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Saint Petka Macedonian Orthodox Church, Rockdale, Sydney in Rockdale, New South Wales | Eastern Orthodox church

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Saint Petka Macedonian Orthodox Church, Rockdale, Sydney

Locality: Rockdale, New South Wales

Phone: +61 408 986 868

Address: 65 Railway St, Rockdale 2216 Rockdale, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici, vo Petok 14.08.2020 zapocnuva Bogorodicniot ili Uspenski post. Postot trae do Petok 28.08.2020 koga e praznikot Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica. Postot se sostoi vo jadenje rastitelna hrana so maslo. Na praznikot Preobrazenie Gospodovo- Sreda 19.08.2020 i na praznikot Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica- Petok 28.08.2020 dozvoleno e da se jade riba. Site koi imaat potreba od ublazuvanje ili sakaat postrog post kontaktirajte go parohiskiot sveshtenik. Cesni, lesn...i i blagodetni posti. Dear parishioners, on Friday 14 of August, 2020 St. Mary's fasting period - Lent starts and will end on Friday 28 of August, 2020 when is celebrated the feast day of Dormition of Virgin Mary. The rule for this Lent is eating plant based food prepared with oil (avoid Meat, eggs and dairy). Fish is allowed on two days, feast day of Transfiguration- Wednesday 19 of August 2020, and Dormition of Virgin Mary - Friday 28 of August, 2020. For any wanted adjustments how to fast, please contact the parish priest. Have blessed and graceful Lent.

24.01.2022 Utre Sveta Paraskeva-Petka Hramova Slava na nashata Crkva, Liturgija 8.30 am. Tomorrow Saint Paraskeva-Petka, Patron feast day of our Church, Liturgy at 8.30 am.

24.01.2022 Congratulations to Anthony &Christina on their wedding day, may our Lord Jesus Christ give them long life filled with love and endless happiness

24.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici, vo Nedela 02.08.2020 se slavi spimenot na velikiot prorok Ilija, koj e patron svetitel i zashtitnik i na nashiot Makedonski Narod. Po toj povod Liturgijata ke zapocne vo 8.30 am a vednash posle Liturgijata ke se otsluzi i Panihida Pomen za site upokoeni Ilindenci, borci za sloboda na nashata tatkovina Republika Makedonija. Poradi restrikciite koi se vo sila za zastita od Covid 19, Vo Crkvata moze da ima do 50 luge, ve zamoluvame da ne se zadrzuvate predolg...o vo Crkvata i da dozvolite i na drugite posle vas da vlezat vo Crkvata i da se pomolat. Sveki ke moze da se palat i nadvor na shandani koi se postaveni pred vlezot na Crkvata. Na povozrasnite im preporacuvame da nosat maski dokolku se vo moznost za dopolnitelno da se zastitat sebesi. Cestit praznik i cestito ime na site koi nosat ime po sveti lrorok Ilija. Dear parishioners on Sunday 02.08.2020 we will celebrate the feast day of st. Elijah. Liturgy will start at 8.30 am and because this is also our Macedonian national feast day, afterwards Memorial Service will be served for all our Macedonian heroes who gave their lives for freedom of our motherland Republic of Macedonia. Reminder that restrictions are still in place and we all need to stay safe from Covid 19 virus, so no more than 50 believes are allowed in Church at one time. So we ask everyone to come in Church pray for few minutes and move on to free room for anyone waiting outside. Candles can be light outside as well. All faithful mid age and older are encouraged to have mask if that's possible to be additionally protected. Happy feast day of st Elijah and happy name day to all those who bear that name.

23.01.2022 Our one and only, Beautiful MKUD Ilinden / Nashiot edinsven prekrasen MKUD Ilinden Macedonia timeless

23.01.2022 Sveti macenik Nestor/Sait martyr Nestor

23.01.2022 So Liturgija i molitveno vo tivka atmosfera beshe odbelezan spomenot na svetite Kozma i Damjan. Na Svetiteli Kozma i Damjan, im bil daden od Boga dar da bidat isceliteli, i zatoa bile lekari i isceliteli, koi so vera vo Hrista lecele od bolesti. Rodum od Rim ovie lekari i cudotvorci uspeale duri i carot Karin da go izbavat od makata i da go privedat kon Hrista. Postradale macenicki vo 284 godina. Bog po molitvite na svetite Kozma i Damhan da ni dade blagodat i iscelenie na s...ite nashi slabosti i nemoki, pa i nie kako stotnikot da ziveme vo ljubov so site, da se trudime da barame dobrina prvo za tie okolu nas, pa potoa i za nas samite.Cestit imenden na site so ime Kozma i Damhan. With Liturgy and prayerful and quiet atmosphere was celebrated the feast day of Saint Kosma and Damien. Saint Kosma and Damien were grantedby God with gift of healing. They were born in Rome and being followers of Christ they were healing in His name many people. They were able to heal and to lead into faith the king Karin. They were healers and miracle makers who dedicated their life for Christ and His Church. May God through the intercession of the st. Kosma and Damian gives us healing to our illnesses and weaknesses, and may give us true faith as that of Centurion to be able to ask for help first for our neighbours and than for us. See more

23.01.2022 Utre Petok 07.08.2020 se slavi spomenot na sveta Ana, Majkata na Presveta Bogorodica, Utrena sluzba i osvetuvanje lebcina so pocetok od 9.00 am. Tomorrow is a feast day of st Anna, Mother of Mary the Mother of God, Matins and blessing of bread will start at 9.00 am. Cestito ime na site so ime Ana, Happy name day to all bearing name Ana.

23.01.2022 14 Nedela po Pedesetnica i praznik na pojasot na Presveta Bogorodica. Vo evangelieto cetivo denes slushnavme za Hristovata Parabola vo koja Gospodarot ja podgotvil Svadbenata Veselba i pokanil gosti no nikoj ne dosol. Bog preku Prorocite i pravednicite postojano gi kani site vo Carstvoto Bozjo pa i nas ne kani postojano. Potoa zapovedal Gospodarot od onie koi bile najdeni po raskrsnicite da gi dovedat na veselbata. Dosle da se veselat no eden od gostite ne bil oblecen vo svad...bena obleka, za sto Gospodarot go pratil vo temnina. Evangelskoto zacalo zavrsuva so zborovite Hristovi, Mnogumina se pokaneti a malkumina se izbrani. Svadbata e Carstvoto Bozjo a Bog e gospodarot, parabolata ubavo objasnuva koj i kako e povikan, no treba da se potrudime da otideme obleceni vo obleka koja prilega na Svadbena veselba, odnosno na Carstvoto Bozjo, obleka istkaena od ljubov, dobrodeteli i cista vera. Bog po molitvite na site Svetii neka ne vbroi ne samo vo povikanite tuku i vo izbranite. Denes se slavi i praznikot na pojasot na Presveta Bogorodica koj posle Uspenieto Bogorodica go dala na sveti Toma. Ovoj pojas bil zapecaten do 9 vek, koga bil polozen na caricata Zoa zena na carot Lav koja bila bolna i cudesno ozdravela. Pojasot podocna bil prenesen vo Gruzija kade se izvrshile dugi cudesa i kade se cuva i denes. 14 Sunday after Pentecost and feast day of the belt of Mother of God. Gospel reading tells the parable about the Lord that prepared wedding and invited guests. But those guests refused to attend the wedding. God always through the Prophets and other righteous people were inviting people of God to the salvation and Kingdom of Heaven but people were refusing. Than the Lord, ordered to his slaves to go on streets and to bring whosoever they will find there. But one of the guests was not dressed appropriate for the wedding ceremony. So the Lord punished him and send him in darkness. The wedding is symbol of Kingdom of Heaven and the Lord is God. Invited are all Christians but we always have to mind to be dressed appropriately. Our dressing should be knitted with love, good deeds, Christian virtues and pure faith, to be dressed appropriate to the Kingdom of Heaven. Through the intercessions of all Saints Dear Lord give us a true faith, hope and love to be numbered not purely in those who are invited but to number us in those who are chosen one. Today also we remember about the feast day of the belt of Mother of God. After she ascended into Heaven she gave her belt to st Toma, her belt was locked until 9 century when Zoa the wife of King Lav got sick, and asked that beltvto be laid on her. She miraculously was healed, and that is why this feast day was established. The belt of Mary Mother of God later was transferred to Georgia where other miracles happened also and where us found to this day.

