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Mt Helena Medical Centre in Mount Helena, Western Australia, Australia | Medical and health

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Mt Helena Medical Centre

Locality: Mount Helena, Western Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 8 9572 2229

Address: 23 McVicar Place 6082 Mount Helena, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Our nursing and reception staff always have a big smile on their face when they welcome our patients in They work together as a team and answer any questions one may have regarding their appointments, some clinical procedures and eligibility for certain vaccines Feel free to have a chat with them when you are around next time... Please note that this photo was taken before COVID 19 cases were recognised in Perth

25.01.2022 Four early signs of hearing loss: Having difficulty understanding what people say when there are other sounds in the background Hearing words incorrectly and asking for repeats or volume to be raised Difficulty hearing soft or distant speech or if the speaker has an accent... Not hearing sounds around you like phones ringing, doorbells and alarm signals Call us now on 9572 2229 or use the link below to book your appointment

25.01.2022 You need to protect your skin (especially your face and neck) all year round even in winter when the sun doesnt feel as harsh. Its not a myth you can get sunburnt on a cloudy or a winter day if your skin is not protected. The danger of winter is that the summer sun, which is often your reminder to apply (and reapply) sunblock, is no longer there... Always use sunscreen irrespective of the season For more information or to have your skin checked you book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

23.01.2022 Asthma is a long-term respiratory condition caused by hypersensitivity and inflammation of the airways Symptoms include a cough, wheezing, chest tightness, breathlessness and can vary in severity from person to person When asthma symptoms get significantly worse, it is known as an asthma attack.... Call triple zero (000) to seek immediate help if you or someone else has severe symptoms of asthma. Avoid these common triggers to reduce the risk of an asthma attack house dust mites animal fur pollen tobacco smoke cold air and chest infections For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

23.01.2022 Minor burns are common and they can be a result of scalds from hot drinks, hot water from kettles or pots, hot water taps in the kitchen or bathroom or contact with flames Follow these simple First Aid tips for minor burns: make sure you are safe... put the burnt area under cool running water for at least 20 minutes, but dont use ice remove any clothing around the burn that is not stuck to it remove any jewellery near the burnt area if that is easy to do, in case of swelling after cooling the wound, apply a clean dressing or cling-wrap take painkillers like paracetamol and anti-inflammatory tablets if required For any major burns (larger than a 20 cent piece or in a sensitive area) seek medical aid urgently or go to the nearest emergency department

23.01.2022 Whats that ringing in the ears? Tinnitus is a condition experienced as noises in the ears when no such sound is present. Treatment can range from consuming less caffeine to medication.... Call us now on 9572 2229 to book an appointment

23.01.2022 What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a disorder of the hand caused by pressure on the median nerve as it runs through the wrist and it may occur due to overuse and repetitive hand movements, arthritis or pregnancy. Some of the symptoms may include :... numbness pins and needles especially in the thumb, index and middle fingers radiating or referred pain into the forearm or upper arm weakness of the hand/weak grasp pain and problems with thumb movements clumsiness and loss of hand coordination For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

22.01.2022 What is bulk billing? Bulk billing is a payment option under the Medicare system of universal health insurance in Australia and it can cover a prescribed range of health services as listed in the Medicare Benefits Schedule The health service provider is paid directly by the government using the Medicare card so you not only save money but time too!... So what does this mean? Well, its simple! There is no need to pay for medical consultation and we are committed to seeing you return to health with no additional fees

21.01.2022 This Movember, help us increase awareness about Men's healthThis includes Mental health and suicide prevention along with prostate and testicular cancer 1 in 5 men over 40 is diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is the most common non-skin cancer in men and the chances of developing this type of cancer increase with age... The symptoms don't usually appear until cancer has grown large enough to put pressure on the urethra and can include: feeling the frequent or sudden need to urinate finding it difficult to urinate (for example, trouble starting or not being able to urinate when the feeling is there or poor urine flow) discomfort when urinating finding blood in urine or semen pain in the lower back, upper thighs or hips For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

