pre-litetacy but also for speech development.

05.01.2022 One of our very talented teenage clients sharing his amazing drawings of planes! We love when our clients share their skills with us in therapy. . . . .... . . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #speechtherapist #emirates #qantas #virginaustralia #singaporeairlines #drawing See more

04.01.2022 Speech Sound Development - look over this quick guide if you're concerned about your child's speech. A speech pathologist can assess your child's speech to determine any articulation errors or phonological processes that may be impacting on a child's speech and intelligibility. . . . .... . . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #communication #children #development #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

04.01.2022 A simple and easy to understand breakdown of graphemes

03.01.2022 Using mailboxes to work on pronouns. "Her/his mailbox" then moving up to "I'm posting it in her/his mailbox". We were also able to work on further goals in this activity by describing pictures we were posting, targeting sentence expansion and structure. We love when we can structure an activity to target a few goals in one! . . . .... . . #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechpathologist #speechtherapist #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums #cremorne #neutralbay See more

03.01.2022 Excited to tune in and watch this tomorrow morning

02.01.2022 School holidays are coming up - which we know means a lot of time for parents to fill! The holidays are always a great opportunity to come and visit us for that initial consultation or assessment you've been meaning to get done. Possibly you would like your child to have some fun intensive sessions in the school holidays to work on their reading, spelling, writing or other goals? Last term was a bit of a whirlwind, so these holidays may be the time to get back on track. .... . . . . #speechtherapy #speechpathologist #speechpathology #assessment #literacy #writing #reading #spelling #schoolholidays #learning #education #children #mosman #mosmanliving #neutralbay #cremorne #northshoremums See more

02.01.2022 Friday Funday : We went on a treasure hunt in our session today. After finding each little treasure we then worked on many skills such as pre-literacy skills - syllable segmenting e.g. 'wa-ter-me-lon', we then talked about what category the item fits into e.g. 'fruit', after that we described features e.g. it's big and round, green on the outside and red on the inside, black seeds, juicy etc. Such a fun activity to do in sessions and at home! . . . .... . #speechtherapy #speechpathology #preliteracy #syllable #semantics #describing #adjectives #treasurehunt #children #learning #mosman #mosmanliving #northshoremums See more

02.01.2022 Friday Funday : Some of our clients are continuing online therapy to work towards their goals. Today we used Boom Cards online to work on the /ae/ sound with , or spellings. It's always a novelty when they can control your screen and select the answers . . . .... #speechtherapy #speechpathology #literacy #boomcards #boomlearning #learning #onlinetherapy #telehealth #children #mosman #neutralbay #cremorne #northshoremums See more

01.01.2022 Taronga Zoo is now open! Very exciting that the zoo is open again, as we know so many of our families have passes and visit regularly. There are so many wonderful language opportunities at the zoo - talking about each animal, sounds, describing what they look like, their habitat, what they eat and things they do. We're so lucky to be just up the road! . . . .... #speechtherapy #speechpathology #languagedevelopment #tarongazoo #animals #zoo #mosmanliving #northshoremums #mosman #cremorne #neutralbay #sydney See more

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