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Mission to Seafarers Brisbane in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Mission to Seafarers Brisbane

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3895 1181

Address: 2 Seafarers Street, Fisherman Islands 4178 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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22.01.2022 After months of isolation onboard their ship and now weeks of isolation/quarantine in a Brisbane motel waiting patiently for a charter flight to their central Pacific Ocean island home, these Kiribati seafarers relished the opportunity for a day out (while meeting Covid19 requirements......) Our wonderful Chaplain and team of volunteers brought the seafarers out to the Seafarers Centre for a change in scenery, a classic Aussie sausage sizzle and some pool, table tennis and wifi to connect with home and a special service in the Chapel. It was then a bus trip along the Wynnum foreshore and out to see some local Redlands attractions before returning to the Motel. As you can see, it put a smile on many faces. Thank you enormously to our Chaplain, volunteers and staff who have made this all possible.

19.01.2022 Our Seafarers Centre is TEMPORARILY CLOSED due to a roof replacement. We hope to re-open again by the end of the first week of December all going well. Fortunately one of our key stakeholders - Brisbane Marine Pilots - have a spare office and we have set our operation up here until our Seafarers Centre can reopen.... We can still be contacted via our phone 07 3895 1181 or [email protected] to arrange donations or deliveries and Heather our Centre Supervisor can be contacted directly on 0402127965 or [email protected] Our Onliine Shop and ever caring volunteers are always ready to help

17.01.2022 Over 8 months and counting. Around the country, our centres have consistently provided care packs and support services to crews locked on board their vessels th...roughout the pandemic. We spoke to a captain yesterday who said he's visited most of Australia's ports since starting his contract in September 2019. He was grateful for the loving care and support our centres have shown him and his crew. Thank you to every one who has continued to donate to these men and women who keep Australia running. #australialovesseafarers

15.01.2022 Congratulations Capt.Dave Ellis! Members, supporters and friends of Capt. Dave Ellis all came together for a morning tea recently to congratualte Dave and Marilyn Ellis on the recent awarding of an OAM (Medal of the Australia) to Dave. Following 20 years of continued involvment at Mission to Seafarers, including 10 years as President leading the way, it is fitting that Dave should receive such recognition for his services to seafarers.... Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to this special day being such a success.

14.01.2022 Our amazing team of volunteers, ably lead by Maureen who has spearheaded our Christmas Bag appeal this year, have sorted, packed and prepared 800 Christmas Bags for delivery to our seafarers in time for Christmas. Nearly 10,000 items were donated to our seafarers centre for Christmas Bags this year and we are enormously grateful for the many donors who have supported this appeal. Without you and without our volunteers, efforts such as this can not be achieved. So thank yo...u to you all Delivery of these bags will commence at the end of November to ensure many ships calling at the Port of Brisbane have a suprise for Christmas. Thank you everyone

14.01.2022 Happy birthday Marcia! You're a special person in our hearts at Mission to Seafarers. No one will ever beat 70 years volunteering with one organisation Or will they??

14.01.2022 A weekly relfection from our Hon. Chaplain Revd Ian Mc

11.01.2022 What a heart wrenching tragedy in the East China Sea as the livestock carrier Gulf Livestock 1 capsizes. Our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones of the seafarer who has died, the 40 seafarers still missing and the two survivors at this time. We are also thinking at this time of the terrible loss of about 6000 cattle. Words cannot express... Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep... Its own appointed limits keep, O hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea! Lord, stand beside all those who sail Our merchant ships in storm and gale, In peace and war their watch they keep On every sea, on thy vast deep. Be with them, Lord, by night and day, For Merchant Mariners we pray. Especially the crew of Gulf Livestock 1and all who go out to search for her crew.

03.01.2022 Revd. Ian's weekly reflection

02.01.2022 Please welcome back our wonderful Chaplain Revd Ian McGilvary with a mid week Reflection

01.01.2022 #Chaplainsreflection

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