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Mount Evelyn Medical Clinic in Mount Evelyn, Victoria, Australia | Family doctor

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Mount Evelyn Medical Clinic

Locality: Mount Evelyn, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9736 1444

Address: 9-11 wray crescent 3796 Mount Evelyn, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Did you lose your confidence as you gained weight? Gaining weight doesn't mean losing who you are, but it can cause issues with our confidence and this means we miss out on things in life. What would it take to gain back your confidence on your weight loss journey?... We will work and support you on your way to becoming you again. Call now to book in your free initial assessment telephone call with one of our weight loss doctors. If you're struggling with weight gain and not feeling yourself, find out how you can loose weight with our support. Gain Back Your Confidence Don't forget to join our Facebook for regular updates! Book today on 9088 8177 ( Lilydale) 9736 1444 ( Mount Evelyn)

24.01.2022 Dear all , please note that we do not have any power in mount Evelyn clinic today . If you had booked an appointment already for today or want to see/ speak to a GP today , Please contact our lilydale site on 9088 8177 Thanks

23.01.2022 Women’s Health Week 7Sep -13th Sep 2020 The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is urging women to book a health check with their GP as Medicare data reveals a drop in the number of female attendances during the COVID-19 pandemic. A heart health check is the all-important first step in knowing your risk of cardiovascular disease and the best way to side-step it. ... Heart disease happens on the inside it’s a silent killer. You may look and feel 100%; however, these checks give you and your doctor important insight and pinpoint any issues early on. Heart Health Checks in primary care are supported by Medicare eligible patients 45 years and over It is a 20 minute check that can be easily done at the clinic . Due to COVID-19 or other reasons, perhaps it may have been a while since your last check-up. So, this week, during Women’s Health Week, it’s time to get back on course and make an appointment. Please call us on 9736 1444 ( Mount Evelyn ) or 9088 8177 ( Lilydale ) or book online DID YOU KNOW we also provide the following services at our clinics for women ( Mount Evelyn Medical Clinic & Lilydale Doctors ) Nurse appointments and Pathology Women’s Health inc Cervical Smears , Contraception Implanon & Mirena coil Mental Health Skin Cancer Checks & Treatments Waist Wise Weight loss Programme CliniSkin Skin , Laser & Cosmetic Treatments Psychologist , Mental Health Worker, Dietitian & Chiropractor

23.01.2022 Clinic Updates May 2021 -

23.01.2022 COVID-19 updates With the lowest COVID 19 numbers reported since July 5th, all Victorians, including those in regional locations, are encouraged to stay home and get tested even with the MILDEST of symptoms. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss of sense of smell or taste. People should go straight home after getting tested and self-isolate while they wait for the result. Visit the DHHS testing map for testing... locations DID YOU KNOW FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE DURING COVID : Find information :

23.01.2022 Upto 50% off on Laser Hair Removal Packages in Lilydale in November 2020 Call us on 03 9088 8177 to find out the price of your preferred treatments or book wit...h Nurse Kirsten Some popular treatments include: Laser Hair Removal Underarms (Female) $12 Laser Hair Removal Full Arms, was $160, sale $83 Laser Hair Removal Half Arms, was $115, sale $60 Laser Hair Removal Full Legs, was $220, sale $100

22.01.2022 Please all note that following the storms last night, we do not have any power in Mount Evelyn Medical Clinic. All calls are currently being diverted to Lilydale Clinic. Please be patient with us while we try and get details of all the appointments . Please call on 9088 8177 in the meantime if any urgent help is required. Thanks

21.01.2022 Mt Evelyn Medical Clinic & Lilydale Doctors are a COVID-19 vaccination clinics and are currently open for appointments. We can offer the Astra-zeneca vaccine to people aged 50 and over. People < 50 years of age are currently advised to hold off having the Astra-zeneca vaccine unless the risks outweigh benefits. The vaccine is free and the attendance is bulk-billed.... Flu vaccines are also available now ( govt & private ) . Please note that there should be at least a 2 week gap between COVID & Flu vaccines When you are ready to book, please click on this link to go to our COVID / Flu vaccination booking page or call 9736 1444

21.01.2022 Unwanted facial and body hair can affect the way we feel, our social interactions, what we wear and what we do. If you're considering laser hair removal, it pay...s to make sure if the treatment is right for you.There are many different options for hair removal from waxing , shaving , threading , tweezing , IPL treatments but laser hair removal offers a more permanent approach to getting rid of body hair . Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure and therefore is governed by strict regulations. Having it done at a medical clinic ensures that all the staff are qualified and that the equipment is medical grade & TGA approved. Laser Hair Removal is now available in Lilydale at your local GP Clinic at great rates ( starting once Stage 4 Lock down ends ). To book an appointment with our nurse, please call 9088 8177

20.01.2022 SKIN CANCER CHECKS - WE ARE OPEN !! The detection and management of skin cancers remains a priority and we will continue to provide this service for all our patients throughout this time of disruption and uncertainty. Please don’t put off the early diagnosis of skin cancers. As an essential service we are still open to provide all services . You CAN travel outside your 5km radius to visit us for your care . If questioned whilst travelling to your visit you can show the app...ointment confirmation text. All appropriate safety measures are in place for your visit. You can call us on 9088 8177 We look forward to seeing you soon. Book your appointment with Dr Boules today.