21.01.2022 Iron is an essential mineral for our bodies and when iron levels are too low it can cause anaemia People can get iron-deficiency for many different reasons. Its important to find the cause of the deficiency, so the cause can be treated as well as the deficiency itself. The only reliable way of telling if you are iron deficient is through a blood test. ... Signs of Iron deficiency include: fatigue dizziness light-headedness Check with our doctors for a simple blood test

20.01.2022 Why regular health checks are important? It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to: check for current or emerging medical problems... assess your risk of future medical issues prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle update vaccinations. Health checks are usually incorporated into your routine medical care. Our doctor will often perform these checks when you are visiting for another condition, such as a cold or another problem. For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

19.01.2022 Watch out for stress! It has been called the silent killer and can lead to: heart disease... high blood pressure chest pain an irregular heartbeat So remember to slow down and take a minute for yourself and your health For more information or further assistance, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

19.01.2022 At Mount Helena Medical Centre, our GP offers a wide range of services, including: Women’s Health Men’s Health Children’s Health... Sports and Minor Injuries Care Plans Health Checks Weight loss and Nutritional Medicine Skin checks and treatments Workers Compensation Injury Management Call our friendly staff on 9572 2229 to book your appointment Please note the picture was taken a few days before social distancing rules were put in place and we are hoping those days will return soon

19.01.2022 When does an allergic reaction occur? An allergic reaction occurs when a foreign substance enters the body which is not accepted/recognised by our human immune system These foreign substances can be bacteria, viruses, splinters etc. Also, sometimes the immune system becomes hypersensitive to chemicals from foods (peanuts, shellfish, nuts, eggs, wheat) and animals (dogs, cats).... For most people, the allergic reaction is hay fever (runny nose and itchy eyes) or hives (a bumpy skin rash). In some people, this reaction is severe and causes anaphylaxis, which is an emergency needing immediate injection with adrenaline from an epi-pen Allergies can be treated with antihistamine medicines, and allergy tests might find the cause of the hypersensitivity For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

19.01.2022 Almost 1 in 6 Australians has a thyroid problem. The chance of having trouble with thyroid becomes greater with age. What does the thyroid gland do?... The thyroid is a soft bow-shaped gland that sits in the front of the neck, just below Adam’s apple. It produces two main hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine and these hormones regulate your body’s energy levels, temperature metabolism etc. Sometimes people can have problems if their thyroid gland is too active (hyperthyroidism) or not active (hypothyroidism) enough. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include: weight loss fatigue nervousness sensitivity to heat and symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain or fatigue For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

18.01.2022 Hello Everyone! We are so excited to introduce our new GP at Mount Helena Medical Centre - Dr Joy Acheson Dr Joy trained as a GP in the UK and has recently moved to Australia and has worked in New Zealand, Northern Ireland & Scotland in the past She has a special interest in family planning and sexual health but enjoys all aspects of general practice ... During her free time she enjoys outdoor activities, travelling and spending time with her family and friends Say hello to Dr Joy next time you are around and you can booking an appointment with her by either calling us on n 9572 2229 or using the link below

18.01.2022 Everyone experiences mild anxiety when faced with stressful situations, like just before a sporting match or an exam It may become a problem when it is very intense and feels overwhelming or interferes with your daily living. Here are a few ways that may help:... It is always good to talk to someone (family or friends) that you trust about how you are feeling It is also useful to take care of yourself as best you can; eat well, exercise and find ways to relax such by listening to music, meditating, doing yoga and things that you enjoy For some people medications may be helpful as well If your anxiety continues without any improvement you can always get help from our GP

18.01.2022 Magnesium is an important mineral that plays an essential role in supporting the body. From keeping your bones strong to a healthy heart, this mineral is vital for your ultimate health and wellbeing. Here are just some of the ways it may help you Helps Increase Energy... Can calms Nerves and Anxiety Helps treats Insomnia and Helps You Fall Asleep Assists with Digestion by Relieving Constipation Relieves Muscle Aches Important for Heart Health Helps Prevents Migraine Headaches Some good sources of Magnesium include dark leafy greens, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds and avocado For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

