Move4health in Annerley, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service
Locality: Annerley, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3895 8395
Address: Annerley 4103 Annerley, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Once again the Heartmoves Friday class is cancelled due to a 'severe weather event'. In November it was because of the one just happened that we did not know was coming; today it is the one that we are expecting, which we have been warned about ad infinitum. Stay safe everyone!
24.01.2022 My oldest fitness class participant will be 91 this Sunday. She started off in the tai chi class at Kurilpa almost 2 years ago and has never missed a lesson if she could possibly come. Since I moved the class to my own studio and changed it to a mostly Stretch class, she has been catching two buses to get to my place, and then a bus and a walk to get back to the lunch at Kurilpa. She is amazing. Well done, Anne!
24.01.2022 This coming Friday 13th Dec. is a lucky day for my Heartmoves group. We are having an extra class followed by morning tea. On the menu? Homemade fruit cake - made by me, with wholemeal flour, less sugar, etc. Wanna be heart-healthy while we sit and socialise.
24.01.2022 If you do recreational activities for BCC, you get given this shirt and must wear it. Mine was ill fitting and very hot, but I enjoyed being a walking advertisement for what I was doing. I taught a Steady Steps program for falls prevention.
22.01.2022 Yoga is on tonight Tuesday 7th April, with Karen at 7pm till 8.15pm. You are welcome to join us and Karen's mobile is 0412046173 or email is [email protected]
21.01.2022 Tai Chi class next week we have decided to end with lying-down deep yogic relaxation. Seems the thing to do on such cold winter nights. Want to join us? Eight-week term begins Wednesday, 22nd at 7 pm
20.01.2022 There is one more class before the Christmas break. The last two Friday Heartmoves classes had to be cancelled due to the storm damage and then everybody being busy with insurance claims and clean-ups. But on Monday, 8th December, there will be one more of our new Stretch, Bend, Relax and Release classes. It is an extra catch-up class, so anyone interested in just trying to see what it is like is also invited. 10.00 - 11.00 a.m. Monday 8th December. The class is designed to stretch the body and relax the mind, while releasing the tensions of daily life - especially, this time, life after a huge storm!
20.01.2022 Feel like a stretch and then relaxation practice?Tomorrow night, 31st March, is last yoga class before Easter, with Karen at 18 Denham st Annerley, before you start tucking into those Easter Eggs! If anyone would like to try out a yoga session, for a freebie, especially if you are new to yoga, contact Karen on 0412046173. Then be having 2 casual yoga classes in school holidays, Tuesday 7th and 14th April, before Term 2 starts on Tuesday 21st for a 10 week course. A few spaces are available but bookings essential. Happy Easter, and stay safe, Karen Rose
18.01.2022 The STEADY STEPS - Falls Prevention - program funded by the Brisbane City Council is coming to an end this week. Well, that is, the funding is coming to an end. But we will CONTINUE at a different venue. It will move from Yeronga Community Centre to our home studio at 18 Denham Street, Annerley. Same time: 9.30a.m. Tuesdays.
18.01.2022 Today was the second Heartmoves for the year, and it was great. One lady said that this class was "really special", although she always enjoys them. Maybe the secret was that I started with focusing and relaxing activities sitting down and a few yoga stretches, to set the mood. Another man who started last week said that he thought he would be stiff and sore after the class, but he just felt really good; best in a long time. Lovely to hear that.
18.01.2022 Have been going through the newsfeeds on this page, and discovered we are in the middle of Heart Health week. Nice coincidence then that I also this week had my first enquiry in ages for the Heartmoves classes. If you know anyone who has stabilised heart disease or has, or is at risk of, other chronic illnesses like diabetes, for example, then you might to suggest to them that they look up a Heartmoves class. For people in the Brisbane south area, mine has the advantage of being close to the PA Hospital, where patients are accustomed to going for their rehab. program. Info is on the Heartmoves, or Heart Foundation, website.
17.01.2022 The Heartmoves class is growing and people who were hurting after the first one don't feel it any more. Have started to use Pilates rings that I bought on Christmas special. Can only use them in sitting or standing positions (no lying down) and I can only think of 3 exercises for that. Does anyone know any strength training with Pilates rings, sitting down? I'd be happy to hear of any. (No, a search of Google didn't help me much.) Tai Chi for Arthritis also g...oing well. Good for everybody, not just those with arthritis. Helps to bring balance in mind and mood, as well as body. Same classes continue until EASTER, and then there'll be a change of timetable. Under the council's GOLD program, I'll be doing a Steady Steps (falls prevention) program at Yeronga Community Centre. It'll be at 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. More about that later. See more
16.01.2022 The Friday morning Heartmoves class is going really well now, with seven people coming every week, which is just a comfortable number in the space I have. So now thinking of possibly offering another gentle exercise class on Thursday nights. Let me know if you know of anyone who could be interested.
