Motion Theory Physio in Adelaide, South Australia | Medical and health
Motion Theory Physio
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 7099 2289
Address: 296A Goodwood Road, Clarence Park 5034 Adelaide, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 ? Do you often find knots in your muscles due to sustained postures, injuries or maybe a change in regular activity or muscle loading? These knots are called myofascial trigger points; they are a group of muscle fibres that have shortened after being activated but have not completely been able to lengthen back into their relaxed position. Hypersensitivity occurs when the muscle fibres become so tight that the capillaries and nerves supplying the muscle bec...ome compressed, therefore the muscle is unable to move as freely, obtain a fresh blood supply or flush out chemicals. The remainder of the muscle also tightens to compensate and can be associated with loss of coordination, decreased joint motion and discomfort. ? A treatment technique we use here at MTP is called dry needling. It assists with decreasing local muscular pain and improving function through the restoration of the muscles ability to lengthen and shorten by releasing these knots in our muscles. A sterile, single-use, filament needle is inserted into the centre of the myofascial trigger point causing blood pooling around the needle, this in turn triggers the contracted muscle fibres to relax. Dry needling also provides the muscle fibres with oxygen and nutrients and aids in removing the chemical build up. A brief muscle twitch will occur during the treatment when the needle directly stimulates the myofascial trigger point. If you feel any sense of discomfort or muscle tightness and would like to see how dry needling works, you can book an appointment online through our website link in bio or give reception a call in business hours on (08) 7099 2289.
24.01.2022 We hope you all had a relaxing weekend! For those of you who are ready to get back into exercise this one’s for you! Have you ever heard of progressive loading? It is a training principle allowing us to continuously develop and improve our physical activity levels by increasing the demands on the musculoskeletal system. Conversely, if the demands on the muscles are not at least maintained or decreased then we are likely to see problems with muscle atrophy, losing size and str...ength. You may be thinking this only applies to athletes and body builders, however we can assure you it applies to anyone with any type of fitness goal and at any level, whether it’s small or complex. For athletes and body builders it is utilised more intensely to improve their body structure and fitness levels, but it can also be used for those of you who are wanting to get back into running/walking simply by increasing the distance travelled or setting a time goal to complete your activity in and trying to improve that. It is important to note that as we return to the demands of our normal physical activity that we allow the body time to acclimatise to these demands in order to prevent injuries. Therefore, our advice to you is that you take it slow and ease your way back into your chosen form of exercise. It is best to not push yourself too hard too soon, so keep that in mind and listen to your body. Once you have acclimatised then you can start progressively increasing principles such as frequency, time, duration, resistance and number of reps/sets. If you are after some guidance on incorporating progressive loading into your exercise regime then come and see Gabe. You can book an appointment online through our website link in bio or give reception a call in business hours on (08) 7099 2289.
23.01.2022 If you were waiting for MTP merchandise to start working on your summer body, then wait no longer because the day is finally here! If you saw on our stories yesterday you were able to see the collection we have of our brand new t-shirts and tank tops made with @ascolour and @screenlabgc. These Items are perfect for the gym, running, walking, or even doing jobs around the house. We have included three different colours for both the Men’s and Women’s tanks and also have the unisex t-shirt. If you have any questions regarding sizing or any other general questions, feel free to message us and we can help you out. MTP will be doing a bulk order at the end of the month so enquire now and order your merch today!
22.01.2022 Did you know 280 Australians are diagnosed with diabetes every day? That is one person every 5 minutes. This week is National Diabetes week so here at MTP we thought we would talk about the disease that is claimed to be ‘the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia’. Diabetes is a disease caused by the bodies inability to balance its own blood glucose levels. There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes has no cure and is developed when the p...ancreas cannot produce enough insulin. Without insulin, the body’s cells are unable to absorb the glucose collecting in the blood leading to symptoms of high blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes is associated with modifiable lifestyle factors and is due to the inability of the tissues to use the insulin as a form of producing energy. If type 2 diabetes continues to be untreated, the insulin producing cells are likely to be damaged and therefore cause insulin deficiency. It is important for people living with diabetes to stay active as exercise has been proven to control blood sugar levels, encourage insulin to work more efficiently to utilise glucose, lower blood pressure, and maintain an appropriate weight. Physiotherapists have an important role in the management of diabetes in both the prevention of the disease and the recovery from the condition. Here at MTP we can assess your physical condition and provide you with an exercise program that is specific to you and easy to use in any environment. If you would like to book an appointment you can do so online through our website link in bio or give reception a call in business hours on (08) 7099 2289.
