Lynnie Nichols- Heal Body, Mind & Spirit in Mapleton, Queensland | Medical and health
Lynnie Nichols- Heal Body, Mind & Spirit
Locality: Mapleton, Queensland
Phone: +61 432 312 729
Address: Eumarella Shores Road 4562 Mapleton, QLD, Australia
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22.01.2022 The Great Awakening
14.01.2022 Be quick to watch- they are pulling it down as quick as people can share the knowledge!
12.01.2022 Tesla’s technology has been purposely suppressed for many many years! Imagine a life with endless FREE energy! It’s coming!
10.01.2022 Very strong condemnation coming from some well respected doctors about the situation here in Australia! *Disclaimer Warning* Common sense and logical thought contained within.
09.01.2022 Hello Beautiful People, I hope you are managing to stay empowered through all of this craziness! Hopefully we will see light at the end of the tunnel once this... US election is over! Until then, for me, it’s about embracing the blessings and staying focussed on positive action, doing what I can to empower myself and others. That’s not always easy under the circumstances here, however, we’ve just got to keep moving forward. Sooo, works in progress here are: Iluh’s bathroom and house completion... ( see her videos attached) Nengah’s kitchen Food parcels. As always, the call for donations is only for those who are feeling abundant and inspired to support these missions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul in advance for any donation, large or small. Foundation details are below, or paypal is an option also Wings of Empowerment Foundation Bsb 034198 Acc 671517 Sending biggest Bali Blessings xxx
08.01.2022 Ahhhh!!! How are we all doing Beautiful People? What a crazy assed world it is right now! I want to remind you however, that, nothing is as it seems! Amidst ...the madness of the Deep States agenda pushing, amazingness is happening, and although it may not seem like it right now, this really is the most exciting time to be alive on Planet Earth! It’s in the darkest moments, that so often, we find an inner strength and ability to let go of attachment and control, a giving up of what we THOUGHT we knew to be true, that opens us into a peaceful state of trust and surrender, which in turn, directs us inward and brings us closer to the truth of whom we really are, instigating profound realizations and awakenings! Finally, we are able to see through the bullshit stories of the ego mind that are based on past indoctrination and deliberate programming, which in truth, on a subconscious collective level, via the law of attraction, has actually manifested this situation into reality. Our thoughts, regardless of whether they are conscious or subconscious, really do create our reality! THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING!! This time on earth has been predicted and channeled by many independent sources for hundreds of years. It has been said, that only the strongest of the strong would be here on earth at this time to ensure the success of humanity’s awakening and ascension! We have but one job to do right now and that is to WAKE UP, RAISE OUR VIBRATIONAL RESONANCE AND CO-CREATE OUR NEW REALITY!! The Age of Aquarius brings the blessing of a new Golden Age, beginning with full disclosure as to the depths of the deceit that has, unbeknownst to us, been our reality. This disclosure is happening right now, with new information being dripped out regularly for those with eyes to see. (I’ve heard many different sources say that there will be 8 hrs of information, including many confessions, played over 3 x per day for several days when the extent of the lies are fully disclosed, this could happen any time before and including Jan 2021) The Age of Aquarius brings about the release of suppressed technology- including free energy devices, high tech machinery, energy healing beds and over 6000 patents said to actually cure disease, not just suppress the symptoms! Some of these things already exist and have been purposely suppressed from the good people of Earth! What we are seeing right now, with funding recently pulled from the WHO and CDC and ties cut with these corporations, along with the soon to be announced introduction of new therapeutics and the Hydroxychloriquin3, is, I’m elated to say, the destruction of the Big Pharma Corporation. The introduction of Nesara/Gesara is said to bring the distribution of stolen wealth, (gold to the value of 40 x zero’s is said to have been seized from the Vatican, not to mention the British Royals and corrupt governments around the world). Debt forgiveness- the wiping clean of credit card, bank debt and mortgages (I saw a post 2 days ago from a girl in UK that had just had her $30,000 student loan wiped clean), the abolishing of all taxes except a gst tax on non-essential items, a re-evaluation of undervalued currencies as well as gold