Mother Duck Childcare | Education
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25.01.2022 The count down is on for Early Childhood Educators Day!!! #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay Early Childhood Educators Day
25.01.2022 School readiness... a term that, as shared in this article below is something that needs some re-thinking. What is it that children truly need to flourish in their transition to school??? The work we have been doing as an organisation with Dr Deborah Harcourt has highlighted the importance of supporting children to foster skills that run far deeper than what is always obvious. As this article refers to: - Does the ability to have the correct pencil grip show a child is... school ready? Or, is it more about the underlining skill of being able to persevere when learning to do something that feels challenging? (A skill that can be applied to many different situations). - Does the ability to sit on a group mat for a period of time demonstrate a child is school ready? Or, is it more about the underlining skill of being able to internally regulate oneself, that comes as a process of learning to listen to ones body and respond accordingly (in many different scenarios). Lots to think about and reflect upon! We hope you enjoy reading this article below! We will be sharing more information like this over the coming weeks as we all work together to ensure best outcomes for all children
22.01.2022 This year has been unlike anything our community as a whole has experienced before. The impacts of COVID-19 have caused collective trauma to varying degrees for all of us. During the Mental Health First Aid Course that our key leaders undertook a few months ago, we learnt the importance of knowing what to say and do beyond are you okay?. This little video highlights some simple strategies that we encourage everyone to keep in mind. Struggling with mental health concerns not make someone weak or decrease their worth as a person. As human beings we are wired for connection and therefore when someone is struggling, it takes the courage, empathy and kindness of a community of people who are brave enough to ask R U OK?. It truly does take a community .... #motherduckfamily #ittakesacommunity
22.01.2022 Join us on Wednesday September 2nd as we celebrate Early Childhood Educators Day! #LoveMyECE #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay Early Childhood Educators Day
21.01.2022 This Wednesday 2nd of September we celebrate Early Childhood Educators day. In this letter to families, our CEO Miss Karen shares her passion for early childhood education and highlights why its so important to thank all the wonderful Mother Duck educators this year. - Early Childhood Educators Day #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay
21.01.2022 Thank you to all the children and families who have expressed their gratitude and appreciation of our amazing educators this week! We had hoped to respond individually to each comment however, as we have been overwhelmed with responses (SO humbling), we decided to share a collective thank you instead.... Our hearts have been so full this week as we have read through the comments posted, cards delivered and emails that were sent through. It is a privilege to do what we do each... and every day and as much as we have the honour of impacting the lives of your children, they very much impact our lives in return Thank you once again - this week has been another example of the amazing community we have within Mother Duck Childcare! #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay #ittakesacommunity #motherduckfamily
20.01.2022 Karen Prestedge, CEO of Mother Duck shares the importance of reflecting upon our complex role as adults in supporting the character and skill development of children.
20.01.2022 A family very close to our hearts
17.01.2022 Today we celebrate all the incredible male role models in our lives. To the dads, step-dads, foster dads, granddads, uncles and other father-figures... the part you play in our families and communities is so important. We hope today you know just how loved, valued, and appreciated you are! Happy Fathers Day!
17.01.2022 COVID-19 update: we request that all members of our Mother Duck Community read through the latest contact tracing information below. Lets continue to look after one another during these challenging times!
17.01.2022 Happy Monday! Please find below the link to the latest COVID-19 contact tracing in Queensland. As always, we request that all members of our Mother Duck Community remain vigilant and follow all recommendations provided by Queensland Health. It takes a community to keep each other healthy and safe!!!...