20.01.2022 Today we wished farewell to our nurse Dita Bouma. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication over the years . You have been with us from the time we opened up and have played a big part in helping the clinic grow over two sites in the last 5 years . We are all sad to let you go and you’ll indeed be missed. It has been a pleasure working with you. Wishing you happiness , good health and plenty of joyful family time as you start your new adventure.... Happy retirement again Binay Mt Evelyn Medical Clinic & LilydaleDoctors

20.01.2022 Festive Greetings !! We wish all our patients and their families a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year. Thank you for your ongoing support and letting us take care of your health needs. We look forward to seeing you in 2021!

19.01.2022 Update 02.09.2020 The clinic welcomes its two new part time GPs who will initially be doing a few sessions at the clinic . 1. Dr Punnaiah Ghanta started as a GP back at Mount Evelyn in 2015 and then moved to Cairns. He is a fellow of Royal College of General Practitioners & will be gradually joining us back at the clinic. He will be doing phone call triage initially. His areas of interest include chronic disease management, pediatrics, mental health, and men`s health. If yo...u would like to speak to a GP please book online or call 9736 1444 to make an appointment. 2. Dr Maged Boules ( M.B.B.CH, FRACGP, SCCA ) is an accredited skin cancer doctor . He is a fellow of the Royal College and holds further qualifications in skin cancer diagnosis & treatment . In his own time, Dr Boules enjoys reading, going to table tennis ,soccer, and he has a keen interest in drama and music. He currently works alternate Mondays at Lilydale & Mount Evelyn Clinic with a view to increasing his hours over the next few months. If you are concerned re a mole or needing a skin check or second opinion, please book online or call 9736 1444 to make an appointment.

17.01.2022 Have you had your annual SKIN CHECK? Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. As with all forms of cancer, early detection and early treatment provide the best chance of a cure. A skin check is non-invasive, quick, and is the best way to ensure early detection of skin cancer.... This week is National Skin Cancer Action Week and our team is fighting back against skin cancer, one melanoma at a time! If you’re overdue for your skin check, now is the time to get on top of your skin. It’s never too late! Book today on 9088 8177 ( Lilydale) 9736 1444 ( Mount Evelyn) #lilydaleskincancer #mtevelynsincancer #skinchecks #lilydale #skincancer #medicine #doctor #gp

15.01.2022 PRIVATE FLU VACCINES are now available at both Lilydale Doctors & Mt Evelyn Medical Clinic . How much does it cost ? Private flu vaccines are $20 per person We are still awaiting government flu vaccine supplies for patients <65 year of age and expect to receive them in the next 2 weeks. ... When should you get a flu vaccination? We recommend getting a flu vaccination at the beginning of flu season, which usually falls in about April or May each year in Australia. Bookings for our 2021 Flu Vaccination Service are now Open! Book online or call 9736 1444 for an appointment in our flu vaccine clinic .

14.01.2022 'Safe & Effective ' Laser Hair Removal in Lilydale

13.01.2022 Use of Saxenda for Weight Loss Saxenda is likely one of the best weight loss medications that exist on the market right now. It is clinically proven and works by safely controlling your hunger through acting on receptors in the appetite control center of the brain. As well as this, Saxenda also postpones the emptying of your stomach, causing you to feel fuller quicker and for a longer period of time. By reducing your appetite, it will help you keep to a calorie-controlled die...t and achieve your weight loss goals. Saxenda also helps due to its impact on various hormones including leptin, insulin, and glucagon. These hormones are responsible for metabolism, how much energy we burn at rest and how the body stores and burns fat. Using Saxenda can actually help bring these hormones back into normal balance and help you lose weight in the process. Numerous studies have shown that patients using Saxenda can lose around 10% body fat, a significant amount of weight, over just 12 weeks of use. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of using this medication is the cost. Saxenda costs about $400 per month. At WaistWise we have been helping patients successfully lose weight and lead happier lives. Find more about how you can lose weight and see how successful you can be on the weight loss journey! Call 9088 8177 to book an initial bulk billed appointment .

