Moving forward, looking forward | Brand
Moving forward, looking forward
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24.01.2022 #facetofacefriday never doubt what you can achieve in 2 and a half years and whilst it may sound like a long time, results like this don’t happen over night. You have to work hard to achieve them every single day #llifeisbeautiful #smile #loveyourself #selflove #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #iamworthy #believeinme #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #yolo #behappy #fitspo #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #iamenough #healthy #weightlosstransformations #progressnotperfection #naturalweightloss #my600lblife #thisisme
22.01.2022 I haven’t walked into a KFC store for 2 and a half years until last week when I started my Rona job at MenuLog! I have had the likes of KFC, Maccas, Thai, Kebabs, cakes and Chinese in my car today. I’d be lying if I said I’m not tempted to go and buy my own after I’ve delivered their order but with a bit of planning in advance and making sure I have healthy snacky snacks on hand, I’ve been able to curb my cravings for shitty food. I do make sure I inhale the smells wofting my snazzy insulated delivery bag. Knowing my luck I’ll put weight on by doing that though #throwbackthursday #fuckrona #noexcuses #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #caloriedeficit #fitnessmotivation #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #fitspo #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #changes #healthy #weightlosstransformations #progressnotperfection #choices #kfc #dontgiveupyourdayjob #delivery #nonscalevictory #menulog #kfc #didsomebodysaymenulog See more
22.01.2022 I did a story last night that I didn’t plan on doing. I did something stupid yesterday. I weighed myself and from that moment I gave my permission to eat shit the whole day as my mind went into the mode of ‘you’ve put weight on anyway so you may as well have anything you want’. Cue the Maccas breakfast, the chips and gravy for lunch and the late night pizza binge. I’ve spent the last week or two not looking after myself like I normally would. I need to accept that where I ima...gined I’d be this time last year isn’t that place and I need to accept that is more than okay. So today I choose to reset. Today is day one. Day one of no binging, day one of daily movement, day one of my food diary and day one of speaking to myself like someone I love. I accept the next few days will be hard as I adjust to being strict but I’ve learnt if I’m going to do well, I can’t be half arsed - it has to be all or nothing. Let’s do this #backontrack #fuckrona #weightloss #weightlossjourney #realtalk #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #naturalweightloss #weightlossmotivation #mflf #bingeeating #exercise #noquickfixes #ivegotthis #hardwork #exercisemotivation #recovery #myfitnessjourney #nevergiveup #dogwalk #proudofme #startagain #strong See more
19.01.2022 I did aqua with my baby tonight it was a nice way to finish my Thursday. #aqua #aquaaerobics #dreams #achieve #smashinggoals #happyplace #icandoanything #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #goals #cleaneating #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #yolo #ivegotthis #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #dontgiveup #progressnotperfection #genesismelton #my600lblife #ilovemydaughter #swimming #pool #water
18.01.2022 Time to be more constant than persistent #noexcuses #weightlossjourney #weightloss #hardtruth #iamenough #selflove #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #naturalweightloss #weightlossmotivation #slowandsteady #exercise #noquickfixes #ivegotthis #hardwork #exercisemotivation #myfitnessjourney #nevergiveup #believe #strong #proud #worthy #loveyourself #loveyourbody #fitness
16.01.2022 I know I’ve been quiet but I’m still here. I’m not okay right now but I know I will be. I’ve had to have a break from things for a little while but I hope I will be back soon. Things were really tough last week and it’s been a struggle to put one foot in front of the other some days. I’ve been working, helping my parents move house and that’s pretty much all I’ve had the resources for. I haven’t exercised in over a week but my food has been pretty good. It’s taken me a long t...ime to accept it’s okay to rest rather than quit and I owe it to myself to look out for the signs that indicate that I can’t do everything even if sometimes I think I can #melbournelockdown #fuckrona #weightloss #weightlossjourney #realtalk #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #naturalweightloss #weightlossmotivation #mflf #mentalillness #exercise #noquickfixes #ivegotthis #hardwork #exercisemotivation #myfitnessjourney #nevergiveup #proudofme #strong #depressionawareness #bipolar #suicideprevention #itsokaynottobeokay See more