22.01.2022 22 Nedela posle Pedesetnica I praznik na svetiot velikomacenik Dimitrij. Vo deneshnoto evangelsko zacalo slusnavme za siromasniot Lazar i Bogatiot. Lazar siromasniot lezel pred vrata i bil straden da jade od troskite na Bogatiot, no nikoj ne mu gi daval. Koga umrel Lazar se veli, angeli go odnesoa vo Rajot a koga umrel Bogatiot go pogrebale. Bivajki vo adot Bogatiot povikuval kon Lazar koj bil so Avram barajki pomosh, no bilo predocna. Grevot na Bogatiot ne e bogatstvoto tuku...Continue reading

21.01.2022 11 Nedela po Pedesetnica. Vo Deneshnoto Evangelsko citanhe slushnavme od Hrista deka ako ne im gi prostite grevovite na lugeto, ni nashiot Otec Nebesen nema da vi gi prosti vashite. Bog e milostiv, no i praveden. Sto znaci toa? Ako barame milost od Boga, za da bide Bog praveden, ke treba i nie da bideme milostivi i da zasluzime da ja dobieme milosta. Vo evangelieto denes slushnavme za Slugata koj pobaral i dobil milost od Gospidarot, no nedal milost koga od nego pobaral prija...telot. Zatoa Hristos ne poucuva preku ovoj primer, deka Koga stoime pred Boga i barame milost od nego, treba da se setime deka Bog e i praveden i spravedliv i deka ke ni dade milost samo dokolku i nie sme spremni da pokazeme milost kon onie koi ja baraat od nas. Zatoa iskreno da prostuvame na sekoj koj od nas ke pobara proshka, za i nashiot Otec Nebesen da ni prosti se ona shto go prosime od Nego. 11 Sunday after Pentecost. The theme of this Sunday is forgiveness. In the Gospel reading we heard how Christ is teaching us that unless we forgive the sins of our brothers and sisters our Heavenly Father will not forgive our sins. God is merciful but also righteous. Asking forgiveness from God also should be supported by our readiness to forgive all sins of our brothers and sisters done towards us. In that case we can ensure that God will be merciful and also righteous and will forgive our suns. That's is why we should always be ready to help people, and to forgive them as we expect from God same attitude towards us. May God forgive all our sins and may all of us forgive sins done to each other. Today our Church got beautiful gift from our Church Committee member and his wife people deeply devoted Christians and big supporters of our Church, golden vestments that were used by our parish priest during the Liturgy. May our God give them long life filled with endless joy and happiness. Thank you Peter and Elena Kotevich.

21.01.2022 Denes na Svetol Cetvrtok torzestveno i so Voskresenska radost beshe proslaven spomenot na svetiot velikomacenik Georgij i bea precekani negovite sveti moshti koi blagodarenie na sestra Ilijana igumanija na Markoviot Manastir sv. Dimitrij i na nasiot vernik i cenet clen na Crkvata, Aleksandar Mladenovski pristignaa vo nashata Crkva. Sv. Georgij bil rodum od Kapadokija od blagocestivi roditeli. Tatko mu postradal za Hrista po sto se preselile vo Palestina. Sv Georgij bil vojnik..., a koga carot Dioklecijan pocnal da gi goni Hristijanite sv Georgij istapil vo nivna odbrana. Carot togash go frlil vo zatvor i strashno go izmacuval. Namesto da se otkaze od Hrista sveti Georgij uste poveke veruval i se nadeval na Hrista i preku verata pravel mnogu cudesa isceluvajki luge i voskresnuvajki mrtovci. Gledajki gi ovie cudesa mnogumina poveruvaa vo Hrista duri i carevata zena Aleksandra. Carot togash gi osudi na smrt i blazenata Aleksandra izdivna uste pred da bide ubiena. Sveti Georgij macenicki postradal vo 303 godina. Ovoj golen svetitel i denes vrshi mnogu cudesa za onie koi so vera go povikuvaat negovoto zastapnishtvo. Cestito ime na site koi se imenuvaat so Georgij, Goce, George l, Gore, Gorgija i Gjurgja. Today on Bright Thursday with great paschal joy and Liturgy we celebrated the feast day of st George. Today God has blessed us to be able to receive the relics of st Martyr George in our Church. Relics are sent by principle of Markov Monastery st. Dimitij in Skopje nun Ilijana and were brought to us by Aleksandar Mladenovski our devoted parishioner and Church member. St George martyr was born in Cappadocia and after the dead of his father who was martyr for Christ, st George moved together with his Mother to Palestine. St George was a soldier and when king Diocletian started persecution towards Christians st George stepped in protection of Christians. He was punished and put in jail and started to be tortured in order to give up of his faith in Christ. But as the time was passing st George was even more established in his faith and by the grace of God he started to perform many miracles, healings and resurrections. Many of the people seeing what was happening started to believe in Christ and among those was the king's wife Alexandra. When the King Diocletian got informed about that He sentenced both st George and his wife Alexandra on death. Blessed Alexandra died before she was killed and st George died as martyr in 303. Many miracles are still happening to all those who with faith and reverence ask help and intercessions from st George. Happy name day to all named George, Goce, Gjorgij, Gjurgja, Gorgi.

19.01.2022 Utre Petok 28.08.2020 na Praznikot Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica, Svetata Liturgija ke zapocne vo 8.30 am. Po molitvite na Bozjata Majka za mnogu godini blagosliveni. Tomorrow Friday 28.08.2020 on the feast day of Dormition of Mother of God, Divine Liturgy will start at 8.30 am. Through the intercessions of Mother of God may all be blessed

19.01.2022 24 Nedela posle Pedesetnica. Vo deneshnoto evangelsko cetivo, slusnavme za 3 primeri na cista vera koi Hristos Bog gi primi i uslisha. Najprvo Jair iako nacalnik na Sinagogata reshi so vera da dojde kaj Isusa i da pobara pomosh za kerkata koja bese na umiranje. Na pat kon kukata na Jair, zenata koja stradase od krvotecenie so vera se dopre do negovite alista i ozdrave, Hristos toa go potvrdi koga i rece Verata tvoja te spasi. I na kraj tretiot act na vera e koga mu soopstija Jair da ne go maci Isusa oti kerka mu umrela. Hristos mu rece Veruvaj i ke bide spasena. Jair poveruva i taa negova vera se pretoci vo Hristovite zborovi, Devojko tebe ti velam stani. I taa stana ili ozive. Ozivej ja Gospodi i nasata oslabena vera, vsadi vo nas ljubov i sila za da imame vera kako onaa za koja denes slusnavme. Denes se slavi spomenot na prepodobna Matrona Carigradska i sveti Nektarij Eginski po nivnite molitvi Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi i pomiluj ne. 24 Sunday after Pentecost, in the Gospel reading we heard about three examples of acts of faith. First was from the Jair the ruler in synagogue heo even Jewish came to Christ to ask help for his douther and she was near to death. Christ accepted to help and on the way to Jair's home one lady touched to his glrobe and was healed. For many years she was suffering from flow of blood and no one was able to help her, even she was afraid and ashamed to tell that she was healed when Jesus asked who has touched to my robe. Christ told her that her faith was essential for the miracle that happened to her. This was the second act of faith. And the third act was when people told to Jair that her daughter had died and he should not make any further troubles to Jesus. But Jesus answered just believe and your daughter will be saved. Jair believed and his faith made another miracle to happen now with his daughter. Jesus took the hand of the girl and said My daughter arise! and her spirit came back to her. O Lord our God made our faith again alive, gives us grace and straight to have a faith similar to that of Jair and the woman suffering from blood flow. Today we also commemorate the feast day of venerable mother Matrona and saint Nektarij of Egina, through their intercessions Lord Jesus Christ save us and have mercy on us.

