Mount Archer State School in Rockhampton, Queensland | Primary School
Mount Archer State School
Locality: Rockhampton, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4923 5222
Address: 242 Thozet Rd 4701 Rockhampton, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1880
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25.01.2022 Thank you to all of our wonderful teachers who make a difference in children’s lives every day.
24.01.2022 Happy Teacher Aide Appreciation Week to our fabulous teacher aide team! A huge thank you to all our teacher aides who work tirelessly every day to support Mount Archer students and teachers.
24.01.2022 Year 6 Break up day money and permission forms are due tomorrow! If you require a new form please contact the office on 49235222.
24.01.2022 Principal Day 2020! Thank you to our school principal Mr Carlson and our Deputy Principals Mrs Wagstaff and Ms Crawford for all your hard work!
24.01.2022 Great for our students to have Surf Lifesaving sessions this morning learning about surf safety!
23.01.2022 Here are some professional tips for parents buying their child’s first string instrument. Your child’s Instrumental Music teacher is happy to talk with you if you have any questions. Contact the school to make an appointment.
23.01.2022 Another fun Year 6 activity day.
23.01.2022 It has been a busy week at Mount Archer! We celebrated School Support Staff week by thanking our amazing Administration and Schools Officers and held a fundraising Crazy Hair and Sock Day. We also said farewell to Mr Carlson, as he takes up a new position after the school holidays. We hope our school community enjoys the holidays and stays safe. School returns on Tuesday 6th October. Happy Holidays!
22.01.2022 The Year Six Graduation and Awards ceremony is a COVID safe event. Door will open at 8:40am Please follow the directions of Staff members and School Leaders when entering the event. Guests will be required to use hand sanitizer and follow social distancing requirements. Please bring your COVID-19 Infection control screening questions that were sent home on Friday. ... If you are unwell please stay home. See more
21.01.2022 It was great to catch up with Principal Brad Carlson and meet with all the school captains and sports captains from Mount Archer State School earlier this week!... The school received $20,000 from the Federal Government's Local Schools Community Fund to refurbish a room in the school to hold clinical health services to benefit the local community.
21.01.2022 Money and permission forms for the Year 1, 4 and 5 movie day is due tomorrow 2nd December. If you have lost your form please contact the office on 49235222.
21.01.2022 The Mt. Archer Instrumental Music program for both band and strings is looking for new students for 2021! All year 2 and 3 students will receive an application on Monday to take home. If your child is in year 4 or 5 and wishes to be considered for enrolment in the program in 2021 they can collect a form from the office. All application forms are due back to the school office no later than week 1, Term 4 Friday 9th October, 2020.
19.01.2022 A reminder that Friday is a public holiday. Enjoy the long weekend!
18.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
17.01.2022 Yesterday we celebrated NAIDOC day. Thank you to our Cultural Leaders who ran a fantastic assembly. Thanks must also go to Darumbal Enterprises for giving up their time to run activities with our students. A fun and educational time was had by all. Thank you to Mrs Hegarty Wortley a past teacher for co-ordinating the events and Mrs Robinson, Mr Lacey, Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Norris for making sure everything ran smoothly on the day.
17.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
17.01.2022 There is no Friday Sport this week as it is the last day of term. Unfortunately we have had parents attending sporting grounds to spectate. If this continues, we will be re evaluating our participation in Interschool Sport. Please, we ask that there are no spectators at any sporting grounds. This includes parents sitting in their vehicles, as this could be seen as the school promoting an event which draws a crowd. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.
15.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
15.01.2022 Break up or Party Day for all classes will be on Monday 7th December. Due to COVID restrictions with handling of food, a decision has been made to provide all students, free of charge, with pizza, chips and a zooper dooper on this day. We have catered for those students requiring gluten free. Although there is some party food, it is recommended that additional food from home be provided on that day. If you would prefer your child not to partake in the food provided, you are most welcome to supply them with their own lunch.
15.01.2022 Could all Friday Sport uniforms be returned as soon as possible please.
14.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
14.01.2022 With the easing of COVID restrictions, we are pleased to announce that we are able to invite parents and carers to celebrate the graduation of our Year 6 students. The graduation and awards ceremony will take place on Monday 7th December at 9am in the school hall. We will need to comply with the COVID restrictions of 1 person per 2 square meters. This means that only 2 adults per family will be able to attend. Please complete the RSVP and return to school no later than Wednesday 2nd December.
14.01.2022 Handball Grand Play-off tomorrow...Mr Miles vs. Jace...who will reign supreme? Teachers or students? Handballs on sale for $3 each (Student Council Fundraiser)
13.01.2022 Classrooms will be open on Wednesday 20th January from 2-4pm. This is to allow families to bring in school supplies earlier to avoid the first day of school rush.
