Mrsplumbermumma | Plumbing service
Phone: +61 400 889 318
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25.01.2022 Look at these legends at Jinavo plumbing always helping out were they can. God Bless you.
25.01.2022 Anyone in Geelong area looking for a 1st year apprentice plumber. If someone could help out a young lady looking for an apprenticeship. Please PM me thank you
25.01.2022 Mumma stop your work! We have a state of an emergency There is a blockage in my nappy #Plumber #mummaplumber #femaleplumber #babyboy #mummalove #tlc #tradieladyclub #blockage #emergency #smellynappy #poopy #nappies #friday #RnBFriday #fififevandbyron #quotes #cartoons #reeceplumbing #applemacbookpro #gaia #huggiesbaby #allclean @pinpoint_plumbing @reeceplumbing @apple_macbookpro @gaia_naturalbaby
25.01.2022 Just the 2 today, like it used to be back in the days when we started Pinpoint_plumbing. We have had our up and downs but no matter what gets thrown at us we stick together and fight it through and keep on smiling! Haters gone hate #plumbers #femaleplumber #plumbinglife #plumberslife #thebestofthebest #bestplumbers #plumberscouple #melbourneplumbers #powercouple #fightitout #together #unity #keeponsmiling #smile #love #strong #happy PinPoint Plumbing Melbourne
24.01.2022 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!! I dont give a Rats ass who this offends, but I stand by it. War is coming, sooner or later! You the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards! You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children (single parents stand no chance). You took God out of schools. Parents were told No you cant discipline your kids. Well, now most of those kids are rude and out of control. You shall ...reap what you sow! We have taken a whole generation and turned them into selfish, entitled brats who have no respect for people, property or authority! You deem people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to livefit for work!!! You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry but give out millions to foreign aid!!! You save drug addicts over and over again but refuse to give free supplies to those who need them to stay alive. You bend over backwards to be politically correct, too scared to say enough is enough, in case you offend someone. You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop. You take care of prisoners and give them everything under the sun (food, medical, education, representation, money, rehabilitation) yet you cause the elderly, those that have paid their debt to society and their families, to go broke caring for them either at home or in a nursing home... THINGS NEED TO CHANGE! Copy & paste if you have the guts! See more
23.01.2022 Yaaayyyyy finally got my own brand new Dewalt cordless tools!! Thanks to Mark down @sydneytools Preston sorting out my pack to what I needed. Great bunch of guys #plumber #plumbers #femaleplumber #womenplumbers #melbourneplumbers #mrsplumbermumma #tlc #tradieladyclub #womeninconstruction #tools #cordlesstools #dewalt #dewaltaustralia #sydneytools #new #excited @sydneytools @dewalttough @dewalt_australia
23.01.2022 Another job down, sewer and storm complete in Wollert. How neat are your drains?? #plumber #plumbers #femaleplumbers #womenplumbers #ladyplumber #plumberslife #plumbinglife #plumbersofmelbourne #plumbingporn #plumbing #sewer #storm #complete #neat #onlythebest #5.5tonneCAT #excavator #excavation #catipillar #williamadamscat #ladietradie #tradielady #tlc #tradieladyclub #tlcbymcc Reece Samios Plumbing Supplies Tradelink - Plumbing Centres PinPoint Plumbing Melbourne William Adams Cat
21.01.2022 Today I replaced a 40mm steam line in a food factory in Preston with brand new copper line, gate valve and barrel union. Not bad for first time welding in a very long time! #plumber #plumbers #plumbing #plumberslife #melbourneplumbers #plumbingporn #femaleplumbinglife #femaleplumbers #womenplumbers #mrsplumbermumma #pinpoint_plumbing #womeninconstruction #womenplumbers #ladytradies #ladytradieclub #tlcbymcc #repair #40mmcopper #steamline #gatevalve #barrelunion #weld #old #new #foodfactory #saturdaywork #melbourne #Preston PinPoint Plumbing Melbourne Reece Tradelink - Plumbing Centres Samios Plumbing Supplies BOC South Pacific