19.01.2022 Утре Свети Георги/Sveti Georgij/ Tomorrow Saint George/Светол Четврток/Bright Thursday 8.30 am Precek na Moshtite na sveti Georgij, 8.45 am Pocetok na Sveta Liturgija i poklonenie. 8.30 am Arrival of the Holy relics of St. George followed by Divine Liturgy and veneration.

18.01.2022 23 Nedela posle Pedesetnica. Vo deneshnoto evangelsko zacalo slusnavme za silata Bozja, i silata Hristova koja preku milosta Negova se pokazala vo izgonuvanjeto na besovite od Gadarinskiot besomacen. Kolku i da sme vo iskusenija Bog sekogash ne cuva i be pazi i nepozvoluva nashata dusha da izgine, koga pristspuvame kon Boga do vera, nadez i ljubov, sekogash Bog ni ostava moznost za iscelenije. Da pobarame i nie iscelenie za nasite dusi i tela, i da ne zaboravime kako i Gadari...nskiot covek da dademe blagodarnost na Boga posle milosta koja Bog je pokazuva na nas. 23 Sunday after Pentecost. In today's Gospel reading we heard about the healing of the man possessed by Demons. We are God's people and no matter at what level we are into temptations, if we approach to God with faith, hope and love, God will always make sure to keeps us safe and sound and offer to us chance for healing. What we really need to do is to ask for it i a true Christian way, with repentance and in prayer. We should always remember also that when we are granted with gifts and grace of God, to not forget to give thanks to God as did the man who was healed by Christ, and came and gave thanks to Christ our Lord.

17.01.2022 Utre na praznikot Raganje na Presveta Bogorodica, Sveta Liturgija so pocetok od 8.30 am. Site ste dobredojdeni. Tomorrow is feast day of Nativity of Mother of God, Divine Liturgy starts at 8.30 am. All welcome

17.01.2022 Denes go proslavivme praznikot Ragjanje na Presveta Bogorodica - Mala Bogorodica. Onaa preku koja se rodi Sinot Bozji, i preku koja dojde spasenie za cel covecki rod. Majkata Bozja, presveta Bogorodica se rodila od svetite Joakim i Ana, blagocestivi luge, koi bile bezdetni dolgi godini a Bog go izbrisal toj nivni stram na stari godini. Joakim bil od Davidovoto, Carsko pleme a Ana bila od Aronovoto Sveshtenicko pleme, preobrazuvajki go Carot i Prvosveshtenikot Hristos koj treb...ali da se rodi od Presveta Bogorodica. Osven Raganjeto na Gospod Isus Hristos crkvata slavi uste dve telesni raganja i toa ova na Presveta Bogorodica i raganjeto na sveti Jovan Krstitel. Majkata Bozja neka ni bide brzoposlusnica i zastapnicka vo site nasi molitvi pred nejziniot Sin, i Bog nas Gospod Isus Hristos. Po molitvite na Presveta Bogorodica Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi I pomiluj ne. Today we celebrate Nativity of Mother of God, the one through whom came the salvation for whole human race. Mother of God was born by her elderly parents saint Joachim and Ana. The issue and the black mark was removed from the parents of Mother of God because of understanding of that time, that if you have no kids means that God is punishing your sinful life. Joachim was from the root of David the Royal root, and Anna was born from Aron roon or Priestly or Clerical root, being image of what was ment to be born if her, Christ Our Lord who is King and High Priest. There are just two occasions apart from the Nativity of Jesus Christ when the Church commemorates the birthday of Saits. This one of Mother of God and the Nativity of sait John Baptist. Let's pray our prayers be always heard by Mother of God and brought to Her Son and our God Jesus Christ. Through the intercessions of Mother of God Lord Jesus Christ save us and have mercy on us.

17.01.2022 Cestit imenden na site koi nosat nevno ime, Cestita slava na onie koi gi slavat, Bog po nivnite molitvi da ni dava iscelenija i blagodat Happy name day to all bearing names of st Kosma and Damian, and all who celebrate their memory. May God through the intercessions of st. Kosma and Damien gives us healing and grace.

16.01.2022 So Liturgija i vo molitvena atmosfera proslaven spomenot na svetiot Macenik Fanurij. Ovoj svetitel ne se znae tocno koga ziveel, no e mnogu pocituvan na Krit, Rodos, Egipet i vo Makedonija vo istocniot del kako i Bitola i Prilep. Na ostrovot Rodos bila pronajdena zitijna ikona so 12 prestavi od zivotot na macenikot. Se slika na ikonite so krst vo ednata raka a so sveka vo drugata raka i cesto lrestaven kako vojnik. Spored predanieto, imal losha majka koja ne se popravala. Za...toa sv Fanurij koga postradal za Hrista, pobaral Bog da im pomogne na site onie koi ke se pomolat za spasenie na dushata na negovata greshna majka. Zatoa i nie denes se pomolivme, za dushata na majkata na Fanurij, a Bog po molitvite na sv. Fanurij i nam da ni podari, zdravje, ljubov i uspeh vo zivotot i da ja uslishi sekoja poedinecna nasha prozba. With Liturgy celebrated the feast day of st Martyr Fanurij. It is unknown where and when this saint lived and when he died as martyr for Christ. Hi is highly respected in Crete, Rodos and Egypt. In our homeland Macedonia He is honored in eastern parts as well as in Bitola and Prilep. On Rodos Christians discovered icon of st Fanurij with 12 scenes of his life. On the icons usually he is portrayed as young boy holding in one hand cross and in other candle and oftenpresentedas an soldier. According to the tradition he had sinful mother and he always preyed for her soul. At the moment when he died as martyr he ask God to help and have mercy over everyone who would pray for the soul of his mother. That's is why we today offered prayers for St. Fanurij's mother and than asked God to help as as well, and to grant to us, health, peace and prosperity in our lives.

