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25.01.2022 Now is your chance to help raise awareness for homebirth. If you have a minute to talk about your birth experience it would be so appreciated
25.01.2022 If you saw the Prime Ministers reply to being questioned about the lack of maternity care for women in Yass and it made you mad then do something about it! I left a message for him this morning asking WHEN he will be providing sufficient care for the women if Yass and you can too!
24.01.2022 Super exciting news!!
23.01.2022 If youve got the time to have a read of this I highly recommend it. So many people prepare for their birth and think everything will fall into place for the newborn period. Well, reality is, its a hard slog. Ive never googled as much in my life as I have during the postpartum period. Go easy, youre raising a human who is completely dependant on you! Thats pretty huge.
23.01.2022 A dear friend shared this article with me. Its so beautiful. Hopefully one day out western society will feel the same way.
23.01.2022 I braved the weather and took a trip up the mountain today to visit a client and their sweet little babe. I was able to make some Lentil curry and a whole spice chai to keep the family fed and nourished for the week. Its perfect curry weather at the moment and the benefits of a post-partum curry are numerous. Looking forward to visiting again soon!
23.01.2022 What a beautiful and realistic depiction of postpartum.
22.01.2022 Please find 2 minutes of your day to send an email and help women have access to government funded homebirth. If I could have had my last baby at home I would have. Unfortunately cost put it out of reach. I hope women never have to make that decision.
22.01.2022 All great ideas! Holding the baby isn’t always helping the mum (unless she really needs some time with her hands to herself!)
21.01.2022 What a great visual to aid with birth!
21.01.2022 Just a reminder about those medical professionals who are pro vbac
21.01.2022 Your vagina doesn’t want to be poked and prodded as it heals from birth! The way vaginas and vulvas are treated during and after the birthing process by medica...l professionals is absolutely ludicrous. The non-consensual exams, the assisting baby out, the unnecessary placenta grabs, the aggressive suturing, the mandatory 6 week checkup. Miss me with all this utter nonsense. Vaginal tissue heals in YIN. In its own dark and wet nature. If there is an injury (abrasion, tear, bruising etc) from birth, the best thing you can do is REST. Lie down, nourish yourself well and receive emotional and physical support. I’m not saying never get sutures or see a pelvic floor PT, but choose wisely and opt for gentle, skilled touch that prioritizes LISTENING to the tissue over fixing. There is nothing to fix. There may be some unwinding that needs to happen. An emotion that needs to surface or a moment from the past that requires resolution. This happens on the body’s timeline. The vagina holds the truth of its experience in an ineffable way. Approach with reverence, care and the intention to slow down to the speed it requires. Pelvic mapping sessions offer this level of care to heal after birth. Reach out to me if you’re struggling with vulva or vaginal pain after birth. . . . Art by @laura_serradilla #pelvichealth #pelvicmapping #vulvamapping #postpartumhealing #postpartumsexualhealth #postpartumjourney #birth #undisturbedbirth #painfulsex #wombwisdom #vaginalhealth #4thtrimester #vistaca #carlsbadca
20.01.2022 Happy international day of the midwife 2020 Did you have an amazing midwife? What made her/him so amazing?Happy international day of the midwife 2020 Did you have an amazing midwife? What made her/him so amazing?
20.01.2022 So beautiful! Happy homebirth awareness week!
19.01.2022 A very interesting read - not entirely relevant to Australia but I’m sure it still happens sometimes. More reasons to make informed choices during your pregnancy to benefit your birth and postpartum period. No woman should ever be left feeling like this.
19.01.2022 I used this with my most recent birth and really did notice the effects and benefits! I now recommend it to clients and friends alike. Afterbirth pains can be horrible so better to be prepared!
19.01.2022 "If you don't let me perform a VE on you, we will not allow you to get into the birth pool." . . Because there is a policy that a vaginal exam must be performed... before the labouring woman can access warm water, as a coping measure. . . Because a midwife may be censured for negligence, if she does not conform to the policy. and make the "patient" comply. . . So you tell me. How is this not coercion? . . Reposted from @michellepalasia . . "I recently had an interesting experience with someone commenting on one of my posts and immediately after, a quote came through my feed that resonated perfectly, If your idea of supporting women is dismissing their lived experiences, you dont support women. ~ @mama_wilder Let me post was explaining an incident that I had witnessed, where my client was in the shower in well established labour. The midwife on duty had requested several times for my client to consent to a vaginal exam, which my client declined each time. The team leader midwife then came in, got down to eye level with my client (who was squatting) and threatened that unless she consented to a vaginal exam, she wouldnt be allowed to get in to the tub...knowing full well that birthing in the tub was part of my clients birth plan, as was NO vaginal exams. This this birthing woman and directly in front of me. The comment that came through was: Midwives dont threaten they inform the best process for the mums and babies health. This, is dismissing a womans lived experience. This, is labelling me a liar. This, is gaslighting. This, is coming from a place of ignorance. This, is glorifying threatening behaviour, fear mongering and coercion. This, is why so many women dont share their traumatic birth stories. When I share stories, theyre either lived experiences that Ive witnessed or lived experiences that have been shared with me. I know sometimes what I share can seem unbelievable but trust me when I say, I dont make this shit up. As a birthworker, Im not governed or gagged by anyone so I have the freedom to share these stories, which Ill continue to do so." . . #birthonmyterms #birthchoices #birthrights
18.01.2022 A follow on from my topics on maternal consent: It doesnt just end on the birthing ward. Post birth mums are incredibly vulnerable and having their bodies roughly handled without consent is not on. Know you rights - if youre not comfortable then say so.