16.01.2022 #transformationtuesday One thing I love doing now is dressing up. When I was at my biggest size, I felt miserable when it came to finding clothes but now I absolutely love it (even if my bank account doesn’t). Dressing up and looking pretty makes me feel good and because of Covid, the chances I’ve had to dress up have been far and few between. Tonight is the first time I’ve been able to have a proper reason to dress up since Melbourne reopened. I’m off to one of my favourite... places (@thecomicslounge ) with my incredibly hot date. I’m enjoying a few wines to celebrate the incredible things that have happened to me over the last few weeks and enjoy feeling happy #laughter #wine #ifeelpretty #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #iamworthy #believeinme #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #yolo #behappy #fitspo #fitnessjourney #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #iamenough #healthy #weightlosstransformations #progressnotperfection #naturalweightloss #my600lblife #thisisme #dressup #pink #curvyfashion
16.01.2022 I love my legs. I didn’t always feel that way about them and I’ve noticed a common theme when we start heading towards warmer months - everyone starts picking apart their bodies and the bits they can’t stand (legs, arms and tummies seem to be the main targets!) so I made this video of my legs (wobbly bits and all) because even though they don’t looks exactly the way I want them to, I’m proud of how they look. They are strong, they get me where I need to go and I’m happy I see... cellulite (my cellulite used to be hidden by fat!). Theres always somebody in the world who wants to bring me down... why should I also be one of those people? I love me for me #progresspic #thisisme #icandoanything #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #genesismelton #cleaneating #believeinme #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #yolo #behappy #ivegotthis #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #changes #dontgiveup #progressnotperfection #naturalweightloss #bopo #legs #cellulite #fat #strong
16.01.2022 I had so much fun last week that I decided to sign up for a four week course. And after the first class tonight I feel so much more confident! I know it’s going to take a while before I can lift myself up but we all start somewhere. My beautiful friend Naomi reminded me of what it was like when I first stated at the gym. It was daunting, new, unfamiliar and this is no different. It’s something I’ve never done before but I took the first step and came back this week. The girls... at @enpointeaerial are so lovely and encouraging. It’s such a pleasure to be taught by such talented dancers. I can’t wait to do more over the coming weeks #poledancing #poledancer #poledance #polefitness #bucketlist #cleaneating #healthylifestyle #healthylifestyle #results #weightlossjourney #weightloss #proudofme #howbaddoyouwantit #carpediem #ivegotthis #hardworkpaysoff #nevergiveup #nothingholdingmeback #strong #upperbodyworkout #fun #dance #strength
16.01.2022 It’s been 7 months since I last floated and like I said last time, I need to start doing this monthly as it helps me so much. Today was the first time I fell asleep in my float (the lady said it took me 10 minutes to wake up!). I feel calm, relaxed, reset, rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. #zen #selfcare #float #floattherapy #floattank #floatation #floattank #relaxed #mindfulness #sensorydeprivation #meditation #calm #water #loveyourbody #stressrelief #stressmanagement
15.01.2022 I haven’t felt like doing much lately. I’ve got the Rona blues. But tonight when I was at work (did someone body day MenuLog?), I went to deliver the order to the wrong house. By the time I established which house I should have been at, I decided just to run there (6 or so houses up). This would not have happened a few years ago. I would have just gotten in my car and fluffed about, turned around and driven to the right place. But it was quicker for me to run rather than driv...e. It’s the first time I’ve ran in a week and it felt good. I’m hoping I feel like beating my PB tomorrow #melbournelockdown #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossblogger #icandoit #noexcuses #cantstopwontstop #thebestisyettocome #icandoanything #fitfam #training #hardwork #inspire #determined #fitness #fitnessmotivation #itsuptoyou #strongerthanyesterday #melbourneinstarunners #running #fuckrona #fooddelivery #proud #changes #runner #running #run #myzonemoves #menulog #nsv See more
