Toria Orchard Mother Earth Astrology & Natural Healing in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Beauty
Toria Orchard Mother Earth Astrology & Natural Healing
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 414 546 911
Address: Warner 4500 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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22.01.2022 With Mercury conjunct today's New Moon in Leo, a reconnection with who you are, where you want to be & what brings you fulfillment will likely be important over the next 4 weeks. The Sabian Symbol is Leo 27: Daybreak The Luminescence Of Dawn In The Eastern Sky; symbolic of renewed hope; whilst the Part of Fortunes conjunction with the South Node urges heeding inner guidance. ... The inconjunct to Saturn reiterates that 2020 has been challenging & some things have taken a while to bear fruit but it also reassures that - with patience (& a little persistence), - you still get to choose growth & forward momentum. Unrealised hopes can sometimes be due to unrealistic expectations & in a year strongly Saturnian were all being reminded of our limits. Its important to look after your energy more than ever. To clear the fear, take responsibility for inner work, raise your vibration in ways that work for you & to choose a grounded approach to manifestation. This New Moon can help turn things around; perhaps by embracing joy & commitment over self-sabotage & blame. If things havent gone as youd like, it may be time to seek out a wise counsellor to ensure that the future seeds youre planting have a good chance of sprouting. The South Node in Sagittarius also suggests that Judgement be cleared out. The Age of Aquarius does not mean we all finally dance to the same tune. It means having respect for others; regardless of the road theyre travelling & the choices they make. We may be on the same Planet, but were certainly not all living the same reality & choosing differently does not make a person wrong. Make Choices That Will Help You Shine See more
22.01.2022 When Finlay was 12-weeks-old I found he was passing blood in his nappy. Off I went to the hospital & 24-hours later (being his one source of food), I was rapidly working out how to eradicate all dairy from my diet. At the time, it felt like an uphill struggle. ... And of course, I experienced the usual type of reactions we humans tend to feel around a forced change ... Why us? ... What an Inconvenience! ... Haven't I got enough on my plate! Dairy seemed to be in EVERYTHING I ate! ... & yet, this 'inconvenience' turned out to be one of the BIGGEST BLESSINGS to our family. I'd tried to forego dairy previously without much success, but when you're doing something for yourself vs. doing something for your child, it's very different. After 8 weeks of zero dairy intake, I felt so good - and no more blood was ever to be seen in those nappies again!! The stomach relief I was expecting, but the mood changes were such a welcome surprise. Ten years later & we've been on the most amazing life-changing journey unlearning & re-learning so much around food & diet. Today we drink home-made chocolate milk made from only the best plant-based ingredients. Not only does it taste divine, but I know with every sip that Finlay is nurturing his beautiful body with goodness. To re-create this divine experience for yourself try: *Handful Pepitas *Handful Almonds *Add to blender/thermomix/vitamix first and grind 2 Tablespoons Cacao 1-2 Tablespoons Honey (or Maple) 1 Heaped Tablespoon of Peanut Butter 2-3 Bananas Tray of Ice Blend until a smoothie consistency. Add water to adjust thickness if required. See more
22.01.2022 The Mars / Pluto square exacts today, Uranus is slowing to turn retrograde & the Moon is now in the sign of Gemini. This combination can bring angry outbursts; especially if frustrations have been rumbling up. It may be better to count to ten and vent on some paper before going head to head with whoever's the bee in your bonnet.... Coming back to talk it over when things feel cooler can help bring about solutions rather than hurt caused by words that can't be retracted On the flip side, this energy can be incredibly motivating making this a potentially productive week. Uranus can bring surprises, shocks & sudden changes to plans ... so it may be better to leave some room for flexibility Mars will move to square Saturn between now & late September; likely triggering further frustrations, uncovering more fear & potentially leading to greater restrictions. When Mars retrogrades (starting mid-September) he'll contact the Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn stellium 2 more times. This is a great opportunity to shine light into our own darkness Inner work can yield some strong results this year; both personally & collectively As Mars prepares to retrograde, he's also asking us to slow down. Take care on the roads, practice patience & mitigate rushing Breathing exercises can be helpful. Expect to feel a surge of Power and Reclaim Yours Much Love, Toria xo
22.01.2022 Mars has entered the shadow zone for his upcoming retrograde. Although Mars won't actually turn retrograde until mid-September, the degrees he passes over between now and then are the degrees hell revisit when he does reverse ... so pay attention to what's being activated for you & where this sits in your chart your Mars Retrograde hot spot.... Mars brings lessons around how we use our energy & assert for what we want. He is the domain of such energy as anger, impatience, aggression ... as well as motivation & self-assertion. We usually consider the process of going after what we want as a masculine function, but the Divine Feminine is returning to Earth; showing us there are other ways of obtaining our desires. Ways that meld together the feminine and masculine in perfect balance; creating harmony where there was once an over-extension of the masculine, resulting in the go-go-go busy approach to life ... and the tendency to forego one's emotional needs to 'get things done'. In short, we do not have to drive ourselves into the ground to live a life of success & joy. This is particularly apt, as Mars will turn retrograde conjunct to the Black Moon (representative of the Divine Feminine) so consider where you're being asked to honour the deeply feminine aspect of life & where you may have been somewhat disengaged from her during latter years. Note the retrograde date in your diary September 10th ... & between now and then remain alert to whats coming up for you. Mars will also station-retrograde square to 'those' heavy Capricorn energies that have permeated much of 2020; likely triggering frustration, anger, delay, control issues, fear & power struggles. Yes, it can feel uncomfortable, but try seeing it as an opportunity for more clearing, emptying out, transmutation I'll post more as we move further towards the retrograde Taking responsibility for clearing anger will be important for the next few months Reteograde energy can take us back to the past, so don't be surprised if old hurts resurface ... & pay attention to what comes up in your dreams This is a great period to explore self sabotage & how you may be holding yourself back from the life you desire
21.01.2022 Uranus stationed-retrograde this morning. His heavier presence (this week) has been making itself felt through sleepless nights, a rise in nervous/'wired' -ness , electrical faults & sudden unexpected occurrences. Uranus is known as the 'great awakener' & his transits can shatter illusions.... At worst he brings sudden shocks that break things apart ... but more usually his energy manifests as a desire for change. For those undergoing Uranus transits, this is the time to begin testing the waters wherever the impetus for adjustment has struck. It may take some bravery & an element of surrender to greater possibilities ... but that may be more preferable to potential stagnation. Placed in security-loving Taurus, Uranus is reminding us of the need to get comfortable with uncertainty ... which I personally thought I was much better at. Moving home during a year marked with challenging Astrology, however, is a reminder that I've more work to do. It may also be important to analyse one's relationship with perfection during this time. Change is an ongoing requirement if we are to grow & make progress ... but perfection is an illusion. Life will always be 'perfectly imperfect' & this is not the time to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater. Uranus was sextile to the Moon/Venus conjunction in Cancer as he began his seemingly-backward motion. Expressions of this could be an awakening to one's emotional sensitivities & needs ... required changes in relationships / with regards to money ... an awareness of one's own reactivity / defensiveness. Much Love, Toria xo See more