16.01.2022 Heartmoves is a great program for anyone who - hasn't exercised for a long time; has been told that they SHOULD exercise; has been through heart failure/heart attack rehab. and told that they need to continue suitable exercise; diabetics... anyone who needs or wants low-moderate intensity exercise in a safe environment. Classes are 10.00 a.m. Fridays at Denham Street. Begin any time. Need to call first. Love to see you! (or your mother, or grandmother, father, uncle etc. whatever). Most participants are over 40 at least and the majority are 60+. It's also suitable for people who have MS, as Pam has done the extra training to accommodate people with MS.
14.01.2022 Tai Chi starts with a FREE class tonight, 15th July, at 7 pm. Call me on 3895 8395 if you would like to come and need further info. I will have the heating on well beforehand, you can be sure, and the welcome will be warm also. Then there is an 8-week term starting next week in which we will learn an actual tai chi set. It is great for the mind as well as the body.
13.01.2022 Tai Chi for Arthritis classes re-commence at Kurilpa Kitchen, West End, on Monday 3rd January. TCA especially helps people with sore joints, but it is great for everybody. Improves breathing, balance, mood, flexibility . . . many benefits. There are more details about both me and these classes on the website of Tai Chi for Health. When you've clicked on Instructors and Australia, then you have to put in my surname - 'Harris' and you'll get several Harrises, and click on my name (Harris, Pam) to learn about the classes and my background. Go for it!
10.01.2022 The new-look Stretch and Strengthen (whilst you Release and Relax) class starts again this Monday morning, 13th April at 0945am. There is room for more to join. If interested, call Pam on 3895 8395.
09.01.2022 Hi move4health Likers. I see a new Like, so am spurred on to write something after all this time. Not much for now. Just to say that things have changed and I have a lot of catching up to do. A new photo will come eventually. After three eye surgeries in the last few years, I no longer wear glasses. Even the look of the room in the picture is different now, with lovely locking windows instead of those old louvres. Emphasis has changed too. Not teaching yoga a...t all myself, although two other teachers offer an evening and a morning yoga class here weekly. But of course, my yoga experience still influences almost everything I do - in life generally as well as in exercise classes. My big thing now is tai chi. Am now running three classes a week, which with the Monday morning Gentle Exercise - Stretch, Strengthen and Balance - makes a total of four classes a week, more than I have done for many a year. All going well. The more comments I get on this post, the more I will be encouraged to come back and use the page as it was intended. Have lots of ideas of things I'd like to say and to upload. Until next time . . . . .
09.01.2022 Tai Chi for Health is going well. Would you like to try it? Next Wednesday night, 17th June 7pm, is the last class before the mid winter break. Free if you then join for the following term. Great for people who want more flexibility and better balance and wonderful for people wanting to reduce stress, or just escape from the kids for a calm, fun gentle exercise class. Ring to enquire.
08.01.2022 The 'Come and See' sessions at the end of January went really well. Now, this first week of February, the 8-weeks sessions of classes are starting. Heartmoves at 10.00am Tuesdays from 5th February and a beginners Tai Chi for Arthritis starting on 7th February. The 8 weeks finish just before Easter. These are both brand new classes. None of the people coming have ever done that kidn of class before. So ... If you - or any of your friends who are looking for gentle exercise classes - like the idea of being in with all beginners, then now is the time. Call on the phone number above.
07.01.2022 Tai Chi Thursdays at 9.00 is starting again tomorrow, 18th July. Tai Chi at West End with the older people (oldest almost 90) is going well. I really enjoy working there - that's on Monday mornings at 10.00. Heartmoves: at the end of next week, Friday 26/7, it will be last class of term, and we are going to have a special MORNING TEA afterwards. It's a morning for new people to come and have a look, and decide if they want to enrol for the next 8-week term. Please TELL anybody in the south Brisbane area who might be interested. Class starts 10.00 a.m.