16.01.2022 Over the last several years, as a Management Committee we have been engaging in discussions regarding our values as people and how this directly impacts our leadership and our connections with those in our community. In response to our in-house leadership reflections, our wonderful CEO Miss Karen, completed the Brene Brown, Dare to Lead Course at the end of last month. Miss Karen has literally been bursting with excitement after completing the course as it very much alig...ns with the work we have been doing regarding our Organisational values. Therefore, as a Management Committee, we have committed to having our key leaders at each Centre complete this course during the month of September. Watch this space for more updates! #ittakesacommunity #motherduckfamily
15.01.2022 An excellent self-care reminder
15.01.2022 Celebrate Early Childhood Educators Day with us on Wednesday the 2nd of September! #LoveMyECE #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay Early Childhood Educators Day
15.01.2022 Happy Monday!!!
15.01.2022 It truly does take a community....
14.01.2022 Life is full of incredibly complex and heart breaking situations. The journey of Littles Legends is an example of the kind of pain and grief that no parent would ever wish for their child to face. As an organisation, we stand beside this beautiful family and wish to support them in anyway we can through raising funds and awareness. The beauty of true community in all of its complexities, and in particular the moments of greatest pain and suffering is this: not only are we to support little Richie, but his story has a lasting impact on all of us. As we involve our children in conversation regarding Richies story and how we as a community can help him and children facing similar struggles, our children are exposed to the opportunity to develop empathy, to display kindness and to think outside themselves. They are given a hands on experience to develop courage and the power to know that they can make a difference. They are provided with an experience to, though from a distance, begin to understand the responsibility those living in community have to care for one another and to persevere through struggles together. These are experiences that shape us, that shape our children and that ultimately shape our community for the better. To Richies family- thank you for sharing your journey with us and to Richie, you are POWERFULLY impacting hundreds of lives... you are a true superhero #ittakesacommunity #motherduckfamily
14.01.2022 This year has been incredibly challenging for everyone. Its in times like these where connections and conversations play an even greater role in maintaining a healthy state of mind. Heidi Denner shares her personal struggles with anxiety and the strategy shes used to regain calmness and confidence.
14.01.2022 Courageous Richie continues to fight his battle with cancer and we continue to stand beside him and his wonderful family. Karl, hearing you share your story on the news was heartbreaking and incredibly humbling If you want to know how you can get involved in supporting Richie and his family, please follow Littles Legends page where you can stay up to date with Richies journey. #ittakesacommunity #motherduckfamily
13.01.2022 Richie, you are one brave, amazing boy
11.01.2022 Something exciting is happening today.... Our CEO, Miss Karen, is leading our team of 30 plus key leaders through an Organisational Values Planning Day, as we continue to invest into the leaders and educators who are investing into the lives of children everyday! Watch this space ... #ittakesacommunity
11.01.2022 COVID -19 UPDATE: Please refer to further updates provided by Queensland Health late yesterday, regarding contact tracing. Lets continue to work together to keep our community safe!
10.01.2022 Our leaders offer their thanks this coming Early Childhood Educators Day
10.01.2022 A beautiful article written by a father as he reflects upon valuing courage as a parent and how this impacts his children Perfect for Fathers Day...
09.01.2022 We have been talking a lot about what it means to be courageous and resilient.... just another unique perspective and a lesson learned by a mother from her greatest teacher - her child
08.01.2022 Self-care Sunday Incorporating belly breathing into your day is a wonderful way to care for your body and mind..... (and its EXCELLENT for children too!) Check out some of the benefits below!
08.01.2022 Sometimes its the most simple things that have the most impact on the positive wellbeing of our children and our wellbeing as parents. Heidi Denner shares two simple strategies that can be incorporated into everyday family life and its all to do with gratitude!
08.01.2022 NAIDOC Week 2020 acknowledges and celebrates that our nation’s story didn’t begin with documented European contact whether in 1770 or 1606 - with the arrival of the Dutch on the western coast of the Cape York Peninsula. The very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples. This week provides a wonderful opportunity to continue to support children to understand their nation’s history and the part we all play today in embracing and celebra...ting Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander peoples, perspectives and history. #NAIDOC2020
06.01.2022 Today we held our first Mother Duck Staff Induction Day (facilitated by our CEO, Miss Karen) for the first time since February this year. Our usual fortnightly inductions facilitated by Miss Karen on a Friday, had been postponed since the beginning of Covid-19, so today was a very special day! 50 educators from across the organisation attended a venue that followed a Covid Safe Plan, including physical distancing requirements. All attendees also abided by our Covid Risk Mana...gement Plan. It was a wonderful day of learning and reflection and we thank everyone in attendance for your enthusiasm and dedication (And Miss Karen, we must say, only you could make learning all about policies and procedures fun ) #motherduckfamily
06.01.2022 Miss Karen, our lovely CEO of Mother Duck Childcare Centres shares her passion for Early Childhood and Education, and how the memories and experiences of her daughters transition from Kindy to school continues to shape her work in Mother Duck.