17.01.2022 Too cute not to share. I love the tiny snapping turtles mouths when a newborn is first trying to feed Newborn breast crawls are a great way to initiate babies first feed. It can aid in a better latch babies little legs crawling up your torso can be super helpful and in helping your placenta to release. ... Did you initiate a newborn breast crawl when your baby was first born?
15.01.2022 For all the mummas to be out there. Please dont let this scare you. You still have a right to body autonomy and the right to say no to whatever youre not comfortable with.
15.01.2022 Do you rush your bleed? Do you wish it was over because you have something better to do? Or somewhere else to be? Do you want to have the pain and emotion...s over just for another month to pass so you can pretend you don't need to slow down? Do you rush birth? Because your dates have expired and your waters released hours ago? Do you rush to get through menopause? Hoping life's hell will be over with? Have you been sold on the idea that removing body parts (your uterus/cervix/ovaries) is the way to have ever lasting ease? Rushing through all these NORMAL parts of a woman's life cycle is a business. From the moment you pop your first pill, to the induction of birth, to pain medication and hormone therapy, until finally you are offered the hysterectomy. Which by the way is the second most common surgery for women in the USA... and only after cesarean which is another gaping wound of the mind body and spirit. You have been told from birth your body is broken.... and most likely you have been kept in the dark about how your body actually works. So its easy to have you buy into the inconvenience of having sexual and reproductive organs. For if society truly understood and loved our bodies, we would not have a war of hate or loathing that cuts our flesh and breaks our hearts every step of the way.
15.01.2022 So youve planned your birth, youve read everything there is to read. Youve packed your bag, planned for a photographer and done everything you can to prepare for your little one arriving... But have you planned for after? Breastfeeding is one of the most amazing and difficult things you and your baby will have to learn. Its amazing how natural it is but how alien it can feel in the beginning. Im going through my 3rd feeding journey and still learning things!! Groups like... this are one of the best places to source advice and resources to aid in your breastfeeding journey and the admins work tirelessly to ensure youre given the correct information. Have you reached out for help in your breastfeeding journey? What help did you get?
13.01.2022 Wise words indeed
13.01.2022 Perfecting recipes before my next clients have their bubba. Vegan lentil curry - lost of lovely healing spices, cooked slow and low and added nutritional fats from coconut cream. Ugly delicious.
13.01.2022 Have you heard the news? Royal Aust & NZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists RANZCOG has suggested that all hospitals in COVID-19 hotspots ban water imm...ersion in labour and birth for ALL women Has this rolled out at your local hospital? "However, in the setting of increased community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), services are advised to suspend the use of water immersion for labour and birth for all women. The protection of our maternity and neonatal health care workforce is essential. PPE is not effective when wet and consequently, the use of water immersion during this period presents an unacceptable risk." Oh wait, it gets even better... "Consideration should be given to early epidural in labour as an option for analgesia e.g. as an alternative to nitrous oxide." What the actual!? An unacceptable risk!? What about the risk to women and babies? The risk of early epidurals which increase the likelihood of caesareans. The risk, when it's worn by women and babies, is acceptable, is it? All this based on not one shred of evidence! #ENOUGH The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) have written a wonderful statement contesting this with some absolutely fantastic points including: COVID-19 is airborne, so water immersion is actually likely to REDUCE the transmission risk! Water dilutes viral particles, further reducing transmission potential when compared to land based births. Baths enable social distancing between the woman and her care providers/supports. Women giving birth in water often 'receive' their babies themselves, reducing the contact between the care provider and woman. There are already stringent cleaning procedures in place to disinfect birth pools post water immersion. Give us our water back!! Do NOT take one of the most useful natural pain relief options away from women, especially not when there is absolutely no evidence to warrant it Jerusha Sutton Doula Photographer UPDATE: Add your name to the petition -