22.01.2022 What random act of kindness have you received or given? Comment below and help spread more kindness #kindjuly
21.01.2022 This week is #worldwellbeingweek. What do you like to do for your wellbeing? Tell us in the comments below! It can do us all the world of good to take some time out of our day to do what brings us a sense of stress release, joy, peace of mind and happiness. ... It could be as simple as going for a walk or sipping on a herbal tea while reading your favourite book. For some of us, it’s going to the Physio! If you would like to book an appointment with Gabe, you can book online through our website link in bio or give reception a call in business hours on 7099 2289.
20.01.2022 Today is World Heart Day! World Heart Day is a global campaign aimed to educate and highlight the actions that individuals can take to prevent and control Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). CVD is the number one cause of death on the planet, and is typically seen in people exposed to smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and air pollution. While you can’t change some risk factors such as family history, sex or age the good news is there are plenty of other ways you ca...n reduce your risk of heart disease! 1. Reduce smoking and use of tobacco 2. Get moving! Aim for at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity per day 3. Eat a heart-healthy diet 4. Maintain a healthy weight 5. Get good quality sleep 6. Manage stress 7. Get regular health checks blood pressure, cholesterol levels, Type 2 diabetes screening By controlling these risk factors, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided! What action will you take this week to look after your heart health?
13.01.2022 AFL GRAND FINAL DAY To kick off the end of the season MTP are challenging you to go outside and do 30 minutes of activity before the first bounce tonight. Whether that is taking your dog for a walk or run or doing some gardening, anything to help your body’s ability to use oxygen and increase blood flow around the body will be beneficial. Tag us in your activity on Instagram so we can see what you get up to! Did you know people aged between 16-64 should be doing 2.5 to 5 hour...s of moderate intensity exercise per week, or 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous intensity activity per week and people aged over 64 should aim to do around 30 minutes of moderate activity per day. Exercise increases endorphins in the brain and relaxes the muscles. It improves heart and lung health, strengthens bones, eases stress, and creates opportunities to socialise with others, whilst being active. There is a cycle between your body and mind, so if your body is functioning well, the mind will also. Any activity is good for your health and wellbeing, so if you can try and do something each day, even if its little, your body will thank you later. We hope you all have a great day today and enjoy the big game tonight!! Who are you hoping to win?
13.01.2022 WHY EXERCISE HELPS MENTAL HEALTH With the cooler weather coming up it is still important to stay active as much as we can for our well-being, even though it’s tempting to push it to the side. Mental Mental health disorders affect 1 in 4 people, making it one of the biggest causes of disability and contributors to poor health outcomes. However, it has been proven that exercise can improve the quality of life for people living with mental health by releasing endorphins and ser...otonin to improve moods and reduce the feelings of isolation. Exercise also has other health benefits such as improving cardiovascular fitness, sleep, endurance, stress relief, energy and decreased tiredness. Physical activity is not only a key part of management for people living with mental illness, but can also be a preventative strategy. Common forms of exercise that have shown benefits for people with anxiety and depression include aerobic and strength exercises, walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. The physiotherapists at MTP can help by providing an exercise program tailored specifically for you, educate you on self-management strategies and aid in increasing your quality of life. Mental health is likely to affect most people in their lifetime and is not something to hide away from. Please reach out to us if you need us, we will always be here for you.
13.01.2022 #menshealthweek ... Health is 30% genetically determined and 70% controllable through our lifestyle choices.... If you are a man who is inactive, you are 60% more likely to suffer from depression than those who are regularly active. 1 in 8 males have a problem with their pelvic floor, bowel, or bladder. Those who consume 4-10 alcoholic drinks a week at most are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Men that drink more than 10 drinks almost double their risk of type 2 diabetes. Physiotherapists treat anything from musculoskeletal injuries to diabetes, heart disease and problems with pelvic floor muscles. Poor health is preventable through lifestyle changes, even if they are small, any little change to better your health is one step closer to a greater quality of life. Our focus is making sure everyone lives a healthy, happy life so do yourself a favour and book in for a check-up. If you would like to book an appointment you can do so online through our website link in bio or give reception a call in business hours on (08) 7099 2289.