21.01.2022 The Moon has moved into Taurus; a sign in which she is exalted & where she finds solice in Venus' domain. Her ingress sees her Sextile to Venus; forming a mutual reception & strengthening the feminine energy. Feeling physically & emotionally safe will be important over the next 60 hours.... ... & Uranus' proximity to the Moon may act as an awakener to how important this is. Taurus Moon energy likes to feel held & the growing Mars/Pluto square is likely to rustle up some intense feelings. If this causes frustration, try writing it out to see if you can get to the fears /hurt feelings beneath. Anger is often a defence mechanism. One you've uncovered the reason, you can choose to shift & heal it. Exercise can then help to move the energy through the body. It's a great time to work on a budget, increasing one's groundedness & for practical & steady progress towards a goal. Contemplate beauty & nurture ... & consider how you could sanctify your home a little more. Comfort is likely to be a priority; including food choices & you may find you're happier staying home. To make the most of this time, clear worry as it arises & allow your emotions to surface. You may feel tender for the next couple of days (as may those around you) & it's important to either be available for or to seek out cuddles & connection. If social distancing means you can't hold those close to you, you may have to think out of the box - share an online cuppa, hug a teddy bear, send an etheric hug, meditate & visualise yourself bathed in a beautiful pink colour that surrounds & nourishes you, write a love letter, bathe in essential oils ... Not the same, but something. With Love, Toria xo See more
21.01.2022 As Venus & Mars move to oppose one another - exacting on Tuesday - expect relationship issues to come to a head. This is especially likely if there is an imbalance in the partnership - & it doesn't just apply to romantic partners ;) Who needs to pull their weight more? ... What needs to be discussed? Both planets are strongly placed in their own signs, but Venus trumps Mars (as he's retrograde). With both planets trine the nodes (Venus/North Node, Mars/South Node); there's an indication that it's time to drop the fighting ... & instead find some diplomatic solutions to how everyone feels heard & gets their needs met - win/win :) This transit can also up sexual attraction & chemistry, so if you can get the issues on the table & resolved early on, you might just be able to benefit from some make-up activity in the bedroom. Venus being the feminine energy & Mars the masculine - a blend of the two has the potential to manifest in some seriously sweet love making. If all's flush & flowing between you & your loved one, use this energy to attract more beauty into your life. Renovation work would be excellent for that, so if you have a project in mind now's a good time to get it moving. It can also be a productive time for creativity. Singles with planets around 15degrees could find themselves manifesting an attractive proposition right now ... although whether it's a love that's built to last may not be obvious until end of the month. Fleeting infatuations are likely to say their goodbyes after the 28th. See more
21.01.2022 As Venus moves to square Mars this week it can bring either tension or chemistry (& sometimes a bit of both) ... Mars is particularly potent & virile placed in his own sign; ... whereas Venus (over in Cancer) is likely desirous of something more soft & sensitive.... Conflicts could arise if Mars comes over too forceful & alpha .... whilst the homely Venus could be a little defensive & inclined to withdraw ... perhaps to daydream of slippers, snacks & a snuggle on the sofa The key likely lies in intuiting the others' needs, honouring a desire to feel protected & asserting with tenderness & patience. A touch of romance (perhaps a candlelit meal) & an honest, but sensitive discussion around boundaries could help seal the deal The Full Moon will exact in a few hours Skip back 2 posts for an energy recap Pisces energy can bring lots of dreams ... Messages from the unconscious - sometimes prophetic, sometimes what needs to heal and usually quite vivid
20.01.2022 It's been a big weekend, but also an awesome one We have a beautiful new home ... & despite the work involved in moving house, we all feel like we're on holiday ... That has to be a good sign, right? Certainly an indicator of how much love & joy our new pad is already bringing The Astrologer in me has enjoyed seeing how Darren & I play our energetic roles. The Virgo wanting to have an extra clean & get things away in their rightful place. The Pisces having a mild panic over not being able to find the Artwork & needing the T.V organised as priority I've learnt that wrapping mattresses in pallet cellophane causes me lower back pain ... & a blend of baby pose & champagne cures it I've happily enjoyed further confirmation that our family is one awesome team (we've successfully unpacked & put away about 80% of our belongings ) I've been reminded that small children & teenage girls are completely immune to the cold. (I seriously could not stay in the pool for more that 3 seconds ) ... & I feel so very grateful for the people that have been a part of our renovating, house hunting, packing & moving journey There's been some whingeing too, of course, which is never easy, ... but the relentless request for screen time has now been replaced with a relentless request for pool time from our younger boys - winning The magic that unfolded this year; amidst the delays & uncertainty was so beautiful & I feel very blessed & thankful that a long held dream has come to fruition for us Astrologically- Venus has slipped into creative, playful & joy-seeking Leo & the Moon is moving through sensual, pleasure loving, earthy Taurus Blissful; especially with a growing Sun/Jupiter Trine. Make the most of opportunities, practice gratitude & seek out contentment this week ... whilst also honouring your need for a little solitude thanks to the growing Sun/Neptune opposition. Happy Father's Day!! May you all be blessed with supportive & loving partners & father figures We're certainly grateful for ours Mwah, Toria xo
20.01.2022 It's week 2 of our 4 Christmas Specials Today you can get 1 Divine completely FREE when purchasing 2 Divines in one transaction. Divine is a beautiful, rich blend of sustainably-sourced ingredients ... ... carefully hand-crafted to nurture your body It smells fantastic and, as it contains essential oils, it will boost your mood, as it helps you to cultivate glowing skin. If you'd like to find our more, the link's in my bio or available here: See more
20.01.2022 As the Sun moves through Leo this month, honour your inner royal; whether youre a Queen, Prince, Princess or King. Wherever the Sun sits in your birth chart (and whichever houses are ruled by Leo) gives strong clues as to where you will find fulfilment and joy during this lifetime regardless of whether youre a sun sign Leo or have planets in Leo.... Leo energy reminds us to honour our heart energy that were here to light ourselves up and radiate our love and creativity out to the World. To find our place and Shine Creativity in whatever guise it comes whether you create cards, Artwork, computer programs, music, tables, fitness programs, stories, recipes (you get the gist ) Every being on this Earth is creative & usually that inner creativity will bring a great deal of joy, which is apt, as Leo also rules the Inner Child. Leo rules the hair (your mane), so you may want to give your locks a little pampering this month As well as making moves to top yourself up with love & playfulness The Sun represents that which we identify as (Ego), so if youve been feeling a little confused by all the kerfuffle about Ophiuchus, please know youre still whichever Sun sign youve always been at least on this page anyway And thats because the Astrology that Im trained in isnt based on the Constellations (of which Ophiuchus is one). Its based on the Zodiac a 360 ringed belt in the sky containing 12 sections; each measuring 30 degrees and representing one of the 12 Zodiac signs. Its an ancient Art and its an amazing Art. Happy Birthday to all the Beautiful Leos this Month! I hope you get to shine in your own special way Much Love, Toria xo See more
18.01.2022 Our 'new home' journey has reached a beautiful point. All the paperwork has been completed, most of the packing has been done ... and we're now well into the 'adventure part' of this particular manifestation journey.... I'm feeling incredibly grateful this week, as our little family work together to make this happen. Our two teenagers have been especially helpful in taking down beds, tip runs, packing & clean up jobs. The 6 of us make a great team & I'm happy to say we're crushing it :) What are you celebrating as we approach this particular Full Moon? For those needing to replenish Don Tolman products, you'll find them at: I've also added the link to my Insta bio for easy access for you. Any orders placed before Wednesday (2nd Sept) will be shipped this week, however, due to our relocation, orders placed after this date may take a little longer to reach you. I will ensure they're all be sent by September 14th, however, so not too long to wait :) Please see my previous post for the energy of the week and some tips on navigating September. Etheric Hugs & Cosmic Celebrations, Toria xo See more