06.01.2022 Self-Care Sunday Check In: Just a little reminder to check in on yourself.... We cannot function at our best in isolation from others. If any of these points below sound all too familiar, perhaps a message or a phone call to a friend or colleague or family member could be helpful ... Some other helpful links: #ittakesacommunity
05.01.2022 Self-care Sunday reminder .... Life is complex. The human experience is full of many moments that bring happiness and joy, as well as moments of deep sadness, pain and grief. As human beings, it is this complex mix of joy and pain, sadness and happiness that shapes us, that connects us and that unites us as people. ... So today, as we care for our mental and emotional wellbeing, we acknowledge the heavy stuff life brings- sadness, grief, loss, fear, anxiety, guilt etc. We dont fight it, bury it or ignore it. We acknowledge it and do what we need to do to move through it in a healthy way. But then, we actively look to identifying, embracing and being grateful for the beauty life also brings What can you be grateful for today? #ittakesacommunity
04.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE- Important Information regarding recent contact tracing in Queensland: We urge all those within our Mother Duck Community to read the information provided in the link below and to follow the requirements outlined by the Queensland Government. As always, we must work together as a community to be particularly vigilant during these times to ensure the safety of everyone. We will provide further information to our families over the coming days. ...
03.01.2022 Sunday self-care reminder ... Kindness is powerful - for the one on the receiving end and for the one who is offering it. As human beings, we are wired to connect with others. When we show genuine kindness to another, we are caring for our own wellbeing too. Kindness is key to a happy and healthy community #ittakesacommunity #motherduckfamily
02.01.2022 COVID-19 update: further expansion of contact tracing list. Please refer to link below and follow the requirements of Queensland Health.
02.01.2022 We invite our Mother Duck families to help us celebrate Early Childhood Educators Day by posting a message below. Across Mother Duck Childcare, we have 285 educators who dedicate their lives to nurturing the development of our children. Our educators daily impact the future citizens of our society, not just in ways that impact what children will do, but WHO they will be! This week we have shared messages of thanks and gratitude about our educators and now we invite you to do... the same. Simple share your messages in the comments below and help us celebrate ECE day. #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #LoveMyECE Early Childhood Educators Day
01.01.2022 Involving children in opportunities to care for others and to contribute to their community, has an incredible impact on their development of empathy, care and respect. As our Visiting Chief Curriculum Officer, Dr Deborah Harcourt has inspired us to consider, aspirations that we hold for the future of our children arent just about what they will do, but rather who they will be. If you would like to join Mother Duck in supporting superheroes like Richie, head to:
01.01.2022 Self Care Sunday Check-In Whether this weekend was full of enjoyable moments, challenging moments, exciting moments or painful moments (or maybe a mix of all of it!), it is so essential for our wellbeing as people to make attempts to look for the good. This good might not always seem obvious straight away. It could be tainted with disappointment or hidden under shattered expectations. So here are some ideas to help us see through the fog:... - A warm cup of coffee enjoyed on your own or with someone you love. - The warmth of the sunshine on your skin as you watched your children play outside. - The little hand of your child, reaching for yours to cross the road, trusting you to keep them safe. - Snuggled up on the couch with a loved one watching TV (even if it was Octonauts or PJ Masks!!!) - The softness of your pillow as you nodded off to sleep.... Although looking for the small, yet good moments dont take away the challenging ones, when reflections stir happiness in us, our brains release even more chemicals that help us feel better. Small, good thoughts are incredibly powerful!!!
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