16.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici, vo Sabota 08.08.2020 se proslavuva Sveta Macenicka Paraskeva- Petka Rimjanka, Patronot na nashata Crkva. Ve izvestuvame deka poradi sostojbata so Coronavirusot i restrickiite, na sluzbata Liturgijata koja ke zapocne vo 8.30 am vo Hramot moze da ima 50 vernici, zatoa ve molime da rotirate i da dozvoluvate i na drugite luge da vlezat i da se pomolat vo Hramot. So dlaboko zalenje ve izvestuvame deka ovaa godina nema da se sluzi rucek za Hramovata Slava vo Cr...kovnata sala poradi sostojbata so Covid 19. Bog po molitvite na sveta Petka neka ni podari pobrzo iscelenie od Pandemijata i pobrzo vrakanje kon normalna sostojba. Dear parishioners, on Saturday we will celebrate the Patron feast day of saint martyr Paraskeva- Petka. Liturgy will start at 8.30 am and because of Covid-19 restrictions only 50 people can stay in Church at one time. So please rotate and allow other people who are waiting outside to come in and light candle and say a prayer. Sandy we also have to inform you that this year because of the restrictions launch will not be served in the Church hall. God through the intercessions of our Patron saint Paraskeva-Petka may deliver us from this unpleasant situation and introduce to us again peaceful and normal everyday life.

16.01.2022 Deseta Nedela po Pedesetnica, posvetena na isceluvanjeto na besomacniot. Ucenicite, probale prethodno no neuspeale da go oscelat. Zatoa tatkoto dosol i go pomolil Hrista, a Hristos so eden zbor go iscelil. Na prasanjeto na apostolite do Hrista zosto nemozele tie da go osteraat besot, Hristos im kazal deka toa e poradi nedostatokot na Vera, ili Maloverieto. Bog Hristos veli, koga bi imale vera kolku Sinapovo drvo i planini ke premestuvate. Ponatamu dodal deka ovoj Rod, se misl...i na Besot ili Necistiot duh, se isteruva so Post i Molitva, odnosno preku Vera i podvigot na Postot i Molitvata. Tokmu taka, sekogas da se trudime preku podvizi na Post, Pokajanie i Molitva da se ocistuvame od necistotijata koja e vo nas no i da se stitime od necistotijata koja e okolu nas. Nepostojat za nas hristijanite instant resenija nitu pak magicni stapcinja koi so edna magija na Gatacki ili Bajacki ke gi resat nasite problemi. Nema za nas pomosh bez trud i podvig, bez dobrodetelen i Bogoljubiv zivot protkaen so hristijanski dobrodeteli. Da dojdeme i nie kako tatkoto na vesomacniot, i od Hrista da pobarame pomosh, a so trud i podvizi preku Post i Molitvi, pokajanie i dobrosrdie da ja zacvrstuvame verata, preku koja ke mozeme vo imeto na Hrista Boga i planini da pomestuvame. Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. In today's Gospel reading we heard about the healing of the young man obsessed by demon. The father of this young boy came to Christ and asked Him to heal his son because he was suffering a lot. Christ disciples were not able to heal even though they were trying to help him and to expel the demon. Christ with one word expel the demon and the boy was healed. On question of the Apostles, why they couldn't heal him Christ answered that because of their weak faith they couldn't heal him. Because if they had a faith equal to seed of Synap they were able to move mountains. In addition Christ said to them that this demons can be exiled through prayer and fasting. This is the main point. For us Christans should be clear that we can not have instant or magical solutions to our issues. We can only move forward and to grow in faith through Prayer, Fasting and Repentance, be patient and to live a true Christian life full of good deeds and virtues. Let's come to Christ and ask for a help as the father who came to Christ to ask help and healing for his own son. Let's grow in the faith through a good Christian life filled with Christian virtues and Repentance, Prayer and fasting.

16.01.2022 Congratulations to the beautiful couple Christopher & Fina on their Wedding day, may God give them long life filled with love and endless joy

15.01.2022 Liturgiski i torzestveno proslaven spomenot na sveta prepodobna macenicka Paraskeva - Petka. Denes iako vo vonredni uslovi i restrikcii zaradi virusot Covid 19, hramot go posetija mnogubrojni vernici koi dojdoa da se pomolat na sv. Petka. Rodum od Rim, sv. Petka po smrta na roditelite razdala se na siromasi i se pisvetila na Hrista. Naklevetena od drugoverci, Sv. Petka bila izvedena pred car Antonin koj pobaral od nea da se otkaze od Hrista. Otkako sv. Petka ne se pokolebala,... carot naredil da ha izmacuvaat na razlicni nacini, ja secele, gorele, i gi vadele ocite no sekogash Hristos ja uscekuval. Isto kako i slucajot so zenata za koj slusname od Evangelieti, koja stradala od krvotecenie koja se doprela do Hrista i dobila iscelenie. Dopirot vsushost bil samo vidliv del a verata vo Hrista bilo ona sto gi isceluvalo, kako sto Hristos i rekol, Kerko odi si verata tvoja te spasi. Sv. Petka na kraj bese pogubena so mec, po sto se preseli vo Carstvito Bozjo. Postrada macenicki vo 2 vek po Hrista. Po molitvitena sv. Petka i nie da se trudime da sme sekogah blisku i da se dopirame do Hrista ta preku verata nasha da dobivame spasenie. Cestit neka ni e patroniot praznik na sv. Petka, Bog po nejzinite molitvi da ni dade pobrzo izbavuvanje od opasnosta od virusot. Denes bese osveten Kumskiot leb od Vladimir i Krsta Palashoski a noviot kum za dogodina e Zivka Jamadiovski. Today we celebrated our Patron feast day of St. Martyr Paraseva Petka. Although restrictions are in place because of Coronavirus many faithful came at our Church to pay respect and to pray to st. Petka. St. Petka was born in Rome, anf after the dead of her parentsvshe gave everything to poor people and dedicated her life to Christ. Some people reported her by false accusations to the king Antonin and he asked her to give up from Christ. She refused and they started torturing her hoping that that will make her to give up from Christ. But that didn't happen, as much they were torturing her she was growing in the faith. They were puttingvher on fire, cutting her body and taking off her eyes, but after every torture Christ was healing her miraculously. Same as Christ gace health to the woman that touched Him, and he said to her, Daughter your Faith had save you. St. Petka died as martyr in 2 century and went into Kingdom of God. Through the intercession of st. Perka may our God give us straight to be able to be always close to Christ and to have access to his grace and healing power. At the end of the service, the bread of this year Godfathers Vladimir and Krsta Palashoski was blessed and new Godfather for next year came to be Zivka Jamandiovski.

15.01.2022 Pocituvani Vernici na 07.11.2020 Sabota e Mitrovdenska zadushnica/Memorial Saturday Zaradi merkite i restrikciite koi se seushte vazecki a vo odnos na zashtita od Coronavirusot ve izvestuvame deka, prinos za pokojni vo Crkvata ke se pravi so limitiran broj na luge odnosno ne poveke od 55 luge. Zatoa ve zamoluvame da gi pocituvame merkite i da imate trpenie. Onie koi mozat da dojdat vo Petokot vecerta na 06.11.2020 za da se izbegnat guzvi vo Sabota nautro. Prinosi za pokojni se otpevaat vo: *Petok 06.11.2020 od 5.00 pm do 7.30 pm Koj saka moze da dojde da go otpee prinosot za da ne ceka nautro. *Sabota 07.11.2020 od 6.00 am do 7.30 am. Dozvoleni se 55 luge onie koi ke zavrshat gi zamoluvame da izlezat i otstapat mesto na onie koi ke cekaat. *Od 8.30 am do 11.00 am ke se otpevaat grobistata vo Woranora Sutherland. *Od 11.30 do 1.30 pm ke se otpevaat grobovi na Roockwood Cemetery. Na grobishtata vo Botany moze da se dojde po potreba so prethodno zakazuvanje. Bog neka gi upokoi site nashi prethodnici vo Carstvoto Bozjo

15.01.2022 Na site koi go zele ovoj podvig Vi posakuvame Lesni i Blagodatni posti To all who started to walk throught Christmas Lent Journey we wish you easy and graceful Christmas Lent