18.01.2022 The Moon will move into Taurus at 01:44pm this afternoon (AEST Brisbane) - that's: 03:44am GMT London & 10:44pm EST New York. With the Moon conjunct Uranus at her ingress (also located in Taurus), we're reminded that life can be incredibly unpredictable ... & yet the Moon in Taurus craves security.... So how to handle this apparent conundrum? Uranus moved into Taurus back in May 2018 under the Taurus New Moon that fell on the 16th & since then we've been learning that nothing is set in stone. Especially this year! This volatile planet (Uranus) brings shake ups to solid ground (Taurus) & in that we learn a lot about ourselves & awaken to higher levels of being. That's ultimately Uranus' job; often termed 'shaking us to awaken us'. The trick here is to find your centre & a sense of inner peace in amongst the chaos & likely that's something you're needing right now ... most of us are! One thing that always works for me is to place my hand on my heart, close my eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes (not whilst driving ;) ha ha). In that space, I'm reminded that I'm safe, that nothing happens without reason & that I am loved beyond measure. There is ALWAYS a divine plan & the way we respond to that plan brings a rich learning ground for self-awareness & an opportunity to change the habits & responses that aren't serving us. It's also good to remember that if something doesn't feel good, you don't have to stick with it. And that's the point. ... continued at my blog (as I ran out of space here). Link in bio or go here: Much Love, Toria xo See more
18.01.2022 The Sun has entered the sign of Pisces taking us towards the Astrological Year-End, which will complete on March 20th when the Sun enters the sign of Aries. At the time of ingress, Mercury is close to the Sun's dispositor - Jupiter - & his energy is strong, as he slows ready to turn direct. This indicates probable tiredness... ... with creative pursuits a possible answer to lifting & refreshing vitality over the next 4 weeks. If you're feeling frazzled from the influx of strong Aquarian energy & the challenging Saturn/Uranus square, it may help to invest in a shakti mat - so good if you tend to have issues with feeling wired & struggle to settle for sleep ... and such a great tension reliever!! Release is a key component of the Pisces energy & this month it's good to allow yourself extra rest for integration; whilst also considering if release of judgement, outdated belief systems & some overdue forgiveness may be needed. The house(s) where Pisces resides in your birth chart could indicate an area of life where you're being asked to "Let go and Let God" (surrender/trust). You're also likely to feel more sensitive, sentimental & compassionate &, at times, inclined to withdraw to your inner world. Dreaming, Music, Meditation & Energetic Connection are well starred as is an extra dose of kindness between now & mid-March. What actions might you need to take (or not take) to get back in flow with the rhythm of your life? If tears come, let them flow. If you'd like to understand more about your chart, my Intoductory Tips to Astrological Self Awareness E-Book is available through the link in my bio @motherearthastrology or direct from: See more
18.01.2022 If you've noticed a rise in intensity this last week, you're likely picking up on the incoming Eclipse energy that is now upon us. Gemini Moon energy can have us feeling scattered, so ensure you re-prioritise & focus accordingly. To find out more & understand how it's likely to affect you personally, please see the full write up on my blog - click on the link in my bio or visit here: * I've decided to re-use my blog, as it helps me to share more with you without the need for word limits. Happy for feedback :) Have a Beautiful Weekend! Much Love, Toria xo #geminimoon #mooningemini #fullmoonvibes #EnergyReport #AstrologyForecast #Insight #Awareness #November2020 #AheadOfTheGame #TheRoadAhead #2020 #selfdevelopmentjournal #selfdevelopmenttips #selfdevelopmentgoals #selfmastery #healyourself #eliminatetoxins #empoweryourself #empowerothers #risefromashes #dothework #releasefear #releasewhatnolongerservesyou #yougotthisbabe #Astrology #EclipseSeason #GeminiEclipse #LunarLiving See more
17.01.2022 That just woken up Sunday look complete with an Ice Block ... and when your Ice Block is made with nothing but berries and water it's a great 'starting the day' choice. The Moon's in Aquarius... ... & as the energy of this sign is going to become more prominent towards the end of the year, it's good to feel into what that could mean for you Combined with the depths of the current retrograde energy maybe questions around how we learn from our own pain ... & make the World a kinder, more supportive place for others are arising
17.01.2022 Mercury has turned direct. This morning I felt I was awakening to a crisp Winter's day back in England - The air feels fresher, cleaner & every breath really fills my lungs. We can now pack away any remnents of wallowing, looking to the past & fuzziness that this (very deep) Mercury retrograde bought our way.... It began with Mercury in Scorpio & retrogrades starting in this sign always tend to be intense; often seeing us want to hide away & lick our wounds - ... wounds, which are easier to recall when planets reverse. Mercury was back in Airy Libra as he turned; squaring our 2020 Capricorn stellium. The analogy: 'a dawning of a new day' feels apt. All those ideas you put on hold can now move foward. There's renewed optimism & a sprinkling of hope, as we now progress what was previously stalled. Mercury turned on Libra 26, the Sabian Symbol for which is "An Eagle & A Large White Dove Turning Constantly Into Each Other". I feel it represents the ability to discern with all the senses - Logic (Mind Wisdom), Intuition (Spiritual Wisdom) & Inner Knowing (Heart Wisdom). The combination of which is True, Empowered Wisdom & it resides in every one of us. No matter what is playing out in the World, we each have our individual energy to uphold & we're surrounded by many helpers of the spirit World that help us to do just that (when we let them). This is a wonderful time to cleanse your surroundings - smudging, singing bowls ... whatever floats your boat & to create a clear channel to your intuition (how our helpers, help us ;) ). Meditation helps to soothe anxiety & increase perception, as can time spent in nature. Enjoy the Clarity, Own your Power & Take Your Next Step. See more
17.01.2022 If you're feeling tired, there's a couple of reasons. Firstly, we're at the final point of the Lunar Cycle, which is a time to prioirtise rest & self care; just before the New Moon takes us into a new Lunar Cycle (happening soon ;)) Also, Mars is retrograde & backing up to Saturn - urging a slow down; especially if you're prone to stress-inducing busy days.... Think = "How are you taking responsiblity for your energy?" This is important, as the New Moon falls in Virgo; a sign that can trigger anxiety & have us living on our nerves ... & she also contacts Mars in the New Moon chart & the next Full Moon falls in Aries (ruled by Mars) in 2 weeks time, so please take heed. With a contact to Uranus also in the mix, there may be a curveball or two this month, so be mindful of what you say Yes or No to!! This delicate sign reminds us of our habits & if you caught my story yesterday, you'll see I've been detoxing. Not for everyone, but it does wonders for me ... & the IMPORTANT THING is to do what works for YOU. If there's a habit you're wanting to bring in, which you know is going to benefit you & feel #JOYFUL, then this New Moon is a great time to start. New Moons herald New Beginnings & the next few days (after the New Moon exacts) are ripe for setting intentions. Use the practical Earthy influx & the trine to Saturn to make them stick, but be realistic about timelines. With Mars retrograding back towards the 2020 big name Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto), there's likely to be a need to clear anger & fear ... & to get on top of self-sabotage this month. The New Moon will exact on Sept 17th at: BRISBANE: 9pm (AEST) , LONDON: 12PM (BST), NEW YORK: 7AM See more
16.01.2022 Later today we move from the First Quarter to the Gibbous Phase of our current Lunar Cycle We're in the 'full on' period of the Lunar Month, so if you've met with challenges over the last few days ... perhaps becoming aware of some idiosyncrasies, congratulations for being tuned in ... The week leading up to a Full Moon can feel intense at the best of times, but with Mars & Mercury both retrograde in Mars-ruled signs (& Mercury down in the depths of Scorpio), things are a tad more so We're processing a lot; especially on the inner plane. Past hurts & Memories are surfacing for conscious awareness, ... dreams may be vivid & strong; seeing you wake less rested than usual ... & you may be feeling more tired & emotionally out of sorts. If you navigate this time with self-awareness (& self love), you can work on clearing out some of the trauma you've been carrying around, which is a great use of this deep, heavy energy The Full Moon will fall in Taurus in a few days; a sign renowned for its stability & comfort ...& with Uranus exactly conjunct this Moon, we're awakening to what doesn't feel safe. Scorpio is very good at dredging things up & purging what challenges us. How apt for Halloween that all the ghosts from the past are re-surfacing; including fears, Intense responses to life & worries related to personal security. On a brighter note, it's key to remember that most fear only exists in the mind, so if you're having a tough time, try turning that on its head & being grateful for what you're being shown. An emotional declutter helps smooth the path forward & can create a lighter load. Uranus energy can bring sleepless nights & have us feeling wired, so ground yourself appropriately Also, with many people on high alert, there's a lot of drama around, so try not to get pulled in & watch your own language & propensity for playing into that