20.01.2022 Factory setup 50mm water lines #plumbers #plumberslife #plumbinglife #melbourneplumbers #femaleplumbers #tradieladie #tradieladyclub #tlc #tlcbymcc #copper #copperart #art #50mm #b-press #rothenburg #rothenbergertools #water #factory #industrial #food #melbourne #preston @reeceplumbing @rothenbergeraus @pinpoint_plumbing
20.01.2022 40mm copper weld
19.01.2022 Old Aqua max burst cylinder 20plus years old, its was time to go. Lucky my Nona (Godmother) has a wonderful Plumber that rushed out this morning to get her a brand new B26 HWS. Your very welcome #plumber #plumbers #plumberslife #plumbinglife #femaleplumber #womenplumbers #melbounreplumbers #womeninatrade #tradieladyclub #tlc #old #new #hotwaterservice #aquamax #rinnai #B26 #bestgoddaughter #godmother #melbourne #bundoora @pinpoint_plumbing @rinnai_au @reeceplumbing @samiosplumbing @tradelinkaustralia @mariasarandis @ Bundoora, Victoria
19.01.2022 Just some videos of some jobs I do at work
18.01.2022 Builders changing their mind when the job is complete got to love it. #plumbers #femaleplumbers #domestichomes #newbuilds #newhomes #tradieladyclub #womeninconstruction #changes #drill #square #tap #speedbor #hammer #paslode #dewalttools #rehau @pinpoint_plumbing @reeceplumbing @rehauanz @empiretoolsaus @paslodeaus @dewalt_australia
18.01.2022 It’s all happening now for Mrs Plumber Mumma. Just a shout out to FM Signs for the signage what an amazing job absolutely love it. If anyone needs business cards, signage, banners. Give Martin a call. Has done a lot of work for me in the past and will always continue using him. Thank you so much
17.01.2022 So excited that my business cards are finally done check them out. Thank you to @wagstaff_painting for the design absolutely love it If anyone needs business logos or designs Aaron is your man. #plumber #plumbers #femaleumbers #womenplumbers #plumberlife #plumberslife #plumbinglife #mrsplumbermumma #localplumber #localfemaleplumber #allyourplumbingneeds #tlc #tradieladyclub #womeninconstruction #emergencyrepairs #blockages #hotwaterunits #drainage #development #melbourne @wagstaff_painting @reeceplumbing @samiosplumbing @tradelinkaustralia @rinnai_au
17.01.2022 Charged down pipes install
16.01.2022 Another happy client, house renovation in Northcote complete. #plumber #plumbers #plumberslife #plumbinglife #femaleplumber #ladyplumber #melbourneplumbers #tlc #tradieladyclub #tlcbymcc #renovation #cold&hotwater #gas cooktops #rinnaiinfinity26 #melbourne #northcote #complete #finished #perfection @pinpoint_plumbing @reeceplumbing @xtremebuilding @ Northcote, Victoria
16.01.2022 And more digging
15.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all you Mummas hope you all get spoilt
14.01.2022 Full week of work, tired....... not tired, doesnt matter how busy mumma gets, mumma will still play with you, take you out for your afternoon walks. Anything for my boy. The love of my life #plumber #plumbers #femaleumbers #mummaplumbers #womenplumbers #plumberslife #mumlife #mummasboy #mummy #mum #mumandson #numberone #loveofmylife #busy #tired #play #walks #happy #sunshine
14.01.2022 Drilling out for Main Water and Gas
14.01.2022 Thank you @melbournechippychick for letting me be apart of it. #reeceplumbing #plumbersofinstagram #plumbers #plumberslife #femaleplumbers #ladyplumbers #womenplumbers #plumbing #plumbinglife #plumbingporn #Repost @melbournechippychick with @make_repost What an awesome day !! @channel9 @acurrentaffair9 asked us to be apart of a segment that will be on soon.... (To be confirmed) It was short notice but it was awesome of the girls to make it down. Thank you @gabby_the_cabby @womeninwhitepainters @kl_sparks @theanicolaou And big thanks to the @tlcbymcc for bringing us all together. Followed by a lovely lunch and martinis and beers #tradieladyclub #womencan #womenonthetools #giveusachance #thankyou #encouragement #inspirational #tradie #sparky #plumber #cabinetmaker #construction PinPoint Plumbing Melbourne See more