15.01.2022 So Liturgija i Molitveno odbelezan spomenot na Soborot na Site Apostoli, praznik poznat kako Pavlovden megu nasiot narod. Slovoto Gospodovo koe Hristos go propovedashe, se prenese na site narodi tokmu preku ovie negovi ucenici odnosno Apostoli. Petar, Andrej, Jakov Zavedeev, Jovan, Filip, Vartolomej, Toma, Matej, Jakov Alfeev, Tadej, Simon i Matij koj bese izbran da go zameni Juda Iskariot koj go predade. Ovie se iminjata na ucenicite i apostolite koi Gospod Isus Hristos gi i...zbra. Bog po molitvite na ovie Bogonosni Mazi Apostoli, da ni dade vera, nadez i ljubov da mozeme i nie da go propovedame Hrista na drugi luge, najprvo so nashite dela potoa i so zborovi. With Liturgy celebrated the feast day of the Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles. This feast day is also known among the our people as feastvday of st Apostle Paul. Lord Jesus Christ elected twelve disciples or Apostles andbthere names are: : Peter, Andrew, James the son of Zebedee, John, Philip, and Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Jude also known Thaddaeus), Simon, and Matthias, who was elected to fill the place of Judas the traitor. God through the intercession of of the Holy Twelve Apostles may give us faith, hope and love to be able to proclaim the Word of God first by good deeds and then by word. See more

14.01.2022 Utre 16 Nedela posle Pedesetnica i praznik Krstovden, sveta Liturgija vo 8.30 am site ste dobrodojdeni. Tomorrow 16 Sunday after Pentecost and feast day Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Divine Liturgy at 8.30 am. All welcome.

14.01.2022 Dear parishioners our Church is Registered as Covid-19 safe place, with active Covid 19 Safety plan in place.

14.01.2022 Liturgiski proslaven spomenot na Sorobor na svetiot arhistratig Mihail i ostanatite bestelesni sili. Ovoj praznik se praznuva vo 9 mesec od godinata, bidejki sv. Dionisij Areopagit vo svoeto delo za Nebesnata Erarhija gi opishuva bestelesnite sili kako 9 angelski cinovi. Sekoj covek ima svoj Angel pazitel koj go zastituva i pazi od sakava opasnost i go nasocuva kon pat koj vodi kon boga, a vo Carstvoto Nebesno pri Boga ima mnostvo angeli koi ja slavat Bozjata slava. Arhangel ...Mihail pak, koj e nacalnik na bestelesnite sili neka se zastapuva i neka ne zakriluva sekogas, da ja izvrshuvame voljata Bozja i nasiot zivot sekogas da bide za Radost na Angelite i za slava na Boga. Today with Liturgy celebrated the feast of Synaxis of st Archangel Michael and other body less powers. This feast is located in the 9 month of the year to remind us symbolically that there are 9 heavenly powers described from st Dionisij Areopagit in his capital book about the Heavenly hierarchy. Every man has his personal angel who looks after him, who protects him and guides him on the right path towards God. In the Kingdom of Heaven there are many angels that worship and sing endless song to God. We pray that Archangel Michael who is superior of all heavenly powers to keeps us and protect us always to fulfill the will of God, and to model our life to be happiness for the angels and for the Glory of God.

14.01.2022 Utre 14.11.2020. 9.00 am Utrena Bogosluzba za svetite besrebrenici Kozma i Damjan. Cestito ime na site koi nosat ime na ovie besrebrenici i cudotvirci. Na mnogu godini blagosliveni Tomorrow 14.11.2020 9.00 am. Matins Morning Service in honour of Holy Cosma and Damian. Hapy name day to all bearing their names. On many years blessed

12.01.2022 Happy name day to KUD Ilinden and big thanks to Peco, Chris and Elizabeth and other members for their support today

12.01.2022 8 Nedela po Pedesetnica i praznik Ilinden. Vo denesnoto Evangelsko zacalo slusnavme za Milosta i Milosrdieto Bozjo, Hristos se smiluval na narodot i gi iscelil bolnite. Potoa Apostolite pobarale Hristos da gi otpushti lugeto koi bile poveke od 5 000 a ja slusale negovata propoved, za da otidat i da si kupat hrana oti se blizela nokta. Hristos odgovarajki na Apostolite im rekol, Dajte im vie da jadat, a tie rekle nemozeme oti imame samo 5 leba i dve ribi. Hristos gi pobaral le...Continue reading

12.01.2022 Nedela po Veligden, Nedela na Antipasha i Tomina Nedela. Denes slusnavme vo svetoto evangelie deka Gospod Isus Hristos im se javil na ucenicite koga bile zakluceni vratite. Bidejki prviot pat sv. apostol Toma ne go videl Hrista im rekol na ucenicite deka ne veruva deka Hristos Voskresnal dodeka ne dopre vo ranite na racete i rebrata. Pri vtoroto javuvanje Hristovo, Gospod Isus Hristos go povikal Toma da dopre do ranite na racete i vo rebrata i da nebide neveren tuku veren. doprel i izvikal. Ti si moj Gospod i moj Bog! Dostoevski veli, Toma doprel za da poveruva, no mozel i da dopre a pak da ne veruva i da protivreci. Namerata i karakterot na sv Toma barale vakov nadvoresen znak, no sveti Toma verata vo Hrista veke ja imal vo sebesi. Hristos sepak na krajot zaklucil deka Toma videl i poveruval, a blazeni se tie koi nevidele a poveruvale. Da se potrudime i nie da se vbroime vo ovie blazeni koi poveruvale bez da vidat i Bog da ni podari i nam radost i izvik na vera kako onoj na sv Toma. Hristos Voskresna i cestito ime na site koi nosat ime Tomas, Tomce, Tom, Tome i Tomislav. Denes posle Liturgijata beshe osvetena novata ikononostasna ikona na Tajnata Vecera so shto beshe komlentiran celiot ikonostas so avtenticni pravoslavni ikoni. Golema blagodarnost do donatorite koi sakaa da ostanat anonimni no Bog koj znae se neka gi nagradi desetkrato. Sunday after Easter, Week of Antipasha and st. Tomas Sunday. Today we heard in the Holy Gospel reading that during the first appearance of Christ among the disciples and after the Ruserection. Tomas apostle was not there and he denied to believe that other disciples have seen Christ Reassured. He asked to touch in the prints of the nails in Christ hands and to touch in His side in order to believe. On the second appearance of Christ when st Tomas was there, He gave opportunity to st Tomas to touch his hands and His side, and He advised him to be no longer in doubt but have belief. Apostle Thomas said My Lord and my God! St Thomas was such a personality and character that he wanted to see external sigh, but his faith in Christ was already in him, because if he had no faith he could touch and yet not believe or deny. At the end Christ concluded that Thomas asked to touch in order to believe but blessed are those who will believe without seeing. Let's try to number ourselves among those who are blessed and to be granted with joy and happiness as that of apostle Thomas. Happy name day to all Thomas, Tomce, Tome and Tom. Today after the Liturgy we blessed the new icon of the Last Support. With this icon we finished and completed the whole iconostasis with icons that are authentic orthodox. Big thanks to the people who gave this donation and insisted to be anonymous. May God who knows everything rewards them with ten times more blessings.