12.01.2022 Hi everyone - below is my take on tonight’s announcement re AZ vaccine There continues to be ongoing data collection & studies for various vaccinations. lately there has been reports of a few people developing clots esp in the brain ( risk also with COVID19) Last night while I was watching BBC, I happened to catch the announcement by Authorities in the United Kingdom that people under 30 be offered an alternative COVID vaccine to the AstraZeneca/Oxford shot. ... This recommendation came after the European Medicines Agency (EMA) found a possible link between the vaccine and blood clots. This is being investigated further. It’s important to note there’s still no conclusive evidence the vaccine is causing the clots . But in line with other European countries Australia has also taken a step to use AZ vaccine with caution in people under 50. Risks & Benefits Everything we do in life every medication we take, every vaccine we take/give has a risk & we just need to be aware that every day we balance risk versus benefit, usually without thinking about it." The risk to keep this in context in Australia, where COVID-19 has been well controlled, we have lost more than 900 people to the disease: that's about one in every 30,000 people. In the US, about one in every 600 people have died from the virus. There is ongoing high levels of transmission across the world. The more cases there are, and longer we delay vaccinating people, the higher the likelihood is of new variants of the virus emerging and vaccines being less effective. We in Australia are in a great place with no known community transmission cases currently. Despite the low numbers, we’ve seen outbreaks stemming from hotel quarantine. It is impossible to predict what’s going to happen in the future. So current recommendations 1. Pfizer or other vaccines are preferred over the AstraZeneca vaccine in adults aged less than 50 years (but we dont' have any other vaccines at the moment in Australia - so ideally hold off and watch the space ) 2. Adults under 50 years of age should have AstraZeneca vaccine only where benefit clearly outweighs the risk for that individual’s circumstances. 3. People that have had their first dose of the COVID-19 AstraZeneca without any serious adverse events can safely be given their second dose. 4. People who have had blood clots associated with low platelet levels after their first dose of COVID-19 AstraZeneca should not be given the second dose. We are starting our COVID Vaccine clinics from coming Sunday which will go ahead as planned. However patients under 50 years are advised to await further information on & then decide regarding getting vaccinated . In the meantime we should all start getting the flu vaccine Thanks Dr Binay Kumar

11.01.2022 We are excited to announce the New Laser Hair Removal Service at Lilydale Doctors. As an Opening Deal , we are offering more than 50% off our competitive prices to all our patients at Lilydale Doctors & Mount Evelyn Medical Clinic. (BETTER than chain laser clinics) This is available for all packages bought in the month of November. ... We are taking appointments now starting from 9th November Primelase HR Laser ( not IPL ) is one of the fastest, safest & most powerful laser hair removal systems on the market (TGA / FDA approved medical grade Laser device) To book an appointment with our nurse Kirsten for Laser Hair Removal, please call 9088 8177 or BOOK ONLINE

08.01.2022 There’s never been a better time to focus on your health and wellbeing. Maintaining regular health check-ups can identify any early signs of health issues and finding problems early means that your chances for effective treatment are increased. Doctors are taking all precautions to ensure your safety and that of the community, so there’s no need to put off appointments or ignore symptoms during this pandemic. The best thing to do is to call us on 9736 1444 ( Mount Evelyn )... or 9088 8177 ( Lilydale ) and ask for advice. We are in the process of increasing our GP capacity to be able to handle more phone calls DID YOU KNOW? - Both our clinics are still open & can help with various physical & mental health issues. - We can still provide all your normal GP care though in a slightly different way ‘more telephone calls’ - Don’t’ forget to book in for your Skin checks if it is due - Health checks with Nurse over the phone & then 15-20 min at the clinic for review (inc Bloods, BP & other investigations as necessary) - Face to face consultations at specific times - Struggling to lose weight: Join our Waist Wise Weight Loss Programme - Want to see an allied Health Professional at the clinic: Psychologist, Mental Health Worker, Dietitian & Chiropractor appointments are available Call the Clinic on 9088 8177 (Lilydale) or 9736 1444 (Mount Evelyn) Alternatively Book online

07.01.2022 Does Leg Pain slow you down ? If you are one of the many people for whom even a short walk can be painful , the problem may be your arteries or veins . ABPI is a screening tool for Peripheral Arterial Disease . ABPI is recommended if you are age 50 or older and have any of these risk factors for PAD:... Being a current or former smoker Diabetes High blood pressure High cholesterol History of cardiovascular Disease varicose veins leg ulcers ABPI testing is available at both our Lilydale & Mount Evelyn sites ( & is currently Bulk Billed ) For more information call 9088 8177 ( Lilydale ) or 9736 1444 ( Mount Evelyn ) to speak to your GP & see if the test may be beneficial for you .

07.01.2022 Laser Hair Removal : 8 things you need to know before having the treatment 1.Laser hair removal is governed by strict regulations. Having it done at a medical clinic ensures that all the staff are qualified and that the equipment is medical grade & TGA approved. 2. Patience helps: It takes a few weeks to see a difference, and 6-8 treatments to get the full results. Its important to have regular treatments as the hair follicles are all at diff stages of their growth & you wa...nt to make sure each one has a chance to get zapped. 3. Make sure you shave the area before you go for your laser treatment. 4. Think seriously about sun : Your Nurse will advise what is best for you, but avoid sun exposure before and after treatment. Also if you have a tan you’ll need to wait till it fades before starting treatment. 5. You may need to stop your beauty products eg : Scrubs, glycolic acid and retinol creams 2 days before and after treatment. 6. Laser hair removal can help with irritating ingrown hairs & can give smooth flawless skin. 7. Our Medical Grade Lasers work for all skin tones 8. After initial treatments you may need to go back for top up treatments . Most people report 90 percent permanent reduction in hair growth but fluctuating hormones can make hair grow back. Laser Hair Removal is now available in Lilydale at your local GP Clinic at great rates ( starting once Stage 4 Lockdown ends ). To book an appointment with our nurse, please call 9088 8177

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