Mt Pleasant Lodge 361 | Community organisation
Mt Pleasant Lodge 361
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25.01.2022 Another great Mt Pleasant meeting on Thursday 25th February. Our first for 12 months. Congratulations to WBro Leigh Smith for receiving his 50 Year Service Jewel, presented to him by his long time friend WBro Bob Jenkinson. Also a long over due Master masons certificate for Bro Jack Hakopa presented by the Worshipful Master. Looking forward to next months meeting where we will be initiating Mr Brian Rubock into Freemasonry. See you all there.
25.01.2022 Our Chairman was honoured to accept the inaugural Queensland Community Foundations Board of Governors Award for Outstanding Achievement at the Philanthropy of... the Year Awards for 2019 today on behalf of the Freemasons of Queensland. Thank you to our charity partners Help Enterprises, Hear and Say, YellowBridge QLD and Trojans Trek who nominated us for this wonderful award. Find out more about how our exceptional and sustained Queensland philanthropy was recognised: #qcf19 #philanthropy #charity #makeadifference #makeanimpact
24.01.2022 Another excellent meeting at Mt Pleasant Lodge 361 on Thursday evening. 60 year service jewel presented to WBro Bernie Kunkle, informative and fun presentation of "Time Immemorial" by Barron Barnett Lodge member WBro Adam Brighouse, 5 "Jiggins" visitors jewels presented at the festive along with our famous Australia Day games The "Walker", thong throwing and the "Littler" nearest gold coin to the Bundy Rum bottle. Thanks to all the Brethren who attended and joined in the fun. I look forward to seeing you next month for the initiation into Freemasonry of Mr Jack Hakopa.
23.01.2022 December Xmas Breakfast in the Park at "Ranch Walter" was a fantastic morning of fun, food, prizes, and great company. Thank you to all who attended, 70 in all. Thank you for the gifts for RIZEUP a tremendous effort. Over $700 was raised for the WM charity plus the gifts thank you. We look forward to seeing you all in February at The Breakfast in the Park Springfield.
23.01.2022 What a great evening we had for the Installation of WBro Andrew Childs last Saturday. Lots of members, lots of visitors, and heaps of harmony in the lodge room and at the Banquet. Thank you to Camphill Lodge for being fabulous stewards, great work. Thank you to all the visitors, family and friends.
22.01.2022 A very moving and enjoyable April meeting on the 25th. Excellent presentation by WBro Chandler regarding initiation into the Blacksmiths Guild, well presented vacant chair ceremony, WBro Murray then presented the poem "ANZAC on the Wall" and captured everybodys heart. WBro Smith kicked another goal with the "ANZAC" festive fair.
22.01.2022 What a great meeting to finish off WBro Trevor Greens year as Worshipful Master of Mt Pleasant 361, excellent and entertaining exemplification of the 1st Degree, the much anticipated presentation to WBro Michael Tangue, another thought provoking presentation by WBro Victor Chandler, 3 "Jiggins" upgrades at the festive and some merchandise from the Demolay centenary in Kanas. We now look forward to WBro Andrew Childs installation next month but not before our charity cocktail party on the roof of Humming Bird House on the 9th August. Thanks to all the visitors, see you all next month.
21.01.2022 Our February meeting was yet another fantastic evening of great ritual, excellent harmony and lots of visitors, as we raised Bro Jack to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Well done to the officers for their great work. Then it was on to the festive for "jiggins" jewel, swindle and fun. Thanks to Camphill Lodge 388 for your fraternal visit. Initiation next month look forward to seeing all of you then.
17.01.2022 Very enjoyable evening at the Blue Fin Club for our first dinner of the 2019 year. members and their partners enjoyed excellent food great company and interesting swindle gifts.
17.01.2022 Big thank you to Hand Heart Pocket for their Grassroots Community Grants Initiative which has enabled Mt Pleasant Lodge to provide RIZEUP Qld with 25 EFTPOS cards @ $200 each. These cards will help their clients have a great Christmas. Pictured is Debbie from RIZEUP with one of the cards and the numerous childs toys donated by the members of Mt Pleasant Lodge.
17.01.2022 Good evening brethren, My daughter was successfully dillervered she was due on the 27th the june meeting date however she was very stubborn and decided she woul...d like to be overdue. allow me to introduce you all to Lilly Mei Hakopa! yes i know its been over two weeks and i apologize for the late update brethren. I shall see you all tomorrow evening.
17.01.2022 Last nights may meeting was once again a fun filled night of masonic education and celebration. An excellent 2nd Degree exemplification was followed by a celebration of WBro Bernard Kunkels 90th birthday. Well done Bernie and thanks to all the visitors who attended.
17.01.2022 Brethren, a small affair was held this afternoon to officially handover the Keys to The Hummingbird House Dual Wheel chair access van.. They are very very happy with the new Van and obviously excited to put it to use. Dr Fiona Hawthorn could not put into words how thankful and proud they were of the support given by our Lodges & HHP for the donation.. They actually bought out all staff and 3 guests (2 in wheel chairs and one in a bed) to show their excitement and appreciati...on. No photos of them were allowed. The activities director is excited as she can now take them to the beach in a beach wheel chair that was donated about 5yrs ago! We will get the photos. Also have a look on Hummingbird house facebook page in a day or so for more photos of today.. Well done all, I wish you could have been there. I would like to thank our Worshipful Master Andrew Childs and our Bro Jason Bingham (director and representative of HHP) for there assistance today
17.01.2022 February 28th meeting. What a wonderful display of Freemasonry at work as we eagerly welcomed Bro Jack Hakopa into Freemasonry in general and proudly into our Mount Pleasant Lodge. Jack was a great candidate during his initiation. He listened, he watched, he partook, and his laconic personality endeared him to all in attendance. Welcome Brother Jack to our Masonic Family.