12.01.2022 7 Nedela po Pedesetnica i spomen na Soborot na sveti Arhangrl Gavril. Denes vo Evangelieto slusnavme za lekuvanjeto na dvajcata slepi luge koi vikale po Hrista pomiluj ne Isuse sine Davidov. Hristos najnapred gi prashal dali veruvaat deka moze On da gi izleci, a tie potvrdno odgovorile. Hristos gi doprel nivnite oci i rekol, Neka vi bide spored verata vasha! Bidejki veruvale vo Hrista dobile i iscelenie i progledale. Tokmu taka, ako ne veruvale nemalo nitu da bidat isceleni. ...Se sto se slucuva vo nashiot zivot i se shto barame od Boga ni biva spored verata nasha. Od nasata verata zavisi dali ke go dobieme ona sto go barame ili nema da go dobieme. Zatoa Hristos ne poucuva deka ako imame vera kolku sinapovo zrno i planini ke pomestuvame. Da se trudime sekogash od Boga da barame i kon Boga da se obrakame so Vistinska Vera, pa i da ocekuvame da ni bide spored verata nasha. Denes se slavi spimenot na soborot na Svetiot Arhangel i Blagovesnik Gavril. Bog po zastapnishtvoto na Arhangel Gavril da ni daruva cvrsta i dejsvitelna vera kako ovie dvajca slepi koi go povikale Hrista na pomosh i iscelenie. Cestit imenden na site so ime Gavril i Gabriel. 7 Sundayafter Pentecost and feast day of Synaxis of Saint ArhangelGabriel. Today in the Gospel reading we heard about the Christ miracle where he opened the eyes of two blind man. They were calling upon Christ and asking him for help. Christ responding asked them do they really believe that he can heal them. They answered that they do believe in Him as God and as David's Son. Chist touched their eyes and said let it be to you according to your faith. And their eyes were opened because of their faith. So when we ask something from God wether we will have it or not depends on our faith. That's why Christ is saying that if we have little faith we can move even mountains. Today also is a feast day of Synaxis of Arhangel Gabriel, may God through the intercessions and protection of saint Gavril give to us true faith like the one of the people healed by Christ in today gospel reading. Happy name day to all with names Gavril or Gabriel

12.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici vo Sabota 21.11.2020 po povod praznikot posveten na sveti Arhangel Mihail i drugite bestelesni sili, Svetata Liturgija ke zapocne vo 8.30 am. Site ste dobredojdeni. Dear believers, on Saturday 21.11.2020 in honour of Saint Arhangel Michael and others Heavenly Powers, Divine Liturgy will start at 8.30 am. All welcome.

11.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici ve izvestuvame deka denes firmata True blue Corp izvrshi celosno cistenje i dezinfekcija na nashata crkva sv. Petka, vo sklad so normativite za zashtita od Covid-19. Isto taka ve izvestuvame deka od sega pa natamu sekoj Ponedelnik vo narednite meseci Crkvata redovno ke se cisti i dizinficira za da obezbedime zastita od Covid-19 za site nashi vernici. Mu blagodarime na pocituvanite Rubin i Ruza Stojceski so familijata za nivnata podrshka i donacija. Dear pa...rishioners we inform you that according to advices of Health authorities regarding Covid-19, today company True blue Corp performed deep cleaning and disinfection in our Church st. Petka. Such a cleaning and disinfection will be performed every Monday in the following period, to ensure that everyone coming into our Church is safe from Covid-19. We thank Rubin and Ruza Stojceski for their support and donation. See more

10.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici, prestojnava nedela sledat Praznici vo koi ke ima vecerna sluzba i sveti Liturgii: -08.09.2020 - Vtornik vecerna sluzba za sv. Fanurij so pocetok od 6.00 pm i osvetuvanje na lepcinja fanuropiti. - 09.09.2020 - Sreda - Spomen na Sveti Fanurij, Liturgija vo 8.30 am. Blagoslovuvanje Fanuropiti 09.30 am. - 11.09.2020 - Petok - Spomen na Otsekuvanje na glavata na sv. Jovan Krstitel (posen den) Liturgija vo 8.30 am. ... Dear parishioners, in yhe week ahead we will celebrate feast days and there will be services as follows: - 08.09.2020 Tuesday Vigil service 6.00 pm and blessing of bread in honour of st. Fanurij - 09.09.2020 Wednesday feast day of St. Fanurij, Liturgy at 8.30 am and blessing of bread from 9.30 am. - 11.09.2020 Friday feast of Beheading of st John the Baptist(Fasting day)Liturgy at 8.30 am. All welcome

10.01.2022 15 nedela po Pedesetnica, vo evangelsko zacalo za denes, slusnavme za dvete najgolemi zapovedi na koi se potpiraat i zakonot i prorocite. Temata na tie zapovedi e Ljubovta. Prvata e vozljubi go Gospoda so seto svoe srce i so seta svoja dusa, a vtorata e vozljubi go blizniot kako sebe si. Tokmu taka, krahno ednostacno treba da se zbae deka, bez bratoljubie, nema ni Bogoljubie. Nemozeme da go sakame Boga koj ne go gledame a da go mrazime blizniot koj go gledame. Ljubovta e lek dusata i preku nea covekot se priblizuva kon Boga, za takva ljubov svedocele i site svetiteli koi se udostoile da go vidat Boga a preku dejstvitelnata ljubov kon bliznite. 15 Sunday after Pentecost, in today's Gospel reading we heard from Christ about the two great commandments which are base and foundations of the low and the prophets. The theme is simple, Love. Love your God with whole your heart, whole your soul and whole your mind, and second one have love for your neighbor same as for yourself. And truly there is no love towards God without love towards mankind. Its so simple to be understood. You can not love you God who you can not see it and not love it the neighbor, who is beside you. A great example for true love towards mankind was testified by all Saints who practiced and experienced the Love of God, through the love towards their neighbor

10.01.2022 21 Nedela posle Pedesetnica. Vo deneshnoto evangelsko zacalo slusnavme za Sejacot i semeto. Razbravme deka za da nikne semeto potrebna e dobra zemja, odnosno za da se vseli slovoto Bozjo vo eden covek potrebno e da e cista i spremna taa dusa covecka za da go primi Boga. I ne samo da go primi, tuku i da Go cuva Boga vo sebe, odejki po patot na spasenieto. Za nas hristijanite toa e mozno, bidejki samiot Hristos im veli na apostolite, Vam vi e dadeno da gi znaete tajnite na Car...stvoto Bozjo. Znaejki i ziveejki gi uste tuka na zemjata Tajnite na Carstvoto, da poitame i da go vselime Slovoto Bozjo vo nasite srca, a so toa da otvorime pat za preobrazba na nasite srca vo dom Bozji, odnosno obitaliste na Slovoto Bozjo. Po molitvitenaSveti Prohor Pcinnski cij spomen go slavime Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi i pomiluj. 21 Sunday after Pentecost. In the Gospel reading we heard about the Man who went out to put seed in. Bot not all seed was successful. The one that went into good soil grow up and gave further benefits. Its same with the Word of God, if it enters into a good man, man who has already prepared his soul and heart for the comingof God, then Word of God can abide therein. But is is not sufficient to be able to welcome God in our hearts and soul but also to keep that presence always in purity and dignity. Because as Christ had said to his disciples To us is given knowledge of the Secrets of the Kingdom of God as we are foretasting them here on Earth! Knowing that, we always should make our efforts towards achieving more and more Christian virtues and values that well make us a dwelling place to the Word of God. Through the intercessions of saint Prohor Pcinski whose memory we celebrate today, Lord Jesus Christ save us and have mercy on us.

09.01.2022 Big thanks to these Golden people who helped us today, to pay respect towards our patron St. Petka and to stay safe at the same time.