13.01.2022 A very interesting read!
13.01.2022 What an amazing and insightful read!
12.01.2022 Too funny not to share!
11.01.2022 Information that doesn’t seem that surprising really. But I’ll just be here
11.01.2022 Seriously. This is just too beautiful
11.01.2022 Hold those babies
10.01.2022 What do you tell women about gestational diabetes testing? Or what have you been told about having this done in pregnancy? Truth is that there is very little e...vidence on how to best screen women to see if they have gestational diabetes and the evidence that does exist is of ‘very low quality’ according to the Cochrane database of systematic reviews. Most hospital policies advocate for universal screening of every woman, regardless of risk or health history - if this is what is happening in your work setting, or if you have been told this is the way to determine if you have diabetes in pregnancy, it’s not evidence based... it’s just something someone decided. Farrar et al 2017 for the Cochrane database of systematic reviews found 7 research trials which included a total of 1420 women and they concluded that ‘the studies in this review do not provide enough evidence to guide clinical practice and health policy regarding identifying women with GDM’... if you aim to work in an evidence based way THIS is exactly what you must inform women of... that there is currently no high quality evidence to direct decision making about screening for gestational diabetes #gestationaldiabetes #evidencebasedpractice #evidencebasedbirth @cochraneorg #privatemidwife #transformativebirthwork See more
10.01.2022 I dont agree. That we can fill stadiums with fans to watch a ball be thrown... but Fathers are barred from appointments. I dont agree that we can gather in numbers at a pub...but not gather to celebrate birth. I dont agree, that with the right self provided PPE, women cant have their mothers, sisters, photographers, videographers or friends by their side as they journey into motherhood. Our bodies. Our journey. Our choice. Always. Defend it. Push for it. Make noise about it. Birth isnt medical, its spiritual See more
09.01.2022 Wow! Amazing words
09.01.2022 I haven’t posted on here for a while because, you know, life gets in the way but I have something so important to talk about. I just came back from watching the Birth Time movie and it’s totally, utterly wonderful. If you’ve given birth, want to give birth, plan to support someone in birth or just want to learn more about birthing in Australia PLEASE watch this film. This movie asks what it would take for women to emerge from their births feeling innately powerful, physica...lly well AND emotionally safe It has left me feeling so much more spurned on to continue to fight for birthing women’s rights and try to help to fix the broken system we currently have. If you see any movie this year, make it this one.
08.01.2022 Some very interesting information coming out. Just cementing the importance of pelvic floor conditioning during pregnancy!
06.01.2022 "Most of thold womens in those days smoked cobb pipes. Youd see [them] comin down thhighway smokin a cobb pipe with that little black bag in [their] hand.... They didnt call it a spell. It was just the words you said if somebody had a bad burn, and then the burn got better. "These women, like the ones mentioned above by Beulah Perry, a Southern Appalachian native whose interview was archived by the Foxfire Museum and Heritage Center, were staples in Southern Appalachian communities. The healing work they didcuring the sick, tending to the dying, and seeing women through labor and deliverystands as some of the primary functions of folk medicine. A granny woman was probably a midwife, but not all midwives were granny women, says Amis. Like an Appalachian midwife, a granny woman would employ plants and herbs to help a woman through labor and delivery, but unlike a typical midwife, she may also recite a protective charm or chant to help ensure the health and survival of mother and baby. "Families in Appalachia were often far removed from doctors offices and hospitals at the nearest urban city centers, and cut off from the closest neighbor by the regions rugged topography. The male physicians who would come to more remote Appalachian communities often charged fees for their services that many families couldnt afford. "Midwives, granny women, and neighbor ladies were critical in closing this gap of care. They received no formal medical training but were considered indispensable in their communities, working for barter rather than a monetary fee. They acted as obstetricians, pharmacists, herbalists, and nurses to Appalachian families. According to Foxfires archived interviews with women like Perry, they were also more trusted, and considered more effective, than city doctors unknown to the community. "Prior to the 20th century, a time when pregnancy and childbirth presented serious risk to maternal health, these powerful Southern Appalachian women were the primary healers, using passed-down knowledge of regional botanica, along with divination and prayer, to ensure the health of those in their charge. [Women] were pharmacists, cultivating healing herbs and exchanging secrets of their uses, says Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English in the book, Witches, Midwives and Nurses: A History of Women Healers. They were midwives, travelling from home to home and village to village. For centuries, women were doctors without degrees, barred from books and lectures, learning from each other, and passing on experience from neighbor to neighbor and mother to daughter. "These women knew that catnip tea or red alder tea kept infants from getting hives. They prescribed stewed down calamus root to help soothe colic. They put sulfur in the soles of shoes to help ease flu symptoms. And if someone came to them with a bad burn, they knew that blowing smoke and chanting the right words could talk the fire out. "Ballard learned about the burn spell from generations of women in her family and community. In her book Staubs and Ditchwater, she says, they didnt call it a spell. It was just the words you said if somebody had a bad burn, and then the burn got better It wasnt fancy. It didnt require a special outfit or special ritual tools. "Indeed all it required, according to Ballard, was repeating the following chant three times while making a counter-clockwise motion with her hands over the burned area without touching it. Come! Three angels from the North. Take both fire and frost. "The language in this burn spell is another example of the unique way mysticism and Protestant Christianity overlap in Appalachia, but to Ballard, and the women who practice this type of healing, its just a down-home witchcraft, something that comes naturally and uses materials at hand, based on generations of living close to the land and being poor and making do."