18.01.2022 Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal cells within the prostate grow in an uncontrolled way It is the most common non-skin cancer in men and the chances of developing this type of cancer increase with age The symptoms dont usually appear until cancer has grown large enough to put pressure on the urethra and can include: ... feeling the frequent or sudden need to urinate finding it difficult to urinate (for example, trouble starting or not being able to urinate when the feeling is there or poor urine flow) discomfort when urinating finding blood in urine or semen pain in the lower back, upper thighs or hips For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

17.01.2022 1 in 6 Australians are hearing impaired, deaf or have an ear disorder Some people are born with hearing loss, some experience hearing loss with age, and some is caused by loud noises Some of the early warning signs are:... one can hear but not understand one can find it hard to hear in noisy situations or groups of people you think people mumble you need turn the TV up louder than others you don't always hear the doorbell or the phone For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

17.01.2022 An allergy can occur when your immune system reacts to substances (called allergens) that are harmless for most people In affected people, allergies can trigger conditions such as asthma ... hay fever skin conditions such as eczema eye conditions such as conjunctivitis Allergy testing is important in managing allergies, as testing indicates what you are allergic to. Testing will also help your doctor advise you on the best ways to avoid these allergens For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

16.01.2022 Hey Everyone! Some of you are probably aware that our face to face appointments are back up and running due to the relatively low number of active COVID 19 cases in WA So you will be seen by one of our GPs for any health-related concerns you may have when you make an appointment Some of our services include but not limited too :... Womens Health Mens Health Childrens Health Sports and Minor Injuries Care Plans Health Checks Weight loss and Nutritional Medicine Skin checks and treatments Workers Compensation Injury Management Call us now on 9572 2229 or use the link below to book your appointment

16.01.2022 Although they can help us be healthier, medications and antibiotics can sometimes cause side effects, including: Stomach upsets such as diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting Pain or white patches in the mouth Thrush, causing itchiness... If you are experiencing any of these side symptoms, please discuss with our GP. We are a 100% bulk billing clinic located at 23 McVicar Place, Mount Helena. For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

15.01.2022 Did you know lack of exercise and feeling tired are related? Its probably the last thing you want to do after a long day, but even 30min of exercise increases blood and oxygen flow around the body, which can give you more energy. There could be several other reasons why one could be tired and you could always book an appointment with us with a click of button

15.01.2022 Do you know the four Ts of type 1 diabetes? The Department of Health is encouraging Western Australians to be aware of the four Ts of type 1 diabetes; an autoimmune condition that prevents the body from processing some foods properly. The four Ts refer to the four most common early symptoms of type 1 diabetes, which can occur suddenly in people who are otherwise well. They are:... Thirst being really thirsty and not being able to quench the thirst. Toilet needing the toilet a lot, even through the night. Children who have previously been dry overnight might wet the bed, or babies may have heavier nappies. Tired feeling more tired than usual. Thinner losing weight or looking thinner than usual. If type 1 diabetes is left undiagnosed, people can become very unwell very quickly. Western Australians are urged to act quickly and visit their doctor or call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 if they or someone they care for develop symptoms For more information visit the link below and to book an appointment you could call us on 9572 2229 or use the book now button below

15.01.2022 At Mount Helena Medical Centre, our GP offers a wide range of services, including: Womens Health Mens Health Childrens Health... Sports and Minor Injuries Care Plans Health Checks Weight loss and Nutritional Medicine Skin checks and treatments Workers Compensation Injury Management Call our friendly staff on 9572 2229 to book your appointment Please note the picture was taken a few days before social distancing rules were put in place and we are hoping those days will return soon

14.01.2022 Stay hydrated in this hot weather Getting enough water is essential for your health! Our bodies are 60% water, and drinking more can help improve your mood and mental performance. It can also prevent headaches and hangovers.... Work your way up to 2L a day with these tips Flavour your water with lemon, fruit or mint Keep a large water bottle on your desk to sip throughout the day Keep a small water bottle with you at all times Substitute sugary drink and soft drinks with water Set regular phone alarms or use a reminder app Tag a friend who's trying to drink more water

14.01.2022 Warts on your mind? They may be easier to remove than you think! Depending on the type of wart, our Doctor may apply liquid nitrogen or recommend you using salicylic acid. Other treatments may include burning the wart, cutting out the wart, or removing the wart with a laser. All these treatments are effective, but they may leave a scar.... So always check with our GP for the best possible treatment