08.01.2022 6 Nedela po Pedesetnica. Od Evangelieto slusnavme kako Hristos isceluva paraliziran Covek. Ja videl verata na bolnuot i tie okolu nego, i mu se obratil, ti se prosuvaat grevovite. Na ova izraigirale Judejskite zakonici koi go obvinile deka Bogohuli. Hristos so iscelenieto na bolniot, pokazal deka e Bog koj moze da prostuva i grevovi no deka e i Covek koj ja poznava coveckata maka, bolest i taga. Vo Hrista sekogash treba da go gledame i Bog koj moze da ni daruva proshka za gre...vovite, no i nasiot lekar i socustvitelnik od kogo mozeme da dobiemebrazburanje i pomosh za nashite problemi. No sto ushte e potremno da napravime vo toj odnos? Treba da imame Vera kakva sto imal i bolniot i onie so nego, Vera koja Bog ke ja vidi i poradi koja se prostuvaat i grevovi i poradi koja se dava iscelenie. 6 Sunday after Pentecost. In the Gospel reading for today we heard about the miracle when a Paralysed man was healed by Christ with the words Your sins are forgiven. Christ saw that this man and the people who were carrying him had a great faith in themselves. Jewish rulers reached and said Christ is doing blasphemy. Christ was acting exactly in that way to show them that He is a true God Who is able to forgive sins but he is also a true man, loving and compassionate Who wants to help other people in need. In Christ we always should see a God and a Man, God Who can forgive our sins and Man Who was reincarnated by Holy Spirit and Vergin Mary and Who is always there to hear our prayer and help us in every need. What we shoulddo is just to try and have a faith as today's man who was healed and the people who were carrying him.

07.01.2022 Golema blagodarnost do Lily Donchovski i Julie Veljanoski kako i Radka i Vlade Ristevski koi gi ukrasija Ikonite vo nashata crkva sveta Petka so cvetovi odnosno floralni dekoracii Big thanks to Lily Donchovski i Julie Veljanoski as well as Radka i Vlade Ristevski for the flower decorations of our icons.

07.01.2022 So Liturgija odbelezan spomenot na Otsekuvanjeto na glavata na sv. Jovan Krstitel. Svetiot prorok Jovan bil propovednik na vistinata i pravdata Bozja i podgotvitel na Hristovoto doaganje. Zavisnosta i zlobata, so zelba za prikrivanje na svojata grevovna sostojba ja odnela Irodijada i Iroda vo nebidnina. Sv. Jovan ovaa grevovna sostojba ne ja odobruval i ja kritikuval, zastanuvajki na stranata na Vistinata i pravdata, i znaejki deka spomenok na pravednikot ostanuva vecen! Na k...rajot macenicki postradal za vistinata, propovedajki go i na umrenite Hristos kako Spasitel. Bozji ugodnice i Preteco Hristov, moli se za nas! With Liturgy celebrated the feast of the Beheading of st John the Baptist. St John the Baptist was prophet and ascetic who proclaimed the God justice and prepared the paths for coming of the Word of God- Christ. The jealousy and evilness of Herod and Herodias with desire to cover their sinful life and deeds lead them to nothingness. St. John decided to stay with the truth and Christ knowing that the Memory of the righteousness remains Eternal, st John the God's servant, pray for us. See more

07.01.2022 Cestit praznik na svetiot knez Vladimir, pokrstitelot na Rusija. Happy feast day of Saint king Vladimir, one who spread Christianity among people of Russia.

07.01.2022 Pocitucani vernici, od Sabota 28.11.2020, pocnuva Bozikniot post. Postaven e i kalendar so objasnuvanje za polesno sledenje na postite. Spored tipikot za parohijani, vo prvata i poslednata nedela od postot se jade hrana prigotvena so maslo. Vo ostanatite denovi od postot se razreshuva riba. Meso, jajca i mleko i mlecni proizvodi ne se dozvoleni preku site denovi od postot. Onie koi sakaat da postat postrogo i se veke utvrdeni vo postot, moze da postat od Ponedelnik do Petok s...o maslo, Sabota i Nedela riba. Za sekoe prashanje kontaktirajte go parohiskiot Sveshtenik. Vi posakuvame lesni i blagodetni posti Dear parishioners on Saturday 28.11.2020 starts Christmas fasting period. Attached is easy to follow calendar for the Christmas Lent. What follows bellow is the general rule for parishioners according to the Tipikon (Church rule). During the first and last week of the Lent we eat only food prepared with oil. In the other days we eat food prepared with oil plus fish. Meat, eggs and dairy should be omitted throughout whole fasting period. For those already established in the practice of fasting and want to keep stricter rule, Monday to Friday food prepared with oil, and fish can be restricted only on Saturday and Sunday. For any questions and enquiries please contact the parish Priest. We wish you blessed and graceful Christmas Lent.

06.01.2022 Христос Воскресна Hristos Voskresna Pocituvani Vernici denes vrednite race na Ilija Acevski so pomish na Boris, Kire, Goce i Ljupco ja postavija ikonata Tajnata Vecera so sto beshe kompletiran ikonostasot vo nashata crkva so novi ikoni. Slava na Boga za se i blagodarnost do site koi doprinesoa za ova blagougodno delo. Ikonata ke se osveti vo Nedela 9.05.2021. Christ is Risen, Dear parishioners today our valuable member Ilija Aceski helped by, Boris, Kire, Goce and Ljupco had installed the new icon of Last Supper which marks completion of our iconostasis with completely new icons. Glory to God and big thanks to all supporters and contributors. The icon of Mystical Supper will be blessed on Sunday 9.05.2021.

05.01.2022 So Liturgija i torzestveno proslaven praznikot Preobrazenie Hristovo! Na gorata Tavor, Hristos vo prisustvo na Petar, Jova i Jakov se preobrazil, liceto mu svetnalo kako sonce a oblekata stanala bela kako svetlina. Hrostos bil vistinski covek, no i vistinski Bog, i sega im ja pokazal na svoite ucenici Bozestvenata priroda. Togash se javile i Mojsej i Ilija i zboruvale so Hrista. Nasladuvajki se od bozestvenata netvarna energija, ucenucite posakale vecno da bidat tuka, zatoa P...etar rekol: Gospodi dobro ni e da bideme tuka. Bozestvenite energii koi Apostolite gi videle, Bog Otecot gi posvedocil so zborovite za Hrista, Ovoj e mojot vozljuben Sin vo Kogo e Mojata Volja. Iako covekot nemoze da go vidi Boga, sepak covekot preku neprestajna umosrdecna molitva moze da se nasladuva so ovie Bozestveni nestvoreni energii kako sto ucele i praktikuvale Isihastite predvodeni od sveti Grigori Palama. Bog po molitvite na Bogorodica, da ni dade i nam sila za neprestajna molitva i nasladuvanje so ovie Bozestveni, nestvoreni energii od koi Bogoliko se preobrazuva sekoja dusha covecka. With Liturgy celebrated the feast day of Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ together with his three disciples Peter, John and James went to Tavor mountain to pray. And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his clothes was white as the light. Our Lord Jesus Christ was full man and full God as well. In this occasion He showed to his disciples the Gods nature. Together with Jesus appeared Moses and Elijah. Disciples enjoying and contemplating the Divine energies wanted to stay there forever that is why Peter said to Jesus, Lord, it is good that we are here. The God Father gave testimony when voice was heard saying: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. God can not be seen or comprehend by a man but still man if he practice ongoing and unceasing Lord's prayer he can enjoy the divine and uncreated God's energies as Isihastic movement proclaimed, together with his parton st. Gregory Palamas. May God, through the intercession of Mother of God Mary, gives us capabilitie of continuous prayer and contemplating the divine and God's energies, through which every human soul is touched and transformed into Spiritually elevated soul close and connected to God.