and silver, the end of the fiat monetary system and the introduction of a new gold/silver/platinum backed currency, which I believe is already in the works, and have a feeling it will be introduced before the USA election in November this year! The greatest gifts this Golden Age brings promise of, is the end of poverty, the abolishing of governments and peace on earth for the next 1000 years! What we are witnessing right now, is the crumbling of the patriarchal system that has intentionally suppressed, controlled and manipulated the good people of earth. The very same system that has hidden from us, the most powerful ancient wisdom via book burnings, manipulation of the spelling and meaning of words, the changing of time and calendar, the false re-writing of ancient scriptures and texts. The future will see the return of much of these hidden gems, including the untampered teachings of Jeshua (Jesus), releasing us from the biggest and most deliberate and debilitating lie of all time! The lie that has kept evil in power for centuries and has seen the creation of many religions and false Gods. Anciently it was known that there is but one Prime Creator and this Source of all things IS all things, including both male and female energies (androgynous). It resides within us and in fact, IS us! THERE IS NO SEPARATION! Most people know this Supreme Creative Source as God. We have purposely been indoctrinated to believe that this Source is outside of ourselves and male in energy, which has strengthened the Patriarchal system, suppressed women, encouraged the idea of separation and the worship of false idols! We were never taught that WE ARE GOD/ESS’S AND HAVE THE VERY SAME CREATIVE AND HEALING POWERs WITHIN US!!! We have been so badly deceived, steered away from the truth of whom we really are and made into Human Doings instead of Human Beings! We’ve been programmed to think we must do, do, do, to make anything become reality, when in actual fact, when we embrace the truth of our origin and the creative and healing powers within, we become magicians and can literally think with intention our desired result and dream it into reality! This, Beautiful People, is their most fiercely guarded secret! This Beautiful People, is the key to our freedom and the life we were destined to live! YOU ARE A POWERFUL CREATOR! YOU ARE HERE ON THIS EARTH PLANE AT THIS TIME TO HEAL YOURSELF FROM PAST PROGRAMMING AND EMOTIONAL PAIN AND THEN USE THE POWER OF HUMAN THOUGHT (SAID TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL ENERGY IN THE COSMOS) COMBINED WITH INTENTION AND EMOTION, TO CO-CREATE THE MAGNIFICENT REALITY YOU WERE DESTINED TO LIVE! DELIBERATE THOUGHT + INTENTION + POSITIVE EMOTION + RIGHT ACTION = MANIFESTED REALITY. What is taking place on Earth right now calls for each and every one of us to remember this truth and to step into our God/ess Power as a sovereign being, to embrace the strength, courage and love that is the truth of whom we really are. It’s time to let go of all lower vibrational emotions such as fear, judgement, control and unforgiveness, and instead, allow ourselves to shine like the brightest star, speaking our truth from a place of love and integrity! It’s time to go within, connect to the God/ess via meditation and prayer and be guided step, by baby step, through the coming days and months, raising the vibration of not just our own physical being, but the consciousness of the whole planet! The sooner we do this, the sooner we reach the critical number that will tilt the scales and change the consciousness and reality of the entire globe for the better, forever more! Our lives have been the biggest, fattest lie imaginable! We have been deceived on every level, in every single way possible! The people we most trusted have turned out to be nothing more than lying, corrupt frauds! Evil has infiltrated our education system, our health system, our banking system, our governments and more, for the sole agenda of material wealth, power and control! World governments are puppets to the 1% that have been pulling the strings, ruling behind the scenes for centuries now. Call them what you will, Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State, Freemasons they have planned, scammed and purposely set us up to be born into a scarcity/slavery economic system, indoctrinating us with beliefs that keep us small, fearful and suppressed, so that we spend our lives like mice on a wheel, going round, round, round monotonously, unable to stop, working like slaves just to pay the bills in so many cases! It’s so crazy! Religion was totally orchestrated to instill fear and cause conflict between the good people of the world, creating separation between the different religions and most importantly, separation from the one true Creator! Focus on material wealth was pushed as the determining factor of whether we are successful, worthy and good