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Macquarie Sports Physiotherapy in Macquarie Park, New South Wales | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care

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Macquarie Sports Physiotherapy

Locality: Macquarie Park, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 9850 7999

Address: Sports and Aquatic Centre, 10 Gymnasium Road 2109 Macquarie Park, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 Something to ponder.

23.01.2022 As recommended by the NSW Government today, if you attend our clinic please consider wearing a face covering. Our staff will be wearing them to protect you, covering up protects us as well.

22.01.2022 Starting next week 11 May we are open to see patients Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9am to 12 noon. To book an in clinic appointment with Ben please call 9850 7999. To book an online Telehealth consultation either call or click the "Book Now" button on this page. Thank you and stay safe.

20.01.2022 Some great advice on becoming a fitter cyclist.

20.01.2022 A great resource for netballers with knee injuries from Netball Australia:

19.01.2022 Something as simple as sharing a pen or a menu, can lead to the spread of COVID-19. Dont forget to wash your hands to protect you and your loved ones. Its up to all of us to keep healthy and well.

19.01.2022 The NSW Government is strongly encouraging NSW citizens to wear a mask in high-risk settings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in NSW. Wearing a face mask... provides an additional physical barrier to protect the community and help reduce community transmission. Continue to practise physical distancing, wash your hands regularly and if you are unwell stay in and get tested. For more information about the protection that masks provide against COVID-19 visit:

18.01.2022 Preseason has started!

18.01.2022 Ever been told you have "lazy glutes"? Gluteal activation and strength has been linked to all sorts of running/cycling injuries, lower back pain and knee problems. The problem may stem from tight hip flexors. When these hip flexors are tight there is a deactivation of the hip extensors (gluteals). Food for thought.....

17.01.2022 The latest research on exercise induced muscle cramps, and it isn't about electrolytes:

16.01.2022 These are tough!

16.01.2022 Saying farewell to Derrick. Thanks for being such a good bloke and pretty decent physio as well. Good luck as you head home to Canada.

16.01.2022 Good news. As we slowly but surely come out of lock down we will be able to see patients in clinic Monday and Wednesday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 12 noon commencing next week 1 June. Please watch this space as this timetable is changing nearly weekly. Once again we are so thankful for everyones ongoing support. Stay safe stay well.

15.01.2022 Runner's or cyclist knee? Aka ITB friction syndrome. No luck with the usual stretch, foam roller and deep tissue releases? It's time for some dry needling to release the tightness then a review of your lumbar spine, hip, knee and foot mechanics to get to the source of your troubles. We can help, call our clinic on 02 98507999 or email [email protected].

14.01.2022 So the media has picked up on the benefits of HIIT exercises:

14.01.2022 As the COVID 19 Situation changes we are adapting our services to meet our patients needs whilst maintaining social distancing. Please refer to our web page for the latest regarding our practice. Thanks for your ongoing support. Stay safe and stay well.

13.01.2022 Work hard to get hard.

13.01.2022 A great illustration explaining why a reduction of the number of new cases of COVID 19 compared with the number of confirmed cases is an important metric in measuring if we are having success in this battle.

13.01.2022 It only takes 1/2 hour

12.01.2022 Strict social isolation and distancing. Lets work together and smash this thing out of the park!

12.01.2022 A very informative video from GCN about heart dysfunction and endurance exercise.

11.01.2022 A very informative read about COVID 19. Please practice social distancing, its for you me our children, parents, grand parents, neighbours, friends and work mates. Its for all of us.

10.01.2022 As lockdown eases from COVID 19, over the next 5 weeks Ben will be gradually increasing his clinic hours. Please look online to view the available appointment times or call Jessica on 9850 7999. Online Zoom and FaceTime consults will still be made available, to book one of these please call 9850 7999. Thanks for the ongoing support it is very much appreciated.

10.01.2022 Further to the reduction of our services due to the National response to COVID 19. Our clinic at MQ Sports and Aquatic Centre will be seeing patients with reduced hours. Ben will be the only staff member on site and will be taking appropriate universal precaution measures. If your require an urgent appointment please call 98507999. We will be offering Online Consultations from today where you can book a 30 minute virtual session with Ben. Thanks for your on going support.

10.01.2022 We want to welcome Nathalie to our clinic. She is a chiropractor with a passion for sports performance, and has a prolific sporting background, including National level soccer, track and field, elite powerlifting, and Crossfit. Nathalie offers a variety of treatment, including; manual and soft tissue therapy, IASTM, dry needling and sports rehabilitation. Contact Nathalie at [email protected], or book online at:

10.01.2022 A colleague posted this image of a sedentary vs active 70 year old's quadriceps mass. Pretty amazing difference. Get active people!