12.01.2022 Did you know it is estimated that one in three Australians live with chronic pain? Welcome to National Pain Week 2020! Each year Chronic Pain Australia, the national voice of people living with chronic pain, organises National Pain Week to champion the needs of the many Australians living with chronic pain. Most of us think of pain as a result of an injury or disease. We expect it will go away once we have medical treatment or the injury heals. For many people, this is the However for others, the pain doesn’t go away. In some cases, you can have pain even without an injury or obvious body damage. This ongoing type of pain is called chronic pain. The pain is less to do with an injury to body tissue and more to do with what’s happening in our nervous system. Our nervous system can become sensitised and overactive, so that we continue to feel pain, even without any ongoing tissue damage. Everyone’s experience of pain is different, so much so that two people with the same injury can have a very different pain experience. This is because pain is complex how we perceive pain involves an interaction between our mind and our body. This interaction involves the nervous system and other factors, such as genetics, culture, thoughts, previous pain experiences, stress and what was happening in our lives when the pain started. Because chronic pain is complex, there is no ‘one size fits all’ way of treating it however, to be successful in managing the pain, a combination of strategies can be implemented, such as exercise and thought processes, to reduce the level of pain. Chronic pain can be overwhelming & affect all aspects of your life. However, with time, perseverance, and support from others, you can turn down the volume of your pain and get back to a full and enjoyable life. Here at MTP, Gabe can work with you together with your healthcare team to develop a pain management plan with the aim to help reduce your pain and to set realistic goals so you can get back to important and enjoyable activities. If you would like to book an appointment, online booking is available through our website link in bio or you can call reception on (08) 7099 2289.
11.01.2022 ? Strong bones are vital for providing us with support and protection for our organs, they store minerals such as calcium, and produce blood cells. However, if we do not look after them, our bones can become very brittle leading to an increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is a condition where our bones lose the ability to store calcium and other minerals, making them more fragile. The condition is highly prevalent in older age and is triggered women with the rapid decrease in oestrogen levels through menopause. Similarly seen in males with a decrease in testosterone levels later in life. ? 2 out of 3 Australians over the age of 50 suffer from osteoporosis or osteopenia Osteoporosis affects 1.2 million Australians It is vital to note that it is never too late to start looking after our bone health. Here at MTP we are providing some ways in which we can do this: Exercising regularly is crucial for reducing the loss of bone mass. Resistance exercises involving lifting weights or weight bearing exercises such as running, walking, and participating in various sports improve bone health by placing a greater demand on the bones which therefore makes them stronger. Consuming calcium rich foods daily such as dairy products. Calcium and other minerals stored in bones combine to form hard crystals providing our bones with their strength and structure. If calcium is not apart of our diet, the calcium in our bones are used for other bodily functions. Thus, over time this will reduce our bone mass, and increase our fragility and risk of fractures. Improving vitamin D intake to assist in the absorption of calcium in the body. We can do this by regular and safe sun exposure as only 5-10% of vitamin D comes from our food consumption. We hope you have found this advice insightful! Lets all look after our bones and live healthier, stronger, and longer lives.
09.01.2022 Motion Theory Physio wishes everyone a lovely and safe long weekend whilst keeping in mind social distancing. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with family, friends, pets, or simply relax and unwind with some self love. We look forward to seeing you soon. If you’re in need of an appointment and would like to book in sooner rather than later you can book online through our website link in bio or alternatively, give us a call at the clinic before Saturday afternoon or from Tuesday on 7099 2289.
09.01.2022 MEET ALEX Alex joins the MTP team as an experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist. Alex has a high interest in a healthy active lifestyle, focusing on a hands on approach to physiotherapy and possesses a strong background in Pilates. We are very thrilled to have Alex on board and to incorporate Pilates here at the clinic. Alex will be available for appointments from the 15th of March and will be working Mondays, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s.... To make an appointment with Alex you can do so online through our website or by ringing our reception on (08) 7099 2289.
08.01.2022 2020 has proven to be quite a challenging year for some and the circumstances have made it even more important that we all stay connected and support others around us if we can. Today is R U OK? Day and is a reminder to check on those around us because this simple question may really make a positive difference to someone’s life. By knowing what to say when someone isn’t okay, you can help them feel supported and access appropriate help if required. Here are some tips on how t...o check up on those around you: 1. Ask are you okay? Be relaxed and concerned when asking. You could mention specific things that have made you concerned for them, like You seem less chatty than usual. What’s been happening? If they aren’t in the mood to talk, don’t criticise them but instead you could say: Please call me if you ever want to chat or Is there someone else you’d rather talk to? 2. Listen with an open mind Don’t rush the conversation or interrupt it, take what they say seriously and if they need time to think, sit patiently in silence. Don’t judge their experiences but acknowledge that things seem tough. Encourage them to explain: How are you feeling about that? and show that you are actively listening by repeating back what you have heard in your own words. 3. Encourage action Ask: What have you done in the past to manage similar situations? or How would you like me to support you? or What’s something you can do for yourself right now that you find enjoyable? If they have been feeling down for more than 2 weeks, try and encourage them to see a health professional. Tell them you are happy to assist them in finding the right person to talk to and be positive about the role of professionals in getting through tough times. 4. Check in Put a reminder in your diary to call them and check on them. Ask them if they have found a better way to manage their situation, if they have not taken any action, don’t judge them. They might just need someone to listen to them. Stay in touch and be there for them. Genuine care and concern can make a real difference. One conversation can change, or even save someone’s life, so lets all look after each other.