04.01.2022 Vtornik 14/07/2020 Sveti bezsrebnenici Kozma i Damjan, Liturgija so pocetok od 8.30 am. Site ste dobredojdeni Tuesday /07/2020 Saint Kosma and Damian, Liturgy at 8.30 am. Everyone welcome.

03.01.2022 Torzestveno Proslaven praznikot Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica. Majkata Bozja od Hrista bila doverena na cuvanje na sv.Jovan Bogoslov. Poziveala vo Erusalim postojano pomagaj im na apostolite. Se upokoila mirno najverojatno posle 60tata godina od zivotot. Na ikonite ovoj praznik se pretstavuva kako Bog Hristos ja prima dusata na Presveta Bogorodica a po nejzina zelba site apostoli, osven sv. apostol Toma na oblaci bile doneseni pred smrtta kaj Bogorodica. Sv. Toma tri dena po...docna doagajki na grobot na Presveta Bogorodica ne go nasol teloto vo grobnicata. Bogorodica im se javila na apostolite vecerta im rekla da se raduvaat budejki taa ke bide so niv vecno. Presveta Bogorodica e pokrovitelka na sv. Gora koja se narekuva Gradina na Presveta Bogorodica a tamu devstveno ziveat i se podvizuvaat bogoljubivi monasi. Bogorodica e zastitnicka i na sekoja majka i sekoja hristijanska dusa koja ja povikuva nea za pomosnicka i zastitnicka. Po molitvite na Presveta Bogorodica Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi i pomiluj Joyfully and with Liturgy celebrated the feast day of The Dormition of Mother of God Mary. At the Crucifixion time Christ directed to st. John the Theologian to look after Mother of God Mary. She lived in Jerusalem and helped to all Apostles. Her soul was received by God when she was over 60 years of age. She passed away peacefully and on the icons of this feast it is portrayed as Christ is receiving the soul of His Mother, and all Apostles except st. Tomas are on clouds around Mother of God. Actually that was her last wish to see all Apostles before she left this world. St. Tomas coming on the third day wanted to see the grave side but he did not found her body. Mary that evening appeared to the Apostles saying Rejoice I shall be with you always. Mary is patron on many mothers and christians with good will, she keeps under her protection the Mouth Athos where many monastic are living spiritual and ascetic life. Through the intercessions of Mother of God Mary Lord Jesus Christ save us

03.01.2022 12 Nedela po Pedesetnica. Vo svetoto Evangelie slushnavme za mladicot koj go prashal Hristos, Ucitele Blag, sto treba da napravam da imam zivot vecen? Ova e prashanjeto na eden mudar mlad covek kon Hrista. Ocekuval da mu kaze Hristos, napravi go toa edno neshto i ke se spasish. No, Hristos odgovoril deka spasenieto zavisi od mnogu raboti, odnosno od ispolnuvanjeto na Bozjite zapovedi. Mladicot se pofalil deka seto toa go ispolnil, a Hristis na toa dodal, togash prodadi se, ra...zdeli na siromasi i trgni po mene, i ke se spasish. Mladicot se nazalil oti bil Bogat i zaminal. Grev li e da si bogat? Zosto veli Hristos macno e bogatiot da vleze vo Carstvo Bozjo. Macno, no ne nemozno, ako bogatstvoto go smetame za sredstvo preku koe ke pomagame i na onie koi nemaat, togash bogatsvoto e opravdano, ako bogatstvoto e cel na nashiot zivot a ne sredstvo, togash navistina tesko ke bide na takviot bogat covek da vleze vo Carstvo Bozjo. No ona sto e nemozno za lugeto, mozno e za Boga celi Hristos, pa taka nadezta nasha neka bide sekogash svrtena kon golemata Milost Bozja. Po molitvite na Bogorodica, Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi i pomiluj 12 Sunday after Pentecost, the theme of today Gospel is the reach young man who came to Christ asking what should I do to earn salvation? Well he thought Christ will answer do that single thing and its done, but that didn't happen Christ answered that salvation always depends on our fulfillment of the God's commandments. The young said I keep all commandments from my early age. What followed was the Christ suggestion Go sell everything and give it to a poor people and come follow me, then you will have salvation. The young man was rich and not prepared to do so, so being sad, he turned and walked away. Is it sin to be reach? Why Christ said it is hard or complicated for reach man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Its hard or not possible if reach man counts his wealth as final aim in his life and not as tool or instrument trough which salvation can be reached. If we use our wealth smart and we help the others who are in need that we can justify for being wealth because we use it properly. So, whatsoever is impossible for the man is possible for God, so having faith and hope in God's mercy is essential for our salvation. Through the intercession of Mother of God, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy and save us.

02.01.2022 9 Nedela po Pedesetnica i praznik na sveti Kliment, svetite Sedmocislenici i sveti Panelejmon. Od svetoto pismo denes slushnavme za Hristovoto odenje po morskata voda. Ucenicite bile site vo camecot, a samo apostol Petar pobaral od Hrista da otide kaj nego. Htistos mu dozvolil, a Petar trgnal da odi po morskata voda. Slicno kako i sekoj od nas, koi sekojdnavno odime po povrshinata na razbranuvaniot covecki zivot. Vo eden moment duvnal vetar, a Petar se isplashil i ja zagubil...Continue reading

02.01.2022 13 Nedela po Pedesetnica. Parabolata za Gospodarot, lozjeto i lozarite. Bog e onoj koj postavil lozari koi ke se grizat za negovoto lozje. Koga gi ispratil slugite da soberat plodovi od lozjeto ovie gi progonile i ubile, pratil i drugi i istoto se slucilo i so niv. Ova se site proroci i pravednici koi Bog gi isprakal na svojot izbran narod. Na kraj go ispratil i svojot sin Gospod Isus Hristos mislejki deka ke se osvestat i ke se zasramat. No nebilo taka, i nego Go Obvinija i ...Raspnaa. Fala na Boga oti sudot za ovie lozari ne e vo race covecki, bidejki koga Hristos prasal sto ke napravi Gospodarot so ovie lozari, apostolite dale zestoka presuda. Da bideme i nie dobri lozari, plodovite na dobri dela i ljubov sekogas da gi davame na Boga i bliznite, a Bog ke bide so nas sekogas kako kamen agolen. 13 Sunday after Pentecost. Gospel reading about the Master and the vineyard. God set vineyard and put vineyard keepers to look after the vineyard. When the time fulfilled to take the fruits he sent his slaves to collect them. But the vineyard keepers killed them, and also done with the other ones that were sent to them. This are all prophet and righteousness man that proclaimed the word of God to people of God. At the end that Master or God sent his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. But they betrayed Him and crucified Him. When Jesus ask disciples what should the Master do whit this vineyard keepers, the answer was very cruel. And thank God that judgment will be done by God not by a men. Let's be a good vineyard keepers and give good fruits of love and compassion towards God and our brothers and sisters around us, because God is our foundation and cornerstone.

01.01.2022 Sreda 19.08.2020 na praznikot Preobrazenie Hristovo, Sveta Liturgija so pocetok vo 9.00 am, posle sto ke sledi blagoslovuvanje na grozje. Wednesday 19.08.2020, on the feast day of Transportation of our Lord Jesus Christ, Divine Liturgy will start at 9.00 am followed by blessing of grapes.

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