16.01.2022 I have 3 children at home today with colds. They've peaked a little early as we move closer to the end of Summer here in Brisbane, but as the seasons begin their changeover ... their bodies are doing what bodies do - releasing and letting go.... Like Astrology, we are cyclical beings. I love the correlation. I love that our systems know to detox and declutter in preparation for the next phase of life ... and I love that I can choose to treat them naturally with products that will assist their bodies during this process -rather than suppress or add further toxicity. March 1st will signal the first day of Autumn and I can highly recommend this Cold and Flu pack to help you through any sniffles that may be in your future. The pack consists of: - 1x Eye of Horus, Eye Drops (great for sore eyes) - 1x Breathe EZ, Nasal Spray (great for congestion caused by colds, but also amazing for runny noses caused by allergies) - 1x Phi Peppermit Oil (Great for headaches - add a drop or two to a cotton hanky, fold and sniff) - 1x Congest Ease (a beautiful & nurturing chest balm made from Eucalyptus and Menthyl Oils and perfect for all ages) The combined individual price of these items is: $97.95 , but as a pack you'll get them for: $88.00 AND - As the pack combines well with Mulla Mulla Australian Bush Flower Essence (my go-to for fevers) ... for the first 5 orders I receive, I'll also be including one of the Mulla Mulla dosage bottles for no additional cost, so that's an extra saving of $12.00. Link in bio or available at: Much Love, Toria xo
14.01.2022 We're now firmly in the Full Moon Phase Consider what needs to be reliquished in time for our next Lunar Phase (starts 19th August with the next New Moon). The next 2 weeks are ripe for working on release ... ... & for thinking up an intention (wish) that you'd like to start working on later in August. The next New Moon will fall at 26 degrees of Leo. Where does that sit in your chart? What actions may bring you greater fulfilment in that area of life? Enjoy the Full Moon energy & celebrate your wins this lunar month whilst also giving gratitude for insights into what's not working. Without those you can't move forward into happier days Progress not Perfection
14.01.2022 There are days when I want to bathe in the energy & today is one of those. In a few hours, the Sun will move into Libra marking the Equinox. That means the official start of Spring here in the Southern Hemisphere & Autumn for those in the Northern Hemisphere.... Its also the Astrological halfway point of the year, which began when the Sun moved into Aries back in March. The Equinox reminds us to check in with ourselves. Are we living a life of relative peace & harmony? How are our relationships? How is our self-care? Are we doing what we want, having fun & thriving or do we need to rework some areas? This particular Equinox gifts us some glorious Fire Trines involving an optimistic Sagittarian Moon ... and the Venus/Vesta conjunction wants beauty, joy & fun to be a part of daily rituals. Its a beautiful day to give gratitude for whats working & the blessings youre experiencing whilst retrograde Mars enables a re-planning window for the things that need some attention. & Chiron reminds that painful situations often lead to beautiful turnarounds. Its often only when we reach rock bottom and say enough is enough that we find the strength to finally stand up, take action & move to a better place. So, if you're in this space, ask your heart what you need to do to move forward. Stand or sit in a peaceful place, breathe deeply, place your hand on your heart & tune in. Enjoy the elevated energy. It's very good to meditate with. The Mars/Saturn square remains strong & promises results for those willing to dig deep & move forward in a measured way. With so much Love, T xo See more
14.01.2022 Off to the beach today ... & I bet Finlay is hoping for a feed like this Many people think that being vegetarian, dairy free & gluten free is restrictive, but since starting our transition to this way of life 11 years ago, we haven't found that to be the case.... In fact, our food choices opened us up to far more than we could ever have imagined ... and we enjoy food more now than ever before (and I've always been a foodie!!) The icing on the cake is our current food choices love us back & nourish us from the inside out AND!! We feel good after eating them. Yes, the beginning was challenging. Like any change. But that effort has paid us back in dividends & I wouldn't change a thing about that!! Have a wonderful weekend whatever you're up to & trust the path ... even when it feels gnarly & hard going. Trust that the Universe has your back ... & if you're not in a great space right now, trust that your body (or life circumstances) are merely giving you signals to help nudge you towards a brighter future. You're stronger & braver than you think Hugs, Toria xo
14.01.2022 Venus has moved into the sign of Cancer upping tender feelings & sensitivity. At ingress she is disposited by the Aries Moon indicating increased reactivity could be a thing for the next 4 weeks. With Mars (ruler of Aries) currently in the shadow zone of his impending retrograde, watch for anger.... It's set to be a big theme for the second half of 2020 & when Mars hits the backward-break we have an opportunity to see it & heal it. Often when we feel angry it's because an old wound or a fear has been triggered, so next time you connect with this emotion try writing how you feel and see what comes out. It may be time to unpack something from the past that you've avoided or suppressed. Mars also rules heat, accidents, cuts & burns and if you notice these are making themselves known in your life you may need to assess if you're perhaps a little too prone to rushing. Cancer is the sign of family and as Venus moves through this sign you'll likely find yourself wanting to be closer to yours. Joy can be found in caring for others & expressing your love through nurturing activities. This is also a great time to beautify your home & find activities that enable you to be your own mother. Think nurturing, self care & enriched connections Much Love, Toria xo See more
13.01.2022 More packing on the cards for us today, as moving day looms nearer If you've noticed your energy is slowing, you're in tune with Mars, as he throws out a square to Saturn & begins putting on the breaks in preparation for his upcoming retrograde. With a Libra Moon with us for the weekend the feel is Venusian, so it's a slow & steady one.... Pottering is advised along with consideration of what feels beautiful That could be beautifying your home, your body, your thoughts, your relationships ... Whatever applies. Hugs to you, Toria xo
13.01.2022 Weve reached the First Quarter Moon Phase of our current Lunar Cycle with the Moon in Scorpio This can be an intense few days when challenges arise along the path Hang in there, hold the vision & know that you're moving forward ... We tend to see obstacles & frustrations as failures & inconveniences BUT ... If you're having a tough week, try turning that mindset on it's head. Choose instead to see what these 'inconveniences' are highlighting for you - within yourself. Maybe you're fearful or lacking in confidence/ self-trust/faith ... Maybe you're connecting with anger or irritation ... Whatever it is you're feeling ... how can you use this time to honour those emotions and what they're showing you? This is a great time to journal
12.01.2022 I often pick up on a person's speech & find myself making internal guesses at what resides in their charts. Last week (during a phone call) a lady shared with me: "I don't have a lot of boundaries, Toria" whilst telling me she was smoking a cigarette. That has Neptune written all over it - in some guise ;) - & there are a few nuances to that.... Neptune also brings a beautiful, compassionate & often Artistic energy ... & this week he's strong, as he slows down to change direction. His station-direct will take place on Sunday (29th November), so tune into how you're feeling as we move towards that date. Neptune blurs energetic as well as physical boundaries & we often receive strong psychic insights at this time. He also raises etheric feels, so feel into your heart, meditate, play music, watch a good movie, have a good cry & feel all the feels! See more
11.01.2022 The Moon's now moving through the warm, fiery sign of Sagittarius cueing us into the need to connect with our inner Guru With the South Node also moving through this wise sign ... & with sooo much conflicting information available, it's a reminder to go within ... Think hunches, intuitive nudges, signs of alignment ... & zone out the excess noise Information overload is real nowadays & that has it's uses, but it's important to discern what is & isn't right personally ... & to be wary of disseminating what lacks truth & substance. I get a beautiful feeling of connection in my heart when I know I've found the right course, new clothing item or am on the right path... I also tend to see heart shapes as a sign of reassurance What feelings & signs do you experience that help you to know you're on track? Fear of judgement; especially when choosing differently may be arising & be noticing more where you're judgmental of others too. Clear, Clear, Clear This is a lovely couple of days to start a meditation journey or commit more strongly to the one you're on. The Moon is disposited by Jupiter & the planet of growth isn't happily placed in Capricorn, which tends to slow down & constrict Jupiter's boundless energy. Limitation has been a thing this year & with Mars strong at the minute that can bring up frustration. Patience, Persistence & Practicality are 3 Ps to keep in your kit bag during 2020 Oh & ... Inner Wisdom doesn't necessarily mean going it alone. It means listening to the inner prompting of your heart / gut / intuition / higher self ... & opening to what is true for you. xo See more