09.01.2022 We now have caught up with the times, check out our online bookings - available now!

08.01.2022 Posture affects your frame of mind, and your frame of mind affects your posture. You might have been told (or nagged) to sit up straight, stand up tall, and dont slouch because its good posture. If youve found this advice difficult (and annoying), youre not alone, and guess what? Its not your fault. The human body is remarkably adaptable. The reason why many people find it so difficult to maintain good posture is because your bodys structure (muscles, joints, bone...) will learn to favour certain postures. Poor structure creates poor posture, whereas good structure affords naturally good posture. If the structures in your body are mechanically balanced, it will be much easier to maintain a good posture under the weight of gravity - and life. So what can I do to fix it? 1) Get up once in a while Sitting or standing in prolonged postures can lead to shortening of certain muscle groups and overuse of others. This can lead to fatigue and workplace injury. Its always easier said than done when youve got long list of to-dos. Make it a habit to stand up/sit down and stretch every 30 minutes or so during the day. An easy way to remind your self is to set up a timer to take breaks (google Pomodoro technique). 2) Pay attention to your pelvis Whether you are sitting for most the day or busy on your feet your pelvis plays a pivotal role in your posture. When sitting, our bodies make contact through the ischial tuberosities a.k.a. the sit bones. Your pelvis has a direct connection to the lumbar spine and influences its position. Sitting rolled too far forwards or hunched too far back can be a culprit for low back pain. Try to sit or stand with a neutral pelvic alignment. How do you do that? Find what is neutral first. Tilt your pelvis all the way forwards, and then all the way back. In the middle between those two ranges is where your neutral is. 3) Breathe Not to be a Debbie downer, as youve probably hoped to have grasped how to do this by now, but make sure to breathe right. Specifically, its important to practice good breathing techniques in order to maintain good posture. The core is a key component in the stability of our trunk during both dynamic and static postures. It is more than just your abdominals; it is pretty much everything that isnt your arms or legs. This includes the diaphragm. The diaphragm contracts to draw the ribs downwards and creates negative pressure in the lungs to draw in fresh air. It also serves a function to stabilise the lumbar spine as it has a muscular attachment to it. A good way to practice diaphragmatic breathing is by putting one hand on your chest, and another on your stomach. If you feel like your stomach is drawing in and your chest is puffing out, youre actually using the smaller accessory muscles of breathing instead of the primary mover the diaphragm. If you feel your stomach expanding as you breathe in this is a good diaphragmatic breath. Give it a go!

05.01.2022 People suffering from mechanical lower back pain should be encouraged to believe that the condition has a good prognosis for full recovery, given the advice to move, avoid prolonged inactivity and use regular analgesics like paracetamol.

05.01.2022 Shared from a colleague of mine May Kwan. Simple enough hey. Let all stay safe. Be kind people.

05.01.2022 As a result of the necessary response to containing the COVID 19 situation, our clinic will be closed from Monday 23 March from midday. We will advise as soon as possible what contingencies we are able to put into place to continue to treat and serve our patients at this time. Thank you for all your support. Take care and show kindness to each other. Ben Go Principal Physiotherapist and Owner Macquarie Sports Physiotherapy.

04.01.2022 Something as simple as sharing a pen or a menu, can lead to the spread of COVID-19. Don’t forget to wash your hands to protect you and your loved ones. It’s up to all of us to keep healthy and well.

03.01.2022 Good news. We are now able to see patients in our clinic at the Sports and Aquatic Centre Macquarie University with strict social distancing and decontamination protocols in place. Open daily Monday to Friday. Please either call 98507999 or book online here on this page. So thankful for your ongoing support of our business and of our community throughout this COVID 19 Crisis. Its still not over and we must remain vigilant and practice all disinfection/social distancing practices. Stay well and stay safe.

02.01.2022 We welcome another member to our team. Derrick has a degree in Kinesiology, is a certified Sports trainer and recently completed his Masters in Physiotherapy at Sydney University. Please give us a call or book online to organise an appointment with Derrick.

01.01.2022 Another evening at Premier League Netball with ERNA Hawks.

01.01.2022 Something that we can all help our scientists fight COVID 19 with. Tracking flu symptoms so that they can identify hotspots geographically. Please consider signing up.

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