12.01.2022 Sports day 2020
12.01.2022 There has been a change to the day and time for School Captain speeches. They will now be held at 12pm on Wednesday 2/12 in the hall. Parents and family members of the short listed candidates are welcome to attend following COVID safe guidelines.
11.01.2022 Friday sport will be held tomorrow (weather pending)! Just a reminder - there will be no parents or spectators permitted at all Friday sport venues. The continuation of Friday sport is dependent on parents and carers following these guidelines. Thank you for your support in keeping our school community safe and allowing students to participate in interschool sport.
10.01.2022 There was a great game of teacher vs students basketball. Teachers won fair and square. Students scored some awesome baskets. Thanks to Jace for umpiring.
10.01.2022 Booklists for 2021 can be downloaded from the latest Newsletter. They can also be accessed through the school Website.
09.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
08.01.2022 Save the date!! Our Prep open Day for 2020 is on Friday 28th August. All parents who are considering Special School for Prep in 2021 are welcome to attend. Can't make the date?? That's okay give the school a call on 49990222 and organise a personal visit.
08.01.2022 The Rockhampton Regional Council recently held a Sustainability in Action schools’ calendar competition. Our student council along with the help of Chappie Sophie, submitted an entry. Our winning submission ‘Caring for our Catchments’ shows our students using clean-up buckets to prevent litter from going into our waterways. A special thanks is given to Mrs Sorrensen, Mr Herdman and Chappie Sophie for their organisation of the submission. The prize was $200 for the Student Council to initiate future sustainability projects. Calendars are available by following the link provided.
08.01.2022 COVID has made it very difficult this year for our instrumental students to perform. It was fantastic to see the progress our students have made in such a short time. Many thanks to Mr Samuel’s and Mrs Svendsen for co-ordinating special concerts so that our students had an opportunity to perform. Mrs Svendsen will be retiring at the end of this year. We thank her for her many years of dedication and wish her all the best fit the future.
08.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
06.01.2022 A reminder to all families that Wednesday 9th of December is the last day of the school year. Thursday 10th and Friday 11th are pupil free days and the school will be closed on these days.
06.01.2022 Athletics carnival lead up day! Thank you to our entire school community for following the guidelines and allowing us to hold an event for our students. We really appreciate your support. Just a reminder that for sports day the gates on Wiltshire Street and Thozet Road (Prep gate) will be locked from 8:50 am with the only access through the gate closest to the office.
05.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of our school families. We wish you all a happy holiday and look forward to seeing all of our students return on Wednesday 27th January.
05.01.2022 Today we recognise International Day of People with Disability. This year’s theme is ‘Not all disabilities are visable’. At Mount Archer we are committed to providing opportunities for staff and students to participate fully in all aspects of schooling.
05.01.2022 Just a reminder that book lists can be found as a link on our school website. Links can also be found on our last newsletter. Photos of each booklist were also posted on Facebook.
04.01.2022 Reminder: The Tuckshop will be closed on Friday 18th September.
04.01.2022 Meet the teacher is this Friday 4th December at 2pm. Students will get half an hour with their 2021 teacher in their new classroom. Students will be given their book lists at this time. New Prep families are encouraged to attend. Please meet at the Year One area where you will be directed to your class by our school leaders. The tuckshop will be open for uniform sales between 1:30 and 2pm.
04.01.2022 New student free days added to Term 4! In recognition of the outstanding efforts of school staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two days of the scho...ol year, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December, have been declared student free days. Schools will be closed on these days. For some regional, rural and remote schools that finish the school year earlier, the student free days will be Thursday 3 and Friday 4 December. View the updated school calendar at
04.01.2022 Uniform Sales over the holiday period: Could online orders please be submitted by 19th January 2021 for processing. Collection of online orders will be on Thursday 21/1/21 from 12:45-1:30 and Friday 22/1/21 from 12:45 - 1:30.... The tuckshop will be open for the sale of uniforms on: Wednesday 20/1/2021 2:00-4:00 Thursday 21/1/2021 8:30-12:30 Friday 22/1/2021 8:30-12:30
04.01.2022 Sports day 2020! Thank you to our school community for following our protocols and allowing this event to go ahead. We appreciate your support for all our students.
03.01.2022 Year Six students having a great times at the caves today.
03.01.2022 Just a reminder that the Tuckshop will be closed this Wednesday 18/11, Thursday 19/11 and it will only be open first break on Friday 20/11. We apologise for any inconvenience.
03.01.2022 A reminder that Friday the 4th of September is a student free day for all Queensland State Schools.
02.01.2022 And the 2020 overall handball champion is ... Mr Miles! Congratulations to Jace and Mr Miles for a fantastic grand final game.
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