07.01.2022 Really like this slogan! It's the 'umph' that makes things really happen.
07.01.2022 The Stretch class will have a new look when it starts again after Easter - on Monday 13th April. It is now a STRETCH & STRENGTHEN class. After all, they go together, don't they? We will still have some slow, static stretches, and will also use equipment for the strengthening, such as Pilates rings and Therabands. Maybe dumbbells occasionally. This class is a great alternative for people who don't like the constant go-go of an aerobics class, and do like to increase flexibility and de-stress at the same time.
06.01.2022 I am gearing up to teach a new Tai Chi for Health class starting on 20th May. Wednesday nights at 7 pm. It is exciting to be doing it again, and quite a while since I have done an evening class. I have to know the moves very thoroughly to teach it - in both mirror image when facing the class and the normal way when my back is turned. So that sure pushes me into practising my tai chi. I find it great for flexibility in arms and shoulders, strength in the legs, and of course the standing balance that it is famous for improving. Increased relaxation and focus too. It's a great form of exercise!
06.01.2022 Tai Chi for Arthritis classes are now at the Kurilpa Kitchen, Boundary St. West End. The starting time has been changed to 10.30 a.m. so that people who want to stay to the yummy 2-course lunch which is at 12 noon only have a half-hour or less to wait in between. You don't have to have arthritis to do this - it's good for everyone. Only about one-third of the time is spent on the Tai Chi sequence where you are trying to remember it. Majority of the time people can just follow my movements. Easy!
06.01.2022 Pelvic Floor problems are not ones that we discuss often but, for people who experience them, they can present sometimes embarrassing situations and annoying limitations in exercise classes. For these people, Tai Chi may be the perfect form of exercise. This is how it is described in the book Inside Out: A complete guide to pelvic floor safe exercises for women, "Tai Chi is a system of slow-flowing, standing body postures and coordinated movements based upon traditional Chi...nese martial arts. Tai Chi will potentially benefit your balance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory function and bone density. Most Tai Chi exercises will place minimal pressure upon your pelvic floor." Tai Chi is regarded as 'pelvic floor safe' exercise. Don't know what 'pelvic floor dysfunction' is? Find out more in the page of that name that has been Liked on this page.
06.01.2022 We included a 'sharing session' at the morning tea that followed our last Heartmoves class of the term before Easter. To my surprise everyone came prepared with something special that had happened during the week, something to be grateful for or just to share. In fact, I forgot it over the cuppa and they reminded me. Shared moments ranged from a family wedding, a special piece of music, a lovely moment in the park with friends...through to "Just glad to wake up every day and still be alive". It was really worth doing.
06.01.2022 Feldenkrais classes or Awareness through Movement with Michael Adam-Smith start back 7pm, 18 Denham St Annerley, Monday 13th April. Suitable for all ages, particularly good for back or joint problems, gentle movements. Contact Michael 0427884544 or email [email protected]
05.01.2022 Tai chi is good for all ages, perhaps younger people than you would expect. When visiting family recently, I was surprised to find my 9-year-old great nephew talking enthusiastically about how he does tai chi every morning at school. So in the evening, we all did tai chi (the Shibashi set) in the lounge room together. A special experience for me.
04.01.2022 Be warned - the Google map attached to this site is incorrect. Instead of being shown at Annerley Junction, it SHOULD be further down Annerley Road to Denham Street; turn left and then the studio is under the house at that is directly opposite the end of Heaslop Terrace. Does anyone know how to tell Google when they've got it wrong?
04.01.2022 A free sample Tai Chi class is coming up on 15th July (Wednesday 7pm). Meantime I think we are all quite happy to be taking a few weeks break during this mid-winter weather.
02.01.2022 I love to teach the tai chi programs developed by Dr Paul Lam. This album is for pictures of me and friends practising tai chi.
02.01.2022 Since tai chi is known to be great to help reduce falls in older people, imagine my surprise when a 70+ year old woman told me yesterday that she had once been told by a tai chi teacher "I don't want you to come to my classes any more." Why? "Because I am afraid you will fall and I am worried about my insurance." This lady, I learned, has Parkinson's disease and although I did not notice any tremor at all, I did notice a strong forward lean from the hips when she walked, which I have now learned is often a feature of Parkinson's. But, hey! That's what we Tai Chi for Health teachers are here for - to (among other benefits) help prevent falls in people who are at risk. She'd be welcome in my class.
01.01.2022 Yoga classes are still on in the school holidays, Tuesday 28th June and July 5th, with Karen. 7-8.15pm, $15 a class, contact Karen on 0412046173 to book your space, beginners welcome.
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