16.01.2022 Well what can i say, Thank you all very much for the beautiful gifts Brethren a lovely surprise indeed. Erana, Lilly,Louis and I are very thankful for the brotherly love of Mt Pleasant Lodge
16.01.2022 Last nights meeting was a great start to the new year for the WM Andrew Childs, two thought provoking and entertaining presentations from WBro Chandler, a new "valued visitor" and a "Grand Valued Visitor, great tucker, thanks Andy, and plenty of fun with the "swindle". Thanks to all the visitors see you next month.
16.01.2022 Great night at Mt Pleasant Lodge last night with the initiation into Freemasonry of Bro Brian Rubock. Excellent ceremony following the covid 19 rules. Congratulations to the Worshipful Master and all the officers. Our thanks go to all the visitors who helped make this evening extra special for Bro Brian.
11.01.2022 Great morning at the Breakfast at the bay. Mt Pleasant Lodges Xmas breakfast at Redland Bay was another great success for the Worshipful Masters charity and socialising in general. Thank you to all the people who turned up to enjoy not only eggs, bacon, sausages, ham, bread, tea and coffee, but also a wide selection of fruit, muffins, fruit cake, ginger cake and more cake. Gifts for the children and raffles for the lucky. See you all in February at the next Breakfast in the Park.
10.01.2022 Happy 90th Birthday Bernie! I hope you love the surprise cake, amongst other things. Chocolate Cake, filled with Chocolate Ganache and Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
10.01.2022 The June meeting at Mt Pleasant 361was another memorable event. Successful ballot, the ensuring years officers nominated, an interesting and entertaining presentation on the Order of DeMolay, and a fun filled festive with the WM presenting the toast to absent Brethren via Skype from Kansas City, Missouri, what more could you want. Thanks to all the visitors see you all in July.
10.01.2022 Very enjoyable evening at Rosewood Lodge 120 on Saturday night. Very good ceremony, fabulous banquet, and we all won raffle prizes. Thanks to the team at Rosewood Lodge.
10.01.2022 Great night at Mt Pleasant Lodge last night. Presentation of 20 year and two 35 year lapel pins, successful ballot, Grand Valued Visitors Jewel presented at the festive, successful "swindle", fabulous Xmas festive food. Next exciting meeting will be 24th January featuring our famous Australia Day festive.
09.01.2022 Happy Fathers day Brethren.
07.01.2022 The November meeting was again another great night of harmony and fun at Mt Pleasant Lodge 361. A surprise appearance by AGDD VW Rod Wilson, entertaining and riveting presentation by WB Victor Chandler regarding the Ancient Painters and Stainers Guild, presentation of a 40 year service jewel, 5yr and 25 year lapel badges and all this before the fun filled xmas festive that enabled all to meet "santa", four "swindle" draws and Mighty Mike presented fabulous festive food. Thanks to all the visitors for coming we look forward to our Australia Day meeting in January,
07.01.2022 Great morning this morning at Sailability Shorncliffe for the handover and launch of the "Grumpy Walker" pontoon. Incredible effort by WBro Mighty Mike Mifsud and Hand Heart Pocket to see this major project through to completion. Mt Pleasant Lodge is really proud.
07.01.2022 March 28th meeting, was another great night with 4 EAs attending for the tracing board and workshop. Plenty of fun at the festive ensured that all members and visitors experienced Freemasonry at its best.
05.01.2022 Great night Friday night on the rooftop at Hummingbird House for the final charity event of Worshipful Bro Trevor Greens year as Master of Mt Pleasant Lodge. Great food, excellent music, wonderful raffle prizes. Well done Trevor and his team.
05.01.2022 Excellent Breakfast in the park at Daisy Hill Koala conservation park last Sunday. Thank you to the crowd that turned up, much appreciated.
04.01.2022 'RONA VIRUS BLUES by Rob Rio
04.01.2022 Our Christmas Breakfast In The Park at "Ranch Walter' this morning was a resounding success with another massive haul of children's toys for RIZEUP and great harmony and enthusiasm for face to face discussions. Well done to the cooking team and to all our members, partners and friends who attended.
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Bro Jack Hakopa and his lovely wife Erana for getting married on the 26th December 2020. Great ceremony, good crowd and an extremely happy couple.
02.01.2022 Another great Breakfast In The Park at the Lawn, Robelle Domain, Springfield, last Sunday. Big turnout, excellent prizes and another very generous contribution to Raize Up by the members and friends. Looking forward to Clayfield in April.
02.01.2022 RONA VIRUS BLUES by Rob Rio
01.01.2022 Thanks to all the people who turned out for our Breakfast In the Park at Tygum :Lagoon this morning. Excellent weather, great company, eatable food and fun. See you all on June the 23rd at Karawatha Forest Park.
01.01.2022 Brethren, The Worshipful Master of Mt Pleasant Lodge 361 advises that the Lodge will be in recess for the months of March and April. Consideration for future meetings will be taken at the beginning of May. To all of you and your families and friends - May the Great Architect look down upon and you give you his grace. God bless my Brothers and look after yourselves Andrew Childs
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