13.01.2022 Quick change over this morning poor Rheem had sadly passed away after 21 years. Brand spanka Rianni B26 got to love a never ending hot showers #Plumber #plumbers #femaleplumbers #melbounreplumbers #plumberslife #plumbinglife #plumberingporn #plumberscrack #plumbersofinstagram #womeninconstruction #womentradies #tlc #tradieladyclub #mrsplumbermumma #Rheem #Rianni #copper #new #old #dead @reeceplumbing @gphvacgroup @rheem @rinnai_au
11.01.2022 The transition is happening. A man is only as good as his tools they say. Ill introduce our new 150-200mm quick lock and fibreglass isolation and reline system. 225-450mm also available We can provide WINCAN pipe inspection reports which is far beyond the capabilities of your general plumbing companies. Now you see us but soon you wont . #plumbers #plumber #plumbinglife #plumberslife #felmaleplumber #tlc #tradieladyclub #tlcbymcc #newlineofwork #civil #civilworks #contractors #councilwork #waterauthority #pipeinspections #pipe #reline #wincam #seca #agilios #newequipment #hatersgonehate @wincan @darebincouncil @citywestwater @yvwater @brimbank @cityofmelbourne @cityofyarra @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
08.01.2022 Can people please keep a look out and help a friend.
07.01.2022 Omg soooooo it had been 10months since my last hair cut, so dry and ugly with ends split ends, I guess my job as a plumber doesnt help either. Thank you to Pam for the fresh cut sooo amazing and on your day off thanks heaps I feel new ahahha if any of you ladies need anything done with your hair hit up Pam see will hook you up #splitends #dry #ugly #fresh #hair #cut #amazing #new #shampooandconditioner #plumber #femaleplumber #tlc #tradieladyclub #melbourne #Millpark
07.01.2022 Tomorrow night 7pm
07.01.2022 Here were are if some of you want to catch a little sneak peak before tonight
06.01.2022 So yesterday I became @pinpoint_plumbing human excavator, this is what happens when you take over a job and the previous plumbing puts the stormy pipes in the middle of the back yards. Dont tell me youve had a hard day I will slap someone #Plumbers #plumberslife #femaleplumbers #plumbing #tlc #tradieladies #tradieladyclub #tradie #womeninconstruction #newbuild #newhomes #domestichomes #excavator #shovel #hardday #blisters #stormwater #pipe #sorehands #stuffed #melbourne #Thomastown @pinpoint_plumbing @evvegroup @tlcbymcc
04.01.2022 Another rough-in complete. Who else marks out the layout of the bathrooms and kitchens #plumbers #plumberslife #plumbinglife #melbourneplumbers #femaleplumber #domesticplumbers #tradie #tradielife #tlc #tradieladyclub #womeninconstruction #rough-in #stacks #layout #bathrooms #kitchens #timber #tools #dewalttools #suttontools #rehau #remstool #empire #levels @pinpoint_plumbing @reeceplumbing @ Laverton North, Melbourne
02.01.2022 There is no such thing as boys and their toys, us women have them too. #tradie #tradielife #plumber #plumbers #plumberslife #femaleplumber #womenplumbers #womeninconstruction #harley #vrod #nightrod #boysandtheirtoys #womenandtheirtoys #toys #bike #ride #sunnyday #sexy #candyred @harleyaustralia @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
01.01.2022 So removed this eye sore from the middle of the back yard to a simple Rinnai 26L Touch perfect to lower the temp for the little ones bath. Enjoy @geo_theo16 & @ange.theodorou Thanks John from @reeceplumbing Coburg #plumber #plumbers #femaleplumber #plumberslife #plumbingporn #plumberscrack #melbourneplumbers #melbournewomenplumbers #mrsplumbermumma #melbourneplumbers #womeninthetrade #tlc #tradieladyclub #solarHWS #Rinnaitouch #rinnai #eyesore #simple #outoftheway @reeceplumbing @rinnai_au
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