11.01.2022 Mars has turned retrograde ... & what that means for you will depend on where you're at & what's being ;activated in your chart. But if you don't know your chart, don't despair,... ... because clues have been arising & you likely don't need a chart to tell you what's already become quite apparent! Mars is how we move forward in life & assert for what we want ... & his retrograde periods give us time to reflect on this. Rather than rolling your eyes at delays or inconveniences, see this as an opportunity for a tune up, to reassess where you're headed, how you're getting there ... & if you have a strong base to work from. As Mars continues to square the 2020 Capricorn stellium, he's bringing some gnarly realisations & that tough Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter square isn't letting much slip. Can you find gratitude for the lesson / see the gift in the frustration? The kind that matures you into a more decent / self-aware human being? Hubris is a great word for this period. Patience is another ... & themes around boundaries, discipline, personal power & taking responsibility may be key. If you've been moving too quickly & haven't taken the time needed to refuel, stress, injury or illness may show themselves now. Are you moving forward in trust & with poised confidence or are you simply reacting to what life throws at you & blaming external circumstances for your mood? How do you interact with others on your journey? Meditating on these themes could be revealing Dreams could uncover unresolved anger or relate to men from your past If you'd like to feel more empowered in how you approach life from this point forward, there's a great resource at this link - https://reachpotentialselftransformationcourses.thinkific.c See more
11.01.2022 The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction continues to grow in strength; activating 22 degrees of Capricorn, which is where the Saturn/Pluto conjunction was situated back in January. Whatever has been torn down & removed from your life since then was removed to pave the way for something new ... & whatever that new thing was, it may now be reaching fruition. This is likely to resonate strongly if you have planets at or very close to 22 degrees of ...the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra Capricorn). This conjunction is a highly ambitious connection, so tune into what's stirring within ... & ask yourself what you most desire at this time. With Mars still retrograde, this potent combination can bring some frustration. Perhaps you're wanting to move forward more quickly than is possible? ... or maybe you have a physical injury that's holding you back? Sunday's New Moon (when Mars will have resumed direct motion) is a great time to set an intention about what you'd like to acheive. Until then, have patience & instead seek guidance from within. Meditating on your growth strategy & next step could prove empowering. What's this conjunction highlighting for you? - Look to where 22 degrees of Capricorn resides in your chart - House: 1st: Personal presence, Approach to life 2nd: Money & Possessions 3rd: Communication, Community, Local Travel 4th: Home, Family, Roots, Lineage 5th: Children, Lovers, Creativity 6th: Health, Habits, Daily Work 7th: Marriage, Partnerships 8th: Joint Finances, The Psyche 9th: Higher Ed, Spiritual Wisdom, Travel 10th: Career, Status 11th: Friends, Groups 12th: Secrets, Institutions Esotech Technologies See more
10.01.2022 Today, as the Moon moves through the sign of Taurus she'll be hanging out with Uranus, which can have us feeling a little wired, excitable & like we have 15 things to accomplish within each second of the day!! If this is you, firstly slow down & take some deep, long breaths The Virgo Sun coupled with this conjunction can bring anxiety... ... so secondly, consider if writing down everything that's in your head will help stop your mind turning over ... and over Taurus energy reminds us to get grounded in our bodies & a walk in nature with some tree hugging can do wonders today to counter the Uranian electrical feels If it's evening in your part of the World, sleep may be disrupted, making a planned nana-nap a requirement for tomorrow There is no rush. You have time Solar Fire, Esotech Technologies
10.01.2022 Perfect for the Taurus Moon energy, the name says it all. This beautiful moisturiser truly is Divine & a true treat for the body ... but don't just take my word for it - ... Click on the link (also in my bio) & see the reviews for yourself : I use this every time I have a shower and also on our skin when we're having some sun time - along with a few drops of Mulla Mulla Bush Flower Essence. Have a wonderful Sunday, Toria xo
09.01.2022 There are days (sometimes weeks) when you're not going to feel okay ... & with Mars' heavy energy around, this week is likely to be one of the them. Mars is slowing. ... He's heavy, He's retrograde, He's incredibly potent ... & if you're feeling out of sorts, unmotivated, lost, annoyed, depressed, frustrated; even damn furious that something didn't go your way ... - then you're likely feeling in all the right places ;) So, go easy on yourself. Allow the discomfort to arise & be honest about what you're experiencing. It really is 'okay not to be okay' sometimes. Wrap yourself in it, stretch out in it, muse over it & then write about it. Get deep down & dirty with it, ... trust that what's arising is perfect for you in this moment ... and wait for the light to shine through. Because that will happen. It always does. This is an awesome week for some banging self awareness! Make the most of it by not pushing it away, hiding from it or pretending it's not there. Hugs, Toria xo See more
09.01.2022 Acai all year round for this family The Moon will be throwing out a Square to Neptune early today, so it may be difficult to leave your bed & get the kids up for the school run If you're a perpetual early bird, however you may find your bliss in a peaceful morning meditation ... As the light increases so likely will your motivation when the Moon moves towards a Trine with Mars. Expect a dreamy, romantic undertow as Venus & Neptune connect harmoniously; prompting tender moments, compassionate feels & creative stirrings Optimistic progress is favoured today Gratitude to @Loving_Earth for these yummy chocolate buckinis that I like to hide beneath my Acai See more
08.01.2022 Moon in Virgo This is my number one favourite lunch of the moment. Colour-Full Salad, Lightly Toasted Potatoes, Garlic Mayo, Sauerkraut & Avocado splashed with Lemon, Salt and Coconut Aminos - So good!!... The Moon has moved into Virgo & she's up close & personal with Vesta. This is a prime time for checking in with your habits & routines. Are they nourishing you or depleting you? Keep the ones that nourish ... & gravitate towards them as you move through the week. What in your day brings pleasure, a sense of achievement, that wonderful feeling that everything is falling into place? They're the keepers! We're in the waning last quarter of our Lunar Cycle & that means it's time to let go of anything superfluous that may be preventing you from accommodating more of the good stuff. What no longer resonates? What feels negative or stops you from getting to where you want to be? If you're struggling with a body issue at the minute, ask why Mars has slowed you down. What is he attempting to bring your attention to? The Scorpio New Moon on the 15th is bringing focus & discipline to move forward onto a path of growth. But right now, we're still deep in retrograde (Mars) - and that involves taking responsiblity for what isn't working ... & taking some time out to integrate all you've been shifting through to date. Much Love, Toria xo
08.01.2022 Jupiter has just turned direct & that's enormously good news; ... especially for Capricorns & those with planetary placements from 17 to 27 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), who now benefit from a bountiful boost in the area of life that Jupiter's transiting. Think along the lines of:... "All that patience & persistence finally paying off". In Astrology, Jupiter is one of the benefics bringing opportunity, faith & growth to what he touches. Celebrate any wins & enjoy the renewal of optimism. Mars remains retrograde (still in square to the retrograde Saturn/Pluto conjunction), which Jupiter is now approaching, ... so please be mindful of how you move ahead. - Slow & steady wins the race - Quaility, care & precision is highly valued ... and heeding the lesson of where responsiblity needs to be taken for repeating patterns gets brownie points. Consider what you would like to achieve during the latter half of this year & plan accordingly. Capricorn is all about the structure & a firm foundation leads to lasting growth. If the last few months have found you in need of some spiritual sustenance, now's the time to implement the needed changes & make them stick. What does your soul need & what's one step you can take towards that? Much Love, Toria xo