06.01.2022 This is so important!! How many women have been silenced when discussing trauma by this? Of course a healthy baby is expected and yes, emergencies happen, but more often than not a baby will be born healthy and without complication. We live in a developed country - whats not normal is a mother feeling that she was forced into choices, ignored, abused or made to feel incapable of rational choice. ... No woman should feel this way after her birth and this is why informed choices are so important! Having a team of people present at your birth that you trust, are all committed to the same outcome and you are confident in having your pre discussed choices actioned is the way to guarantee a better birth outcome.
04.01.2022 Those first cuddles
03.01.2022 A bit late but a round out to world breastfeeding week. 5 different feeding journeys, 5 different struggles, 5 babies being nourished by their mothers and 5 mothers trying to help overcome breastfeeding stigma.
03.01.2022 Something to think about before the baby comes
02.01.2022 FAILURE TO PROGRESS . . YOUR BODY JUST ISN'T MADE TO GIVE BIRTH VAGINALLY .... . YOUR PELVIS IS INADEQUATE . . YOU HAVE CEPALO-PELVIC DISPROPORTION . . YOUR CERVIX JUST WOULDN'T DILATE . . YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE TO HAVE CAESAREANS . . Have you heard this? Have you been told this? Have you internalized this? . Ever wondered it it might be a case of Failure to Wait, or Failure to Support, or Care Provider Dysfunction? Instead?? . . How I love VBACs - what Gloria Lemay calls, Very Beautiful and Courageous births. . . Reposted from @brisbanebirthphotography . . IT'S A BOY! What happens when a Mum delivers her baby unexpectedly at home??...... a) Dad runs for towels , b) the doula/photographer catches the baby , and c) a VBAC Mumma births calmly and comfortably on the bathroom floor - proving to herself (and everyone else) that a "failure to progress" diagnosis (resulting in c-section) with the last baby, and "It's too dangerous to deliver vaginally" with this baby is not a reason NOT to try! I am sooooo incredibly proud of this empowered Mumma for trusting her body and taking full control of her own birth. You totally rocked it!! ** Mumma and baby are both in excellent health and home after a quick check up in hospital ** #birthphotography #doula #selenarollason #vbac #homebirth #surprise #CPD #brisbanebirthphotographer
02.01.2022 Today is International Rainbow Baby Day. A rainbow baby is one born after the loss of their elder sibling. Rainbow babies are a sign of hope and beauty ...after a difficult storm. Celebrate your miracle rainbow babies and hold space for yourself today. Sending so much love to all those who have experienced loss today and every day. Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty. Katrina Mayer #repost @the.maternity.advocate : @greentangerinephoto #rainbowbaby #rainbowbabyday #rainbowbabyday2020 #babylossawareness #babyloss
01.01.2022 Hello lovely people! I’m just about finished putting a website together I’m hoping to put a few reviews up. If I have helped you at all during your pregnancy, birth or postpartum period and you feel like saying something nice () I’d so appreciate it! You can private message me if you’re feeling shy Thanks in advance! Xx
01.01.2022 World Breastfeeding Week This is me, breastfeeding my third and last baby. Three experiences feeding that all varied widely. Feeding never came easy to me and each time it was a learning experience. Im still currently feeding my last babe and have no plans to stop and that in itself is a huge accomplishment. ... I have suffered with trauma, cracks, bleeding, pain, undersupply, ineffective feeding and weight gain problems. I have also felt love, strength, bonding, sweet hands stroking me and the power of the female body. My advice to any mothers out there struggling is to find help. A trained IBCLC is the best person to seek support and help. We are powerful and strong but its okay to ask for guidance. Breastfeeding is a gift we give our children but also a lesson we learn about ourselves.
01.01.2022 Availability for the first half of 2021: January - available February - available March - booked ... April- booked May - available June - available I’m currently taking bookings so if you’re thinking of hiring a post partum doula please reach out. I’d love to support you on your postpartum journey
01.01.2022 If you haven’t ever been to a women’s circle I highly recommend it. This one was for recognising and appreciating the sacredness of motherhood. It was a truly beautiful thing to be part of and I’m so lucky a local woman/doula runs it!
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