enough, creating a need in so many, to accumulate more, more, more and at the same time, enduring the stress and dis-ease that, so often, goes hand in hand with this mentality! And now we discover, with all that is coming to light these last few months that most, if not all, of these religious institutions, along with child protection services, not for profit organisations, adoption agencies and more, have all been a cover for the despicable acts of child trafficking and organ harvesting, pedophilia, satanic rituals, adrenochrome harvesting, drug trafficking and goodness knows what else! What makes a horrific situation even more devastating, is that at the very core of all of this evilness, are the very people we have been brainwashed to admire the most! The crimes against humanity that are being exposed right now are worse than the most horrific nightmare! Our favorite royals, religious leaders and ‘stars’ turn out to be nothing more than pedophile, child torturing, blood drinking, baby eating satanic cannibals! Nothing is as it seems right now, and hasn’t been for a very long time! Much of what we believe to be truth is a big fat lie and ironically, much of, if not all of what we’ve been told is conspiracy, (a word the CIA introduced to keep people away from the truth) is actually the truth! People are not who they say they are! People we believe to be dead, are actually still alive(Until full disclosure comes, it’s impossible to know the truth of this and seems insane BUT I find it hilarious to think what if??? so I’m going to share what people are saying anyway. Alive: Robin Williams, Paul Walker, Heath Ledger, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Paula Yates, Whitney Houston, River Phoenix, Joe Cocker, Dudley Moore, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Chris Cornell, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Princess Dianna, JFK Junior and some say senior also, John Denver, John Lennon And then there’s the people that are actually dead and what we are seeing as our reality are nothing more than actors, doubles and clones! I’ve posted in the past a few of these look-a-likes Tom Hanks, Bill Gates and wife, Prince Charles, Hillary Clinton and now, check out the FB dude! That does not look human!!! There are several new lists circulating which I will post here also.. true or not, time will tell! I know it sounds absolutely crazy, however, once you start venturing down those rabbit holes, you come to realise that, just as I mentioned, NOTHING is as it seems right now and in fact, absolutely anything is possible!!! Knowledge, no matter how shocking and traumatic it is, is power! The truth will set us free! The exposure and awakening that is taking place right now is literally the key to our freedom! Once the world wakes up to the truth, there is no going back. This scenario has only survived and thrived for so long because it has been hidden/ unexposed! So, here’s the thing! You can stay attached to the life you THOUGHT you were living, which turns out to be nothing more than a big fat lie and get super sad and depressed OR. you can take a positive approach and say thank F for that, I’m so bloody grateful that this insane reality we have been living is the biggest, baddest, deepest, darkest, fattest lie, and then allow yourself to heal from the shock and trauma of this revelation by FEELING EVERYTHING FULLYand then letting it go! Get frigging furious, sad, depressed, frustrated, fearful, betrayed, ashamed and anything else that rises to the surface bawl your eyes out, throw a tantrum, punch a pillow, rage with fury until it burns through your body like a red hot fire! Feel every single bit of the trauma because in that emotional expression, you will be releasing it from the cells of the body and freeing yourself from the energetic blockages and dis-ease these suppressed emotions create. Some of the things I’ve discovered over these past 4 months have shocked the shit out of me. I have cried myself to sleep on many occasions, desperately trying to wipe the traumatic images from my mind. I have felt all of the emotions I’ve mentioned above and spent many evenings healing myself. It will get better it does get easier, I promise! Ok, so time to raise the vibe do what you love, be with people that make you feel good, let go of things that don’t, move away from everything that suppresses your soul and makes you feel fearful and low, dance, sing, embrace the inner child, get into nature with barefeet on the earth, hug a tree, love and laugh like never before. We have absolutely everything to be joyous and excited about Bring on the Golden Age. Sending love and blessings to all of humanity. Remember who you are! Please watch this video if you want to learn the truth
08.01.2022 #DigitalSoldier
07.01.2022 Goodmorning Beautiful People.... just breathe
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