07.01.2022 When the New Moon arrived during the early hours, she bought with her the fresh new energy of our next Lunar Cycle. We've now entered a wonderful phase for setting intentions (cue magical tinkling noise). 2020 has given us plenty of lessons in what we don't want, ... But ... When we know what we don't want, we discover more strongly what we do! This new moon falls in Cancer - a sign synonymous with Comfort, the Great Mother & Home (incl. coming home to ourselves If this year has been a source of unease then how can you begin to make the second half more self-loving? The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is Cancer 29: "A Greek Muse Weighing New Born Twins In Golden Scales"; reminding us to take pause before rushing in or reacting. It also encourages balance & a weighing up of what is and isn't wanted. What can be discarded? The Saturn Opposition enables a realisitc and grounded approach & perhaps a need for firmer boundaries (yes, Saturn is still strongly with us!!). It's also a reminder that we can build our lives in a way that fulfills (The Sun) & nourishes us (The Moon). This often requires a gentle quieting of the inner voice that ensures we keep on moving, keep on pushing, keep on striving ... & a releasing of fear. The Moons mutual Reception with Venus continues to whisper "Open to Joy ... Listen to your body, tune into your intuition ... & let your heart guide you back to love". Uranus' sextile to Mercury encourages Meditation ... whereas Chiron's square to Mercury is bringing a-ha moments, ... increasing creative thinking & opening us to deeper levels of awareness. Be mindful of the words used this month & choose ones that support & heal. Venus' square to Neptune will continue to strengthen over the week. If you've been feeling disillusioned ... allow yourself to Re-Dream the Dream (with a Grounded & Practical approach). Create, Enjoy the etheric feels & Believe in Divine Magic
07.01.2022 Astrologically speaking, we have an interesting month ahead Tiredness, confusion, loss of motivation &/or life direction may be arising as we move through early November; ... thanks to a slow-moving Mercury (stations-direct tomorrow) ... ... & Mars applying the brakes Mars will likely bring some heavy energy between now & the 14th (when he'll also station-direct); making this a key time to release some of the tension & frustration you've been harbouring. Write those anger letters, journal those frustrations, clear out fears & make inner work an integral part of your day. Blame doesn't heal, but working on yourself can - your choice Meditation can help to soothe ruffled nerves & bring some of the clarity you're needing The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on the 13th can go one of two ways ... & the New Moon on the 15th is a great New Moon to set intentions that will help you regain your power Venus, meanwhile, is going to be busy all month; engaging with several planets via challenging aspects. A great month for some emotional honesty, a deep look at relationships & for assessing your financial situation & a way forward Expect all the etheric feels week beginning November 22nd, as Neptune's strength brings compassion, sensitivity & a dose of Divine Magic ... before we ride out of November on the wave of the third & final Eclipse Season of the year A steady gain in momentum is likely from mid month !! Happy November!! ... & finally - Remember to keep topping up your own & other people's buckets ... & spreading love & kindness wherever possible See more
07.01.2022 Venus & Mars are currently forming sextiles with the North Node in Gemini adding a social vibe ... set to grow as the Moon moves into Aquarius later on Saturday (4.08pm AEST-Brisbane, 07:08am BST-London, - 02:08am New York-EST) & taking us through most of Sunday. As Mars continues to square Saturn & Pluto, restrictions may slow you down & potentially cause frustration, but that doesn't mean you can't still have fun or connect with thos...e you love in a modified way. Thus is also a really good few days to move your body, as Saturn/Pluto can cause tension in the body. Stretch it out, Engage in Deep Breathing Exercises & Assess where stress or a tendency to over push yourself may be making themselves felt. Creativity is also well starred, so consider where you may be viewing life as burdonsome & shift through it by bring lightness & enjoyment to all you do See more
07.01.2022 So beautifully written & expressed, Simone Matthews ... & such an important thing to understand - especially in a year such as this The Age of Aquarius is upon us. ... We are one, but we are many & we all have our own stories, beliefs & paths When we lose the fear & the judgement, we can open to greater depths of compassion & love for all regardless of personal choice Thank you for expressing what I've been ruminating over for months
06.01.2022 If you love buying gifts, but are not a fan of the wrapping, please know we've got you covered All orders despatched until the 24th December receive gift wrapping as part of the service Australia-Wide.... If you'd like a quote on overseas shipping, please send a PM with the products and quantities you'd like & we'll see what we can do for you See more
06.01.2022 The Moon moved into Aries; alongside an exacting Mercury/Jupiter conjunction, early this morning; shifting the energy to one of motivation and movement. If you spent the weekend chill-axing & tired this will bring a welcome change. Enjoy the extra energy and use it to your advantage.... Moving your body is a great idea; especially if you're feeling frustrated, irritable or tense ... & it's a great few days for a declutter! If in doubt, choose patience and pesistance - they're likely to pay off! ... as is spending a little time connecting with what you're grateful for. If you haven't yet read up on this month's New Moon energy, you can do so at the link in my bio or go here: New Moons set up the energy of the coming 4 weeks and you may find it useful to know what you're dealing with. Have a great week! Toria xo See more
06.01.2022 Mercury has moved into the sign of Leo; ingressing inconjunct to the Pisces Moon ... with an exacting Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini This augurs well for self-expression, heart-to-heart talks & communicating your heart's desire(s).... Leo energy loves to be seen & to impress, so now's the time to share how happy/proud/fulfilled you are... Yes, you have permission to boast for the next 2 weeks ... and if that makes you feel uncomfortable you've just found a tender spot in need of some self love & healing 2020 hasn't been easy & if that's getting to you, it's important to connect with things that make you smile. Anything that feels like play is Leo's domain. & feeling joy lifts the heart. Whether that's to be found through some form of writing, gardening, renovating, music, painting, meditation, dancing, listening to inspiring podcasts, seeking out a sunny spot, a favourite movie ... When we raise our individual vibration we lift those around us & the energetic field of the Earth ... meaning that when you're in a state of joy you're also performing an act of service Watch for rigidity, resistance, a stubborn attitude & wanting to take over the steering of the ship when others aren't on board Allow your heart to lead the way See more
06.01.2022 If you jumped out of bed with a smile on your face this morning then you likely noticed the shift in energy The Moon has now moved into the sign of Sagittarius; where all the feels are synonymous with expansion, bounty and optimism. Open your arms wide, take a deep breath and breathe it in ... Feels so good, doesn't it If you used the Scorpio Moon's wisdom wisely this past few days then you've likely shifted some deeper emotions and can now bask in the beauty of the wonderfully motivated energy that's on offer today (also thanks to a Moon/Mars Trine). Mercury's growing trine to Neptune is bringing an added dose of creativity, compassion for others & the ability to tune into peace Today is a wonderful day to practice #GRATITUDE, open to #FAITH and embrace the #JOY of being alive. What are you thankful for? Much Love, Toria xo See more
05.01.2022 We're building towards our Aquarius Full Moon; with an applying square to Uranus, which can bring surprises. Especially apt if you have planets or points in your chart at (or very close to) 10 of the fixed signs (, , , ). Full Moon's bring fruition & this one could bring through news you've been waiting for ... We tend to feel energised, social & more concerned with Wordly matters as the Moon waxes to full It's also easier to see our shadows now, so stay alert for what causes you discomfort & seek to heal it The Sun/Mars trine along with a Mars - Pluto/Jupiter square brings drive & a feeling of being able to accomplish anything. But it may also be dredging up anger & judgement. Venus & the North Node sit conjunct in sesquisquare to the Moon; hinting at rewards ... & reminding us the key to a fulfilling destiny is to connect with what brings us joy & focus on what we desire. The Full Moon chart speaks of freedom, love & fun ... & this month it's been important to clear out anything that feels stagnant or blocked. Aquarius; the sign most associated with humanity & our connection with one another, is at its best when we bring through social change for the benefit of all ... & when we take personal responsibility for our energy (how we respond to & interact with others). At worst it brings an overly idealistic attitude, fears around loss of individuality, exclusion triggers & blame when life doesn't live up to our perfect expectations. Remember that life is always perfectly imperfect. You are where you are for a reason & that you have the power to alter your destiny Aquarius ultimately asks us to live authentically & allow others to do the same The charged energy is stimulating ... but be wary of overpromising. Once we hit September the energy will likely ebb as Mars slows to turn retrograde. Pace yourself The Full Moon will exact: Brisbane (AEST): 01:58am (4th Aug) London (GMT): 3:58pm(3rd Aug), New York (EDT): 11:58am (3rd Aug)