12.01.2022 I can’t believe it’s been a month since I rode my bike. I needed to drop something off to one of my beautiful friends today so rather than drive, I thought I’d take the Twins for a ride! We rode almost 8km. It was good to get out and rack up some Kms for the great cycle challenge that I’m taking part in this month #bike #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #triathlon #triathlontraining #cycle #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #yolo #ivegotthis #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #progressnotperfection #my600lblife #bikeride #strava #greatcyclechallenge #greatcyclechallenge2020 @greatcyclechallenge
10.01.2022 I hope everyone has had an amazing Monday. I haven’t posted in 4 days. It’s not because I’ve fallen off the wagon or disappeared - I’m still here! I’m just having a little break. I’ve been really busy with work, home schooling and just taking time some time out to recharge. I’ve been in some form of lockdown for the last 6 months. It’s getting a little tiring now. One day blends into the other and I just feel flat. My food has been okay but my exercise is totally non exist a...t as I have no energy whatsoever. I’m going to get my iron tested this week as this is what I felt like last time it was low #melbournelockdown #fuckrona #weightloss #weightlossjourney #realtalk #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #naturalweightloss #weightlossmotivation #mflf #bingeeating #exercise #noquickfixes #ivegotthis #hardwork #exercisemotivation #recovery #myfitnessjourney #nevergiveup #dogwalk #proudofme #strong #iron See more
08.01.2022 Is never miss a Wednesday a thing? If so, we didn’t miss it! I so didn’t feel like going to the gym tonight. I was full of excuses but I needed to set a good example to David. I love having him work out with me. It makes me so happy to see him loving the gym #progresspic #healthy #icandoanything #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #cleaneating #believeinme #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #ivegotthis #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #healthandfitness #healthandwellness #dontgiveup #weightlosstransformations #progressnotperfection #naturalweightloss #my600lblife #transformation #proud #fitfam
08.01.2022 I have had the best Mother’s Day. I slept in until 11ish, has the yummiest breakfast and then went to Saver’s (didn’t find anything I really wanted though ) came home and we all made homemade dumplings. Each of my children made my day special. I feel so blessed to be their Mother #ilovethem #ilovethemsomuch #loveyourself #bestdayever #thebestisyettocome #lovelife #happylife #popsometags #savers #ilovemykids #mothersday #countyourblessings
07.01.2022 All I could think when I was doing this today was Homer Simpson singing ‘spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does...’ I feel so accomplished after doing this today. I had no idea how I was going to get down the first time I did it thank you @peita_ @pole.divas for today’s class! I felt like I achieved so much today! #poledancing #poledancer #poledance #polefitness #bucketlist #cleaneating #healthylifestyle #healthylifestyle #results #weightlossjourney #weightloss #proudofme #howbaddoyouwantit #carpediem #ivegotthis #hardworkpaysoff #nevergiveup #nothingholdingmeback #strong #upperbodyworkout #fun #plussizepoledancer #dance #strength
07.01.2022 #weightlossjourney #weightloss #nsv #scales #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #naturalweightloss #weightlossmotivation #mflf #slowandsteady #exercise #noquickfixes #ivegotthis #hardwork #exercisemotivation #myfitnessjourney #nevergiveup #believe #strong #proud #worthy #iamenough #exercise #loveyourself #loveyourbody #dreams #chaseyourdreams