13.01.2022 Did you know we offer 100% bulk billing but What is bulk billing? Bulk billing is a payment option under the Medicare system of universal health insurance in Australia and it can cover a prescribed range of health services as listed in the Medicare Benefits Schedule... The health service provider is paid directly by the government using your Medicare card so you not only save money but time too! So what does this mean for you? Well it’s simple! There is no need to pay for medical consultation and we are committed to seeing you return to health with no additional fees For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

12.01.2022 July 12th-18th is National diabetes week. About 1 in 3 people with diabetes are unaware they have the condition The main symptoms are:... feeling very thirsty urinating frequently, particularly at night feeling very tired weight loss and loss of muscle bulk For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

12.01.2022 Concerned about a mole but not sure what to check for? Its as easy as ABCDE A = Asymmetry - one half is unlike the other half B = Border - an irregular, scalloped or poorly defined border. C = Colour - is varied from one area to another; has shades of tan, brown or black, or is sometimes white, red, or blue.... D = Diameter - melanomas are usually greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser) when diagnosed, but they can be smaller. E = Evolving - a mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or colour. Its important to check your skin every month for suspicious moles and for more information or to have your skin checked book an appointment with our Dr Pasha Javani using the link below

10.01.2022 Headaches are one of the most common health-related conditions in Australia Persistent headaches should be discussed with your doctor but there are some things that you can do to manage headache Try to work out what triggers your headache and avoid it.... Use of a cold damp cloth such as a face cloth or an ice pack on your head Drink plenty of water during the day Eat regularly to avoid your blood glucose levels dropping Massaging your neck, shoulders, jaw or scalp can help relieve the pressure of a tension headache Maintaining a headache diary might also help to identify the cause when you visit your GP For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

10.01.2022 Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body cannot maintain healthy levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 1 diabetes develops when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin and Type 2 diabetes develops when the body does not make enough insulin or does not use it well. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by:... maintaining a healthy weight regular physical activity eating healthily But if these lifestyle changes aren’t enough to control blood glucose levels, diabetes medications may also be used . For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

09.01.2022 Each year more and more people are being diagnosed with skin cancer, and there is a high mortality rate both in Australia and throughout the world The main methods of preventing these skin cancers hasnt really changed much over the years, and can still be summarised effectively by the iconic instructions of: Slip, Slop, Slap...... Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat! Good news is skin cancer is considered to be a largely preventable disease and all you need to do have regular skin checks Book an appointment with one of our GPs to have your skin checked

09.01.2022 Not sleeping well? Watch out for factors such as: Room temperature and lighting... Vitamin deficiency Sleep disorders Stress Call us now on 9572 2229 or use the link below to book your appointment

09.01.2022 Beware of snakes in this warm weather! Whether it’s at the beach, park, or your backyard - the risk of snake bites increases dramatically with the warmer weather. Not all snakes are venomous but it’s important to treat all snake bites as potentially life threatening and call 000 immediately.There are some basic first aid steps you can take while waiting for medical help:... applying a broad pressure bandage from below upwards and over the bite site as soon as possible do not remove trousers, as the movement of doing so will assist venom to enter blood stream keep the bitten leg still the bandage should be tight enough that you should not be able to easily slide a finger between the bandage an your skin apply a splint to the leg, immobilising joints either side of the bite and bind it firmly to as much of the leg as possible.

09.01.2022 Follow these simple tips to help drive safely in this stormy weather Turn on your headlights. Slow down and maintain a good stopping distance from other vehicles on the road. If theres poor visibility, pull over to a safe location and turn on your hazard lights.... Be aware that wet roads can be especially slippery after a dry spell. Be careful not to oversteer around corners in wet conditions See more

08.01.2022 Keep yourself healthy this winter In summer, the hot weather reminds us that we are thirsty. Its easy to neglect hydration when the weather becomes cooler because we think our body doesnt need any more water.... Its always important to hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water throughout the day Skin problems, like eczema, also become more common in the winter because of the change in temperature, blustery weather and indoor heating can dry out our skin Keeping your body well hydrated will help to keep your skin healthy, flush out toxins and ward off winter bugs