05.01.2022 The Sun has moved to join Mercury in Virgo upping the heavy emphasis on the Earth element. Mars remains in fiery Aries, but even he's getting out of puff now; asking us to slow down & use our will inwardly ... to revisit all the places in need of love, compassion & healing.... As he dances with Saturn over the next 2 days, stress & anxiety levels may rise. You may feel thwarted, restricted & frustrated ... & anger may make himself more readily known. A lack of boundaries may be part of the problem as could overly defensive reactions. Lay down your weapons & consider if there's a better way to get what you're after. When the Earth emphasis is strong, there can be a tendency to feeling bogged down & stuck. This can lead to low mood & even depression, so it's important to find your own personal vitality-booster(s) now. Walking in the Sun, enjoying Spicy foods, Exercise, Inspiring podcasts, Meditating with a candle, seeking out thise who make you laugh ... a few ways to boost the fire in your life. Simple things often bring joy like Jesse and I playing bubble this morning on a windy day as we waited for Finlay's football game to start. Watch those around you & remember to make joy a part of your daily life. Much Love, Toria xo See more
04.01.2022 Both Mercury and Venus moved into Libra yesterday. Venus by forward progression entering the early degrees of Libra ... & Mercury via reverse motion entering via the final degrees.... These two personal planets will now move towards one another activating the part of your chart where Libra resides, ... but with Mercury changing direction on the 4th November, they won't actually meet until February next year; exacting hours before Valentines Day. By that point they'll be resident at 14 degrees 42' of Aquarius on the Sabian Symbol: "Two Lovebirds Sitting on a Fence & Singing Happily". How beautiful is the imagery of that! Libra's Air & Cardinal energy can bring lightness & movement to Mercury's recent sojourn in the watery, fixed sign of Scorpio Libra energy is about harmony, relating, peace, seeing both sides, fairness, justice ... As Venus opposed the Aries Moon as she transitioned, you may find yourself re-balancing the give & take within your relationships. Are your relationships nourishing, supportive & bringing you what you need ... & are you doing this for others? Or is there some rigidity that's set in? Try standing back & looking at your partner/friend/parent/child objectively to gain some perspective. It should be easier now to be diplomatic about what Mercury's Retrograde journey has bought up for you to date, ... but be mindful of stubborn attitudes & giving your power away to keep the peace. If it's important to you & your wellbeing it needs to be resolved. If not, you may well find yourself stuck in a repeating pattern. If you're locking horns with someone, re-frame your words & check if the person is really hearing you. Maybe come February, you'll be just like those love birds connecting & singing sweet music in all communication & relationship matters.
04.01.2022 Feeling so incredibly #Grateful to Jupiter and his bounty this week as he sits Trine my Sun When Jupiter connected with my Moon late last year we made plans to renovate and sell our home. We've lived here for a little shy of 11 years, so number 20 has been a big part of our lives & our children's childhoods.... We've loved our time here ... but we knew we had outgrown her and were ready for something new & bigger (very Jupiter). I especially, as I've been getting that feeling of house envy for a few years We went to market the week COVID hit here in Brisbane and it's taken until now to get us this point. Uranus bought in our buyers as he connected with the cusp of my 4th house (home) & in true Uranian style there have been a few surprises (mostly pleasant ones) & changes (deadlines , agents ...) along the way. And now after all the uncertainty, we get to celebrate under the beams of our beautiful Aquarian Full Moon in which Uranus is a star player and Jupiter has a special role We've SOLD baby!!! And we're on the move in a few short weeks And as if that wasn't enough, Jupiter's connection also saw a fairly weighty refund deposited back into my account that's taken me 7 months to recoup Such a great reward that showed Persistence does pay off!! Keep Believing, Keep The Faith & NEVER Give Up See more
04.01.2022 Getting my green boost this morning with a Parsley, Apple & Lime Juice Being healthy takes a little effort, but I'd rather take the effort putting goodness in than managing the discomfort of dis-ease if I didn't I've been there & I'm not going back.... The Mars/Saturn square continues to tighten & it's causing a lot of tension. If you're prone to stress, this aspect can be a trigger & if you have planets or points around 24 to 27 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) it's likely to be affecting you strongly. If you're struggling, please DM me and I'll send you a link to a helpful resource that helps me turn that stress funk around in a heart beat Tension will start to ease after September 30th when Saturn will turn direct ... but why wait til then to feel better Much Love, Toria
03.01.2022 The Moon has moved into Aries upping motivation and - for the first time in a while - Mars (ruler of Aries) is direct! This is a power-packed couple of days to forge ahead Be brave!... The Venus/Uranus opposition continues to tighten upping the excitement & seeing you seek stimulating new paths. Money &/or relationships may be a priority & a new approach may be what’s needed. Embrace Uranus’ innovative spirit & be open to the unexpected. How you handle forks in the road could be revealing as we round out the week! As the Moon conjuncts Chiron at her ingress, wounds related to self-motivation, self-assertion, your mum &/or how your needs are being met could arise. Listen to them no matter how busy you feel you may be. There is power in vulnerability. ... & watch for reactivity! Uranus can bring pretty volatile energy. What is this showing you? Much Love, Toria xo See more
03.01.2022 We've reached the end of our current Lunar Cycle when the Moon is at her darkest & we're at our most tired. You'll likely need more downtime & sleep now; ... which when ignored can lead to that uncomfortable feeling of pushing yourself.... With the Sun and Mercury in Cancer it's a lovely weekend to cocoon yourself away at home ... perhaps with family. The Moon's in Gemini, but you may not feel much like talking. Instead try communicating your feelings through gentleness - Hugs, A shared cup of tea, Laying silently in one another's company ... maybe with a good book. Resting helps to integrate all you've learnt this month ... and allows you to enter the next Lunar Cycle refeshed. This little guy is sleeping off the end of his 5th year on Earth during this Balsamic Period
03.01.2022 The energy is rising as we move towards Wednesday's Full Moon in Pisces As La Luna grows in light, she moves towards Neptune, casting a beautiful, etheric feel 2020 has been poignant. ... ... but there has also been so much love, with magical moments interwoven amongst it all. Pisces energy brings all the feels, plenty of compassion ... & tender reminders of the complexity of the human experience. Gratitude & a reverance for life can emerge now, as the sextile to Uranus gently awakens deeper emotions; ... whilst also adding a touch of excitement to anything that's reaching fruition. Relationship angst is likely to fall under the spotlight this week, as Venus forms a tight Grand Cross involving Mars, Juno, Hygeia, The Black Moon, Eris, Saturn & Pluto. Venus' sextile with Mercury brings an opportunity for diplomacy ; ... whilst the Goddess influx brings forth the Divine Feminine & reminds of the need to return to love & a slower pace. Mars will be squaring Saturn for much of September with both planets almost at a standstill; ... boding that patience, persistence & a healthy dose of surrender will be needed. There is no rush. Take your time, ... & remember the old saying "More haste, less speed". With Mars strong, it's better to take things slowly; lest accidents should occur. Illness may also manifest now, so take care & rest up if this applies to you A great few weeks for disciplined self-mastery, clearing anger, deepening love & reworking a project. Open to the Magic & Mystery. Much Love, Toria xo See more