05.01.2022 Despite the last week and a half being a shit show, I need to remind myself that even though things seem to be falling down around me, I will make the distance. I stopped at one of the sets of stairs I used during my stair challenge tonight to remind myself of my vision and to try and remind myself of how strong I am and how I can push through anything I put my mind to. Including lockdown. I’ve been eating relatively well over the last week and a half but I’ve only exercised ...once. Since I took the pressure off, I’ve been feeling a bit better and hope to be able to slowly ease back into the things I enjoy doing (one of them being sharing my journey here) here’s to having another few good days #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #cleaneating #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #ivegotthis #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #healthandfitness #healthandwellness #dontgiveup #weightlosstransformations #progressnotperfection #naturalweightloss #my600lblife #transformation #mentalhealth #itsokaynottobeokay #anxiety #depression #suicideprevention #suicidepreventionawareness #reachout #support #bipolar2 See more
04.01.2022 I went for another run today. When I started, the odds seemed to be in my favour. My splits were so much quicker than they were yesterday but when I got up to around the 2km mark, I realised I was getting a huge blister on my foot as I’d grabbed the wrong socks. The first time I did Parkrun the same thing happened and I ended up at a Podiatrist having my feet cut with blades so I made the wise decision to stop and I called my son to come and pick me up. I was so proud of th...e fact he told me I smelt because that meant I had worked hard and I’ll probably avoid the running tomorrow to give my foot a break but I’ll be able to bike ride as it won’t aggravate my blister. I am so determined to beat my PB. Today just wasn’t the day #proudofme #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossblogger #icandoit #noexcuses #cantstopwontstop #thebestisyettocome #icandoanything #fitfam #training #hardwork #inspire #determined #fitness #fitnessmotivation #itsuptoyou #strongerthanyesterday #melbourneinstarunners #running #runner #triathlontraining #sunshine #melbourne #bluesky #meltoncityrunners #toolerncreekparkrun #myzonemoves #applewatch #strava @ Toolern Creek parkrun See more
03.01.2022 And this is why I’m reluctant to share my story with the media this article claims I’ve said my journey has been easy, that I’ve lost 80kg in a year and I’ve only changed one thing to achieve the results I’ve achieved. Let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good story! It’s also frustrating when they refuse to remove click bait headlines no one likes click bait and it’s even more frustrating when it’s about YOU! I’m so proud of my efforts and my story doesn’t need mi...sleading headings to make it appealing. It must be a slow news day for them to share something that’s over 2 years old but if you’ve landed here because of the reshare of this article, welcome so much more has happened since this article was written and I’m proud to say I’m still kicking butt (as much as one can kick butt in the current climate!). My journey has been one hell of a ride. And it’s far from over. I look forward to continue sharing it with you See more
03.01.2022 I get a lot of questions about Mental Health. I've answered a few of them here in this Podcast.
02.01.2022 For someone who has only ran once in the last 6 weeks, I’m stoked that I’m only a minute off my PB for 5km. Today I had to slow down a few times as I had horrible asthma but I had the best run #proudofme #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossblogger #icandoit #noexcuses #cantstopwontstop #thebestisyettocome #icandoanything #fitfam #training #hardwork #inspire #determined #fitness #fitnessmotivation #itsuptoyou #strongerthanyesterday #melbourneinstarunners #running #runner #triathlontraining #sunshine #melbourne #bluesky #meltoncityrunners #toolerncreekparkrun #myzonemoves #applewatch #strava
01.01.2022 #transformationtuesday these pants used to be soooooooo tight on me but now I fit into one leg and my 12 year old twins (and my Pug Dog) can be in the other I used to be a size 40-42. I’m now a 22-24 (depending where I shop). I’ve come such a long way. And although I still have quite a long way to go, I now have the tools to get me there. I just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other - even on tough days. Lockdown has been such a struggle for me (especially the... last week or so) but I’m determined to get through it. I just need to remind myself I’m only human and it’s okay to feel however it is I am feeling on any particular day #inspire #determined #hardwork #exercise #cleaneating #believeinme #cantstopwontstop #weightlossprogress #weightlossblogger #keepgoing #changes #ivegotthis #fitnessjourney #howbaddoyouwantit #extremeweightloss #healthandfitness #healthandwellness #dontgiveup #weightlosstransformations #progressnotperfection #naturalweightloss #my600lblife #transformation #family #ilovemykids See more
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