08.01.2022 HAVE A HAPPY EASTER! Warm wishes to all of our patients and their families. We hope you enjoy the break with your loved ones. We’ll be back on Tuesday, so if you need us, you can make an online booking link in bio.... Stay Safe! MTP
08.01.2022 Need motivation? We’ve got you! It’s Motivate May 2021 so let’s motivate one another with encouragement to get active with an activity for the whole month of May! All you have to do is pick one activity and commit to doing it for the whole month it’s that simple! That could be committing to one yoga class a week, going for a daily walk or taking a break from alcohol. You get to choose, but you have to share your commitment that’s the key to keeping on track. #accountabil...ity You can jump on the bandwagon as a pledge to yourself or do it for others and create an online fundraiser @pinkhopeaus Tag us and let us know what you get up to during the month of May! What activity would you choose? Tell us in the comments below!
05.01.2022 ? 1 in 4 people are likely to experience a stroke in their lifetime. This week for National Stroke Week we are here to educate you on the four most common signs so you are aware of what to look out for if this is ever an experience for the people around you. FACE- does their face look uneven? has their mouth drooped to one side?... ARMS- can they lift both arms above their head? SPEECH- are they slurring their words? Can they understand you? Can they repeat a sentence back to you? TIME- time to call an ambulance immediately. If you see any of these signs call 000 straight away. ? Our role is to assist with recovery of movement and sensations to be able to perform daily tasks again. Rehab tasks will vary depending on what parts of the body have been affected by the stroke, however, generally there are three main goals: To recover arm function by strengthening and repetitive exercises, regain the ability to walk through assistance from a gait aid, and to increase balance as stroke survivors have an increased risk of falls. A physiotherapist can also play a role in the prevention of a stroke reoccurring by assisting with lifestyle modifications and overall improving your health. If you have suffered a stroke in the past and would like some assistance in your recovery feel free to book an appointment online through our website link in bio or give reception a call in business hours on (08) 7099 2289.
04.01.2022 The Physiotherapist - in a nutshell! A rehabilitation professional who promotes optimal health and functional independence through the application of scientific principles to prevent, identify, assess, correct, or alleviate acute or chronic movement dysfunction, physical disability, or pain. Comment below and tell us why you see a physio and how it helps you!
03.01.2022 Supporting the challenge to leave MS behind! If you haven’t met Georgia, she’s one of our friendly receptionists here at Motion Theory Physio who’s taking up the challenge to leave MS behind by running 50K in May! Georgia’s taking part in the 50K in May to help raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis. ... Research is the key to changing the future of MS so if you would like to support her on her challenge you can head to the link below to sponsor her! Well done Georgia!
02.01.2022 ROCK YOUR BODY Adelady features MTP in their latest magazine release! Keep a look out for the magazine in cafes, restaurants and bars across SA and of course... at MTP! ... Have a read and let us know your thoughts!
02.01.2022 Have you heard of Archies thongs? MTP have just received a great range you won’t want to miss out on! If you’re all about looking after your body, let us tell you a little more about why Archies are the way to go over the standard flat thong. While Archies thongs might look like standard thongs, they actually have up to of orthotic arch support to encourage optimal foot posture and body alignment.... These thongs support the foot in a more biomechanically advantaged position, easing the stresses and stains on the musculoskeletal system. The high quality specialised foam material moulds perfectly to your foot resulting in maximal comfort. Archies thongs also have an elevated heel to reduce stress on the calf and Achilles tendon and include a tighter strap to allow for a more natural walking pattern. Standard thongs only offer minimal support for the foot to maintain an optimal position. This results in the foot being prone to rolling inwards, and so does the rest of the lower limb. This can be detrimental to the bodys alignment, causing stress and strain and an increased likelihood of injuries. If you happen to have high arches, standard flat thongs may result in your feet rolling outwards which has the tendency to increase stress on the outside of your foot and leg and furthermore lead to problems such as plantar fasciitis, bone stress related injuries, and lateral shin and knee problems. So why not choose support, comfort and style all in one! Archies thongs are now available at the clinic in a range of different colourways and sizes to choose from, trust us when we say you will never go back once buying a pair!
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