03.01.2022 The Moon has moved into the sign of Leo joining the Sun & Mercury there, who are happily hanging out together in a tight conjunction. Leo energy loves to be seen & praised, so what better time to start adding some customer feedback to my feed :) ... along with some gratitude to @therealdontolman for creating his wonderful products.... Mars in a tight firey trine to the Sun/Mercury conjunction ushers in a creative & motivated energy to kick-start our week. Self-expression can be rewarding & forward movement is likely; perhaps in a place that has previously felt a little stuck. If you're feeling a little tired, a nice bask in the Sun (cat style) could lift you as we move through the final phase of our current Lunar Cycle. Leo energy is all about the heart, so share yours with your loved ones in whatever way is appropriate. ... and, as the Moon has ingressed into this luxury-loving sign conjunct to Vesta, choosing to bring joy into your daily routine(s) will win you Brownie points & a boost of good energy over the next few days. Seek out some luxury & choose playful over serious where possible. That way you'll feel a little more nurtured as we move towards Wednesday's New Moon energy. If you'd like to find out more about Silver Bullet, you'll find it here: ... or by clicking the link in my bio. It can be used to heal present ailments or as a preventative & natural immunity builder. Much Love, Toria xo
03.01.2022 As the Moon slipped into Virgo she did so in opposition to the Ceres/Part of Fortune conjunction in Pisces Virgo energy can raise anxiety, but Pisces moves forward in flow; knowing that divine magic is always available Over the next two days, meditation & music can soothe fraid nerves, as can listening to the sound of water.... Both of these signs represent service & when we focus on what we can deliver to make life more comfortable for others those worry loops can unfurl & focus improves Virgo is one of the hardest working signs in the Zodiac; blessed with an eye for detail & precision, ... & over the next 2 days, the Moon will be throwing out some supportive trines to Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto & Saturn. How can you effect change & lay strong foundations that pave the way to your future success? See more
02.01.2022 Starting the day with intention What's the build up to this weekend's Full Moon bringing up for you? What needs to be released, so that you may move forward on a cleaner, more aligned path towards your desires?... Where is Uranus asking you to shift things up a little & step from your comfort zone? Where can you add a little more pleasure to the days? Things to contemplate this Friday
01.01.2022 May you be Blessed with Love in many forms this day, ... May your Heart be open, ... & May Kindness light your way May your Path ahead be strewn with Flowers May Joy be there to Greet you ... in all your Hours, May Plentiful Fruits & Veggies adorn your Hearth, And Abundance wrap around You, Like a Cosy winter's Scarf. May every Situation, Already or yet to have Met, Be filled with Love and Light ... and see you Shine your Brighttest Yet. Happy Day of Love The Romantic Pisces Moon has me spouting poetry Have a wonderful day Watch a movie, play music, practice some forgiveness ... and maybe have an extra sleep if you're able I reckon I could give Sleeping Beauty a run for her money this weekend!! See more
01.01.2022 Happy Halloween & Happy Full Moon - almost ;) This week's Full Moon exacts at: 00:50am Sun Nov 1st Brisbane (AEST) 06:50pm Sat Oct 31st London (GMT)... 10:50am Sat Oct 31st New York (EDT) Placed in the Earthy sign of Taurus, you'll likely be considering and attending to life's practical matters &, as Taurus likes to feel safe, money may be a big theme; along with the ongoing health of your body (your Earthly home for this lifetime). Taurus also reminds us of the importance of pleasure. Ruled by Venus, this is a sensual sign, so activities that bring joy to the eyes, mouth, mind, heart & soul are well starred. Think Flowers, Wild Orange Essential Oil, Rich Velvety Chocolate, Uplifting Connections, Soothing Massages & Shopping Sprees :) I love that it's also Halloween - Werewolves everywhere will no doubt be celebrating and howling tonight!! If you've been connecting with some deep emotions of late, give yourself an enormous dose of self-love & give gratitude for the self-awareness this has bought your way. Today & Tonight is a time for Celebration & The Sabian Symbol of the Full Moon agrees - "A Christmas Tree is Decorated & Shines in The Darkness". It's also election day here in Queensland & I'm wondering if the strength of Uranus will bring some surprising results. As people tend to be a little more emotive on Full Moons, it could be an interesting day. Huge Hugs To You, Toria xo See more
01.01.2022 Today, as the Moon moves through the sign synonymous with communication (Gemini), we're reminded to check on those around us I've always been a fan of talking things through. Retained troubles can hang heavy on the mind ... ... left in the darkness they often fester & grow horns - becoming much bigger than they really are. Life is a cyclical experience of ups & downs & we all experience dark feelings from time to time ... Yes, even that successful & seemingly-always-upbeat person (the one who seems to always have it together) has experienced struggle at one time or other. The strong Saturn/Pluto/Capricorn energy, which ushered in 2020 has resulted in a year when very few people have escaped a brush with the downers. This year we've been bought face to face with fear, judgement, shame, perceived-inadequacies & potentially darker emotions; such as anger, depression, jealousy, self-loathing ... Such feelings do not make you "bad" or "a failure". They make you human & there's beauty in the full range of human emotion. If you're experiencing something uncomfortable or that you believe others would think less of you for, please reach out. It's likely your trusted confidant has felt a similar way at some point. & a problem shared really is a problem halved. When we choose to speak, our troubles grow wings, which carry some (if not all) of the heaviness away. Be wary of attempting to "drown your sorrows". Alcohol in itself is a 'downer, which is why we often find ourselves craving coffee (upper) after a big night. Used often, it can exacerbate the very issue we're attempting to numb ourselves from. So if you feel you may be a little too much , that may also be a sign
01.01.2022 Yes - there's a lot of tension around this week, so if you're feeling a bit taut know you're not alone. Mercury is squaring Saturn, Mars is slowing - basically GRINDING to a halt ready for next week's change of direction -... ... & the Sun is moving through Mars-ruled Scorpio, which tends to increase the intensity at this time of year; & more so when Mars is strong & retro. That 'grind' energy is certainly manifesting here on Earth, so if you're wound more tight than a Jack In a Box that's ready to pop, you may want to pause for a bit and do something about that. Tasks are taking longer, delays & frustrations are arising & stress is surfacing. We tend to hold strain in the body & the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto stellium of the year resides in Capricorn, so stiffness can be an issue. Perhaps a tight jaw, teeth grinding, frozen shoulder, neck pain, headaches ... ... think of the places you personally hold stress & tune into how your body is feeling today. How can you relieve some of that? Maybe a massage, some deep breathing, meditation or, what I did this morning, a damn good declutter to prepare for a whole heap of clarity & forward movement in your life. Diffusing essential oils, rubbing yourself with Golden ReLeaf (available at the link in my bio), Yoga (or another appealing way of moving your body), journalling & writing out anger are other great activities How are you doing out there & what's your personal favourite way to clear stress from the body? With so Much Love, Toria xo See more
01.01.2022 A few of Don's products contain 24K Gold and there's good reason for that. There's also a good reason that Gold Jewelry will thin over time as you wear it ... and it all relates to healing, which is why Gold became such a sought-after commodity.... If you want to understand more, hit play and if you'd like to purchase one of my favourite Don products (as described in this video), you can do so here:
01.01.2022 The Moon has now moved into Scorpio, but will remain in the New Moon phase until: 01.43am 21.09 - Brisbane (AEST) 16:43pm 20.09 - London (BST) 11:43am 20.09 - New York (EDT)... That means if you haven't set your intentions for this Lunar Month - today's a great day for it! I've had an incredible week; I completed my Fast - Yay!! :) ... & I just spent 3 days having fun with @TonyRobbins , who totally managed to bring out my inner child & move me more than I've moved in a long time - seriously - my arms are so sore today :) !! But, probably a teensy bit more toned ;) Scorpio is a tenacious sign & it can help us commit to transforming what isn't working in our lives. Mars (being the traditional ruler of Scorpio) is still very much retrograde & very strong at the minute, so for the next two days watch what's coming up for you. There may be a lesson on anger surfacing & maybe a habit (Virgo New Moon) to break around that ... or perhaps there's a change you need to make in how you approach something? Astrology is a wonderful tool for guiding us to what needs to change & if you want to improve your life, try opening to what this Mars energy is all about for you ... & setting a goal that you know will help you to move forward. Have a Beautiful Sunday, Toria xo
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