08.01.2022 Strengthen your bones to avoid osteoporosis Risks can be reduced through increasing calcium intake, vitamin D and regular exercise. Osteoporosis is a very common condition that affects the strength and quality of your bones. Embrace better bone health today and avoid unwanted fractures, pain and discomfort by learning about the condition and reducing your risk ... For a more information book an appointment with our GP We are a new 100% bulk billing clinic located at 23 McVicar Place, Mt Helena

07.01.2022 90% of skin cancers, including melanoma, can be cured if detected early enough Approximately, two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. So always be aware of any new or changing spots and book an appointment with us if you are unsure

05.01.2022 You may be able to use your Medicare card to help pay for your chiropractor, dietitian or midwife If you suffer from a condition that has lasted or is predicted to last, for six months or longer, you may be eligible for Medicare assistance under the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) scheme. Talk to our GP about a referral to Allied Health practitioners... Call us now on 9572 2229 or use the link below to book your appointment

05.01.2022 Do not ignore the symptoms Get tested if in doubt for COVID 19 As we move into phase 3 of eased restrictions, we all need to be extra careful and diligent in maintaining social distancing and good hand hygiene To reduce community spread it is very important to identify if someone is positive for COVID 19 and isolate as early as possible... We urge everyone not to ignore the symptoms and get tested so that you can stop the spread if positive and thereby protecting your loved ones and keeping our community safe COVID 19 testing can be done at one of any of the places mentioned in the link below

04.01.2022 Preventing the Flu with Good Health Habits! The best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs. 1Avoid close contact.... When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too. 2Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others. 3Cover your mouth and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. 4Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. 5Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. 6Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food

04.01.2022 Make this term of school a safe and healthy one Here are some tips to help get your childs school year off to a great start: Pack a healthy lunch box... Try including plenty of vegetables, fresh fruit, cheese, yoghurt, wholemeal bread and a bottle of water Encourage your child to be sun smart Remind them to wear a broad-brimmed hat and apply SPF 30+ sunscreen Immunisation - check everythings up to date Medication If your child is on any form of medication advise the school and your childs individual teacher Posture If your child has a backpack, check its straps are adjusted properly so the bags weight is distributed evenly

04.01.2022 September 10th is R U OK day Mental health is important for everyone, dont be afraid to ask someone how theyre feeling or reach out for help If youre worried about someone and feel professional support is needed, talk to one of our friendly Doctors who would listen to the concerns and guide you in the right direction ... For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

03.01.2022 Thinking about starting a family? A pre-conception consult with your GP will provide expert advice and help plan your pregnancy We are a new 100% bulk billing practice located at 23 McVicar Place, Mount Helena... The preconception period (three months before pregnancy) is the time to make life changes for you and your partner that can help boost fertility, reduce problems during pregnancy and assist in recovery from birth. Some considerations when planning to get pregnant are: Understanding any genetic or hereditary conditions that may run in your family Lifestyle Fertility Pre-existing health conditions Eligibility to access other services For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

02.01.2022 Spring into wellness this season! Were here to help with any health concerns you may have, open from 8 AM- 5 PM weekdays & 9 AM to 2PM on Saturdays Watch out for allergies such as hay fever and asthma... Make the most of fresh spring produce by trying a healthy new recipe. Spring is the perfect time to fit some extra physical activity into your day. Try a walking challenge with friends, family or workmates. If you are travelling overseas or closer to home, taking steps to look after your health such as being sun smart and taking all the necessary vaccinations For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us on 9572 2229 or using the link below

02.01.2022 Happy Mothers day to all the beautiful mothers out there! Make sure you spoil your mum today! And mums, take a minute for yourself, not just today but also throughout the year

01.01.2022 Less sun exposure means skin cancer is easier to spot Winter is a good time to get your skin checked professionally, as moles and skin lesions (potential skin cancers) tend to show less of the normal signs of sun exposure, which makes the job of identifying any suspicious lesions easier. In summer, the skin is often busier with the signs of recent sun exposure, so its harder to identify skin lesions requiring attention... However, once potential skin cancers are identified by our Doctors, they can still be diagnosed and better managed Use the "Book Now" button below to book an appointment

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